Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 153 [God-level Gift]

"Hehe, I'm sorry to make you laugh. We are all in a hurry, so we made it like this. We don't have much time to rehabit repair these houses. In addition, we are all dead, and most of us won't build houses, which led to this kind of things. Such a situation." Zroy, the leader of the Nether Knight who led the way to Chenxi, said.

"Ha ha, of course. Building houses is something that we humans do. You won't take it for granted. Besides, you shouldn't have high requirements for these houses." Chenxi said with a smile that in his cognition, the undead can basically survive anywhere. As far as skeletons are concerned, the skeletons he sees in the undead continent basically crawl out of the ground, while most of these undeads of the zombies live in caves or dilapidated houses, but in the dark He has never seen a senior undead like a knight, and he doesn't know where they should live.

"Ha ha, Chenxi, you are joking. Although all of our demon capital are some undead, you certainly didn't expect that we have all recalled the things in front of us, so we will still have no difference in the quality of life from human beings. After all, we used to be human beings. I We also have our own pursuits and also know how to enjoy. Zroy laughed.

"What, you have recalled your memories of life?" Chenxi asked in surprise that he had never heard that he could recall his memories after the death of the dead. In this way, even if he died, it was equivalent to not dying.

"Ha, yes, all the dead in our demon capital have recovered their memories, so now, except that this body is the body of the dead, we are actually similar to human beings." Zroy replied with a smile.

Chenxi is secretly saying that it is so. No wonder the undead of the demon capital are very different from the undead continent, and there seems to be no malice to human beings.

"Then how can you restore the memory of human beings? I have met many undeads before, and none of them have restored human memory. Moreover, those undeads will jump on them as soon as they see any creature, and they will do their best to kill the creatures in front of them, and they will never die." Chenxi asked.

"Ha, thanks to Lord Ante, our city lord. If it weren't for this, we would be no different from other undead in the undead continent, and we would be the same as you said. We will catch up with that creature and kill that creature endlessly."

"Then you Lord Ante is so powerful that he can bring back the memories of your life."

"Ha, of course, Lord Ante is awesome. He is a god-level strong man." Zroy suddenly pointed to a huge building in front of him and said, "Brother Chenxi, we have arrived at the city master's mansion. Let's go in now. The Antai people have been waiting for you for a while."

"Sure enough, as I expected, Ante is really a god-level strongman." Chenxi said secretly, but his footsteps followed Zroy closely.

Soon, Zroy stayed in Chenxi to a hall. There were some stools on both sides of the hall, and just above the hall, there was a young-looking man looking at Chenxi with a smile. Chenxi estimated that this was what Zroy said in his mouth. Lord Ante.

Zroy took Chenxi to the middle of the hall, held his fists, and said respectfully to the young man above the hall, "Lord Ante, I have brought you Chenxi."

"Well, okay, Zroy, you go down first." The young man waved his hand to Zroy.

"Yes, Lord Ante." Zroy said respectfully and turned around and walked out of the hall.

After Zroy left, Ante smiled and said to Chenxi, "Ha ha, young man, welcome to our magic capital. You are the first guest of our magic capital."

Chenxi saluted Ante slightly and said, "Thank you for your invitation. It's my honor to be here."

"Ha ha, that's good, and it's not in vain." The young man suddenly sighed and said, "I thought that this was the first city in the mainland. I didn't expect that a divine war would bury our big city on the ground. It took me tens of thousands of years to finally cultivate to the divine level. It took hundreds of years to talk, and this city was able to see the sun again."

"Lord Ante, do you mean that this city is the first Maya city before the divine war on the mainland?" Chenxi asked in surprise. He had seen records in the books that Maya City was the largest city before the undead continent encountered the divine war, which was extremely prosperous. At that time, it had the reputation of being the largest city in the heavenly plane, but Maya City was said to have been destroyed in the divine war.

"Yes, the predecessor of our magic city is indeed Maya City, but Maya City has been destroyed, leaving only the current dilapidated appearance. Moreover, there are only undead people living in our current city, so I will simply change the name of Maya City to Modu." Ante laughed.

Suddenly, Ante said again, "Chenxi, right? You are here at will. Don't be nervous because I am a god-level strongman, or act very restrained. After all, you are the first guest of our magic capital."

"Ha ha, I won't." Chenxi laughed, but this is just a polite word. He will not really be so casual in front of the god-level strongman. After all, his strength is very different, and the two are not familiar with each other.

"Ha ha, you are still a little nervous." The god-level strong man is the god-level strong man, and it is easy to judge Chenxi's mood.

"Ha, there is such a point. After all, I have only seen a god-level strong man in my dream." Chenxi admitted this matter very simply.

Ante smiled and said, "Ha ha, and a good young man, I admitted it very simply. Well, I'm happy today that you are the first witness to the birth of our demon capital, so I will give you a little gift as a small gift to witness the birth of our demon capital."

Ant said that a flash of light appeared in his hand, and a transparent glass bottle appeared. The glass bottle was closed and contained some transparent **. Chenxi didn't see what those ** were.

Not enough, but Ante handed this glass bottle containing transparent ** to Chenxi and said, "Ha ha, little friend, these things are good things for me to restore the memory of Zroy and others. They are absolutely very useful to you. When you go back, find a safe place and drink the ** inside, you will definitely have a lot. A big surprise."

What the god-level strongman sent out will never be ordinary. Chenxi quickly took it in Ante's hand and said, "Thank you, Lord Ante."

"Hehe, you're welcome. I'm in a good mood today. Don't worry about this little thing, but I tell you, don't reveal these things in front of people. Find a place to drink after you go back, otherwise it will cause you a lot of trouble." Ante warned.

"Well, I know. I will definitely drink it as soon as I get back." Chenxi nodded and said.

"Ha ha, that's good." Ant smiled.

Suddenly, Chen Ante's face changed slightly and said, "Chenxi, put this bottle into the space ring quickly, and then leave the magic capital quickly. There are now several strong men outside."

At least the same divine existence that can make Ante, a god-level strong man call a strong man, is the same as him. Chenxi did not dare to neglect it. He quickly put the glass bottle into the space ring and said to Anta, "Lord Ante, since you say so, I will leave now."

"Well, let's go quickly. Remember to drink the liquid in the glass bottle immediately after you go back." Ante answered and didn't forget to remind him.

"Hmm." Chenxi answered and immediately walked out of the hall. At the same time, he also said to Babaka for safety, " Babaka, please change and hide my breath."

"Well, good!" Babaka answered and immediately changed into a transparent armor on Chenxi's body, and Chenxi quickly walked out of the magic capital.