Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 305 [Secret in the Sword]

Fortunately, there are not many parents on both sides. Only Irene and Feng Ruyue have parents, otherwise I really don't know how many things will happen. Chenxi experienced the questions of his father-in-law and mother-in-law on both sides, and he really sweated coldly. He is not afraid, but does not want to cause a relationship with his future father-in-law and mother-in-law because of something. Very stiff.

After taking a breath of relief, Chenxi left the house where Feng Ruyue's parents were.

At present, his relatives and friends who have related to him have taken over, and all of them have settled into the magic capital, and his heart is relieved.

Of course, there would not be so many people just for Irene and Feng Ruyue's parents, but in addition to some very close brothers, sisters, and some necessary maids and servants on the side of Irene and Feng Ruyue's parents, there are only more than 30 people.

Fortunately, now it is just a temporary shelter from the limelight. After the investigation of Charukou, these people can still occasionally go back to their hometown, shop, do business and so on. Of course, Modu has now become the base of everyone and is also a home.

After seeing the arrival of these people, Ante, the god-level strongman of the city of the demon capital, made a very important decision, that is, to turn defense into attack and no longer squat in the demon capital. The undead army began to march towards the city of the dark empire and decided to destroy the dark empire and establish a peace between human beings and the dead. The new empire that coexists - the Atlantis Empire!

At the same time, this empire also has another name, the new Mayan Kingdom!

So, the dark empire began to fall into a chaotic war!

In fact, there are still some reasons for Xu Chenxi's decision, because in this way, these people can live a normal life!

Of course, the main reason is that Ante wants to rebuild a Mayan empire and continue the country that has been glorious for tens of thousands of years. At the same time, it is also to give the dead an environment to survive and coexist peacefully with human beings!

After receiving the news, all the undead in the city of the dead were cheered and encouraged. As the undead of the owner of the once human memory, they even danced, and the skeletons creaked, which was very interesting.

The time to turn defense into attack is the third day when Chenxi and others came to this city. The next day is to prepare some powerful weapons such as magic crystal cannons!

On the third day, Norton, as a guard, kept his hand to the city of the dead and was attacked by the other side, while Ciroy, as the attacking side, made a full-scale attack!

The third day is the time for the army to attack, and it is also the time for Chenxi to solve family trifles. After spending a happy day with many people, Chenxi also decided to sort out a split that absorbed the divine strongman. It seems to be a little different. There are letters from the dark sword with a lot of information. Xi!

Stepping into the cultivation secret room in the lord's mansion of the city owner of Ante, Chenxi sat on a huge tunic made of the best crystal in the secret room and took out the dark sword that was silent in the space bracelet.

The dark fighting spirit slowly injected into the dark sword, and Chenxi began to slowly communicate with the dark sword.

A trace, a little, a small mass...

More and more fighting gas was injected, and a trace of spirituality of the dark sword began to react. Soon, the dark sword in Chenxi's hand buzzed.

In an instant, a lot of information came out of Chenxi's mind~!

The fighting spirit continued to slowly inject the dark sword to prevent the information from disappearing. Chenxi began to sort out the information in the dark sword little by little.

The Dark Sword is the instrument given to him by the first generation of temple lords, which is the holy weapon given to him by the master of the first generation of lord!

However, there is not much information about the old man Yin and Yang. Although Chenxi is interested, there is nothing he can do.

Next is some special abilities in the Dark Sword and some combat skills in the Dark Sword that can be learned!

These things made Chenxi very happy, because he has been strengthened again since then!

Power bonus of combat skills: the initial bonus is 50%, and after thorough mastering it, it can be doubled!

Soul Vortex: Create a large or small soul vortex. The smaller the whirlpool, the stronger it is. Similar to it, the more souls you absorb, the stronger the power. It can defeat the ghosts of the world.

Soul space: a chaotic space of the class to store all kinds of absorbed souls.

Soul control: The soul sucked like soul space will become muddle-headed, and the past will be completely controlled by the sword master.

Heavenly Soul Chopping: Instantly burn the soul in the soul space, burning

The power of the soul converges into an invisible soul.

Soul Eater: When the sword body pierces the enemy's body, it will cause heavy damage to the soul of this person, and the weak soul will be directly swallowed up.

Soul explosion: Control the appearance of the soul in the soul space and explode in an instant. The more souls you explode, the more powerful it is!

Soul refining: refine the soul in the soul space, transform it into a pure soul, and provide it to the sword master for absorption. Refining regardless of the level, the divine level is no exception.

shi explosion: control the corpse explosion in an instant.

The cathode of yin and yang: the cathode in the yin and yang Taiji, which is the ability of cooperation between the Lord of the Dark Temple and the Lord of the Temple of Light to create the Yin and Yang Taiji. This ability has the power of rotating stars, which can transfer 30% of the opponent's attacks, which is equivalent to the great movement of the universe.

These are the skills contained in the Dark Sword that Chenxi learned after summarizing. Generally speaking, they are very powerful. Most of them are based on the skill of soul space, but Chenxi can directly believe in their power. These skills are very powerful!

Soul attack is often the most mysterious attack, invisible and very rare, and the dark sword is not only a ghost or soul nemesis, and even each of its skills is a top combat skill!

"The dark sword is indeed above the artifact, the inheritance of the owner of the ancient dark temple! It's so powerful!" Chenxi knew the power contained in the Dark Sword, and he couldn't help sighing.

However, thinking of this, Chenxi couldn't help thinking of some other situations: this dark sword is the inheritance of the Lord of the Dark Temple...

"Hey hey...!" Chenxi smiled secretly, but when he thought about it, he gave up this idea. After all, the Dark Temple has passed through the current Lord of the Dark Temple. Chek has been operating for hundreds and thousands of years, but the person in this ancient power has cultivated his cronies for hundreds of years. It is impossible for him to be recognized by them alone. Of course, the most important thing is that Chenxi himself does not want to be the lord of any dark temple. This is a very annoying thing. He doesn't want to restrain himself. Even if he becomes strong in the future, he will not be the lord of the temple. Even if the people of the dark temple cry and beg him to be the lord of the temple, he will not agree.

I still want to go back to the earth. How can I be the shopkeeper of the Dark Temple?

A sword above the artifact is the inheritance of the Dark Temple. There is a lot of secrets in it, and the amount of information is also very huge. Chenxi's enlightenment has passed for a month, which makes Chenxi constantly sigh. Time is really meaningless for practitioners. This is a little One understanding is that it has been so long.

However, things have not been played yet. The Dark Sword is the first, and he has another harvest, Tianyunjie!

This ring contains the void big handprint, Tianyun big handprint, Tianxuan seven kills,. He just glanced at the cultivation methods of heaven-eating combat skills. At the beginning, he just glanced at these abilities. Because the timing was not right, he did not have a deep understanding of them. At this time, it was time to sort out the combat skills written in the Tianyun Ring.

After all, in this Tianyun ring, the empty big hand seal, Tianyun big hand seal, Tianxuan seven kills. The sky-eating combat skills are all good things. He doesn't want to let go, and the most important thing is that he feels that Tianxuan seven kills. Heaven-eating is very suitable for the black hole whirlpool. He guessed that if this ability is combined with the rotation method of the black hole in the body, the power will far exceed the power of using the third variant of nine-turn thunder fist!