Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 354 [Mystery of the World]

Green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch, Xuanwu four holy beasts, decibels protect the four directions, protect the peace of the world, kill the world's demons, let the world, the world live, the four seas, and the people at dawn are happy and healthy.

Since ancient times, there have been too many ancient myths in the land of China, Honghuang, Xianxia, Pangu Kaitian, Sanqing Daozun, Sanqing Siyu, 333 world...

An ancient legend, in which there are real and some people are fictional. No one can tell which is true or false. They don't know which one is true and that is false. However, now, Chenxi and Chu Yunnan have become the lord of the green dragon and the lord of the white tiger, and have communicated with the green dragon and the white tiger. There is also a dragon in front of us, which shows that God does exist, and the four holy beasts also exist.

The four holy beasts are originally to protect the four directions. They were born to protect the land of China and protect the four seas of China. However, with the changes of the earth, the four holy beasts have to grow in another world, and their responsibility is still the same. However, when they grow up in this land, they naturally need to protect this land.

What's more, the world of clean concrete is not suitable for the growth of the four holy beasts at all. This world has become the only place for the growth of the four holy beasts. No matter from which aspect you come from, it is necessary and responsible!

These truths can be easily figured out. Chenxi and Chu Yunnan understood the reason with just a little thought. They all nodded to show their understanding and promised to protect this land.

"Ha ha, as long as you know, this is the only place where the four holy beasts grow. You must guard it." Shenlong smiled and said, "In those years, I was also a green dragon, but the body has perished for a long time. Now it has only come out for only one day. After that, it will disappear."

"So, why is the Luoshui turtle here?" Chenxi changed the topic and didn't want to talk about the fact that the dragon would disappear. After all, this matter was a little too sad, but the dragon had already died and dissipated, which was the result sooner or later.

"Haha... that old turtle, haha... That old turtle is not bad. Originally, he was also Xuanwu among the four holy beasts, but later he was taken to by Hongjun Daozu and made it a mount. In addition, Hongjun ancestor also has another mount, that is, the dragon horse, that is, the Yellow River dragon horse." Shenlong smiled and said, "The old turtle and the dragon horse are not bad. Because they have something to do with Hongjun's ancestors, their life expectancy has been extended a lot. Unlike me, they have died a long time ago. They are the founders of the world. That is to say, our four holy beasts can come to this world by the old turtle and dragon horse. You are Death on earth is just a fake phenomenon.

"..." Hearing Shenlong's words, Chenxi had an impulse to curse and fake death. Although this matter was beneficial to him and made him the Lord of the Green Dragon, his parents on earth suffered a great crime. I don't know how many hearts were hurt for his son's death. In the end, it turned out that it was just It's just a bureau.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it. The world needs the protection of the four holy beasts." Shenlong seemed to see Chen Xi's idea and sighed, "Don't care too much. After all, the world is the most important."

This is the so-called choice between everyone and the small family!

Chenxi and Chu Yunnan nodded, but they didn't care too much. After all, this matter is just a small matter, and their parents are sad for a while. The world is hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years, and the world is born, including parents!!

"I don't know why Ito came to this world. Maybe it's because of the devil. After all, the old turtle and the dragon horse will not let such a villain in." Shenlong said again.

When it comes to the yin demon, Chenxi thought of the Hongjun Taoist ancestor mentioned by Shenlong. He immediately had an idea and asked, "Dragon, didn't you say that Hongjun Taoist ancestor exists? With his body and incarnate the heavenly Tao, he can even open up such a world. How powerful Hongjun Daozu should be? A peerless demon like Yin Demon. Hongjun Daozu can be destroyed with just one finger!"

This is indeed a very big question. In the myth and legend of the earth, Hongjun Daozu is the first strong man except for the Pangu god who has turned into a land of China. The three corpses have been cut off long ago and have already reached the realm of heaven, incarnated as the heaven and control of the operation of heaven. At the same time, it is also myths and legend. The only one who incarnates the way of heaven! It can be said that if Hongjun's ancestor is really as powerful as the legend, then as long as Hongjun wants to take action and wave his hand, he can destroy the demon!

"Yinmo, Hongjun...haha..." Shenlong laughed when he heard this: "Pangu, do you know how the land of China was formed?"

"Pangu opened the world, Pangu turned its body into mountains and rivers, sun and moon and star city." Chenxi said.

"If this is true, open up a world, that is to say, a great god needs to die?" Chu Yunnan frowned and said what he was thinking.

"Correct solution!" Shenlong praised Chu Yunnan and said, "Hongjun... Demon, they are alone!"

"What!! Hongjun and the dark demon are one person!!!" Chenxi's eyes almost stared out. Shenlong's answer was simply too terrible. Yinmo and Hongjun were the same person. How could this be possible!

It's not only Chenxi who is surprised, but also Chu Yunnan. He is also extremely surprised about this matter and unbelievable!

Hongjun is the incarnation of heaven. In myths and legends, he is the first person other than Pangu, but the dark demon is the first demon in the world, and Hongjun is a positive figure. How can the two be related!!!

"That's indeed the case. Hongjun, the demon, is indeed one person!" The dragon said affirmatively, "The demon is the first demon in the world, Hongjun, the first god in the world, but he does not know that the demon is Hongjun incarnates the way of heaven and cut off the heart demon in his heart. At first, the demon was not very powerful. Hongjun didn't care much at first, but unexpectedly, the demon absorbed the evil intention of the world and kept Growth, even Hongjun can't be killed by himself, so it has caused such a result!"

"And Hongjun should feel guilty about this, which is why he opened up the world!"

"Like the Lord of the White Tiger said, opening up a world requires people in the realm of heaven to evolve everything in heaven and earth, which can form a world, and the land under our feet is a world that Hongjun Daozu felt ashamed of the world and wanted to give a little strength for the world!"

"Derivatize a world. Hongjun has disappeared!"

"Or, this world is Hongjun, Hongjun, that is the world!"

The dragon said, full of sighs, complex look, respect for Hongjun, and worthless to Hongjun's transformation into a world, with...

Chenxi and Chu Yunnan understood again and finally understood all kinds of doubts. At the same time, they also admire and admire Hongjun from the bottom of their hearts for what he did!

"Well, let's not talk about this, I don't have much time, and I'm about to return to the long river of time." The dragon sighed, "The demon has appeared in the world. This time, the peerless demon soldiers have also appeared in the world. I guess you have returned to the little devil's hands. You don't have much time, and you must quickly become stronger. Otherwise, you can't resist the attack of the demons, and the world will be ruined."

"For the sake of the world, to suppress the demons, and for the inheritance of the four holy beasts, I will do my last strength. I hope you can really grow up before the demons attack!" Shenlong kept lamenting, and there was a strong worry in his words. After saying that, he did not wait for Chenxi and Chu Yunnan to react at all. His body turned into a large golden light spot and fell into the bodies of Chenxi and Chu Yunnan.

"Woo...Uncle Long...Uncle Long completely dissipated. He injected the dragon soul into our body and let me and Xiaobai grow up early, woo..." In Chenxi's mind, Xiao Qinglong choked.