Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 91 [Level 5 Warrior]

"So powerful?" Chenxi was very surprised. If so, it means that this Obama will become a nine-level strongman in a short time.

"Yes, it's so awesome. The reason why I arranged you in Class 2 of the third year is because of this Obama. I know he is mysterious and strong. I just want him to be your grindstone to sharpen you. In this way, you will be under pressure. As the saying goes, if you are under pressure, you will be motivated. I believe you will enter the country quickly under such circumstances!" Serena said.

Feel a little speechless and secretly wiped his sweat. Chenxi said, "You really look up to me and found a sharpening stone for me. I don't know if this Obama will be pissed off by you after hearing your words!"

"Well, of course I care about you, otherwise how could I take you as an apprentice? As for whether this Obama will be pissed off or not, it's none of my business!" Serena said with a smile.

On the other side, Obama was still blue and roared in pain shrouded in blue light. There were many girls around looking at Obama with concern, as if they were sad for Obama's pain.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl came to Chenxi angrily. As she walked, she pointed to Chenxi and said loudly, "Did you just do something black to make Obama so painful now?

"Yes, it's him, that's who made a black hand, otherwise Obama wouldn't be so painful now!"

"Yes, it's you. I must kill you and avenge Obama!"


A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the girl over there immediately turned her anger to Chenxi.

"What is this? I have offended so many women at once. But I really didn't expect this Obama to be so popular with girls!" Chenxi looked at the girls who wanted to blame themselves and secretly complained in his heart.

"Well, you can rest assured that your little lover is fine. This matter has nothing to do with Chenxi Memi, and your little lover will get a lot of benefits from it!" At this time, Serena stood up and defended Chenxi.

Serena's words suddenly made many girls' faces blush quickly, but they asked with one voice, "You're telling the truth. Is Obama really okay?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine. I'm a holy strongman. Can't you trust me?" Serena laughed.

"Yes, Miss Serena won't lie!" A boy who admired Serena said.

"Yes, I dare to swear with my soul that what Miss Serena said must be true!" Another young man said.

"What Serena said must be right!"


"Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, you can wait. Obama should recover soon!" Serena pointed to Obama, who was roaring in pain.

Hearing Serena say this, the girls just let go of Chenxi and ran to Obama's side. They looked at Obama with concern, hoping that he could recover quickly.

Looking at the girls who didn't want to trouble him earlier, Chenxi secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, Serena, a saint-level strongman, promised, otherwise he would be chased and killed by these girls.

Sure enough, soon after the girls heard Serena's words and ran to Obama's side, the cyan light on Obama's body began to slowly become smaller, as if it was shrinking into Obama's body. But after a while, the cyan light completely disappeared, and Obama seemed to no longer suffer, and the roar stopped.

"Why do you all look at me like this?" Obama opened her eyes and looked at the girls around her, as if she was a little confused.

"Obama, how are you? Are you feeling better?" The girl who rushed to Chenxi to question him asked with concern.

"Ha ha, Triye, thank you for your concern. I'm fine now, and I feel very good. It seems that I can become a five-level warrior soon!" Obama said with great demeanor.

"It's okay, it's okay!" The girl named Triye said quickly.

"It's okay!"

"It's okay!"

"I was so worried just now!"


"Thank you, Obama, thank you very much for your concern!" Obama also bowed elegantly to the girls around her.

"Cough, cough! Obama, it seems that I won our duel just now, so please tell the male compatriots in Class Three Two not to fight with me!" Chenxi felt that he didn't like looking at Obama, and seemed to intuitively tell him that this Obama was not a good person, and his intuition had always been accurate, and he also believed in his intuition very much.

"Well, that's the truth. They all have seen it. I believe they won't fight with you again unless they are born itchy. However, although I lost this time, it doesn't mean that I won't challenge you again in the future. When I feel that I am your opponent, I will still challenge you!" Obama nodded to Chenxi and said.

"Well, that's it!" Chenxi said and turned around to leave. He felt that there were a lot of feelings in this battle, and he felt that he could attack the level 5 soldiers after returning this time, so even if he had just entered Class 2 of the third year, he didn't want to stay here.

"Chenxi, you just came today, are you leaving now?" Shayana, the female teacher who saw Chenxi about to leave, quickly asked.

Chenxi smiled at the female teacher and said, "I have some insights when I stand here today, so I want to go back to attack the level 5 warrior now. Maybe I can really become a level 5 warrior this time!"

"Oh, well, since you can attack the five-level warrior, I wish you success." Shayana, the female teacher, said.

"Ah, Chenxi, you are going to attack the five-level warrior so soon!" Serena looked at Chenxi in surprise.

"Yes, I feel that I should be able to attack level 5 soldiers after this battle." Chenxi laughed.

"It seems that it's really right for me to arrange you to be in Class 2 of this three years, but you are really going to be upgraded as soon as you enter the second year!" Serena said that the system of the Magic Martial Arts College is like this. Each level corresponds to the age, so as long as Chenxi becomes a fifth-level warrior, he will be promoted to the fourth grade. Of course, the Magic Martial Arts Academy does not have classes of first-class warriors and first-class magicians.

"Ha ha, it's just a fluke!"


There is a secret room in Serena's house for practicing and refining drugs. It is very large, with a jade ball and a table with many bottles and cans on it, and I don't know what to do.

As soon as Chenxi returned to Serena's house, he got into this secret room. At this time, he was sitting on the jade ball, holding a milky two finger-sized middle-grade crystal in his hand, silently running the fighting spirit in his body and absorbing the energy in the middle-sized crystal.

chi!! The energy of the crystal was absorbed and suddenly turned into ashes.

is still not enough!! Chenxi suddenly took out five medium crystals from the space ring and held them to absorb energy.

chi! Before long, five medium crystals turned into ashes again.

"Why can't so many medium-grade crystals make me feel that the energy is enough to impact the five-level warrior!" Looking at the pile of ashes around him, Chenxi muttered to himself.

"This is a good thing. The more energy you can absorb at the same level, the more fighting spirit in your body will be, and the stronger the fighting armor you form after you become a five-level warrior, and sometimes you can even use some combat skills that can only be used by a six-level warrior!" Babaka said in Chenxi's mind.

"Well, this is indeed a good thing. I guess it's probably because of the Black Hole Transformation I practiced!" Chenxi said.

"Well, that must be the reason. You should know that the black hole is the most powerful celestial body in the world. No matter what it is, it can be absorbed, and even light can't escape the attraction of the black hole!" Babakadao.

"Well, that's it. I'm going to attack the five-level warrior!" Chenxi said and took out a large number of medium-grade crystals from the space ring and put them around him, allowing the operation to absorb the energy of these crystals.

In Dantian, Chenxi, a dark whirlpool slowly rotated, while Dantian was surrounded by a torrent of energy absorbed by Chenxi. The black vortex has been swallowing this energy, like a big man who hasn't eaten for days and suddenly sees a table of food.

In the past, Chenxi has absorbed more and more energy, and the speed of absorbing energy by the black vortex in Dantian is slowly slowing down.

"Well, it looks almost done. I'm starting to condense the fighting armor now!" Not knowing how many levels, Chenxi finally saw that the black vortex no longer absorbed energy. He quickly began to condense the bucket armor on his body according to his skills.

With Chenxi's operation skills, a virtual shadow armor began to slowly appear on his body, and it was slowly solid.

Wan! The black vortex in the Dantian field of Chenxi suddenly sent out a huge attraction at this moment, quickly absorbing the energy around Chenxi, and the armor on Chenxi's body is about to disappear at this moment. Chenxi quickly distracted himself, constantly condensing the bucket armor while absorbing a lot of energy from the crystals around his body.

chi!!! It didn't take long for Chenxi to absorb the energy from the crystals, and those medium crystals turned into ashes. Chenxi quickly took out a lot of medium crystals from the space ring to absorb energy again.

One minute, two minutes.....

With the passage of time, the fighting armor on Chenxi's body became more and more condensed. I don't know that after a long time, the fighting armor on Chenxi finally condensed successfully.

With a long breath of relief, Chenxi touched the black shiny armor on his body and instantly wrapped a large amount of his whole body in it, looking like a black robot.

"Finally become a level 5 warrior!" Chenxi muttered to himself.
