Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 100 [Battle] 4

"Chenxi, what's wrong with you!" Feng Ruyue saw Chenxi spit out a big mouthful of blood and shouted and immediately ran to the martial arts arena.

"Brother Chenxi!" Ellie's eyes ran to the martial arts arena with crystal tears in her eyes.

"Chenxi!" Olina shouted loudly and rushed to the martial arts arena.

Obak also looked nervous and ran to the martial arts arena in a muffled voice.


"No, Chenxi can't control the black fist vortex. Both of them are in danger!" Principal Joseph said loudly at the moment Chenxi vomited blood. At the same time, his figure immediately appeared near a formation around the martial arts arena, with white light in his hand and patted the pattern at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Then, the protective shield on the martial arts arena disappeared in an instant, and the figure of Principal Joseph also disappeared in an instant, and immediately appeared in front of the black fist vortex. As soon as he stretched out his left hand, he was taken into his arms by the process of attracting the black fist vortex. At the same time, his right hand gently patted the black fist vortex behind him. In an instant, a huge white palm more than ten meters high appeared behind him.

On the other side, when Principal Joseph appeared near the black fist vortex, Serena's figure also appeared beside Chenxi. She stood in the air and took Chenxi into her arms.

At this time, the wind is like the moon, and Irene, Orina and Obak are also coming this way.

Boom!!! Principal Joseph's huge white palm hit Chenxi's black fist vortex and made a huge explosion sound, causing a strong wind to blow to the students around the martial arts arena. The students' clothes were blown tightly by the strong wind, and many exquisite and seductive bodies appeared around the martial arts arena in an instant, and even Many girls screamed and covered their skirts that were blown by the strong wind. Some girls wore short skirts and were even blown directly over by the wind, revealing snow-white plump buttocks and cute underwear, which made many boys open their eyes for fear of missing the rare beauty.

"Wow, that girl is not wearing underwear!" Suddenly, a boy shouted loudly,

"Where, no, I'll take a look!"... In an instant, many perverts immediately patrolled looking for girls without underwear.

chi! Scold! chi!....

The huge explosion sound of the white palm and the black vortex have not disappeared. The two are still attacking each other and making waves of noise. It seems that they will not dissipate in a short time.

"I didn't expect that a small five-level warrior could make such a powerful attack!" In the teacher group, the male teacher who hit the student shook his head and instantly appeared in a height of ten meters above the ground. A flash of light in his hand and a silver bow appeared. He pulled the silver bow into a full moon in an instant, and a silver arrow appeared on the bow in an instant. He shouted, "The arrow stars, shoot the sky!"

He pulled the right hand of the bowstring and loosened slightly, and the silver arrow shot out, like a meteor, instantly crossed everyone's sight and hit the black fist vortex.

Boom!!! There was another huge explosion. The white giant palm, the black fist vortex, and the silver arrows were quickly annihilated in the huge explosion.


A greater wind than before instantly enveloped the whole martial arts arena, making the girls in skirts in the martial arts arena instantly cover their skirts and screamed.


"Brother Chenxi, what's wrong with you...!" As soon as Serena landed, Feng Ruyue ran over, grabbed Chenxi's right hand, and said at a loss.

"Brother Chenxi, what's going on with you...!" Irene looked at Chenxi silently, and a drop of crystal tears fell to the ground.

"How's Chenxi, Teacher Serena!" Olina's mood is relatively stable compared with Irene and Feng Ruyue. Looking at Serena, she asked nervously.

Serena smiled and handed the fainted Chenxi to Obak and said, "Chenxi was devoured by the black fist vortex and suffered a lot of injuries, so he fainted. However, you still don't have to worry. Chenxi just fainted. The injury in his body did not hurt him at all, and I treated him just now. As long as he goes back and has a good rest, he can recover to what he used to be!"

"Really?" When Feng Ruyue heard the words, Ma Shan looked at Serena nervously. Erin also looked at Serena, looking forward to her answer.

Serena smiled and comforted, "Of course I'm telling the truth. I'm a strong saint. I don't even know anything about this. Isn't my holy cultivation too watery?"

"Are you a holy strongman?" Feng Ruyue asked uncertainly, and she felt that she had heard it wrong. Irene also couldn't believe it. She looked at Olena and Obak, hoping that they could answer that it was true.

"Well, Ms. Serena is indeed a saint!" Olina affirmed that Obak, who was holding Chenxi in his hand, also nodded to Elena.

"I'm not only a holy strong man, but also a master of Chenxi. Hasn't he told you yet?" Serena asked with a smile.

As soon as Feng Ruyue heard that Serena was really a saintly strongman, the hanging heart was immediately relieved. She nodded and said, "Irene and I went home some time ago. Knowing that he has returned to the holy cities now, Chenxi has not told us that he has a holy strong man like you as a master.

"I didn't expect that Brother Chenxi would have a holy strong man as a teacher!" Erin's combat effectiveness Serena is a holy strongman, and she immediately let go of that hanging heart.

"Ge, there are so many things you didn't expect. You can't guess. My brother and I also have a holy strong master, and we are also the president of the Magic Martial Arts College. Look, it's the old man who just saved Jincheng. He is the master of me and my brother. Olena pointed to Principal Joseph and said to Irene with a smile.

It's okay if Olina didn't mention the name of Jincheng. As soon as she mentioned the name, Irene immediately thought that Chenxi was injured because of Jincheng. She immediately shouted angrily to Jincheng beside Principal Joseph, "Jincheng, it's you. If it hadn't been for your brother Chenxi, he wouldn't have been injured today. It's all because of you!"

"Hmm, it will inevitably be damaged if you duel. Besides, his injury was not caused by me. He was injured by his uncontrollable combat skills. What does this have to do with me!" Jincheng rolled his eyes and said loudly.

Feng Ruyue was also angry when he heard this and said loudly, "If you hadn't come to make trouble, would there be today's duel? It's all because of you!"

"Well, the duel was proposed by himself, and the injury was also caused by himself. All this has nothing to do with me!" Jincheng pulled down his face and said loudly.

"Well, it has nothing to do with you. If you hadn't found it, this duel wouldn't have happened at all. And today's duel is that you lost. You have to apologize to us in front of everyone!" Olina said loudly with an angry face.

"Well, where did my cousin lose? He stood here well, but the boy was injured and unconscious. Obviously, the boy lost. You should apologize!" At this time, Oster also brought his three fox friends up.

"You know that black and wrong are reversed. Jincheng was almost killed by Chenxi's brother's combat skills. If the old man with white beard had saved him, he would have been dead now!" Irene pointed to the Golden City and said loudly.

"Well, we don't care about the process, just the result!" Oster said.

"What's so noisy, you know that it's all non-black and white. It's really not a thing!" The male teacher who shot arrow flew down from the air, waved his right hand gently, slapped Oster more than ten meters, spit out a mouthful of blood and a big yellow tooth, and fell to the ground far away.

"Why don't you apologize quickly!" The male teacher fell to the ground and looked at Jincheng with a bad face.

The male teacher is unparalleled. Even if Jincheng doesn't want to apologize, he looks at Obak, Olina, Feng Ruyue, Irene and others without expression and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault this time. I'm sorry~!"

"Say it loudly so that the whole audience can hear it!" The male teacher shouted loudly.

Jincheng's face suddenly turned red, but he still shouted loudly, "I'm sorry, everything is my fault. Everything today is all my fault. I'm sorry!"

"And you guys should also apologize!" The male teacher suddenly looked at Oster who fell out and the three friends in nearby Oster.
