Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 284 [Re advent of the Magic City]3

For Chenxi, Ciroy was very impressed. In just over a year, this little guy was just a six-level warrior. At that time, he had been favored by Lord Ante, a god-level strongman, and he had sent him some good things. Now, it has only been more than a year. It has been more than a year since the rise of the sixth-level warrior and become a ninth-level warrior. As usual, in the past year, even if ordinary people have changed from the early stage of the sixth-level warrior to the middle of the sixth-level warrior, it is already amazing. Even those spiritual geniuses, in such a short year For a long time, it is good to be able to become a seven-level warrior from a six-level warrior. Even if it is so powerful, it is extreme to become an eight-level warrior. However, Chenxi, a little guy, is not a natural spirit, but can become a nine-level warrior in just over a year. This is simply It's a non-human, and Ciroy almost said that this guy is a monster.

"This little guy is worthy of Lord Ante's favor." Roy sighed in his heart.

"Oh, no, he has become a nine-level warrior now. It won't be long before he becomes a holy strongman. It can't be said to be a little guy. You can already make friends with me." In a flash of thought, Ciroy said to himself again.

This is a world where the strong are respected, not a world that respects because of old age, so Ciroy thinks so again!

The strong are respected, and only the strong can win the respect of others and let others look at you equally, no matter how old they are!

"Ha ha, Brother Roy laughed." Chenxi heard Roy's words and said with a smile. Brother Ciroy is now a holy strongman. And now I'm tens of thousands of years old. I can't live so long. If I die, everything will be floating clouds.

"hehe." Ci Roy laughed. Everyone liked to hear the good words, and Chen Xi was telling the truth. Ci Roy smiled for a moment and said, "This is not a ability. This is all the help of Lord Ante. Otherwise, I would have died now, and it is impossible for me to exist in this world at all."

"The Chenxi brothers said that they had gone too far and improved their speed with your current cultivation. I believe that if you can become a god-level strong man within a hundred years, you won't have to worry about your age. Therefore, the age you mentioned and how long you live is not a problem at all. Roy shook his head and smiled.

Cultivation can also be said to be a way to prolong your life. Before the nine-level warrior, the human body was slowly strengthening. When it reaches the nine-level warrior, then under normal circumstances, this person can live to 150 to 200 years old and become a holy strong man. Then, this person's age, It will reach a terrible growth and suddenly soar to 500 years old! And when people reach the divine level, their lives will grow more horribly, so Ciroy will say so.

"Ha, that being said, there will still be a lot of changes, and there is also a holy barrier between the ninth level and the holy level. Besides, many people dream of the divine level, but for so many years, how many people have not reached the divine level, and many people have stopped before the divine level, and eventually it will be For a slope of loess." Chenxi shook his head and said.

"There is always hope if you continue to practice, at least in my opinion. You are still very likely." Roy laughed.

The divine level is a mysterious level, and the second Roy has never reached it. He doesn't know how to become a god level and what he can do after becoming a god level. Previously, it was said that Chenxi could become a god level within a hundred years, which was also casually said.

"Maybe." Chenxi laughed.

"Look, General Ciroy is so close to this human being."

"Oh, it's true. It seems that the two of them look good. Can't they--"

"Well, what do you know? This human came to us when our demons saw the sun and earth again. That's what I saw. It's not strange."

"Real. What's going on?"

"I heard that Lord Ante summoned me."

"Oh. So that's what it looks like. I thought there was something else."

"Go, your brother idiot, if Lord Ci Roy hears it, be careful."


Since the emergence of the demon capital, human beings have fought against the demon capital again and again to destroy the demon capital, and Chenxi is a human being. Has his arrival and talked to each other with Ci Roy? Some people talk and laugh have also attracted the attention of the dead in the demon capital, all kinds of skeletons, zombies, knights and so on. Ling saw Chenxi and Ci Roy talking on the road and talked about it one after another. All kinds of private voices kept making Chenxi a little laugh and cry.

"These undead think that their words have not been heard. Fortunately, Roy doesn't care much. Chenxi looked at him like this in his heart and also sweated for these nonsense undeads. If Roy wanted to investigate, these undeads would suffer one by one.

It has been more than a year since I came to the magic capital. At that time, the magic capital had just come out of the ground. After more than a year, the old shabby demons have taken on a new look. They are no longer as shabby everywhere as before, but replaced by new houses.

In the center of the whole magic capital, the city owner's mansion, where Ante lived, has now become an ancient castle with a height of seven or eight floors, which is extremely magnificent. Even on the wall outside the city lord's mansion, there are many magic arrays. Chenxi believes that as long as he is attacked, all the magic arrays will be in the first time. It operates within to achieve the purpose of defense.

Chenxi is also a person who has seen the world. Therefore, although he was a little surprised, he did not say it. He just quietly followed Roy and entered the city lord's mansion.

"Lord Ante, I have brought Chenxi." Ci Roy took Chenxi to a living room and said respectfully to the handsome Ante as always.

"Okay, you go down first." Ante waved his hand with a smile and looked at Chenxi with admiration and said, Chenxi, it has only been more than a year, and you have become a nine-level warrior, and the speed of cultivation is very fast.

"Thank you for your compliment." Chenxi said neither humble nor arrogant. After all, Ante is a god-level strongman, and Chenxi is still a little restrained. In fact, it is thanks to Lord Ante's water of life that I can cultivate to level 9 soldiers so quickly. Otherwise, I'm just a level 6 or 7 warrior now.

"Ha ha, nothing, it's just a small matter." Ante shook his head and pointed to a stool and said, "Don't be restrained. Sit down."

"Ye." Chenxi nodded and sat down.

Although Ante is a god-level strongman, he is not serious at all. He is very amiable, and Chenxi's slightly nervous heart is also relieved.

"It's been more than a year. I haven't seen you come here. Is there anything wrong with you coming here this time?" Ante asked.

"Uh--." Chenxi smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, Lord Ante, I really have something to come here."

"Uh..... I have one thing that I want to... I want to trouble you, but I don't know if I can...?"

"Ha ha, say it, I can depend on the situation."

After all, Ante is a god-level strongman, and there will still be pressure in front of the god-level strongman. Chenxi was relieved when he heard Ante's words and thought, 'It's just to ask about a person's life or death, and Ante should have agreed.' With such a mood, Chenxi said, "Lord Ante, it's like this. I have a friend who disappeared because of the war some time ago. I don't know if he is still on your side. His name is Slock, and he is a seven-level warrior."

"This is not easy to find. There are too many seven-level soldiers. Maybe they have died on the battlefield."