Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 45 [Wind City]

Although several people have encountered great danger here, it has passed, so Chenxi and the others are still very happy.

Originally, they did not have much hope for the crystal mine, but they found it in such a dangerous place. After the danger passed, Chenxi and others resumed the excavation of the crystal mine.

In a hall engraved with a dark temple on the continent of the dead, there is a statue of a god holding a huge sword. If you look closer, you will find that the giant sword in the hand of the statue is the same as the dark sword in Chenxi's hand, but this sword is even bigger.

Just when Chenxi's dark sword created the huge black vortex, in the originally calm temple, the giant "dark sword" in the hand of the statue suddenly appeared a tremor, followed by a black masterpiece.

"Blessed by the god of darkness, the dark sword, the inheritance of my dark temple, has finally appeared in the world again, and my dark temple has finally ushered in the opportunity to rise." Your Highness, an old man in black who was praying said excitedly when he saw the glory of the "Dark Sword".

In the Holy Light Continent, in the Temple of Light, the white-haired old man wearing a white robe and a holy crown, holding a milky wand holds a milky wand. This is the legendary light scepter. The old man is the pope of the Light Temple. The moment the light scepter, which was originally quietly held in the hands of the Pope, created a black vortex in the dark sword of Chenxi, also trembled violently.

"It seems that the dark sword of the Dark Temple has appeared again. Is the old opponent going to rise again? It seems that I have to be ready." The Pope looked at the trembling scepter of light in his hand and muttered to himself.

Crystal ore is a high-energy ore. When digging, you must be careful, otherwise it may explode. Therefore, Chenxi and others are very careful about digging crystal mines here, and the amount of crystal mines they dig out every day is not very large. Moreover, these crystal mines are still mixed in rocks. Even if they dig out a lot of things, they are not necessarily crystal stones.

So, Chenxi and others dug here for a week, and it was not until the space ring of five people was all filled with medium-quality crystals and a small amount of top-grade crystals that Chenxi and others considered leaving.

As for the bottom crystal dug here, Chenxi and others didn't want it at all. They are all piled up in the mine. I have to say that there are more middle-grade crystals and lower crystals in the crystals, and the top crystals are very rare. As for the best crystals, it is even rare.

After filling the space ring with crystals, Chenxi and others plan to come to dig crystals when the crystals are almost used in the future, so they can't be found here by others.

Chenxi sealed the hole of the mine with stones, and several people deliberately transplanted some trees and vines to cover the mine.


Chenxi saw three people chased by the bear of the earth before they came to the valley, and then thought that this undead continent may also have a large number of human settlements and cities. They also look forward to returning to human society, no longer just among the mountains and forests every day. Therefore, Chenxi and others decided to follow the route of the three people who were chased by the bear of the earth that day, and may find the town.

Several people looked for the town along the direction of the three people's escape. They walked in the forest for nearly a day and met several people. After asking each other, they knew that the nearest city was called Zhufeng City. They also knew the general direction. After walking in the direction pointed by those people for a long time, they finally saw a huge city. .

Looking from afar, the three characters of Zhufeng City are engraved on the wall more than 20 meters high. At the top of the wall, there are rows of soldiers standing neatly, holding long guns and standing on the wounds of the wall.

Under the wall, the gate up to seven or eight meters high was opened. Although it was a little late, no one passed by. Under the gate, two burly soldiers in black armor guarded the gate of the city with their heads held high.

It's not easy to come to this continent of the dead for several months and finally find the city where human beings live.

For those who were not familiar with the place, Chenxi felt that it was better to be careful. They quickly trotted to the city gate.

As the saying goes, many people are not surprised. When he arrived at the gate, Chenxi walked to the two soldiers guarding the gate with a smile and said, "Two brothers, the younger brothers came to Zhufeng City for the first time. I don't know what the rules are if they want to go in and chase the wind. Please give me some advice."

The two soldiers guarding the gate saw Chenxi talking so well, and their image of him was much better. The slightly darker soldier smiled and said, "Kid, you are very polite. For the sake of your politeness, I will tell you the rules of entering the Wind City and in the Wind City. Things to pay attention to. First, if you want to enter Zhufeng City, you have to hand in a piece of low-grade crystal. Moreover, after entering, you must find a place to stay, because after the third update, the gate of Zhufeng City will be closed. At that time, Zhufeng City will not allow anyone to be on the street, otherwise, you will be arrested and live in Zhufeng City. Xu entered the Wind City.

"The rules of Zhufeng City are so strict!" Irene opened her mouth and said in surprise.

Obak and Olina's expressions are also a little surprised. The wind is like the moon and they have rarely spoken, and their expressions have not changed.

Chenxi has been psychologically prepared for a long time, so he is not surprised. After all, this is the continent of the dead, and it is not surprising that there are more rules.

Chenxi asked again, "Brother, besides these, is there anything else to pay attention to in Zhufeng City?"

Hearing this, the black-faced soldier said, "There are many things to pay attention to in Zhufeng City, but the most important thing is not to provoke some forces inside, such as mercenary regiments, adventure regiments, etc. Of course, the last thing you can't provoke is definitely our city owner of Zhufeng City."

nodded, Chenxi took out seven pieces of crystal stones, handed them to the black-faced soldier, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your advice. These are the five crystals we entered the city. In order to thank you for your guidance, there are two pieces left, each of you two brothers."

The black-faced soldier took the crystal and said, "Then pay attention to yourself after you go in."

Chenxi and the five of them walked into Zhufeng City in this way.


Zhuifeng City will impose a curfew at night, and all the people outside will be expelled from Zhufeng City. For this reason, the first thing Chenxi after entering the city is to find a place to live.

The shining stars in the sky, and the bright moon shines high above the Wind City. Although it is at night, the Wind City is still very lively. The bustling crowd walks on the street, and various shops on both sides of the street are still open to receive customers who enter.

Chenxi and others walked on the streets and kept squeaking a surprise. They didn't expect that there would be such a prosperity in this continent of the dead.

Fengyun Inn is a good-looking restaurant, but the first floor is only a reception place, and the second floor is a place to drink and eat.

At this time, on the first floor of Fengyun Inn sat a beautiful woman with a devilish figure sitting in the reception. Her eyes looked around, which seemed boring. Chenxi and Yijiapo stepped into here, and the woman immediately came over with a soft smile on her face and said, "Welcome! Several guests, do you plan to eat and stay in this store when you come to our store?"

Chenxi and others usually take the lead in such things, so Chenxi smiled and said, "We want to stay in a restaurant, but we may also eat. What's the price if you stay in a hotel here!"

The woman replied with a smile, "Our room has the specifications of heaven and earth, and the price of each specification is different. The price of the Tianzi guest room is 100 pieces of lower crystal one night, that is, a piece of lower crystal one night, the ground character guest room is 80 pieces of lower crystal one night, the Xuanzi guest room is 50 pieces of lower crystal one night, and the yellow room is 20 pieces of lower crystal one night. I don't know which kind of guest room you choose?"

I didn't expect that this Zhufeng City not only asked for crystals to enter the city, but also the store was so expensive. Chenxi and others were a little surprised to hear that, but who said that a curfew would be imposed here? There is nothing they can do if it is more expensive.

Chenxi was originally a poor man, so although he has dug a crystal mine now, he still doesn't want to waste it, but he doesn't want to be too much, so he smiled and said, "Let's stay in the Xuanzi guest room. You can arrange it."

"Well, okay, then, some guests, wait a minute." After saying that, the woman took out a communication scroll from the space ring and said to the scroll, "Brother Tian, I'm downstairs to stay in the store. You can arrange it."

After speaking to the communication scroll, the woman smiled and said to Chenxi, "Six guest officers, please wait a moment, someone will come soon."

Chenxi and the others nodded.

Sure enough, after a while, a young man in gorgeous clothes came down from upstairs with a smile on his face and said to Chenxi, "I'm sorry to keep several guests waiting for a long time!"

This young man in gorgeous clothes is obviously a waiter in this inn. Chenxi didn't expect that the waiters in this inn were dressed so well.

But Chenxi immediately said, "Your speed is very fast, and you haven't waited long!"

"My name is Hua Yun. Just call me Xiaohua. If there is anything in the future, several guest officials can come to me." Huafu Qinnian said, "Sarguest officials are staying in the hotel. The room is on the third floor. Several guests, please come with me."

Xiaohua, joke! Chenxi almost laughed. This boy's name is so interesting.

Huafu Qinnian took the lead and walked upstairs, and Chenxi and the others also followed.

After that, Chenxi and others registered under the leadership of Huafu Youth. Chenxi asked for five rooms that were all connected with Xuanzi guest rooms, and only paid money and some deposits for one day.

After paying the money in Chenxi, the Huafu youth took them into the Xuanzi guest room they set.
