Don't go to the flower

Chapter 45 witch

"It's just a pity that that woman is so handsome, but she is really more demonic. All the men who have seen her seem to be possessed. Sooner or later, it will be a disaster for such people to stay in the world." When Aunt Li said this at night, she couldn't help but be a little timid and stopped her mouth.

Lu Mengjian was silent for a thoughtful time. It was not until Li Dazhuang entered the house that he got up and left. Originally, he wanted to ask Aunt Li to help pick flowers, but he was also suppressed and never mentioned it.

Back home, Lin Daimo had narrowed his eyes and leaned against **. Hearing Lu Mengji go home, he quickly opened his eyes, but Lu Mengji was obviously not interested. After quietly cleaning up, he lay down on **. Even Lin Daimo deliberately provoked him.

Lu Mengji has been dreaming the same dream all night.

It is an endless sea of flowers, surrounded by colorful flowers. The bright red flowers are densely covered with branches, and the fragrance along the way is fragrant. All kinds of flowers of the four seasons come face to face, and the scenery is beautiful.

Lu Mengji carried a basket and walked the flower path. His hands kept picking petals and putting them in the basket, surrounded by bees and butterflies, which was very lively.

Lu Mengji only felt as if she was going to fly through the flowers. His footsteps were light, and the path of sheep's intestines was twists and turns. Lu Mengjie moved forward all the way, and the flowers and branches that came into his eyes became thicker and thicker.

Finally, the flower path came to the end, and there was a thick wall of flowers piled up. The basket in Lu Mengji's hand was still empty, and Lu Mengji began to stuff the flowers in front of him into the basket like crazy.

The flower wall suddenly squirmed and surrounded Lu Mengji. When Lu Mengji was about to turn around, he found that the flower path had already disappeared. At this time, several figures jumped out of thin air and read words among the first person. When Lu Mengji listened carefully, he only heard a gust of wind roaring by. More and more people appeared, trapping Lu Mengji in the middle, and the muttering became louder and louder, reaching Lu Mengji's ears.

Those voices were like heavy stones, pressing on Lu Mengji's chest, making her breathless. She began to cover her ears and scream, but everyone just looked at her indifferently and kept pointing fingers. She saw several familiar figures, Lin Daimo was on the list, but they stood among the crowd as if they didn't know her. She called her to struggle, and they still looked at themselves dullly.

The flower wall suddenly turned into a flame, surrounding her, licking her body, and the pain went into the bone. She could even see that her skin was burned into charcoal black little by little, and finally turned into ashes.

But until the end, she still did not hear the murmur of the population until her whole body turned to ashes...

Lu Mengji kept struggling to wake up from her dream, but she still endlessly returned to the sea of flowers and returned to her dream.

"No, don't burn me..." Lin Daimo woke up in the middle of the night and found that the man beside the pillow was sweating heavily, his body was constantly twisting as if he was trying to resist, and his mouth kept moaning.

Lin Daimo knew that Lu Mengji had a nightmare, so he quickly called her softly, but Lu Mengji was still the same, and even showed a painful expression, and pushed away the quilt on his body with both hands.

"Wake up, wake up, no one burns you," Lu Mengji's sweat slowly slipped to the pillow and wet his hair. If he goes on like this, I'm afraid he will only be frozen to have a fever.

But every time he covered the quilt, he would be kicked away by her again. Lin Daimo couldn't do it, so he had to wrap his hands around Lu Mengji and wrapped the quilt around her body tightly. Lu Meng Jian gradually calmed down, but his expression was still extremely painful, and his body was even trembling slightly, crying from time to time. The voice came from Lu Mengji's mouth.

"Lin Daimo, why don't you even believe me, why..." Lu Mengji's words revealed despair, and a seemingly empty sigh came into Lin Daimo's ears. In this quiet night, word by word hit Lin Daimo's heart.

"I believe in you, and I will always believe in you," Lin Daimo knew that Lu Mengjian would not remember, but he still solemnly vowed that he had never made such a promise to anyone, but since he had made a promise, he would definitely stick to it. Lin Daimo stretched out his hand and held Lu Mengzhi's hand tightly, with his ten fingers clasped together.

I don't know how long it took before Lin Daimo slowly fell asleep, but his arms were still tightly around Lu Mengji. The two hugged and slept together, and their posture was extremely ambiguous.

Lu Mengjian did not expect that Aunt Li's words would have such a profound impact on her, so that when she woke up the next day, she was in a trance, like a dream, and her body was burning. She looked down and found that there was an arm across her body, and the owner of the arm was sleeping sweetly at this moment.

"Little sample, it's really bold to take advantage of this girl shamelessly." Lu Mengji was stirred up by the dream and was eaten tofu so big early in the morning. His heart burst into anger and kicked Lin Daimo out of bed with a kick.

After a long time, Lin Daimo got up from the ground, climbed back to bed sleepy, and still covered the quilt to sleep.

Lu Mengji was angry and had nowhere to spread. He was about to find Lin Daimo's fault, but he still slept comfortably as if nothing had happened. In this way, Lu Mengji could only be sullen and was tossed by dreams all night. At this moment, he had no energy at all, so he lay back back** and calculated.

The woman mentioned in Aunt Li's mouth has obviously traveled here for several years, but she was too conceited to understand the life temperament of the ancients at all, so she misappropriated many modern people's things and taught those ancient women to draw eyebrows in a modern way without authorization, which was too incompatible with life here. Only then was she mistaken for a witch.

The world is at least a thousand years away from modern times. Even if the closest Qing Dynasty people accept the influence of modern culture, it is not a matter overnight. The woman tried to introduce changeable modern things into ancient times. To put it bluntly, she fought against those rules of etiquette and religion. It can be said that the dragonfly shook the big tree and was pitiful. .

But the flowers and trees are different. Since ancient times, there have been many literati who love flowers, trees and stone bamboo, and they do not hesitate to spend a lot of money for what they love. Therefore, it is by no means to break through the feudal constraints, but to take the original culture as the basis, but add a little artistic modeling. From this point on, I have made an essential difference from that woman.

The aroma of essential oil is no different from that of fragrant powder, but the extraction process is slightly different, but even so, the process of extracting essential oils is not too cumbersome. As long as there are suitable tools and a little understanding of the principles, it is naturally not a problem. Presumably, those ancient technical fanatics have long had experience, at least they will not make themselves an alien.

Lu Mengji thought about it and finally distinguished himself from that woman. Although he still did not want to give up the idea of making money with flowers and trees, he did not insist as before. After thinking again, I found that I had not been deeply involved in the world before, and my thoughts were inevitably too impruous. In this way, it also hit Lu Mengji's more and more conceited thoughts.

It was not until Lin Daimo got up that Lu Mengji got up lazily from **. His small face was tight and a thoughtful look made Lin Daimo involuntarily nervous. However, if she had this look, Lin Daimo would not want to live in peace in the next few days.

After refining essential oils for several days in a row, Lin Daimo has been choked by the endless smoke and is about to go crazy. If he does it again, he will really regret coming to this world.

But when he came home from work, Lu Mengji still took care of the flowers and trees in the courtyard. A osmanthus tree has withered because it is not suitable for the log, but if it is getting hot today, it is no longer the best time for grafting, and the log cannot be found if you want to find it. Lu Mengzhi is very much for this.

Seeing Lin Daimo, Lu Mengji remembered that lunch had not been made yet and hurried into the kitchen. Lin Daimo was already used to this hurried lunch and looked in the courtyard for a while before entering the room.

I have to say that Lu Mengji plays with these seedlings every day, which is inevitably incomparable compared with those farmers, but the seedlings in her hands are very beautiful without exception, and with the growth of the seedlings, many previously unrevealed shapes have gradually begun to show their appearance.

It's just that at noon today, Lu Mengjian entered the kitchen and saw nothing for a long time. Lin Daimo waited for a long time and finally couldn't help running over.

In fact, lunch has already been cooked, but Lu Mengji has been painting with straw in the ashes on the ground, and has already forgotten the person waiting in the room.

"Why are you squatting here? Is there a treasure in this ashes?" Lin Daimo couldn't laugh or cry. The longer he got along with him, the more he felt that Lu Mengji was simply a nerd and a strange nerd.

"Of course, you can only see this gray in your eyes, but in my eyes, it's all treasures." Lu Mengji stood up and wiped the pattern on the ground with his feet before returning to the room with the food.

He swallowed a few times, took out the pen and ink, described the pattern just painted in the gray according to his memory, and dried it with satisfaction, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, which was different from the two people in the morning.

Lin Daimo slowly chewed the steamed bread in his mouth, and was very dissatisfied with Lu Mengjian's rude appearance, but when he thought of Lu Mengjian's plain performance, he was not surprised. He just looked at the other party's use of pen, ink and paper so fearlessly, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

That's a set of four treasures of the study he brought when he came out of the Lin family. It was originally a gift from his father. It has been treasured by him in that small wooden box. Originally, there are few. If he buy it again, it will inevitably cost a lot. Looking at today's living conditions, he doesn't believe that his family has the ability to pay for paper, so he can always save money. , dare not use it easily.

However, since Lu Mengji knew about it, he took out a piece of paper to write and draw from time to time. Several strange drawings alone had been consumed, and the five-year plan that made him angry.

"Well, what are you drawing on the paper?" Lin Daimo finally couldn't help but decide to have an open and honest conversation. He pretended to stand up indifferently, walked around the simple table with the paper, looked at the thin lines, and couldn't help asking questions.