Don't go to the flower

Chapter 12 Accept Reality

"Auntie, now it is a society under the rule of law. This private sale of people is punishable crimes. Now the country is severely cracking down on the abduction and trafficking of women and children, and my parents must have called the police when they find me missing. If you are caught like this, you will be sentenced," Lu Mengjie said, but the woman in front of him He just looked at himself strangely, as if he were looking at aliens.

Seeing the intimidation was fruitless, Lu Mengji had to soften his tone and begged, "Auntie, it's not easy for my parents to raise me so old. They are only my daughter. Please let me go home. I will give you a lot of money when I get home, I promise! Whoo..."

Li Qi couldn't understand half of what the child said. Later, she reluctantly understood that this was the parents of the family, and then sighed, "Oh, it's not easy for anyone's parents, but daughter, since you have married someone, you have been from your mother-in-law since then on. You can live here first and wait until you want to go home. Just discuss it with your family.

Lu Mengjian is really anxious. People still don't admit that it is a business marriage, and they still speak so righteously. It seems that Xiaozhi's reason for emotion does not make sense, and there are bursts of men's laughter outside. She is inevitably afraid in the bottom of her heart, so she has to take 10,000 steps back to figure out the details before making a big plan to escape.

"Oh, aunt, what era is this? Why are you still wearing this kind of clothes? Has the retro style become popular recently?" Lu Mengji looked curiously at the clothes worn by the ancients on Li Qi's. She had seen pictures of the layers of Hanfu on the Internet. It was the first time to watch it so closely, but the Hanfu worn by this woman was much simpler, and the color was too dim, which lost the beauty on the picture.

"Hey, your city is used to seeing the flowers and green. Naturally, we countrymen can't see these clothes, but isn't it a waste for us farmers to wear so brightly to work on the ground? Besides, those materials are valuable. We can't afford to wear them even if we want to!" Li Qi only regarded Lu Mengji as a young lady in the city, and he had never seen a farmer's costume.

But as soon as the two asked and answered that they clearly had nothing to do with each other, Lu Mengjie's doubts increased greatly and asked a few tentative questions before he realized that this world, which he had lived for more than 20 years, was completely two different eras!

Lu Mengji completely collapsed. Since she is a pure alien, where are her parents now, and who is the owner of this body? A series of questions hovered in her mind, but she couldn't get an answer. She had to lie back in despair. Unexpectedly, her movements were too fierce and pressed the wound, which made her suck back in pain. Qi.

After barely eating the porridge brought by Li Qi, Lu Mengjian closed his eyes and refreshed. Li Qi did not disturb him when he saw the situation. After a quiet night, Lu Mengjian forced himself to accept this fact, but for her, life without a mobile phone and computer was really boring.

Moreover, due to her physical injury, she can only lie ** day, just like maggots on her body. The only interesting loyal son is that it is difficult to see anyone because he wants to practice medicine with his master all day long. As for her "husband", she saw it twice when she had nothing to do. Lu Mengjie looked sideways. The man had black hair and was full of heroity, but there was always a smell of scum in Lu Mengjie's eyes - this was the man who abused her that night, her son-in-law. But now he and the newlyweds are completely the same as the two of them. There is no arrogance and coldness of that night on Zhang Sujun's face. In contrast, he looks more indifferent.

Because the village head allocated the old house next door to Lin Daimo, Lin Daimo has been busy with Zhang Luo's affairs in the past two days, and Li and his wife also helped to clean it up when they had nothing to do, but in two days, they made the old house look decent and could already move in. It's just that the house has been empty for a long time. Li Qi was worried that there would be unclean things in it, so he asked the god to burn paper money and put firecrackers. Only after pasting the door god was he was relieved.

When he officially moved in, Lu Mengji's body had already greatly, and even barely took a few steps with the support of people. Only then did Li Qi agree to move into the old house.

When Lin Daimo took Lu Mengjie back to the old house given by the village with a disgusted expression, Lu Mengjie suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Wow, is this the house where the legendary medieval people lived? The adobe wall, the roof of the raed grass, this is a scene that can only be seen on TV!" Lu Mengji read some words in his mouth, which made Lin Daimo look white.

However, Lu Mengji was not happy soon. The bed in the old house has been placed for a long time. When I just sat on it, it began to shake. With a slight movement, a musty smell came up, and the choking people were disgusted. Several thin quilts seemed to be able to pinch out water, and there was only a clean and thick quilt, which was carried directly by Li Qi next door from his home.

There are three earthen houses in the old house, but half of the west has collapsed in the wind and rain, leaving only the north house and the east stove house. Except for a wooden bed in the north house, the ground is empty, and there is not even an extra bench.

As soon as the wind blew, a thick white smoke poured in. Lin Daimo was squatting on the ground and looking at the white smoke angrily, but he could not see any Mars stove.

Lu Mengji held the wall and walked to the door. Seeing that Master Lin, who was once arrogant, was now lying on the ground with helplessness, he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing.

"Of course, you can't light the fire with wet firewood," Lu Mengjie couldn't help saying, but Lin Daimo was indifferent to hear the words, and still stubbornly blew in.

For several days, Lin Daimo seemed to treat Lu Mengji as air and ignored it. Although the two slept in the same **, they were back to back and couldn't sleep with their own minds.

Fortunately, Li Qi came to take care of the dream pen every day and took a little diet. Although his body recovered slowly, he was able to go to the hospital for activities.

The yard is very large, but it is very empty. Because it has been uninhabited for a long time, it is surrounded by weeds. Although it was cleaned up that day, now the weather is gradually getting warmer and back to spring, and some new green ground has broken out. An old locust tree with a thick waist was born in the corner near the gate. Although it has not yet turned green, some new buds have emerged.

Seeing that these vacant land was idle, Meng Jian thought of the scene he saw when he went to his grandma's house in the countryside, and he also had a calculation in his heart. On the same day, he asked Li Qi for some cabbage seeds, rested the empty land in the courtyard, and sowed it down.

Seeing that she did not sow according to the solar terms, Li Qi knew that there would be no harvest, but thinking that she was just a patient, the idea of complaining was buried. On the contrary, Meng Jian cares about these cabbages day by day, lying on the ground and waiting for the cabbage to be unearthed every day, as if he were crazy.

Since Linfu left home, Lin Daimo can be said to be really poor. If he hadn't met Li Dazhuang on the road, I'm afraid he didn't know where he was in this fashion, let alone talk about living and eating. Lin Daimo saw what the Li family had done for them, hoping to repay this kindness one day.

Li Dazhuang saw that the young couple even had a problem with their diet, so he took Lin Daimo with him and went to the mountains to pick up some mountain goods, so that he could sell them in the city for some money. However, in early spring, he received very few mountain goods. The Li family took out part of the surplus grain stored and gave it to the Lin family. Lin Daimo felt that he owed the Li family and refused to accept it. In the end, he could not accept it at home.

Although Lu Mengzhen rarely communicated with Lin Daimo, he also learned a lot of news from Li Qi's family. At first sight, he heard that Lin Daimo, who used to be a noble son, now began to sell mountain goods for a living. He couldn't help but feel funny. He also heard that today's mountain goods are scarce and he is usually idle and panicked, so he made up his mind.

In the middle of the night, Lin Daimo had a busy day and had to climb to bed after a simple dinner. Lu Mengjian deliberately approached and took the initiative to say hello.

"Well, you've been working hard recently," Lu Mengji smiled bitterly at the cold face, barely breaking the cold situation, but Lin Daimo just hummed from his nostrils and said nothing more. Lu Mengji was not angry and continued to say tevely, "There haven't been many things on the mountain recently, right?"

Facing Lu Mengji's lack of words, Lin Daimo continued to ignore it. When he fell asleep, he resented this woman in his heart. If it hadn't been for her, he would have been able to leave. How could he owe so many favors to the Li family for this, which would also make everyone worry about it.

"Hey, you haven't slept yet. I have a suggestion here. Do you think it's feasible?" Seeing that the other party refused to respond, Lu Mengjian said to himself, "If you go to the mountain to pick those mountain goods such as pine mushrooms and fungus, it's better to take seeds and keep them at home. It's not only simple but also stable. At that time, it will be sold directly to those big hotels in the city. If we can establish a long-term cooperative relationship, I promise to make a profit.

Hearing this, Lin Daimo snorted coldly, "Oh, you said it lightly, and if you don't mention that the restaurants in the city are willing to accept our mountain goods, I would like to hear how you can keep those mountain goods at home."

Although Lu Mengjian has not personally practiced mushroom breeding, after all, he has sufficient theoretical knowledge, combined with the suitable growth environment of mushrooms, as well as the conditions for spore acquisition and germination.

The second day, Li Dazhuang listened to Lin Daimo's words. Although he didn't quite understand some of the statements, he also remembered them. However, if he really wanted to take action, there was really no extra money on hand. In this way, the matter inevitably fell into embarrassment. Lin Daimo knew it and closed his mouth and did not mention mushroom breeding. The matter of colonization.

Lu Mengjian is usually idle at home, and refuses to be idle for a moment after being able to walk on the ground. In addition, he is full of curiosity about this strange world, so he always looks around and can't help playing for a long time when he sees a novelty.

One day, she was at home alone and suddenly saw the sandalwood box brought by Lin Daimo. There is a delicate copper lock hanging on the box, which is decorated with the pattern of auspicious clouds. Above the auspicious cloud is the scene of a fairy clothes floating. The small copper lock also has such artistic value, which is really amazing.