Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 279 [Slock is dead]

The wind is like the moon, Olina and Sally Wen looked at Chenxi eating the food Irene had fed. They couldn't help laughing. They repeatedly praised Irene's food very well, which must have been very delicious.

Irene was extremely happy when she heard the praise of the three of them with a stroke. After all, everyone likes to listen to good words, and Irene is no exception. She is also a little proud when her cooking skills are recognized.

"Delicious, delicious, the food cooked by Irene is the best." Chenxi said vaguely while chewing the dishes made by Irene. At the same time, he still kept a smile on his face. However, at this time, he smiled bitterly in his heart. The turkey ~ egg made by Irene was a fried egg. He was not sure about the temperature. Six points were already blurred, with a little black color, and added salt. I'm not sure. I put a little more and a little more oil. The feeling of eating is very chaotic, greasy-salty-bitter-, and several flavors are mixed together, which makes the taste of the egg very bad.

"This must be the first time Irene has cooked in her life." Chenxi thinks so. The food cooked by Erin was not delicious and bad, which directly showed that Irene had never cooked before, but this time she cooked for him herself. Chenxi was also a little moved. After all, this is Irene's intention, and he doesn't want Irene to feel ashamed.

"Ge, I knew the food I cooked was very delicious." Irene said proudly. Why don't you do this, Brother Chenxi? I will cook for you every day in the future so that you can enjoy it.


The wind is like the moon. Olina Sally Wen immediately covered her mouth when she heard the words. They looked at Chenxi's slightly distant expression and almost burst into tears, but they didn't laugh out loud.

"Oh, brother Chenxi, how about it? You should say something." Irene said. If you don't answer, I'll take it as if you agree. I'll cook a meal for you every day from now on.

"No, no, Erin." Irene's cooking is really unusually unpalatable. Although Chenxi has been cultivated, he is not confident that he can eat such an unpalatable meal for a long time without any questions.

"Irene, you are so beautiful. There are dirty things everywhere in the kitchen. Oil fumes and so on are the most harmful to your skin. That will make you look bad. You'd better not cook. Every time you let me cook, I'll just cook for you." In order not to be wronged in the future, Chenxi couldn't help telling a small lie and didn't care about so many people here.

"That--that--." Hearing Chenxi's words, Ai Lin was a little embarrassed. Her pretty face turned red and muttered like a mosquito. Well - brother Chenxi, in this case, I will listen to you.

"Ye�. Then it's a deal. Don't cook in the future, so as not to hurt your skin. Chenxi was finally relieved and would not treat his stomach badly in the future.

"But--Brother Chenxi, now you are still injured and can't cook, so let me cook for a while." Irene said again.


"No, let Ruyue cook, and I think it only takes me a day or two to recover, and then I can cook for myself." Chenxi secretly wiped a handful of sweat and said quickly. At this time, he still felt a little uncomfortable and had not recovered from his injury. Otherwise, he would have stood up and jumped and said that he was cooking by himself.

I can't help it. Irene's cooking is too poisonous. Chenxi is a little afraid that his stomach can't stand it. In that case, if there is frequent diarrhea, it will be bad.

"Oh... In fact, Sister Ruyue and I cook the same. Her cooking will also damage her skin. Anyway, it will be damaged. Let me bear the damage. Ailin's heart was sweet. Chenxi defended her and didn't let her touch the oil smoke. She felt that Chenxi cared about her very much.

"Uh--this is actually... In fact, Ruyue will cook without any damage. She is a light magician. When cooking, the light element will protect her all the time, so she can cook and keep herself from being harmed. Chenxi lied again and said to Feng Ruyue, "Ruyue, don't you think so?"

What is the food cooked by Irene? Anyone who has cooked the food knows that it is very bad. Feng Ruyue has already seen it, and several people laugh secretly in the back. Feng Ruyue heard Chenxi's words and knew what Chenxi was thinking. She smiled and said, "Yes, Irene, only I can cook without being hurt. Let me cook Chenxi's brother's meal."

After a pause, Feng Ruyue saw that Irene still had some hesitation and seemed to want to cook. She said, "What else do you think? Cooking is harmful to you. It's not good to become ugly in the future."

"Oh. Well, in that case, let Sister Ruyue cook for you. Irene thought for a while and felt that Feng Ruyue was reasonable and for her good, so she nodded.

Irene finally stopped insisting on cooking. Chenxi breathed a sigh of relief and could no longer be cruel to her stomach in the future.


People are gregarious. Everyone will have their own circle and their own friends and relatives. Chenxi is no exception. He also has many friends. Obak is one of them. Only a few hours after Chenxi woke up, Obak came to visit Chenxi.

Of course, he was with Obak and his girlfriend Moleyni.

"Chenxi. You finally woke up. Your injury worries me a lot. Obacker was not as shy as before. He smiled and hugged Maurini, and the two walked in together.

"Yes, your big boss is injured, and my employee is very worried. If something happens to you and no one creates it, the business will go bankrupt." Morini said with a smile.

"Ha ha. This is nothing. This is not the first time I've been injured. It won't be long before I get better. Chenxi shook his head and smiled. Besides, as long as I'm not dead, I can write about this song. It doesn't matter if I get a little hurt.

This is the truth. Chenxi's so-called creation of songs are all plagiarized products. You just need to think about it in your mind, and you don't need to use his brainpower at all.

"Don't get me wrong, that's not what I mean." Morini waved his hand quickly. I'm just joking with you if something happens to you."

"Hehe, I know you're joking." Chenxi smiled helplessly.

"Ha ha, Lini, Chenxi won't misunderstand you. Don't worry." Obaak patted Morini on the shoulder and smiled.

"That's right, why haven't I seen Slock today? As usual, when this guy saw me come back, he must be the first to come to see if I would bring back something good. It's been so long and I haven't seen him yet. It doesn't seem like his personality." Chenxi asked. He has been awake for hours, but Slock, who has always liked to put good things on him, can't see anyone.

"Isn't this guy obsessed with another beautiful woman? He hasn't seen anyone for so long." Chenxi added that he was very clear about the character of Slock. Except for a beautiful woman, it was impossible for this guy to come back, but he could not see anyone.

Hearing Chenxi's words, everyone in the room was silent, and even Obak, who Chenxi asked, did not answer.

Chenxi sensed something wrong. He frowned and asked, "Ruyue, what's going on? Why are you all right when I ask about this?"

In the face of Chenxi's question, the room suddenly fell into silence.

For a while, Feng Ruyue said with some difficulty: "Slock is dead."