Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 106 - Chapter 107 [See Obama again]

Reynolds smiled and said, "Actually, you don't have to find any time. Most people in our special class will read in the library. We all thought of finding out the reasons for these changes and how to better give full play to our unique abilities."

"Yes, people in our class basically look for books here!" Tenken also said.

Chenxi was a little surprised and asked, "Everyone in your class is here, but I haven't seen many people along the way!"

"Hee, that's it. The total number of people in our class is only 20. Is there any other person in this library? The bookshelf will also block it. You see, we are all on the seventh floor. There are not many people, and we have to be scattered in the seventh floor. Of course, you can't see anyone!" Yu Xian'er laughed.

Think about it, there are a total of seven floors in the library, and the area of each floor is quite large, and the bookshelf will also block the view. Chenxi feels that his problem is a little new. Suddenly, Chenxi thought of the young man named Cross who accompanied him. He looked very polite and enthusiastic. He immediately said, "by the way, I just came to the library today. When I was below, I met a boy named Cross. He took me to this floor. I don't know if he is your special class. What about the level people?

After Chenxi finished speaking, Yu Xian'er and the three of them laughed. The meaning could not be more obvious, but he guessed it correctly.

"Oh, you're really right. Cross is the famous king of books in my class. He is warm-hearted. He likes others the most. It seems that you are really very predestined with us!" Yu Xian'er covered her mouth and smiled.

Cros is warm-hearted. Chenxi knows it, but he didn't expect that Clos is still called the King of Books. No wonder he looks so sven! Chenxi smiled and said, "It seems that Cross should have read a lot of books, and his nickname is called the King of Books!"

When Chenxi finished saying this, Yu Xianer, Renault and Tenken all laughed and laughed loudly. Tenken bent down, covered his stomach, and said with a smile, "Haha... ke... The nickname of Clos Book King is because he reads a lot of books. It's so funny, haha!"

Looking at their expressions, Chenxi knew that he had guessed wrong. He said doubtfully, "Clos didn't get the title of king of books because he read a lot. What's the reason?"

"Haha, the nicknames of the people in our class are based on his special ability. He can control metals, so he is called an iron man. Xian'er is called the king of power because of his unparalleled strength. Aken is called a poisoner because he controls toxins, but Cross is because he can read a book. After that, he was able to create the words in the book to attack the enemy, so he was called the king of books. Reynolds explained.

The world's top ten are really strange. Chenxi is really surprised that there are such a way to control words to attack people.

"Why do you always mention my nickname outside!" Yu Xian'er's face was flushed, and she glanced at Renault and said anno.

"Hey, Xian'er, you can't get rid of this nickname. Brother Xicheng will know sooner or later. What are you worried about?" Reynolds laughed.

"Yes, Xian'er, even if you don't say your nickname, Xicheng should be able to guess it!" Tenken also said.

Yu Xianer, a girl, actually got a nickname like King Li, which is really shocking. No matter which girl is, she will be a little embarrassed to let others know this nickname! Chenxi also understood. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't call you by your nickname in the future. I'll call you Xian'er, okay?"

"Well, you will call me Xian'er in the future. Xicheng still understands people and knows how to pity fragrance and cherish jade, unlike some people!" Yu Xianer spoke to Chenxi first, but when she spoke later, with a contemptuous expression on her face, she skimmed Renault next to her.

Renault smiled at Yuxian'er: "Hey, didn't I just reveal your nickname a little? You don't have to despise me so much!"

"Hum, I don't despise you for who I despise!" Yu Xian'er glanced at Renault with evil eyes.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that there are still many people on the seventh floor today!" At this time, Slock came from the aisle between the bookshelves behind Chenxi, followed by a young man.

"Ge, there are a lot of people here. Isn't it all us for such a long time!" Yu Xianer said to the Cros who came by with a smile.

Chenxi turned his head to look at Clos, but the moment Chenxi turned his head, he found the young man following Clos. Seeing the young man's face, Chenxi was surprised. It was the one who had duel with him in Class 3, called Oba when he first came to the Magic Martial Arts College. Ma's youth thought there would be no more intersection after the duel, but he didn't expect to meet him here today.

Obama over there was also surprised to see Chenxi. He looked surprised and said, "Chenxi, why are you here?"

"Chenxi! Isn't your name West City?" Obama's words surprised Yu Xianer, Reynolds, Tenken and Cross and asked with one voice.

Chenxi knew that he was going to be bad by this guy the moment he saw Obama, but he didn't care much about reporting his real name. Now he explained, "I'm sorry. Recently, my name has been too popular in the Magic Martial Arts College. Most people in the Magic Martial Arts Academy know the name, but I don't want to be too ostentatious, so I turned my name upside down and changed it to West City.

"Ah, you are Chenxi, who is rumored to have the strongest potential, the greatest attack power, and has three heads and six arms in our magic martial arts college recently!" Yu Xianer covered her little mouth, opened her eyes, and looked at Chenxi with an unbelievable face, as if Chenxi in front of her was a monster she had never seen before.

It's not just the Jade Fairy, but all three people except Obama opened their eyes wide and looked at Chenxi, with an unbelievable glow in their eyes.

Chenxi was almost embarrassed to be looked at by them like this. He smiled bitterly and said, "I knew you would look like this, otherwise I wouldn't have said my real name!"

"It is said that the legendary Chenxi has three heads and six arms, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of President Joseph. This is nonsense at all. Rumors are really not credible!" Reynolds shook his head and returned to his usual appearance.

has been rumored to become a monster again! Chenxi shook his head and said helplessly, "If the rumor were true, I would have come to your special class long ago!"

"Yes, I really didn't think of it!" Yu Xianer said again, "However, your combat power should be true. It is said that even Dean Joseph of our Magic Martial Arts College could not eliminate your combat skills. In the end, Tianyucheng, the mentor of our class, took action to eliminate your combat skills!"

Will it be so difficult for the holy strongman to eliminate his combat skills? Chenxi didn't believe it: "When I sent out that combat skill, I was counterattacked by the combat skill. I don't know the situation at that time, but I estimate that the holy strongman can't eliminate my combat skills. I think it should be that Principal Joseph didn't expect my attack. It's too powerful, that's why this situation happens!"

Obama, a gentlemanly-looking young man, also said, "Yes, Chenxi and I had a duel at the beginning. I didn't find that Chenxi would be so strong. I guess it's really the same as Chenxi said. Principal Joseph didn't expect Chenxi's combat skills to be so strong!"

Obama's words suddenly turned Chenxi's attention to him: "Obama, aren't you in Class Three? How can you have a chance to be with them now?"

"Oh, it's not because of the duel with you!" Obama sighed and said, "It was because I fought with you and found an unknown seal in my body that the Magic Martial Arts Academy transferred me to a special class. I also came here to find the mystery of the seal in my body!"
