Don't go to the flower

Chapter 24 Women's Words

After moving the seedlings into the pot, it took a few days for the seedlings to gradually adapt to the new environment. It only takes at least a year from successful transplanting to the growth of potted plants, which means that two people can only live on the mushrooms raised by Lin Daimo for a year. What's more, whether those flower pots can be sold is unknown.

Although Lin Daimo holds some silver in his hand, after all, there will be a day to eat. Moreover, Lu Mengji did not dare to think about it at all. It is not his own money. Even if he spends it in his hand, he will feel uneasy.

That day, Lin Daimo guessed Lu Mengji's thoughts, but said without hesitation: "Women's words and businessmen, if they are not both wise and brave, it's better to retreat bravely."

In this society where women have a low status, and businessmen are the lowest level in the world, women in business have never got a good end. Everyone said that merchants value profit rather than separation, but they are sometimes bumpy outside. If they are careless, they will even die in other places, and the hardships among them are even more difficult for ordinary people to understand.

Lu Mengji didn't know these truths, but she had to be strong because of life. Having tasted the pain of poverty, Lu Mengji knows how difficult the poor life is.

When Lu Mengji was ten years old, Lu's Group was squeezed out by rival companies. The secretary in charge of core data management exposed Lu's group's confidential documents, various fraudulent accounts and tax evasion accounts, as well as the black story of Lu's money laundering forged by the rival company, caused a huge sensation in China. Lu's father was also exposed by the judicial department in accordance with the law. Arrest.

The originally rich family fell overnight, and the house was recovered. The little Lu Mengjian had to move to a simple rental house with his mother. Lu's mother used all her money to hire a lawyer and open up the relationship. In the process of waiting for Lu's father's sentence, the Lu family was simply poor. The friends who had made good with the Lu family were also closed at this time. During that time, Lu Mengzhen wanted to eat a lollipop.

The matter dragged on for two years. It was not until the original anti-go secretaries finally turned against the rival company and made clear the original copy of the original of the Lu family, and the case of the Lu Group was over. Although Lu's father was released from prison, his health was not as good as before. He opened a small company with his capital and barely lived a good life.

Maybe the shadow left at that time was too deep. Lu Mengji was chilled when he thought of the situation in the rental house. From then on, he vowed to save more. Life, old age, illness and death were not as terrible as poverty.

And Lin Daimo has never worried about food and clothing before leaving the Lin family, and now he naturally can't understand Lu Mengji's mood.

"Young Master Lin, don't worry about women's business. Before the bonsai grows up, you and I can only sit here and eat empty. Let's worry about your future life!" Lu Mengzhi replied angrily, and then took out a pen and paper and wrote it on the table.

"What is this?" Lin Daimo was very curious when he looked at the frames drawn on the paper.

"The first five-year plan," Lu Mengji did not raise his head and continued to write a letter. "Since he has come here, he can't wait to eat and drink every day. This plan is the goal I will achieve in five years. Maybe it may not be completed, but at least there is a goal in life.

It was both planning and the goal. Lin Daimo was stunned. After watching Lu Mengji finish drawing the last period, he spread the paper on the table and blew it dry, so he came forward to look carefully.

"What does this mean to build your own brand within three years?"

"Well, I just have the idea of using flowers to open up the market and make my own reputation. However, the specific operation has not been figured out, and many details still need to be investigated," Lu Mengji is yearning for this.

"Well, I found Ruyi Langjun in five years..." Although Lin Daimo was hesitant, he still read it out and looked at Lu Mengqi suspiciously.

Lu Mengji shrugged his shoulders without hesitation, "Well, although you and I have got married, after all, marriage is a wishful thinking. We didn't know each other before. The two sides got married without knowing it and had no emotional foundation at all. Since there is no love, it must be boring to live together. Instead of entangling, it's better to complete each other. If you have someone you like, I will leave automatically and never disturb you. Of course, if I find someone I like..."

"Don't worry, I won't be ignorant." Lin Daimo said calmly, but a trace of pain flashed in his heart, and then sneered, "But I still advise you that who else will cherish the woman who has lost her chastity?"

"Thank you for reminding me. Fortunately, we have never been married. If no one cherishes it, they can only complain that there is no happiness in the dream. Naturally, they dare not hope for it. I'm afraid it's the long-cherished wish of every woman in the world.

"What a white head, but it's a pity that not everyone has such good luck." Lin Daimo slowly returned to the bedside with his hands on his back. He could even feel his hands trembling unconsciously, and a coolness poured down from the top of his head.

Lu Mengji did not notice Lin Daimo's abnormality, but carefully folded the paper full of handwriting and put it in a cloth pocket. Seeing that Lin Daimo lay back**, he walked slowly to the courtyard, looked at the seedlings in the pot, and kept sketching the shape of the potted plants in his mind to provide materials for plastic surgery in the future.

Only after the five-year plan, Lin Daimo returned to his pre-poisoning state. Except for eating and sleeping, the two did not even intersect. They hardly spoke more than two sentences in a day, and even slept close to the bedside, and the distance between the two could almost put a cow on the side.

Lu Mengjian obviously felt the change of Lin Daimo, but the two did not meet much, and since she brought the flower pots home, Aunt Li often came to help with the flowers and plants. The two stayed in the yard for an afternoon, and there was no time to pay attention to Lin Daimo. A few days later, Lin Daimo insisted on going to the mushroom farming yard to help, and even took lunch directly to eat, so the two had fewer opportunities to meet.

Half a month later, except for the money to buy flower seedlings and flower pots, there is little silver left in Lu Mengji's hand, and the food and clothing at home can't be spent. Lin Daimo is weak, and naturally he can't eat too poorly. If his condition worsens, the medical expenses can't be reduced.

Lu Mengji felt a headache when he thought of this. Even if it was a mountain or silver, he couldn't resist sitting and eating empty!

It's just that no matter what, I will never ask for money from that weirdo.

In the dead of night, Lu Mengji still kept calculating all kinds of recent expenses in her mind. Although she deliberately saved, the silver in her hand still slipped away like running water. She even dreamed of picking up a treasure basin.

I don't know when the paper window broke a hole, and the breeze blew in through the hole, wrapped in a trace of elegant floral fragrance to Lu Mengzhi's nose. The fresh smell was refreshing. Smelling this familiar fragrance, Lu Mengji narrowed his eyes intoxicatedly, and an inexplicable joy surged in his heart.

"It smells so good," Lu Mengji took a deep breath.

"It turns out that the locust flowers have bloomed," Lin Dai said, which shocked Lu Mengji.

"Oh, it turned out to be a locust flower. It's so fragrant, which made me think for a long time." Lu Mengji suddenly remembered the big locust tree next to the house, but he didn't notice it. If it hadn't been for the fragrance, it would have taken a long time to notice it.

"If it hadn't been for this fragrance reminder, I wouldn't have known it was the late spring season." Lin Daimo was inevitably sad when he thought that he had been away from home for so long.

But this sentence reminded Lu Mengji that the two had their own things on their own minds and did not sleep until late at night.

The next morning, Lin Daimo was awakened by a ping-pong sound.

Originally, the empty yard was almost full of flowers and seedlings, but now there are only a few broken pots piled up in a small open space. A stove that came out of nowhere fell to the ground, and Lu Mengjie was still turning around in the kitchen.

Seeing that I couldn't find more things in the kitchen, I had to stand in front of a pile of utensils, still chanting words.

"What's wrong with you in the early morning," Lin Daimo looked at this scene with a gloomy face. He became more and more confused about this woman. What she said is always puzzling, and she even dares to mention the matter of the gentleman in front of him, which is really bold. Today, he wants to see what kind of moth this "strange" woman has.

"Oh, you're up. I'm sorry that I can't make breakfast for you this morning, so I have to wrong you to eat some cakes first. There are pickles on the table, and I put them in my bag for lunch." After saying that, Lu Mengji turned his eyes back to the pile of broken pots in front of him.

"Why do you take out these pots?" Curiosity really killed the cat, and even Lin Daimo, who vowed not to say anything, couldn't help asking one more question.

"Keep it secret, and you'll know when I'm done!" Lu Mengji smiled mysteriously and urged Lin Daimo to finish eating and work. He squatted on the ground and pounded. Unfortunately, a leg was missing from the stove, so he had to pick up a stone and put it underneath first.

When Lin Daimo finished eating and was about to go out, she looked back and saw that she was still writing and painting on the ground, as if she wanted to stack several broken pots together.

Today, those pine mushroom fungus were still small. They only turned over some dried fungus and became idle. Lin Daimo suddenly remembered the pile of things made by Lu Mengjie early in the morning, so he took advantage of lunch time to walk home.

As soon as I got to the gate of the courtyard, I saw a large number of locust branches on the ground, which were densely full of milky white locust flowers. I can smell a fresh fragrance from afar, which is refreshing.

Lu Mengjian kept picking small white flowers with a basket. From time to time, bees rotated between the flowers, which scared her to turn to the other side and continue picking. In a short time, nearly half of the basket of locust flowers has been installed, and there are still countless flower strings on the locust branches. Lu Mengjie raised his sleeves and wiped the sweat on his forehead from time to time, looking like a butterfly in the flowers from afar.

And in the open space not far away, there is a pile of strange things, obviously piled up with those broken pots.