Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 264 [Kill up the mountain]

"This--this is impossible!————I--I am a spiritual body of earth attributes, and I was born with a trace of earth attribute law————!" Nuhan said to himself as if he had lost his soul. He really couldn't believe that Chenxi was just a late-level warrior, but he could break his 'heaven and earth cage'. You know, this 'heaven and earth cage' is his killer all the time. It can be said that the other party can't break his 'heaven and earth cage'. Then, he can completely lock the white people shrouded in the "heaven and earth cage" in it for a lifetime. Even if he can't be locked up, he can also become a constraint to let his side kill his opponent in this area and make his opponent have no way to escape!

All this was expected by Chenxi. He smiled evilly and didn't care at all. He ignored the soulless appearance of the angry man. At the moment of breaking the 'cage of heaven and earth', he quickly flew out. The speed was so fast that it could be said that it was a wind and lightning, and even nine turns of wind steps were used to come out!

"Stupid, that boy came here, why don't you chase him quickly! If you don't get the fruit, I'll ask you!" The indifferent woman said angrily.

"Oh.————Good... OK, I'll go after it!" The angry man was recovered by the indifferent woman's words and immediately chased Chenxi quickly.

Humph! Chasing me, don't look at what role you are!

Chenxi sneered at the corners of his mouth. While using it in nine turns, the law of spatial attributes suddenly operated, and his body immediately shuttled from the two-dimensional space, appearing at a distance of 20 meters away in a blink of an eye!

This is the longest distance that Chenxi's spatial attribute law can shuttle so far. This time, there is no time gap, which directly turns the distance between Chenxi and Essia, the woman who went to pick natural fruits, greatly pulling back the previous loss because it was blocked inside the 'cage of heaven and earth'. Lost time! At this time, the distance between Chenxi and Nuhan directly became 278 meters.

You should know that the sword awn of the warrior can be said to become longer with the improvement of his cultivation, and the attack distance has also become longer. When the sword awn is a third-level warrior, the fourth-level warrior is two meters, the fifth-level warrior is three meters, the sixth level is four meters, the seventh level is eight meters, eight nine meters, and the ninth level is only ten meters away, even if it is the sky Fu's very powerful spirit can only increase the attack distance by 50%, that is to say, the attack distance of the angry man's sword is only 15 meters at most, but the distance between Chenxi and Nuhan has become 278 meters, so the angry man can only watch Chenxi's attack Lily dry and stare!

Just five meters away, Chenxi smiled!

Although the application of the law takes about a minute to apply it again, in such a short distance, the speed of Esia flying in front of her is slower than that of Chenxi after nine turns in the wind. Now there is still 300 meters away from the top of the mountain! Chenxi is confident that he can catch up with Esia within such a distance and exceed it!

Chenxi judged directly from the energy used when flying in Esia that this Esia is a wind attribute magician, and the speed is estimated to be the fastest in the All Saints College! However, the good thing is that magicians can rarely compare with warriors in this aspect of fighting spirit cultivation, so that they can be a little faster than Esia when Chenxi uses nine turns!

The distance between Chenxi and Esia is getting closer, and the pilot Esia frowned slightly, and her spiritual sense tells her that the distance between Chenxi and her is getting closer!

After made up her mind, Esia's red lips moved slightly and recited the ancient spell. In an instant, the staff in her hand shook gently. Suddenly, a large area of wind blade came out and roared fiercely to Chenxi!

The wind blade is just one of the magic levels, but at this moment, dozens of wind blades have appeared, and the power has become extraordinary because Esia is a nine-level magician! Chenxi did not dare to neglect. The sword of thunder appeared in his hand, and an instant a ten-meter-long sword light appeared on the sword of thunder!

Chenxi held the sword of thunder and stirred fiercely. Under the stirring of the sword, suddenly, a rumbling sound sounded, and dozens of wind blades were destroyed!

"Hmm! Since you are not kind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!" Chenxi was angry. He never wanted to attack this woman, but this woman took the lead in attacking him. He suddenly became angry. Under the wind, he avoided the rest of the wind blades. The ten-meter-long huge sword light on the cloth of Thunder cut down fiercely towards Esia!

Esia is only seven meters away from Chenxi. With this cut, Esia is right under the blade of the sword!

"Humph!!" Essia snorted angrily, and her small body suddenly blurred. In a blink of an eye, the house turned into a breeze, and the huge sword suddenly just cut into the void! I haven't cut Esia at all!

Chenxi's pupil shrinks slightly. Unexpectedly, this Esia is also a natural wind attribute spirit body, and it is also a wind-like natural wind attribute law, which is a little tricky!

Esia changed into a breeze. In just a moment, it appeared at a distance of about 278 meters in front of Chenxi, and the distance from Chenxi opened in a blink of an eye!

However, the wind's march also has time, and Chenxi's crossing of the two-dimensional space has no time difference, and there is no time gap at all. Chenxi immediately appeared and gathered with Esia for no more than seven or eight meters!

"The dance of wind and spirit, roaring in the sky!" Escia recited the spell at the moment she landed, and recited the spell in a very short time. She drank softly and waved the staff. Immediately, a huge dragon wind with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared and roared towards Chenxi. The speed was extremely fast!

In the roar, unparalleled momentum is raging! The wind and clouds are changing and earth-shaking! A large number of gold-eating fire ants were affected and involved in it, and suddenly died!

The attack power of the wind dragon to turn the storm is extremely powerful! And when this dragon-turning storm appeared, Chenxi was in the center. He became the most concentrated point of the whole dragon-turning storm attack for a moment! Although Chenxi's body is condensed with extremely heavy and powerful defensive armor, Chenxi becomes wobbly in the storm at this moment, only turning more with the storm, and his body's armor is also constantly tinkling and dissipating rapidly!

"Babaka! Hurry up and become armor! Help me get through the difficulties!!" Chenxi shouted anxiously! He doesn't want to be buried in this tornado!

"Okay. I will become armor!" Babaka responded in his mind and immediately turned into a silver armor!

Suddenly, Chenxi became a silver god of war, and at this moment, Esia's dragon-turning storm could no longer cause any damage to Chenxi. Even Babaka helped Chenxi stabilize his body, and he was no longer driven by the strong wind as before!

"Presumably Babaka has recovered a lot now! Otherwise, it can't be so easy!"

Chenxi thought to himself, but he did not dare to neglect at all. At this moment, he flew rapidly and flew out of the area of the dragon-turning storm in just a moment!

However, the dragon-turning storm roared away! Chenxi was thrown away by more than 20 meters in this meal! But Esia has advanced more than ten meters! At this moment, the distance between Chenxi and Esia has become more than 50 meters!


Chenxi scolded fiercely, and suddenly accelerated his feet, and the nine-turn wandering wind suddenly appeared! I'm going to chase Essia!

"Huh, boy, you dream! Your opponent is me!" At this time, Nuhan, a strong man, appeared at the foot of Chenxi. He suddenly came out of the earth, and the door-like sword suddenly waved. Suddenly, a shocking sword light appeared and cut at Chenxi fiercely!

"Damn it! This guy will also escape!" Chenxi was surprised that he was only five or six meters away from the ground, and at this time he was just within the attack range of the angry man!