Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 49 [Adventurer]

I have been in the continent of the dead for a long time, and I have never been able to contact the outside world. Chenxi is fine. He is alone. Feng Ruyue and Obak are very anxious. Because the communication scroll can only be used within a certain distance to receive information, he has been unable to contact his family. I'm afraid that the family thinks they are all missing. Therefore, several people are very eager to leave the continent of the dead.

There are only three ways to leave the continent of the Dead, namely, joining the Dark Temple, joining the Mercenary Union, and joining the Adventurers Union.

First, join the Dark Temple. Fengruyue is a light magician, and Chenxi has a dark sword, which determines that they cannot join the Dark Temple. Second, most of the tasks of the mercenary union and the mercenary union require a lot of people, so there are so many mercenary corps. Chenxi and others don't want to join the mercenary regiment, which will limit their freedom. Without joining the mercenary regiment, it is basically impossible to promote the profession of mercenary to Dao A mercenary. Third, the Adventurers Union, the Adventurers Union, advocates the Lone Ranger, so there is no adventure group, and there is only an adventure team of five people at most.

If Chenxi joins the adventurers union, they can also form an adventure team, so joining the adventurers union is their best choice.

The next day, after Chenxi and Xiao Ao came, they asked Xiao Ao to take them to the Adventurers Union.

The two largest neutral forces of the Adventurers Union and the Mercenary Union are together, both built in the most prosperous location of Zhufeng City - Zhufeng Square.

To the east of Zhufeng Square is the city's main mansion, to the south is the mercenary union, and to the north is the adventurer union.

Three ancient and huge buildings stand tall around the Wind Square. The square is full of people. Some go to the Mercenary Union to assign tasks, some to the Adventurers Union to assign tasks, some to receive tasks, and cancel tasks...

Chenxi and the five others walked in such a stream of people under the leadership of Xiao Ao. It really surprised Chenxi to see such a grand scene in the undead continent.

From afar, the adventurer union is huge, with ten floors and looks majestic.

Entering the adventurer union, there are many people in it. Fortunately, there are also many service windows of the adventurer union, so it is not crowded.

Chenxi and the others walked to a window, in which sat a very beautiful blonde woman. With a professional smile, the blonde woman asked in a professional tone, "Do you want to receive the task or the task is over."

Chenxi smiled and said, "Neither, we want to be adventurers. In addition, the five of us also want to form an adventure team.

The blonde woman was a little surprised, but immediately said, "It's easy to become an adventurer. As long as one person handed over ten pieces of crystals, after registration*, I will send you the badge, and you are adventurers. If you want to form an adventure team, you need 100 pieces of lower crystals to form an adventure team, and ten pieces of lower crystals if you don't add a member. Now please hand in the crystals first.

Chenxi took out 200 pieces of low-grade crystals from the space ring and gave them to the blonde woman, saying, "We have a total of five people to become adventurers. In addition, we five formed an adventure team, where there are 200 low-grade crystals."

The blonde woman took in the crystal and handed out five application forms to Chenxi from the window and said, "You register your personal information now. After you give it to me, I will give you the badge. However, please fill in the professional level truthfully, otherwise, if you fill in too high, there will be problems with the badges that will be given to you when you recognize the Lord.

Chenxi nodded and took the form and distributed it to Obak to fill out.

The application form is very simple. As long as you fill in the applicant's name, career level and date, Chenxi will quickly fill in the form.

After Chenxi handed the form to the blonde woman, the blonde woman took out a badge every time she reported a person's name. After giving the badge to Chenxi and others, she said, "The badge you are holding is your own. As long as the first drop of your own blood is on it, you will become an adventurer. After that, every time you complete a task, you will get corresponding points, which will be recorded in your badge. Your current level is the lowest-level F-level adventurer. Now the points are zero. When your points reach 100, you can register advanced E-level adventurers. When you reach 1,000 points, you can come to advanced D-level adventurers, and so on. For the rest, I will give you an adventurer's introductory manual. You can read it by yourself. I can't explain it at the moment.

With that, the blonde woman took out five thin small books and handed them to Chenxi, which were clearly printed with the words of the adventurer's entry manual.

This preparation is quite complete. The adventurer union is worthy of being one of the few neutral organizations. Chenxi was secretly surprised and took the adventurer's introductory manual handed over by the blonde woman.

Chenxi and several others took the adventurer's introductory manual in their hands and read it to understand the adventurer industry.

It is recorded in the adventurer's manual that if adventurers want to advance, they can only keep doing tasks and earning points.

The tasks of the Adventurers Union are divided into nine levels: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SS, and each level of tasks are divided into six levels of difficulty: easy, ordinary, difficult, dangerous, extremely dangerous, and nine death. The more difficult the task, the more points you get.

There are two differences in the tasks issued by the adventure union, one is a professional level limit and the other is no professional level limit. The professional level limit means that the adventure level of the adventurer who receives the task must reach or exceed the mission limit level. No career limit means that no matter what your adventurer's career level is, you can receive this task.

There are two other ways to divide the adventurer's task. One is the only task. This kind of task can only be received by one person or one adventure team, and you must pay a certain deposit and set a certain period to avoid receiving the task without doing it. It is a repetitive task, which means that many people can receive the same task. This kind of task also has a certain period, but there is no need to pay a deposit.

Chenxi is just the lowest-level F-level adventurers now, and many tasks cannot be received. Chenxi and others took a look at F-level tasks, which are basically trivial things, such as what to buy, etc. This kind of task has few points, so Chenxi and others aimed at tasks without professional level restrictions.

Just above the service window in the adventurer's hall, there is a screen showing various tasks that can be picked up. Chenxi and they saw a display bar specially opened for non-professional level tasks on this screen, which shows many tasks with no professional level requirements, including * animal skins, * magic crystals, and warcraft hunting...

Chenxi and others decided to do some tasks from shallow to deep, and chose a * four-level Warcraft green water snakeskin task. After that, several people bought a map and a book called Common Warcraft Distribution under the reminder of Xiaoao.

This book mainly records the geographical distribution of common warcraft on the road of the dead. If Chenxi buys detailed rules and books, they can waste a lot of time when hunting warcraft in the future. As a result, Chenxi also gave Xiaoao ten more low-grade crystals.

After that, Chenxi and the five of them left the Adventurers Union and went to the swamp where the blue water poisonous snake perched outside the Wind City.

The fall of the swamp is far from Zhufeng City. Chenxi and others ran in the forest at the fastest speed according to the map in their hands, and it took nearly an hour to get there, and with the help of Babaka, they did not encounter Warcraft.

You should be very careful when walking in the swamp. If you accidentally fall into the swamp, you will sink deeply. Moreover, in this world of warcraft, you should also be careful of the attack of warcraft, so Chenxi and others are very careful as soon as they enter the swamp, and the speed of travel becomes very slow.

Many places that fall into the swamp are full of water. Chenxi carefully chooses those places without water and often observes the surroundings from time to time. What is the danger on one side?



When they passed a piece of water to look for this side in Chenxi, five seven-eight-meter-long, green snakes rushed out of the water, which aroused a large splash of the original calm sleep. This is the blue water viper that Chenxi is looking for.

Five vipers rushed out of the water, opened their mouths and spit out a large dark green venom at Chenxi and the five of them. At the same time, their heads attacked Chenxi and the five people respectively. In the snake mouth, the seemingly white snake teeth contained strong poison and bit Chenxi and the others.

A large area was also sprayed in the air. Chenxi and Obak instantly ran a layer of protective gas around their bodies and quickly retreated.

The attack of the blue water viper failed, and attacked Chenxi and Obak again. Chenxi and Obak came to hunt the blue water viper. They were not afraid, but were a little happy. They immediately bullied them and met a blue water viper.

Puff! The viper spit out a silent green water ball and shot at Chenxi. Chenxi's gas was attached to the light sword, and the sword was cut on the dark green water ball to break up the water ball.


The scattered water ball is highly poisonous, and the water splashed on the protective gas of Chenxi and emitted bursts of smoke.

On the other side, the blue water viper suddenly turned into the swamp.

The terrain here is favorable. Chenxi felt a little helpless when he saw the green water viper get into the swamp, but in case, he still alerted the surroundings and did not dare to help the wind and the moon.

Sure enough, behind Chenxi, the blue water viper came out again and spit out a dark green water ball at Chenxi, and at the same time attacked Chenxi.
