Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 193 [City of Harbor]

"Teacher Serena, do you think that array is used for defense?" The wind like the moon pointed to a magic array in the six-pointed array and asked.

"Let me see!" Serena and Chu Yunnan asked in one voice. The voice sounded, and the two looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at the magic array pointed by the wind and moon.

Olina also looked at the magic array at this time. After staring at the magic array for a while, the two nodded at the same time. Serena said, "This should be a defensive magic array. However, this one can't play a defensive role, and there should be other defensive magic formations.

"Ha ha, it's a pity that although I have some research on magic arrays, it's just a superficial understanding. I haven't found other magic arrays." The wind is like the moon.

"Ha ha. You are not old enough to be able to master so many magic arrays. For example, I don't know a certain magic text. Chenxi laughed.

"Yes, Sister Ruyue, you are already proud of the magic array you have now." Olina also laughed.

"Ruyue's mastery of magic arrays is good, and there should be some research on magic arrays." Serena smiled and said, "Well, now let's slowly study this magic array."

"Yes, let's slowly study this magic array. Try to get some inspiration from Li Man.


It takes a lot of time to do research. Chu Yunnan and the four of them spent a whole week studying magic arrays. Several of them are very invested in research and have been a little intoxicated. They spend three quarters of their time studying magic arrays every day. . Chenxi is okay, and she is also a lonely person, but Irene is originally an active master. After so many days, she was almost sulking. Her pretty face was sad. Every day, she walked from the third floor of the temple to the outside of the temple, and from the dry place outside to the third floor of the temple, which is called One is tasteless.

Fortunately, Chenxi thought of competing and practicing with Irene, which diverted Irene's attention. She was no longer so sad, and she became much happier.

A week after Chenxi and the others arrived at the temple, Chu Yunnan, Serena, Feng Ruyue and Olina's research on the magic array on the third floor of the temple was finally over. Several people said that they had gained a lot, especially Feng Ruyue and Olina felt more knowledgeable.

Finally, Chu Yunnan arranged the transmission array, and several people stood in it. After a dazzling white light flashed, Chenxi and the others finally left the boundary that represented their good luck.

After that, Chenxi arrived at the undead continent and went to the Great Leiyin Temple again. They stayed in the Great Leiyin Temple for a day in Chu Yunnan, and left the Great Leiyin Temple the next day.

The war between the Dark Temple, the combined forces of the Dark Empire and the Magic City continues to burn, and the people of the Dark Empire are also in panic and the society is in turmoil. However, this has no impact on the group of passers-by. With the strength of the holy strong, they easily traveled between several cities of the Dark Empire and soon reached the most difficult southern part of the Dark Empire and the closest city to the Lost Island - Harbor City.

Tianyuan plane is a big world. This world is magical. Most of the cities have transmission arrays, and the distance between each continent in the real world is very far away, separated by very remote oceans, coupled with some originals of the dark empire. Therefore, the maritime trade in Haigang City is not very developed.

Although the Harbour City is a city with underdeveloped maritime trade, the Harbour City is a very developed city because there are only 72 cities in the Dark Empire. There are more people here than many other cities.

This is the advantage of geography. The world is a world of warcrafts. There are many warcrafts in the sea, hundreds or even thousands of times the total number of warcrafts in several continents, while the seaport city is a sea-facing city. Therefore, the flow of people in this city is very large, many People go out to hunt monsters in the sea.

If there are more people going to sea, the shipping industry in the city will be very developed. If they want to go to the legendary Lost Island, they must take a boat. Therefore, the first thing they do after they come to the Harbour City for dinner is to find a boat in the Harbour City, so that they can find the Lost Island.

However, after having Chu Yunnan, Chenxi will no longer look for it alone in these strange hells. He and Chu Yunnan went to look for Serena, Fengruyue, Irene and Orina after settling down in a hotel.

If you want to enter a city and want to quickly understand the city, with Chenxi's years of experience, you should be in the city's taverns, brothels, casinos and other places. If you want to find a good boat, you must look for those who know these cities best. The little boy who led the way, so Chenxi and Chu Yunnan soon found a 14- or 15-year-old child named Aside and asked the child to lead them to find the boat there. The child was also very happy to receive the business. After Chenxi gave him two pieces of low-grade crystals, he immediately laughed and said, "You are Do you want to find the best fleet to take you overseas or to hunt monsters overseas?

Chu Yunnan smiled like a child and said, "Ha ha, we want to go overseas to find the legendary lost island, which is still far from the seaport city, so we want to find the best boat."

"Ah, it turns out that you want to go to sea to find the legendary lost island. This can't be done in a short time. I think there is also a fleet that can stay at sea for a long time to find the legendary lost island." The little boy was shocked when he heard Chu Yunnan's words.

Chenxi sank. He also knew that the Lost Island was an ethereal island. There was no chance to see the legendary Lost Island. As the little boy said, there would really be no fleet that dared to take this task. He wanted to build a big ship by himself, but it took the cost to build a big ship. After a long time, he didn't want to wait so long. He asked, "So do you know where there are good boats to sell in Harbor City? I'd like to buy a boat."

The little boy clapped his hands and said, "Oh, you want to buy a boat. Well, you are really lucky. I heard that another boat is going to be sold in the Harbour City these days. It's called Chafeng and Waves. It's a very good boat, but the price is a little high. However, 10 million crystals are too expensive, so the most expensive ship can't be sold, but I don't know if you can talk about so much money!"

Chu Yunnan waved his hand indifferently and said, "Ha ha, this money is easy to say. Just take us to buy a boat!"

"Well, you can come with me now. Don't let others take the lead."

The little boy quickly took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan through the streets. He walked very fast all the way and avoided the crowd. It took him more than an hour. The little boy took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan to the seaside of Haigang City. According to the little boy, this is the dock of Haigang City, and there are every day. Hundreds of thousands of ships went to sea, and the Wind and Waves moored on this dock.

The little boy took Chenxi and Chu Yunnan to the harbor and quickly walked hundreds of meters, a long and magnificent boat with five characters riding the wind and waves appeared in front of Chenxi and Chu Yunnan.

Chenxi and Chu Yunnan nodded secretly and smiled at each other when they saw the Wind Breaking Waves. They both found that the material of the Wind Breaking Waves was very good and made of the best refined iron. Judging from these materials alone, the defense ability of this ship is very good.