Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 95 [Barbecue Storm] on

As the saying goes, three women have one play. Irene and Olina are the best. They can perform a play. Fortunately, the wind has always been quiet and not as crazy as the two of them. Otherwise, Chenxi really doesn't know what to do.

Seeing the two of them quarreling like this, Chenxi had a little headache. He touched his forehead. Chenxi said, "We are still on the street now. We can arrange it for Ruyue and Irene by yourself later. Erin, you and Lena, don't make trouble!"

"Well, I gave you a face for my brother Chenxi, so I'm too lazy to mess with you today!" Irene wrinkled her cute little nose and said to Olina.

"Oh, give Chenxi's younger brother a face. You're afraid of me, right? Otherwise, how can you easily admit defeat? This is not like the usual Irene!" Orina's face was full of the joy of victory, as if she had won a big war.

"Okay, sister, don't say a few words. Chenxi is right. We still have a lot of things to do today!" Obak said to Olina with a triumphant expression.

"Ge, let's not talk about the level. Anyway, I'm the winner today!" Obak's brother's words will still have a little effect on Olina, at least much more useful than Chenxi's words.

"Ha ha, Ruyue, Sister Irene, have you two eaten yet? Do you want to eat? It's not so urgent to go to the Magic Martial Arts Academy!" Chenxi smiled and said to Feng Ruyue and Irene.

"Ge, seriously, we really didn't eat in order to get here earlier. However, Brother Chenxi, I don't want to eat the food cooked by others except the food you cook. You see, because I'm used to the delicious food you cook, compared with the food at home, it's too bad, so I've lost much thinner than a month!" Irene also shook her thin waist with both hands and wanted Chenxi to see if she was indeed thin.

"It seems that our sister Irene is used to Chenxi's brother's food, and no one will be used to cooking in the future. Oh, sister Irene, it seems that you will have to marry Chenxi's younger brother in the future, or you will starve to death. Olina looked at Obak and said, "Brother, you see, you have to learn more from Chenxi's cooking skills in the future. Maybe you can rely on Chenxi's brother's specialty to deceive a beautiful wife like Irene's sister."

Olina's words made Irene's pretty face turn red. She shouted, "Nonsense. I'll just find my boyfriend in the future and ask him to come over and learn to cook!"

"Yo, how can it be so troublesome to find it? Chenxi's brother is ready-made here. How can you find someone else? I believe Sister Ruyue won't care about her sister!" Olina said with a smile.

Olina's words were really powerful. All of a sudden, Irene, Chenxi and Feng Ruyue's faces turned red, but fortunately, Obak stood up to relieve Chenxi and the others at this time: "Sister, don't talk about it. Why do you have to make everyone so embarrassed!"

"Ge, forget it, I won't talk about it. Then let's go to dinner now. Ruyue and Irene should also be hungry. At worst, let Brother Chenxi do it for you!" Olina said.


There is a food street outside the gate of the Magic Martial Arts College, Chenxi, Obak, Olina, Feng Ruyue and Irene. Five people walk here, intending to find a hotel to pick up Feng Ruyue and Irene who just came here. There are many hotels here. Chenxi still decided to go to the hotel called Huo Lyan Restaurant last time to wash Feng Ruyue and Irene. Although there was a conflict in Huo Leng Restaurant last time, Chenxi felt that the owner of that hotel was still very good.

Laoyuan Chenxi saw the advertising signboard of the fiery restaurant with dynamic pictures. He pointed to the fiery with a smile and said, "Let's go to this hotel. Last time we came, the owner of this hotel was very good!"

"Go to the hotel. I also want Brother Chenxi to cook by yourself. I haven't eaten your cooking for a long time. I really miss you very much!" Irene pouted and said.

"Oh, this is simple. I will talk to the owner of that hotel and ask Chenxi's brother to cook for us. I haven't eaten his best dish for a long time. In retrospect, it's really drooling!" Olina laughed.

"Ha ha, okay, I'll cook for you in person later!" Chenxi laughed and said that he also felt that he had not prepared food for them for a long time, and it was time to cook for them. What's more, he still took care of Ruyue and Irene today. Of course, we should respect their opinions.

Chenxi and five people walked into the Fire Restaurant. Because there were more people, they asked the waiter to find a private room for them, but Chenxi did not order, but asked the young waiter Jiang to call the boss over.

The waiter left for a while, and the middle-aged boss really came in. When he saw Chenxi and others, he immediately nodded to Chenxi and the others and said, "It turned out to be little brothers. I haven't seen you for a long time. What are you going to eat today? I'll give you a 20% discount."

Chenxi went down and said, "Boss, I don't know if you can let us cook by ourselves. My friends said that they haven't eaten the food I cooked for a long time, and they want me to give them food today."

"This is no problem. It's up to me, but you should be careful today. The guys who clashed with you last time are here again, and there are seven of them this time!" The boss reminded.

"Ge, what are the guys of each user to be afraid of!" Olina laughed when she heard the words.

"Hehe, it's okay. As long as they don't heat us, nothing will happen!" Chenxi smiled. He was just a four-level warrior who could defeat those guys before, not to mention that now he has become a five-level warrior. Even if there are two more of them, he still doesn't pay attention to it.

"Ha, well, then come with me now and I'll take you to the kitchen!" With that, the boss turned around and left the box to show Chenxi the way to the kitchen. Chenxi also stood up and followed the boss.

Chenxi followed the boss through the hall and an alley in the box before walking to the kitchen. After the boss and the chefs and side dishes inside explained, Chenxi began to cook for Obak, Olina, Feng Ruyue and Irene.

At first, several chefs and apprentices did not care about Chenxi's cooking at all. It seemed that if it hadn't been for the boss's explanation, they would not have ignored Chenxi. However, Chenxi didn't care about their reaction. He just smiled and focused on cooking.

However, with the passage of time, the fragrance of Chenxi cooking also came out, and the eyes of several chefs and apprentices changed. Especially the fragrance and the color of the barbecue taken by Chenxi when cooking barbecue made those chefs and apprentices completely change their views on Chenxi. Those chefs were even embarrassed to want Chenxi to teach them those cooking techniques.

Chenxi smiled and agreed to the chefs' requirements. After all, the owner of this hotel is not bad, and the more delicious the food the chef cooks, the better the hotel's business will be. What's more, Chenxi really wants to help this boss.

Chenxi spent about an hour cooking, making a total of nine dishes, and the last dish was barbecue.

Chenxi held a porcelain basin half a meter in his hand, which contained Chenxi's last dish - roasted thunder eagle. In the fragrance, Chenxi walked through the alley with a roast thunder eagle, walked through the hall, and walked into the box in bursts of exclamation.

"Wow, what a big roast bird. It must be very delicious. My saliva is running out!" As soon as Chenxi stepped into the box, Erin's eyes sparkled with a bright light. She stared at the roasted thunder eagle in the porcelain basin in Chenxi's hand. It seemed that she was about to rush up and rob the roasted thunder eagle in Chenxi's hand.

"Get it quickly, hurry up, I can't wait!" While rearranging the dishes that had been placed on the table in the box, Olina urged Chenxi to make room for the roasting thunder eagle.
