Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 41 [Absolutely Dangerous]

Chenxi looked at the agreement and said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's dig now. After tomorrow, we will be rich."

Chenxi took the lead with his sword and began to split several swords on the mountain wall. Chenxi's sword was chopped on the stone above the mountain wall, and a large stone was suddenly chopped off on the mountain wall.

Obak and the others saw that Chenxi took the lead, and like Chenxi, they took out their weapons and began to ** the mountain wall.


Chenxi and Du Buck, each of their swords split or cut out, will drop a large number of stones on the mountain wall and fall to the ground and roar.

At first, Chenxi and Obak's swords were cut on the stone wall, which had a great effect and would drop a lot of stones, and many stones would be cut into stone powder by Chenxi and others.

However, with the passage of time, Chenxi and others are digging deeper and deeper, but the stones on the mountain wall are getting harder and harder. The effect of each sword is getting weaker and weaker with the deeper and deeper holes.

For convenience, Chenxi and others have dug a lot, but as it becomes more and more difficult to dig, the holes they dig are also decreasing.

Although it became more and more difficult to dig later, Chenxi and the others still did not give up. Finally, after digging for a few hours, Chenxi and Obak finally saw the crystal.

Crystals are divided into seven types, namely, light green wind attribute crystal, earthy yellow soil attribute crystal, blue water attribute crystal, fire red fire attribute crystal, milky white light attribute crystal, black dark attribute crystal, and transparent attributeless crystal.

And the first crystal they saw in Chenxi was an earthy yellow earthy crystal.

After working so long, I finally saw the crystal, which made Chenxi and the others very happy. The appearance of the earthy yellow crystal also aroused Chenxi's mining** again.

They are like a group of angry bulls, with red eyes and digging hard.

The appearance of crystals completely aroused Chenxi's mining **, but it also made Chenxi forget a very terrible thing - this is a very strange place, no trees, no grass, no insects, no birds, no Chenxi's words, no sound other than mining, even the wind, No.

The sun in the sky has long disappeared, replaced by the high moon and the twinklingfan.

In the mine, Chenxi is excitedly digging crystals.

Outside the mine, in the valley, I don't know when it changed and became horrible.

Originally, stones were missing everywhere in the valley, but they were replaced by tired white bones. The small fingers were as thick as the bones of the mythical beasts in the boundary that Chenxi and others entered before.

The white bones covered the whole valley without a trace of land.

In the center of the end of the valley, it is also the center of all the white bones. The bones there are all human skulls, piled up into a bone mountain bag. In the center of the mountain bag, there is a paint wand more than one meter high.

I don't know what the wand is made of, and it is extremely dark. At the top of the wand is a dark humanoid skull, in which a dark crystal is inlaid in the hollow between the two orbits and the upper and lower jaws of the skull.

Suddenly, the dark wand standing in the center of the human skull dripped, and the three dark crystals on it emitted a dark glow, instantly covering the whole valley and disappearing again in a flash.

At the moment when the brilliance emitted by the wand disappeared, the skull on the dark wand suddenly emitted a shrill.

In the whistling sound, the overwhelming white bones in the valley moved, just like an earthquake, and all the white bones shook at this moment.

Then, above the vibrating white bone pile, there are almost transparent "biotes" out of thin air. It seems that they are all monsters, but these monsters are almost transparent. Around the dark staff, many almost transparent human beings appear.


In the mine, Chenxi and others were digging crystals one sword after another.

With each swing of the sword, a lot of crystals will fall out, making Chenxi and the others laugh out of their mouths.

Continuously dig and collect the crystals.

Suddenly, a black light flashed in the cave and disappeared in an instant.

The flash of black light is like a basin of cold water, pouring on Chenxi and others who are in excitement, making them wake up in an instant.

"This--, what's going on?" Irene statteringly.

However, just as she spoke, another scream came into the mine.

At this moment, everyone realized that the matter was serious, and they were too careless before.

"The sound comes from the outside. Let's go out and have a look." Chenxi immediately said.

After Chenxi's words, several people nodded and immediately walked out of the cave

Out of the cave, several people saw transparent "living things" floating everywhere.

"Ah, these are all ghosts." After Feng Ruyue saw the transparent "living things" floating everywhere, his face suddenly changed and he said loudly almost instantly.


The words like the wind and the moon are like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of several graces fiercely.

For ghosts, it is almost well known. This is a kind of soul body in the undead, not an entity, so it is completely immune to physical attacks. In magic, except for light magic and thunder magic, it does great damage to ghosts, and other magic does not cause much damage to ghosts.

In front of us, the whole valley is full of ghosts. Even if there is a light mage, the wind and moon, and Chenxi, a half-hearted thunder mage, who does not have a magic wand, it is useless. Once the ghost enters the mind, it is almost lifeless.

"Ghost, so many ghosts, what should we do?" The wind and moon words made Irene a little pale and asked weakly.

"Yes, what should I do?" Orina's face is also a little pale.

Just as Olina was talking, the ghosts in the whole valley seemed to find the existence of Chenxi and others. They all made a scream and rushed towards Chenxi and others.

"What else can we do? The ghosts have been killed, and we have to kill them." Obak shouted that he didn't seem to know that ghosts were not afraid of physical attacks.

"It's useless. All three of you have to practice fighting spirit, but ghosts are not afraid of ordinary physical attacks." The wind said like the moon.

"Never, the ghosts have been killed, and I have to give it a try." Obaak waved the blood knife in his hand as he spoke and cut it on a ghost that rushed to him.

Ah! The ghost screamed and disappeared in an instant.

"Haha, who said that physical attacks are useless? I'm not killing ghosts." Obak was a little excited and waved the bloody knife to kill the ghost that attacked him.

Irene and Orina saw that Obak could kill ghosts, thinking that physical attacks were useful for ghosts. They also waved their weapons and killed the ghosts that rushed to them.

On the other side, Chenxi also kills ghosts with a black sword, and the wind is like the moon uses light magic.

Irene and Olina slashed on the ghost that rushed to them, but their swords passed through the ghost's body without causing any damage to the ghost, and the ghost continued to pounce on them.

Irene and Orina screamed and fled behind.

Feng Ruyue knew that they could not do this for a long time. They recited the spell and waved the magic wand. A milky light ball was formed in an instant and bombarded a ghost. The ghost was destroyed. The light ball had not reduced its momentum to rush to another ghost and destroyed the other ghost again.

Chenxi's black sword seems to have great lethality to the soul body. Like Obak's blood-killing knife, it can kill ghosts.

On the other side, Obak has killed many ghosts, and he has killed many ghosts, but at this time, his pressure is increasing, because Obak in the ghost group found that ghosts also have different levels. Some ghosts, blood-killing knives can be killed with one knife, and some blood-killing knives can only cause very little damage to them.

"No, some of the ghosts here are advanced. My knife doesn't have much effect on them." Obak said loudly in the ghost group, and at the same time, he was slowly moving towards the cave.

"There are also powerful ghosts. We must go into the cave, otherwise we will soon become part of them." The wind said loudly like the moon.
