Don't go to the flower

Chapter 25 Mouse and Turtle

A pair of slender hands kept jumping in the branches, and the flowers in the basket accumulated more and more. A few wisps of green silk hung down from the temples and brushed Lu Mengji's face, but the skin color of wheat had a different luster in the sun.

Lin Daimo's eyes glanced carelessly. At the moment he saw Lu Mengji bowing his head, his serious look suddenly became as dazzling as a strong light, which made him couldn't help narrowing his eyes and look carefully.

This woman seems to be weak, but the picking action is extremely sharp. In addition to her slightly dark skin and often does not follow "women's morality", she is impeccable. Her facial features are very beautiful, and she will not feel bored after watching it for a long time, but her body is slightly thin and weak, but she also has a weak willow posture.

This look made Lin Daimo stay for a long time.

Lu Mengjian filled the basket in his hand and had already had backache. He beat his waist and raised his head to find that there was a man standing at the door. It was Lin Daimo, so he walked to the open space in front of the door and poured the picked locust flowers on the old mat laid on the ground.

"You don't say hello when you come back, so that I can prepare some hot dishes and hot rice in advance," Lu Mengjie put the basket in front of the unpicked locust branches and wiped his hands and walked to the kitchen.

"I forgot to bring something this morning and came back to pick it up at noon," Lin Daimo was afraid of being teased. He quickly turned his mind and made up a lie. Lu Mengyi stopped caring about it and washed his hands carefully.

"Why do you pick such locust flowers," Lin Daimo finally couldn't help asking curiously, "Do you want to steam locust cake?"

"Huh, this is a good idea, but if you want to eat locust cake, you have to wait until I finish this time," Lu Mengji turned around and walked into the kitchen and found that most of the cooking utensils had been taken outside by himself. Fortunately, he left a big pot, and just stewed the steamed buns on it and heated them.

Lin Dai couldn't get a response and joined the kitchen, but was pushed out by Lu Mengzhen, "Get out quickly, gentleman is far away from cooking. What are you coming here to make up?"

After adding a fire, Lu Mengjie took the basket and picked the remaining flowers on the locust branch into the basket. Lin Daimo felt fresh and began to pick it up. The two started, and soon filled the whole basket and fell on the mat to dry.

Looking at the locust flowers full of seats, the two couldn't help smiling.

"Oh, I forgot the business," Lu Mengji suddenly patted his forehead and remembered that there was still a fire in the kitchen stove. After such a long time, I'm afraid there was no heat.

Sure enough, the food in the pot had already cooled down again. Lu Mengji lay on the ground grayly, ignited the firewood, and blew a few breaths into the stove continuously, but the flame always seemed to be dying, and the thick smoke made Lu Mengji's nose painful.

"I don't believe that I can't cure you today," Lu Mengji was choked by the smoke, but lost his temper. While blowing into the stove, he touched the dry firewood behind him with his backhand. Unexpectedly, he touched a soft thing, which was not only smooth and smooth, but also a trace of warmth...

"Eh, what is this?" That thing moved under Lu Mengji's hand, which made people more curious. Lu Mengji couldn't help turning his head to see what was going on, but he almost scared out.

At this moment, her men are lying on a mouse!

The mouse was about the same length as his fingers, and obviously a novice. When he saw people, he didn't know how to dodge. When he was pressed under Lu Mengjian, he was already godless. A pair of small eyes dripping around. Seeing Lu Mengjian turning his face, he also turned his head and looked at Lu Mengjian.

Lu Mengji looked at the gray fur under his right hand and the slender tail, and felt a burst of nausea in his stomach, and his heart was about to jump out. At this time, the mouse actually squeaked and turned its head, as if it was about to hit his hand and couldn't help scream.

"Ah! There are mice!" Lu Mengji got out of control and raised his voice, and the shrill shouts shocked the mouse. Finally, he came to his senses and slipped out of Lu Mengji's hand.

"What, mouse? Where is it?" Lin Daimo rushed in when he heard the sound. There were originally few things in the kitchen. At this moment, although the mouse hid and hid, he did not find the mouse hole for a long time. Only then did he find that he had escaped in the opposite direction and was finally exposed to the corner of the wall.

Who would have expected that Lin Daimo saw the mouse and shouted in fear, "Mouse! Mouse, help!"

The mouse had never seen this scene, and also squeaked and ran to the other side. Lin Daimo saw the mouse rushing to him. He was so scared that he jumped. Just like a child, he stamped his feet while screaming and hiding directly behind Lu Mengzhi.

This shout calmed Lu Mengji down.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," she seemed to comfort herself. She picked up the broom standing behind the door and threw it on the mouse. Although the mouse was small, it was very sensitive. After being chased by Lu Mengji several times, she drilled into the small hole hidden in the corner and disappeared.

Lu Mengji finally breathed a sigh of relief, threw away the broom in his hand, sat on the ground, his legs were weak, and his hands trembled slightly.

Perhaps because he was scared by the elderly at home, Lu Mengji has been afraid of the earth since he was a child, but he is only afraid of two things, one is a mouse and the other is a snake. Lu Mengji was always naughty, and his parents were busy with business, so they entrusted it to his grandma for management. The old man's legs and feet were inconvenient. Whenever Lu Mengji made trouble, he always liked to mention the story of the mouse's marriage. To this day, Lu Mengji still remembers new.

"If the child is disobedient, the mouse will carry the sedan chair to marry her as the bride at night. The next day, the mice will be very happy, because the child carried away is so annoying that even the mice hate her, so the rat king turns her into a mouse, sleeping in the sewer every day and eating other people's leftovers. The bread crumbs..."

Since then, the mouse has become Lu Mengji's old enemy. Every time it sees it, it is like experiencing a deadly duel, although most of the time, it is other people's ears that suffer.

After a while, Lu Mengji recovered from his fear. When he slowly stood up, his eyes suddenly stared and almost fell out of his eyes.

"Old, has the mouse left?" Lin Daimo's voice came from the stove weakly.

"Puff!" Lu Mengji finally couldn't help laughing.

Lin Daimo put his legs on the edge of the stove, and his buttocks were directly trapped in the cauldron. His hands swayed vigorously to try to climb out of the pot, but he couldn't use it at all without borrowing strength. Like a turtle who fell to the ground, this look was really embarrassing and embarrassing.

"Oh, pull me out and burn me to death..." Lin Daimo shouted helplessly at the woman who kept laughing in front of him. The fire under the stove somehow burned Wangwang. His buttocks almost pressed against the bottom of the pot, and he could even feel a smell of meat coming out from under his body.

Lu Mengji suppressed his smile and stretched out his hand to hold Lin Daimo. He couldn't help laughing. As soon as his hand loosened, Lin Daimo fell back into the big pot and rolled his eyes in pain by the pot. Lu Mengjian saw the swaying turtle-like limbs and directly covered his stomach and couldn't straighten up.

Finally dragging Lin Daimora out of the hot pot, Lu Mengji calmed down and asked seriously, "How can you hide in the pot?"

"I don't know what happened so suddenly at that time. I remember to hide behind you and sit in it..." Lin Daimo blushed like a pomegranate in the autumn moon, and in the end, his voice became smaller and smaller, almost like the sound of mosquitoes and flies.

"It's a pity that I can't eat all the food in the pot. Let's just eat some leftovers and pickles for lunch today." Lu Mengji looked into the pot and could faintly see a big butt mark, and couldn't help laughing.

"But then again, how can you be afraid of a little mouse?" Lu Mengjian brought a basin of water and hit the soap horn in his hand over and over again. Seeing that Lin Daimo still seemed to have lingering palpitations, he couldn't help asking curiously.

But he saw his face slightly embarrassed, "Joke, I'm a big man, how can I be afraid of this kind of thing! All right, don't mention this anymore. After saying that, he limped out angrily.

When Lu Mengji finished washing his hands and entered the house, he found that Lin Daimo had already changed his clothes and was ready to go out.

"Hey, big turtle, let's go after lunch," Lu Mengji put the rice basket in her hand on the table with a smile.

"I won't eat. I have something else to do. The changed clothes are still on the ground," Lin Daimo walked to the door and suddenly turned his head. "Who do you think is the big turtle!"

"Your reaction speed is really fast, but it's much faster than a pig," Lu Mengji thought of that scene and couldn't help laughing again. "Okay, big turtle, take these dry food with you and secretly eat some when you're hungry."

"Humph," Lin Daimo glanced at her, stretched out his pocket with dry food, and walked out of the door, but heard the woman behind him shouting, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else, hahaha..."

"You crazy woman!" Lin Daimo was so angry that he couldn't speak for a moment. He shook his sleeves fiercely and couldn't help speeding up his pace.

After this episode, Lu Mengjian was in a much better mood. He smelled the fragrance of locust flowers and simply ate some leftover food. Looking at the mess in the courtyard, my heart was full of fighting spirit again.

After picking all the flowers from the locust branches piled up in the courtyard, the mat on the ground has been piled up with a thin layer of locust flowers, but these are far from enough.

Lu Mengjie looked at the big locust tree in the corner of the yard. Where she could get there, she had already folded it down with a bamboo pole. However, the locust tree was too tall, and the blooming branches could not be reached by bamboo pole alone. Lu Mengzhen stood under the tree for a long time, but could only sigh.

When she was about to give up, she heard Aunt Li knocking on the door and come in. She saw Lu Mengjian staring at the big tree in front of her. She looked up curiously for a long time, and there was nothing but acacia flowers.

"Cough, Meng Jian, but do you want to eat locust cake?" Seeing that she had been motionless for a long time, Aunt Li couldn't help asking, "I think there have been a lot of locust flowers in this courtyard."

Lu Mengjian lowered her head and glanced at the locust flowers on the ground. "Those locust flowers are still too few. They are not enough!"