Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 111 [First Concept]

The students of the special class are really moving. What moves is not only their actions, but also their spirit. They are determined to trample on the students of the Holy City College to compete for hegemony * All Saints College, so that the world knows that the magic martial arts college can still produce great people, so that the world can really be a special class. People are not monsters, but great heroes of magic martial arts schools and even holy cities, and historical heroes. And Mowu College is the first place to be conquered by special classes!

"Oh, our magic martial arts college has really been making trouble recently!"

"What's going on?"

"You don't even know this. It's very lively to fight with the few people who fight against different people!"

"Yes, what a thrilling scene!"

"Hey, have you stopped hearing about it? Not only did the fight between Doumen and Yimen, but later Huamen and Zhanmen were also implicated. Finally, it is the melee between the four sects of our magic martial arts college. Zhizhi, that scene is really lively!"

"Yes, ah, I've also heard of the melee between the four major factions, and this time it's really noisy. In the future, our magic martial arts college will not be calm!"

"It's good not to be calm. Life is so dull and boring!"

"Yes, our magic martial arts college has been calm for too long. It's time to be lively!"

"Cut, it's so lively. Maybe it will be involved in us!"


All kinds of gossip spread in the Magic Martial Arts College. The students of the Magic Martial Arts College are talking about the struggle in the school, and the whole Magic Martial Arts College is surging for a while!"

General teacher: Why are these children making trouble again? It also makes people live a restless life.

Teacher: Yes, the college must have such a chaotic atmosphere, and the growth of students will be accelerated!

Tianyu City: All the people in our special class have finally stood up. From today on, they will rise and eventually become the existence that makes the world tremble.

Joseph: Well, our magic martial arts academy has finally surged again. Heroes come out in troubled times. I don't know what kind of heroes will appear in our magic martial arts academy this time. Thinking about those years, I stood out in such a situation!

Serena: As expected, Chenxi can set off a whirlwind wherever it goes, and this time it is still the best typhoon in the wind.

Chenxi: Ha ha, all this has nothing to do with me for the time being. I'm hurt when I sleep. However, when my injury recovers, I must step on the whole magic martial arts college with my classmates in a special class, and in the future, I will also step on the college of all saints!


The morning sun in the sky is like a shy little girl, a little ashamed to see people. How can she cover her face with the red glow next to her, but how can the peerless face be blocked by a red glow...

The rippled lake rises with thick water mist and covers the lake. From afar, it is hazy and blurred, which makes people want to know what mystery is behind this hazy.

On the lakeside path, Chenxi and Fengruyue walked slowly to the small lake hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder.

Feng Ruyue looked up at the shy little girl who covered half of her face with a red haze: "Brother Chenxi, we haven't seen the sunrise together for a long time. I miss the days when we were in the unknown temple on the continent of the dead.

"Yes, in the days in that temple, we could watch the morning sun and the red glow in the evening together every day. Although the conditions were a little difficult at that time, we were still happy together every day!" Chenxi also looked at the little girl at the edge of the sky and recalled the good times at the Great Leiyin Temple.

"Yes, I was really happy at the beginning!" The wind smiled at Chenxi.

Chenxi raised his right hand and gently stroked his light blue hair: "However, things in the world are very helpless. At the beginning, we were very happy together when we were deeper, but at that time, we were also afraid that the parents and elders in your family were worried about your safety."

The wind is like the moon's crystal eyes, looked at Chenxi's face and said, "Yes, the world is impermanent. There will always be different troubles!" I'm a little too greedy."

Does Chenxi know that Feng Ruyue is worried that he will get hurt, and he is also afraid that he will get hurt in the future. He blew his windy nose and smiled, "How can you say that? No matter who wants to be perfect, but the sky is not as good as others want."

Unconsciously, Chenxi and the wind like the moon have come to the lake.

"Ha ha, Brother Chenxi is right." Feng Ruyue smiled, let go of Chenxi's hand, bent down to pick up a stone by the lake, and threw it far away at the lake.

Puff! The stone fell far into the lake and built a splash.

"Ha ha, the world is impermanent, and we still have our own goals or wishes in our hearts." Chenxi smiled, bent down, picked up a finger-sized stone, and threw it out diagonally towards the lake.

Puff! The small stone flew far in contact with the lake, and flew far away in contact with the lake. It came into contact with the lake seven or eight times and splashed several waves before falling into the lake.

This is!!! Chenxi's pupils shrank at the moment when the small stones came into contact with the lake, and a thunder flashed in his mind. He found that the lake may help him find a way to weaken or offset the antiphagocy.

Chenxi was in place again, no longer talking, and did not do anything. He thought in his mind: the stone touched the surface of the water and did not immediately fall into the water, but drifted several times before falling into the water, but the power I used was much greater than the moon, and the impact on the lake was smaller. What is this? What about it? Several contacts, one contact, strength, dispersion... By the way, that's it. Just like a chopstick is easy to break, a large handful of chopsticks are not easy to break!

"Brother Chenxi, what are you thinking!" Feng Ruyueyu waved his hand in front of Chenxi and asked.

"Ha ha, when I was throwing out the stone just now, I suddenly thought that maybe water could help me solve the problem of anti-eating power!" Chenxi replied with a smile.

Feng Ruyue looked at Chenxi's face and asked, "Brother Chenxi, have you found a solution to the anti-eating force?"

"Ha ha, it's not that simple!" Chenxi smiled and said, "It's not easy to feel it again. Let me try again. Maybe I can find a solution to anti-eating power!"

"Well, Brother Chenxi, go and try it!" Feng Ruyue blinked and said.

Chenxi nodded, picked up a small stone and threw it to the lake.

one, two times, three times, four times, poo! He watched the stone floating on the lake again. This time, Chenxi really affirmed that a force could bear it many times and reduce the damage.

However, how can we make the counterattack withstand many times? Chenxi thought and transferred his mind to the Douqi black hole in Dantian. The black hole was still running slowly. It looked like a small black tornado, but the mystery in it was far more profound than that of the tornado.

Chenxi vaguely remembers that he was devoured at that time, and the black hole in his body had a trace of tremor, which seemed to be disintegration. The problem of solving the counterphagy force is to solve the tremor and disintegration of the fighting black hole in the body caused by imitating the black hole.

Thinking about it carefully, Chenxi felt that a large force could withstand many times and a small amount of it seemed that it could not be linked to the Douqi black hole, because he felt that there was only one Douqi black hole, and it could not be like a chopsticks.

But in an instant, he hit his mind on the fighting gas black hole in his body. He thought, if he turned this fighting gas black hole into a liquid, would it enhance his ability to withstand the counterattack?

"You are so stupid. Black holes are the most mysterious existence in the world. How can they be transformed into liquid!" At the moment when this idea appeared in Chenxi, Babaka scolded the road in Chenxi's mind.

"How can you know what the one in my heart is thinking?" Chenxi was shocked. He never knew that Babaka still had such ability. That doesn't mean that Babaka knew all his ideas, and he didn't have any privacy for him.

"You are making progress, and I am also progressing. This is one of my recent recovery abilities!" Babaka said.

"Then I can warn you that people have privacy. Don't explore my mind casually!" Chen immediately said.

"Don't worry, I'm not that bored!" Babaka said.

After solving this problem, Chenxi turned his attention to the antiphagy force again. He said, "Babaka, you said that the black hole will not become liquid, so if I practice more water attribute fighting gas, do you think it will weaken the antiphagy force? After all, the water attribute is softer, the structure is relatively tight, and it also has a certain treatment. Ability."

"It should be reasonable. You can try it!"