Don't go to the flower

Chapter 36 Wet Body

The process of extracting essential oils is very simple. For Lu Mengjian, it is just a pediatric experiment, but it is extremely difficult for the ancients who have never come into contact with it.

Lu Mengjian tries to explain it in simple words, but it is still too difficult for Aunt Li to say so much at once. It is both an aromatic substance and a distillation method, which is almost unheard of for a woman living in this small mountain village. She scratched her head and thought for a long time, but she couldn't understand why it was boiled in water, and the fragrance in the locust flower transferred to the water.

Seeing that Aunt Li's face was full of doubt and said nothing for a long time, Lu Mengjian scratched his intestines and thought about it for a long time. He picked up a locust flower that fell on the ground, broke the petals open, pointed to the base of the stamens, and explained again, "The reason why the locust flower has a fragrance is that the flower contains a special fragrance substance, which is the oil we use to cook. Similarly, it can float on the water and collect it, which is an essential oil that can emit fragrance.

Aunt Li suddenly realized and patted her head, "No wonder, I wonder why there is still a locust fragrance in the water..."

It's just that Aunt Li was embarrassed to say that after she went home, she picked a lot of locust flowers and boiled them in the pot for a long time, but the boiled water only had the astringent smell of petals, which did not have that pleasant aroma at all. A good pot of acacia flowers were boiled into a pot of mud. She was afraid that Li Dazhuang would see something ruined, so she had to dry the steamed locust. Eat flower cake.

After this explanation, it also aroused Lu Mengjian's interest. There were still many locust flowers that happened to be sunburned, so he took a full basket and washed the simple distiller. And Aunt Li was also happy to help, add water and make a fire, and the two were very busy.

With the last experience, the two cooperated and became much more proficient. After the water boiled, they saw steam condensing into drops falling into the bowl below, but the conditions were limited, and most of the steam escaped directly into the air.

After receiving the small bowl, the firewood in the yard was almost exhausted. Aunt Li stopped the fire, washed her hands, picked up the water condensed from the bowl of water vapor, and smelled it again and smelled it. She was very happy.

Lu Mengji stared helplessly at the thin layer on the surface of the water, very worried, and thought to himself, "Although the essential oil is extracted, how to separate it is still a big problem. Moreover, essential oils are volatile aromatics. If they cannot be put into closed containers in time, even if they are successfully distilled, they are meaningless.

The box heard Aunt Li praise, "This water is really much more fragrant than the spices used by those ladies in the city. If it is sold in the city, I don't know how popular it will be!"

Although Aunt Li just said it casually, it coincided with Lu Mengjian's thoughts, but the time was not yet ripe. Lu Mengjian just smiled and shook her head.

"Aunt Li, what kind of powder and spices do women in the city have? How can they be rare about these essential oils we make?" Although Lu Mengjian had a calculation in his mind, he still casually answered and casually poured the residues in the distiller.

"That's not necessarily. Which woman doesn't like spices? What's more, the fragrance in this water is almost the same as the fragrance of flowers. I'm afraid that people will scramble to buy it at that time!" Aunt Li smelled the fragrance of flowers, smeared some on her hands, and said with longing.

This was Lu Mengjian's original intention to extract essential oils, but this was said by Aunt Li. Lu Mengjian couldn't help looking at Aunt Li a few times. Unexpectedly, she had just extracted essential oils together twice. Unexpectedly, she would have this kind of business mind, which inevitably made Lu Mengjian look up, but the bottom of her heart was also There was a secret of vigilance.

The bankruptcy of Lu's Group on that day was due to commercial betrayal. Although she knew Aunt Li's character, she also did not want to encounter such a thing again in the future.

"However, there is no reason for our woman to support our family in the world. I just said it," Aunt Li came to her senses from her fantasy and couldn't help feeling a little regret.

"What about women? They also hold up half of the sky." Lu Mengjian saw that Aunt Li was depressed and couldn't help moving a set of equality. Just as she was about to tell the story of Mulan, she suddenly heard the sound of someone coughing behind her. Looking back, she found that Lin Daimo was standing behind her.

"Oh, Mr. Lin came back. I didn't expect the time to pass so quickly." Aunt Li looked up at the sky, put the bowl aside, and hurried back home to prepare lunch.

Listening to Aunt Li's departure, Lin Daimo still had a smile on his face, but the feeling of not smiling made Lu Mengjian's heart trembling.

"Well, are you hungry? I'm going to cook." In a strange atmosphere, Lu Mengji found an excuse to escape quickly.

, but I heard Lin Dai behind him say slowly, "Don't worry, your theory is very interesting. Even I heard it with relish, woman."

Lu Mengji wiped the sweat on his forehead, turned around silently, and looked at Lin Daimo with resentment. "I didn't expect that Mr. Lin still had the habit of eavesdropping on others."

"It's hard to eavesdrop, but the woman's voice is so loud that Lin doesn't want to eavesdrop." Lin Daimo is a woman. Obviously, the other party's statement of equality between men and women is condescended. Although he is not a patriarch, he heard the woman sleeping beside him say this with his own ears. It is inevitable that there is something wrong. Moreover, if this word spreads, it may not be acceptable, so I deliberately reminded him.

"Hasn't Mr. Lin heard of the truth that a gentleman should not be rude or disrespectful? If you don't listen, you can't hear it naturally if you plug your ears." Lu Mengjian clenched his teeth and looked at Lin Daimo's mocking expression, and couldn't wait to tear his hypocritical face.

Lin Daimo didn't hear it. He lowered his head and smelled the fragrant water in the bowl and couldn't help exclaiming, "Oh, there is a locust fragrance in this water!"

Seeing that Lin Daimo picked up the bowl and looked left and right, the water in the bowl swayed around. Lu Mengjian was very worried and couldn't help rushing forward to grab the bowl. Unexpectedly, Lin Daimo refused to let go. The water in the bowl inevitably spilled a lot.

Lu Mengjian's eyes turned red with distress. Lin Daimo saw this and was afraid of angering the other party, so he kindly let go. As a result, a whole bowl of distilled water was directly poured on Lu Mengjian's body.

Fortunately, the water was still warm, and the skirt of Lu Mengji's chest flowed in, and his chest suddenly felt wet.

And the fragrance of locust flowers also became strong in an instant. From Lu Mengji's body, it floated to Lin Daimo's nostrils. The fragrance was too heavy but a little pungent. ** his nostrils made him sneeze twice. When he looked up, Lu Mengji's whole face was almost green.

"It took Aunt Li and me a morning to extract it. You compensate me!" Lu Mengjian held the wet clothes on his chest in one hand, and the blasphemy clothes were also wet and very uncomfortable to stick to his body. However, at the thought of the hard-won essential oil, he could not take care of the wet clothes in front of him. His distressed eyes were red, and his hand holding the pottery bowl was also trembling with anger.

"You want to take it away, but this time it's on my head again," Lin Daimo muttered unevenly, but when he saw Lu Mengjian's eyes immediately red, he had to bow his head to apologize and apologize kindly, "Don't cry, I can't compensate! It's all because Xiaosheng is not good. Xiaosheng shouldn't touch his wife's things casually... Look, your clothes are wet. Can you change a dry one first, or you will catch a cold again when the cold wind blows.

Lin Daimo listened to what he said and couldn't help but feel sick. He thought that he had ever coaxed a girl before, or said such soft words. Just thinking about goose bumps can fall to the ground.

It was not easy to coax Lu Mengji to change his clothes. Lin Daimo took the empty pottery bowl and stood still and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Wow, it's really difficult for villains and women to raise."

Before he could completely relax, he heard a sobbing sound from the room. Lu Mengjian stood at the door with a sad face, holding the newly taken off coat in his hand and leaning against the door in a cloak. The clothes stained with water were directly attached to his chest. After the sun shines, the situation inside could also be seen. Lin Daimo glanced at it and immediately turned his head aside, and only felt a burst of heat on his face.

Lu Mengji didn't realize her loss of honor at all. She burst into tears and said, "Wow, what should I do? I washed all my clothes this morning, and now I don't even have a clean dress... There is no shabby place, not even a washing machine..."

Sure enough, there were a few clothes hanging on the drying line in the yard, and I don't know how she made a few shelves, hanging in mid-air like a human.

"Alas, women are trouble," Lin Daimo was helpless. He silently took off his clothes, stared at other places, and handed them to Lu Mengzhu.

On one side was the soaked clothes on his chest, and on the other hand, there were the old clothes worn by Lin Daimo. Lu Mengji measured it for a while, and finally bit his silver teeth back to take off his coat and hung Lin Daimo's clothes directly on his body.

Fortunately, Lin Daimo was tall. Behind his clothes, he tied his belt casually, but he couldn't see the front of his chest. Instead, he was more like a long and wide pajamas. Lu Mengji looked up and down carefully before summoning up the courage to walk out of the door.

"Hey, when is dinner? I have to go out to support my family later!" Lin Daimo turned his back to the hall and asked impatiently, but his eyes had not left the distiller made by Lu Mengji.

"What's urging? If it weren't for you, how could I..." Lu Mengji held both sides of his clothes in his hands and tried not to be tripped over by the long clothes. He came out of the room angrily. Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out of the door, he saw Lin Daimo reaching out to move the distiller he had made, so he had to stop it.

But at the thought of the "tragedy" caused by the bowl of essential oil just now, he grew his memory and walked to Lin Daimo, ready to kill him with an eye knife. However, his clothes were too long, and he almost fell down after walking a few steps.

When Lin Daimo heard the footsteps approaching, he hurriedly put down the thing in his hand, turned around, and immediately stunned and speechless.