Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 82 [Entrance]

The reason why Chenxi and others have such a high talent is that they have taken the basic gene evolution fluid. Before taking the genetic evolution fluid, several people's physical talents were not very good, but it has not been long since they took the genetic evolution fluid. No matter how good the talent is, it will take time to cultivate. So several people are only four-level warriors now. But in the eyes of others, talent is born, and it is impossible to change the day after tomorrow, so the old people think that Chenxi and others are lazy.

Thinking that it was because of the genetic evolution fluid, Chenxi immediately said, "Grandpa, we are not lazy, but our physique has changed so well recently. We can't cultivate to a higher level in such a short time!"

"Yes, we have only recently had an adventure to change the system. We didn't have such a good talent before!" Olina also said quickly.

"I can't believe your words, because even if you are like that, it is impossible for three people to appear at once, so I think you are just under this banner to show that you are not lazy. You'd better go quickly and stop disturbing my interest in reading!" The old man said that he picked up the yellow book and read it, looking at his yellow book, and ignored Chenxi and others.


"What should we do now!" Chenxi and the three of them came out depressed, but Olina was the first to say.

"There is no way out. Are there still four colleges in the holy cities? Let's go to those four colleges and believe that those colleges will compete for us according to our physique!" Chenxi Road.

"Yes, let's go to those colleges now!" Obak also said.

"Well, let's go to the Magic Martial Arts Academy now!"


Mowu College is located in the east of the Holy City, which is also very large. Their place to recruit students is the same as that of the College of All Saints.

Chenxi and the others walked into the place to recruit students, but found that there was a very young and beautiful woman sitting here, and she seemed to exude infinite charm all over her body. When the young and beautiful woman saw Chenxi and the others come in, she smiled charmingly and said to Chenxi and Obuck, "Little brother, do you want to enter our magic martial arts college here?"

"Yes, we want to join the Magic Martial Arts Academy! However, there are three of us. Chenxi pointed to Olina and said.

"Ge, I know you are three people. It's just that I'm not interested in girls!" Young, beautiful and charming smile.

"Well, is there any step for us to join the Magic Martial Arts College!" Chenxi looked at the woman and felt a little unsistful and quickly changed the topic.

"Oh, the requirements for joining the Magic Martial Arts Academy are not low. Seeing that there are no three crystal balls over there, you enter the fighting spirit or spiritual power in turn. I will judge whether you can enter our magic martial arts college. The woman smiled charmingly at Chenxi, and her autumn water-like eyes seemed to have infinite charm.

Olina quickly came over and stood in front of Chenxi and silently scolded the woman in her heart: "**, goblin..."

Chenxi was not stared at by her, and his heart was uncomfortable. He quickly read the Prajna Heart Sutra in his heart for a while before calming down. He dared not look at the woman whose eyes and movements seemed to have infinite charm, and hurried to the crystal ball for testing.

Three crystal balls flashed green light, yellow light and blue light in turn, the woman's charming face was full of joy. She threw a wink eye at Chenxi and her red lips moved slightly: "Congratulations on becoming a student of our Magic Martial Arts College. Remember, my name is Se Lena, don't forget it, or I will be very angry."

Chenxi only felt good in his heart for a while. He didn't go to see her and quickly recited the Prajna Heart Sutra.

After that, when Obak tested, the woman was the same, which made Obak's face a little red, but Obak was also restrained. He stood with Chenxi and dared not look at the woman again.

Finally, it was Olina's turn to test, and the same glory as Obak flashed, making the woman's face smile stronger and stronger.

"Ge, today is really a good day. I didn't expect that our magic martial arts college suddenly received three geniuses, and they came together!" Serena smiled, which immediately caused a burst of ups and downs in front of her.

Chenxi and Obake did not speak, but Olina's red lips moved slightly, but she did not make a sound, as if she was cursing with her lips.

"Come on, I won't tease you anymore. Come with me. I'll help you complete the admission procedures today!" Serena immediately became a serious look, which made Chenxi sigh that Serena was so charming for a while.

"Oh, President Joseph, I recruited three more little guys into the college today!" Serena took Chenxi and the three of them directly into the principal's office without even knocking on the door.

The principal's office is quite simple, with only one desk, a bookcase, a desk, and four wooden stools.

The principal is a very energetic old man, wearing a white robe, with his snow-white hair and beard neatly combed, without any mess. At this time, the principal named Joseph was looking at a magical book. Hearing Serena's words, he did not put down the book in his hand: "Ser Lena, didn't you just take three students and come to me to report? Just arrange it yourself!"

"Ge, that's what you said. Don't go back on your word later." Serena turned her head and said charmingly to Chenxi, "Let's go, I'll take you to arrange the class!"

"Wait, Serena, let me have a look!" President Joseph put down the books in his hand, and his eyes twinkled strangely at Chenxi and the three of them.

"Oh, didn't you say let me deal with their admission problem? You can't go back on your word!" Serena turned her head and said to Joseph with a delicate smile.

Principal Joseph ignored Serena's words, and his eyes still flashed the same brilliance and patrolled on Chenxi and the three of them.

Chenxi felt a little hairy when he was looked at by Joseph like this. It seemed that he could no longer hide any secrets under the gaze of Joseph's eyes. He didn't want any knowledge about Babaka. Chenxi secretly said in his heart that this Joseph should have any yin and yang eyes. But it's not easy to leave under such circumstances. He can only stay here bravely, but try his eyes will not have any intersection with Joseph's eyes.

Fortunately, Joseph stared at Chenxi and they stopped staring at them before long, and the strange brilliance in Joseph's eyes also disappeared.

"Chenxi, this old man is really evil. I was a little hairy when I stared at his eyes. It seemed that he was about to find me. His eyes should be a little strange, but fortunately, I tried my best to minimize my fluctuations. He should not have found my existence!" Babaka immediately said after the strange brilliance in Joseph's eyes disappeared.

After the strange brilliance in President Joseph's eyes disappeared, he returned to a very kind look and said to Chenxi, "I'm sorry, my eyes are born with some special abilities. Just now, I was using the special ability of my eyes to watch the three physique and talents. I hope you don't mind."

It's so close that there was something wrong with the old man's eyes, and even Babaka was almost found! Babaka's words made Chenxi wipe himself sweat and quickly said, "It's okay. We just felt a little strange and didn't get hurt!"

"Yes, your vision is so strange. What kind of eyes!" Olina said.

"Ha, my eyes are called psychic eyes, and I can see something that ordinary people can't see!" Principal Joseph said with a smile, "Serina, you are also true. If you have such a good seedling, you won't tell me!"

"No, won't I bring all three of them here? You want them, but you agreed to let me arrange the three of them!" Serena suddenly became very serious again.
