Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 289 [City Lord]

Ant is a god-level strongman, and he is not bad for Chenxi. Although Chenxi has some doubts that Ante is a person who sleeps in the coffin in the boundary of the Holy Light Continent, Ante did not mention this aspect, and Chenxi will not mention this aspect.

After all, the god-level strongman will naturally have his own ideas and plans. If Ante intends to tell Chenxi, he will say it. If Chenxi asks, it will be thankless.

Chenxi won't do such a stupid thing.

I want Slock to go back with himself and refine his spirit. Chenxi got Ante's permission, and after talking to Ci Roy, Chenxi left the City of the Dead with Slock.

Slock is now the body of the dead, and it is easy to see his identity just by looking at his face. Therefore, Chenxi asked Sloc to dress up all over with impenetrable armor and a pair of metal fist covers in his hand. He looks like a warrior who specializes in fighting with his fists, and Sloc The head was also covered with a cover, and the whole person looked extremely mysterious.

Crossing the sinking pool along the way, although many people paid attention to and talked about the strange combination of Chenxi and Slock, nothing big happened.

The route chosen by Chenxi and Slock is the city controlled by Slock's father - Zhufeng City.

In order not to attract the attention of others, Chenxi and Slock's new speed was not very fast, and nothing happened after walking most of the journey. It took a long time to enter Zhufeng City. Unconsciously, he came to the city master's mansion of Zhufeng City.

Zhufeng City was once the city controlled by Slock's father, and the city owner's mansion was Sloc's former home. He was born and grew up in Si, and once played all over this sinking pool, but now things are different, and the city owner of Zhufeng City has also changed.

Here, Sloc couldn't help slowing down.

Chenxi also stopped, and he fully understood Sloc's current mood.

During the war, Zhufeng City has long become a bird-like city. It is in tension all the time, and there are many soldiers walking on the street at any time to maintain public security in the city.

There are many soldiers guarding the gate of the city master's mansion, which has become the command center of a barracks.

Dozens of soldiers in front of the gate of the city owner's mansion, separated on both sides, wearing armor and guarding without squinting.

Just as Chenxi and the others stopped, a burly man in dark and shiny scales and a sword on his waist walked towards the city master's mansion. At every step, the boots made of unknown metal under his feet clicked.

This big man is burly, two meters high, with a beard on his face and a flying image.

When Zhang Fei saw Chenxi and Slock, his eyes suddenly lit up. He accelerated his pace and walked behind Chenxi and Slock. He patted Chenxi on the shoulder with his big hand and buzzed, "Now my dark empire needs soldiers and fierce generals. Boy, I think your cultivation is good. Are you a soldier? How about being a soldier under my account? I'll give you a vanguard position."

Chenxi didn't pay attention to the descendants. Suddenly, he was patted on the shoulder. When he turned around, a man appeared behind him and said that he would be a soldier with him. Chenxi didn't want to be a disease. He was against the Dark Empire and the Dark Temple. The two forces were extremely disgusted. He stretched out his hand blankly to move away his big hand and said, "I don't have the intention to be a soldier."

The fierce Zhang Fei was one head higher than Chenxi. He looked at Chenxi condescendingly. He thought Chenxi would agree, but he didn't expect to be rejected. He put his big hand on Chenxi's shoulder and didn't let Chenxi open his arm and said, "As the people of my dark empire, I should fight for the country! You should be a soldier."

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Chenxi shook his head, used his fighting spirit slightly, and took his heavy iron arms away from his shoulders: "I'm not from the dark empire."

"Hmm! The dark empire has a teleportation array in three places: the mercenary union, the adventurer guild, and the royal family of the dark empire. At such a young age, this boy can't come from the adventurer guild and the mercenary union at all. Zhang Fei snorted angrily and shouted, "Kid, you still want to lie to me! As a citizen of the empire, but does not contribute to the empire, this crime should be punished!"

"Come on! Arrest this boy for me."

"Yes, General Tianyi!" The soldiers guarding the gate of the city's mansion answered in unison. As soon as the voice fell, all the soldiers guarding the Acropolis's mansion rushed to Chenxi and Slock. Looking at their momentum, they were all eight-level soldiers in the early stage.

"The dark empire is indeed the only empire on this undead continent." Chenxi sighed a little.

"Kid, it's time for you to work for the country." General Zhang Fei shouted, his arms as thick as steel flashed, and lightning came to Chenxi.

"General Tianyi, forget it, he is not from our dark empire." Just as Chenxi wanted to take action, a young man's voice came out, "You all returned to your posts." The last sentence was said to the soldiers guarding the main palace of the Acropolis.

Yes! City owner." The soldiers answered in unison and immediately ran quickly to their original position.

"What's going on?" General Tianyi took back his lightning palm and turned his head and asked, "Do you know it well?"

When this sound sounded, Sloc was tight all over, his forehead was blue, his hands clenched into fists, and his teeth almost clenched, and he couldn't wait forefinger meat.

"Ha ha, of course, Chenxi and I know each other." The young man came from the city master's mansion to Chenxi with a smile, "Chenxi and I know each other in the holy cities. He is the proud son of heaven in the magic martial arts academy of the holy cities."

"Oh, Christine, is he a student of Magic Martial Arts College?" General Tianyi was surprised.

This young new city owner is Christine who plotted to kill Slock and his father.

"Yes, he is very famous in the Magic Martial Arts College." Christine walked to Chenxi with a smile and said. Chenxi, I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know how Irene is?

Looking at Christine with a soft smile in front of her, as if she had not harmed Slock and Slock's father before, Chenxi had a fierce idea of punching this guy in the face and beating his handsome face into a pig's head!

Slock is even more so. He can't wait to kill the father-killing enemy in front of him, but he is not an opponent yet!

Slock wants to kill Christine with his own hands, and wants to kill Kristen with his own strength!

It is obviously impossible to be an opponent at present!

Slock clenched his fists, resisted the idea of punching this girl, and kept saying to himself, "Slock, hold back. In the future, when you become strong, you become a level 9 and a holy strong man. In the future, you will humiliate him a hundred times, 10,000 times, and cut him with thousands of knives..."

Chenxi wanted to do it now, but Sloc did not do it. After thinking about it, he knew that Sloc wanted to do it himself in the future. Thinking of this, Chenxi decided not to deal with Christine for the time being.

"Irene is very good. She is my girlfriend now. I hope you won't pester her anymore." Chenxi said mercilessly.

"Oh. Is that so?" Christine raised her eyebrows and said, "It's okay to have a girlfriend, as long as she's not a wife."

Hearing Christine's answer, Chen Xi really had an idea of beat this guy to a pig's head. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, I will have a wedding with Irene soon."

Chenxi is not going to take care of the matter between

and several women for a long time. He has already decided that he will hold a wedding with them after the Holy City College Competition. For now, it is only about a year.