Magic War Frenzy

Chapter 356 [Time Flow]

"Hey, have you heard that a few days ago, a peerless demon came out of an inexplicable temple on the continent of the dead. The demon is so powerful!"

"Yes, yes. According to gossip, the demon is the culprit of the world that made the Mayan Empire that flourished tens of thousands of years ago, and even the Mayan continent, that is, today's undead continent, into the world of the dead!! This demon is simply magical. It's easy and comfortable under the siege of thousands of god-level strong men. Thousands of god-level strong men are stunned that he didn't do it. Do you think it's terrible!"

"Oh, what do you know? Good men can't stand many people, and group fighting is the king's way. I got the news that the devil is just relying on a main artifact, and his cultivation is nothing, if it hadn't for that one main artifact. The devil died a long time ago.

"Really, I also heard about this, but this demon is powerful, but it is true, and it seems that the main artifact was also created by the devil himself. Think about it, people can make the main artifact. How can it not be strong!"

"Hey, the main artifact, this is not the main artifact. Dozens of races, such as orcs, mermaids, dwarves, elves, etc., are the nutrients of that thing, and the creatures of the whole continent of Maya were killed by that thing and absorbed them. What kind of artifact is this? It's simply the devil in the weapon, which should be called a magic weapon!"

"Yes, yes, it should definitely be a magic weapon!"

"It is said that this peerless demon, with a peerless magic weapon in his hand, was easy to fight against thousands of god-level strong men. At that time, it simply shocked everyone. No one expected that such a situation would happen. Everyone was defeated. At the end, it was the Zulong of the Tianlong Empire who took action to settle the demon."

"Well, speaking of this matter, it's a little strange. It is said that Zulong can't handle the peerless demon. Zulong also called two helpers. One of them is a god-level strongman, which is nothing, but the other is a little strange. He is just a small nine-level warrior, level 9 Warrior, the god-level strongman has one finger, oh... No, it should be able to drown it with a mouthful of saliva, but Zulong just asked him to help, and finally won. Do you think this is strange?

"Oh, yes, I've heard of it. At the beginning, I didn't believe it, but there are really many people who have seen the process, so I have to believe it."

"It is said that this little warrior's name is Chenxi, which seems to be a person in the magic city that recently emerged from the undead continent. He can actually become a favored person for Zu Long and invite him to fight against demons together, which is simply appalling!"

"Yes, this is indeed a little strange, but this also tells us one thing, that is, this small nine-level warrior is not simple. His talent must be very strong. The nine-level warrior will be able to fight against demons. If he becomes a god-level strongman in the future, I'm afraid he will reach the peak. Maybe he will directly become the main god-level strong man who has never appeared.

"So, people can't be beautiful, and the sea can't be measured. We must not underestimate people who seem to be weak in the future. Maybe we will meet such a freak when we are unlucky, and then we will be finished.

"Yes, that's right, that's right!"


The dog eats the sun, the world is in chaos, the devil is born, the magic soldiers are born, the temple collapses, the ancestral dragons take action, and hundreds of god-level strongmen are not the opponents of the old devil...

All this only happened in the sky, during the time when the dog ate the sun, but that day shocked people all over the world, because there were many participants, including several temples, ancient families on several continents, and imperial families, which also made this matter spread.

The spread of the incident has made some things that Tiangou Eat Day a must-have thing for people all over the world after tea and dinner. The past of time has also made more and more people know about this matter. In addition to being shocked, people are also shocked.

After the shock, the rest is the aftertaste.

One thing, a thousand mouths, it is likely that there will be a thousand different statements, that is, there are many people talking, and the spread of them, which makes the incident complicated. For a while, there are different opinions, not the parties involved, and no one knows what is going on and what the truth of the matter is.

However, in this version of the event, although it is said that Chenxi is a big, three-year-old, extremely burly giant, Chenxi, whose fierce image is just a nine-level warrior, has never changed. The world is also lively because of this name, and even the clothes in some stores are also matched. Chenxi's name is just like modern clothing. Some of them are printed with images of Chenxi, but they are all different. None of them is the same as Chenxi himself. After all, they don't know the real appearance of Chenxi!

Of course, the most important thing is not this matter, but that people in the world know such a person as Chenxi and know that such a young man named Chenxi can't be provoked!

The Ice and Snow Temple, the Dragon Empire, many god-level strong men and many supporters!

Even if it is its own strength!

Zulong asked for help and won the battle against the peerless demons, which can also be said to be extremely powerful!

For many reasons, the name Chenxi has become the object that cannot be provoked in the eyes of many god-level strong men, ancient families and big forces!

Time always passes slowly unconsciously. The whole world also slowly passes from the shock of the incident of Tiangou eclipse and the birth of the devil. The name Chenxi remains in the hearts of many people, either for this reason or that reason.

However, Chenxi doesn't know!

incident, two years in a flash. In the past two years, Chenxi has been practicing, swallowing the middle-quality gene evolution liquid, receiving the teaching of the divine dragon, and the help of the little green dragon. In the past two years, Chenxi has been constantly understanding the law of the road left by the dragon, the 48 most basic law of the road, how big is 2,000 A variety of other avenues derived from, the innate road law of Xiaoqinglong. Chenxi understands it one by one and constantly understands it. Sometimes if he doesn't understand it, he discusses and thinks with Chu Yunnan, Ante, Long Jingtian and others. At the same time, he occasionally understands it by himself among the mountains and rivers, experiences the natural road, and makes himself closer to the road, so as to understand it.

In the past two years, Chenxi has been much more mature and steady, the responsibility on his shoulders has also been much heavier, his cultivation has also increased a lot, and he has successfully entered the category of holy strong! Become a truly holy strongman!!

In the past two years, Serena also remembered that after Chu Yunnan, she became a god-level strongman and greatly increased her strength!

In the past two years, the wind is like the moon, Irene, Olina, and the three of them have also soared their cultivation after taking the Chinese gene evolution solution, and they have already reached level nine, and they are still at the peak!

Sally Win's cultivation has also increased a lot. After taking the medium gene evolution liquid, the side effects of Sally Win's mother instilling power in her have also been eliminated, and the speed of cultivation has also greatly increased, which is already the peak of the holy strong!

In the past two years, Sloc, who has become a undead, has refined his divine spirit and become a god-level strongman and a lower god!

In the past two years, Obak has also become stronger, in the early stage of the nine-level warrior.

In the past two years, Chenxi's foreign commercial bank has made great progress. In cooperation with Isa Commercial Bank, it has become the leader in the singing industry. However, Chenxi has not taken time to discuss the power of faith.

In the past two years, the undead continent has completely changed, and the flag of the Mayan Empire has been raised again. On the dominant side, there are only nine cities left in the 72 cities of the dark empire. Ante, who wanted to rebuild the Mayan Empire, has also built some new cities and set up a transmission array, which can go directly to other continents. The undead continent officially and other large Land trade, the flow of people has soared.

In the past two years, the Holy Light Continent has changed, and the Temple of Light has changed. Jesus died, and some god-level strongmen of the Temple of Light also died. There was a power struggle in the Temple of Light, and the interior was divided. The Holy Light Continent was divided into several empires, showing the trend of hegemony, but there were also many ancient forces staring at it, but did not take action for the time being.

Generally speaking, the world has changed a lot and messed up in the past two years.