Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 246 [Black Widow's Daughter]

is really too close. In addition, the field has long been strengthened and strongly squeezed, but it has not been able to settle Chenxi!

All of this was beyond the girl's expectation. She really didn't expect that after her strengthened field, she would still be broken by the teenager and violated herself again.

The space in his mouth was already very small, and Chenxi's unbridled tongue suddenly succeeded in capturing the girl's fragrant tongue. It stirred, and his right hand also touched the soft big white rabbit, and even under his body——————

The girl was attacked in three places, and she was immediately surprised. She suddenly bit her silver teeth.


Chenxi was in pain and retreated again!


The girl slapped hard, twisted her body, and left Chenxi's arms in an instant. She hummed softly, "You stinky man, say that you are irresponsible, but you have invaded me again and again. You really don't dare to kill you."

With the wave of the jade hand, the pressure in the whole field was suddenly concentrated on Chenxi!

However, the pressure was concentrated on Chenxi, but he did not kill Chenxi immediately.

Chenxi also became under pressure at this moment. He immediately shouted, "As long as you are human, I will be responsible!" But you must give me a reason why you believe that you are human!"

He doesn't want to die! If you die now, it's better to have a romantic life before you die. Maybe this girl is really not a person who has become a Warcraft. In that case, you can earn it yourself!

"Okay, that's what you said." The girl hummed that she was originally teased because she was a little interested in Chenxi. During this period, she saw the man in front of her so much that she could not help **, but she also looked at it differently, but she didn't expect that the teasing was a little too much, and she didn't expect such a situation to make the man take away his first kiss and even touch it. The Holy Female Peak that no one has ever violated!

The mother's explanation, coupled with this man who took the first kiss, the girl really doesn't want to kill him. Of course, there is another important reason that the teenager in front of him has great potential and is eye-catching.

"I swear by my soul, as long as you are human! I dare to be responsible!" Chen Xi said loudly. While talking, the bloody tongue licked his lips and recalled the smell.

"Then come with me!" The girl waved her hand gently, took the field back, moved gently, and took the lead to the cabin in the grass.

Chenxi didn't say anything, and his strength was so different that he couldn't escape from the holy strong man at all. He also followed the girl and flew to the cabin.

Soon, the girl opened the door of the cabin and took the lead, and Chenxi also followed.

The cabin is not big, only one bed, one table, two stools, and some other daily necessities.

The girl did it and said, "You said this is a fantasy, so I'll tell you that this is a boundary. Do you believe it!"

"The boundary?" Chenxi said with a little doubt. He thought for a moment and recalled the feeling when he entered here. I remember that when he entered here at that time, he also felt like passing through a transparent wall, just like entering the temple with the skeleton of a mythical beast. This feeling was very death!

"Maybe it's really a boundary! I have entered a boundary today, and it feels the same as here!" Chenxi nodded.

" Well, as long as you know!" The girl nodded and said, "As for the spiders you are talking about, ha - that's just the descendants of my mother's contract warcraft and her contract warcraft."

"It is also known that insect-type monsters can rarely become human, and ghost spiders are one of them that cannot become human!" The girl continued to explain, "My mother's name was also very famous in the outside world, and her name was called the spider saint!" Ha ha,————Some people who hate or disagree with my mother call her Black Widow! Of course, this is because of the ghost spider.

"Black Widow! You said your mother was a black widow!————Oh, I'm sorry, it's a spider saint!" Chenxi was surprised at first, but later realized that the name Black Widow was a little disrespectful.

Black Widow! Spider Saint!

These two names are amazing! As a student of Mowu College, although Chenxi is mostly practicing, he has still heard many legends of the heavenly plane, and the name Black Widow Spider Saint is one of the holy strong men who once resounded in the heavenly plane!

Legend: In those years, the black widow and the spider saint fought alone with five holy-level strong men and successfully killed two people and escaped calmly. Even after the black widow fled, two of the other three dead people died because of the poison of the black widow in their bodies. That is to say, the battle of the black widow was not only from five The holy strongman escaped and killed four holy strong men one after another! This is an appalling thing, and it is not for this reason that the Black Widow killed all the holy strong men of the Temple of Light! You should know. The ancient power of the Temple of Light, their holy strong men have strong combat effectiveness, strong heavenly skills, and powerful heavenly skills, while the Black Widow killed the four holy strong men of the Temple of Light with the power of one person! This is naturally appalling. However, I didn't expect to escape here to live in seclusion.

"Hehe! So you have heard of my mother's name!" The girl smiled and said, "I didn't expect that after so many years, my mother's name is still so famous."

The name of the spider saint is like thunder. Now Chenxi believes that this girl is a human, not a warcraft. He is surprised and happy! Shockingly, if this girl is a human, then the responsibility can't escape (man, keep your word!). What's good is that if the girl is human, it means that she will not die.

"What about your mother? Her name resounded all over the mainland!" Chenxi asked, hold down the surprise and joy in his heart.

The girl's face was gloomy when she heard the words and said, "My mother died ten years ago. I'm the only one here now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect this!" Chenxi quickly apologized.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. It's been ten years." The girl shook her head and said, "Since you want to see my mother, come with me. I'm really a human."

With that, the girl took the lead and walked out.

"What is this? It's all about this game. Can I not believe it!" Chenxi smiled helplessly, but did not say anything and followed the girl.

The girl has always walked with her white jade-like feet walking in the void, and there is often a distance of five centimeters from the ground. Perhaps this is the reason that makes the girl's white feet have no scars.

Not long after, the girl took Chenxi to the back of the cabin. Chenxi saw a small grave in the distance.

The girl took Chenxi to the branch and said, "This is the tomb of my mother and father."

The grave has a tombstone half a meter high and 30 centimeters wide, depicting the tombs of Stia and Sariya, and some small characters.

Chenxi looked at the grave and suddenly felt that the girl was very pitiful. Ten years ago, that is to say, the girl had spent more than ten years alone in this small valley, without the company of her parents, and only one person was lonely.

"Hey! You have suffered all these years." Chenxi couldn't help sighing.

"Ha ha, I'm used to it." The girl smiled and said, "Besides, I still go out to play sometimes these years."

Although that's the case, Chenxi understood the suffering. He used to be an orphan and came alone since he was a child. Although he could go out, Chenxi knew some of the hardships. He couldn't help holding the girl and said, "Don't worry. With me, you won't do it again in the future. Lonely."

"Ye." The girl did not struggle, but answered softly.

Unconsciously, the distance between Chenxi and the girl has narrowed a lot. For a long time, the girl's red eyes are slightly better. She said, "My name is Sally Win. It's my mother's last name.

"Chenxi!" Chenxi said, "Like you, I have been an orphan since I was a child, but there have been some adventures over the years, so I have such cultivation. Otherwise, I will be busy with life every day.

"Ye." The girl also said, "Actually, my cultivation was passed on to me by my mother using secret methods, and I have only recently realized this stage of the field."

While talking, the two slowly walked to the cabin in close terms.

Chenxi said hesitantly, "That--Sallywin, I--I still have three girlfriends outside."

"What, you still have three girlfriends outside!" Sally Win was surprised and said, "I think you are quite gentle and can stand my **. Are you also a promiscuous person?"

When he spoke, he suddenly broke away from Chenxi's arm and looked a little angry, as if he was about to lose his temper.

Chenxi quickly explained, "No, it's not what you think. Ruyue and I are good friends of life and death, and we have been together for a long time to have feelings. I swear, I'm not a promiscuous person."

"Oh! What kind of thing is that? Tell me about it!" Sally Win was not so angry, but he was still separated from Chenxi and waited for his explanation.

"Ye! At that time, I was just a small soldier in the later stage of the second-class warrior. I was busy with life every day. One day, I met Irene in the forest. At that time..." Chenxi introduced the process of his encounter with Irene, Fengruyue and Olina and some past experiences little by little.
