Don't go to the flower

Chapter 47 Children's Words

"Little sister, come here, be careful that the flowers on the tree fall and make your eyes crazy." Lu Mengji squatted down kindly and waved to Xiao Zhao. Although the little girl was wearing thick cloth clothes, her face was white and clean. Her round face was very pleasant, especially a pair of watery eyes, which was even more impressive. Never tired of it.

Xiao Zhao timidly walked to Lu Mengji and looked up at his brother lying on the tree as he walked. The boy was trying to break a flower branch, but there was a bark connected. After pulling hard for a long time, it was still connected to the tree, and he couldn't wait to bite it directly with his teeth.

"Xiao Zhao, what are you doing? Come back and stand under the tree. Don't move!" Gangzi lowered his head and found that his sister was very close to the strange woman, and the strange woman didn't know what to say, which made Xiao Zhao giggle. Hearing this, Xiao Zhao stood up and looked at Lu Mengji and his brother. He hesitated for a long time and didn't know where to go, and Gangzi on the tree obviously became hostile to Lu Mengji.

"Gangzi, be careful. Xiaozhao is too dangerous to stand under the tree. Don't worry, I will take good care of her," Lu Mengji stood up and shouted at the boy on the tree. Although Gangzi was still a little worried, he finally stopped insisting after seeing Lu Mengji's harmless expression, but just faster the speed of folding flowers in his hand.

Looking at Xiaozhao in front of him unprepared, Lu Mengji couldn't help sighing. If it were in modern times, I'm afraid that the child had already been taught not to talk to strangers. If he wanted to be more vigilant, how could he be happy with the child like this? It's better not to be treated as an adult vendor.

After a while, Gangzi folded a few thick flower branches, held the branches in his mouth, slid down from the tree, and walked to his sister. Xiao Zhao held the bouquet and smelled it again. His face was intoxicated. Seeing Lu Mengjian smiling and looking at him, he generously picked one and handed it to Lu Mengjian's hand.

Lu Mengjian measured thinly, and saw four corollas slender and blooming upwards, like the tassels of ancient ladies' clothing, which were very gorgeous. Although the petals are small, there is a unique elegant view gathered on this corolla. Lu Mengzhi's heart is in full bloom. He can't help hugging Xiao Zhao and kissing him on the cheek.

As a result, not only Xiaozhao, but also several other children were directly stunned on the spot. Where have they seen such a scene? Even at home, their mother has never been so intimate, not to mention that the other party has never known each other at all. When Lu Mengji reacted, the water wave in Xiao Zhao's eyes was clearly visible and was about to flow out.

"Good boy, Xiaozhao, my sister wants to thank you for the flowers you sent, that's why I kiss you. You see how beautiful and fragrant the flowers are," Lu Mengjian squatted on the ground, and a few words led Xiao Zhao's mind elsewhere. The child's mind changed quickly, and soon he burst into tears into laughter.

But Gangzi stood aside but looked restless. He recruited several partners to his side, pulled his sister and walked down the mountain. Lu Mengji saw several children go far away, and still thinking about the seedlings of the tassel tree, so he still stayed and found a few sharp stones to dig a tree to go home to graft the osmanthus tree.

Gangzi left in a hurry, and Xiao Zhao couldn't keep up. He couldn't help but fall and burst into tears. Several people stopped and rested by the stream.

The round-faced boy held the flowers in his hand and tiptoed to look up the mountain. Although Gangzi is not big, he is determined and witty, so he can also be called the king of children in this group. Seeing that the round-faced boy always looked at the mountain, he was annoyed, so he shouted, "Fatty, don't look!"

"Gangzi, don't you think the woman just now is very strange? How could she stand alone under the tree and go up the mountain alone," the round-faced boy said strangely, and the child resting next to him gathered around and said.

"I also think it's strange. I saw that something was wrong with her when I went there just now."

"She is so beautiful that she can't be a monster, but my father said that monsters won't come out during the day, and she didn't hurt us."

"Where, she obviously kissed Xiao Zhao. She must have sucked Xiao Zhao's soul away." The round-faced boy was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Everyone looked at Xiao Zhao together. Xiao Zhao's legs hurt. Hearing this, he was so scared and cried.

"How can that woman let us go if she is a monster? Don't talk nonsense!" Gangzi frowned, glanced at the fat man, and patiently coaxed Xiao Zhao.

"Well, the monster has no shadow. I just saw that woman has a shadow! However, my grandmother said that there was a crooked neck tree on the mountain, and many people hung there. You said that the woman has been watching under the tree, will she not be able to think about it..." The thin boy next to him was thoughtful.

Finally, after many speculations, several people made up their minds to walk to the mountain, but when they walked under the flower tree, they were all dumbfounded.

The snow-white tassel petals fall in the wind, like falling snow, which is very pleasant. But these beautiful scenery did not attract the attention of several children at all. They opened their mouths one by one and looked at the scene in front of them.

Lu Mengji looked around for a long time. The seedlings under the tree inevitably grew weak due to the lack of sunshine. Although the tree is thin and high, it can't stand the toss. However, most of the better growth are far away from the old trees, and the one seen by Lu Mengji happens to be born on the ridge.

Although it is only a few meters away from the old tree, the terrain is quite undulating. A few steps up the mountain rock. The scenery is just right, and you can cross the rock. The mountain becomes steep in vain. The rock wall is almost vertically cut open. In the cracks, there are many jujube and black pine trees, and the teeth and claws stretch out in mid-air.

The tassel seedling is just attached to the soil piled up between the rocks, and a short distance forward is a deep cliff. If you are not careful, you may fall off the cliff and break bones. Lu Mengjian held a stone in his hand and hesitated for a long time before finally made up his mind to move to him. This plant may not be the most robust, but its shape is the most aesthetic. If it is slightly trimmed after grafting, it will be eye-catching.

Such a beautiful cutting wood is really rare. Lu Mengjian is also willing to take risks just for this rare chance, but he has to admit that it is really not easy to dig saplings from the cracks in the mountains and rocks.

Lu Mengji carefully held the stone in his hand and slowly shoveled the soil away from one side, trying not to hurt the bark. However, the sapling has already taken root very deep in order to absorb more water, but the stone can reach it is limited after all. Throwing down the stone, Lu Mengji simply picked it up directly with his hand, but the soil was mixed with gravel, and his fingertips bleed in a few times.

But the root of the tree has exposed a large piece. If he gives up, Lu Mengji is really unwilling and cruel. He took a slightly smaller stone and dug out the root little by little.

At this time, several children who had originally went down the mountain returned to the mountain and saw Lu Mengji squatting on the edge of the cliff with his back to them, constantly nodding to a tree and saying words. From time to time, they shook their hands and even saw bright red blood stains on their fingertips. In this way, she is more like a strange witch.

The round-faced boy was so scared that his legs trembling. He took Gangzi's hand and was about to go down the mountain, but he was pulled by Gangzi.

"Gangzi, look at her like this, she is either a goblin or a witch. If she doesn't escape, she can't escape," the round-faced boy cried in a low voice. He had heard about the sacrifice of witches with boys for a long time, so he was very afraid. But Gangzi didn't believe this. After listening to these words, he stimulated his thirst for knowledge.

The rest of the people still stood still unknown, waiting for Gangzi's reaction. Gangzi picked up a stone and threw it tentatively on Lu Mengjian's body. The stone was impartial and happened to hit Lu Mengjian's head.

At this moment, Lu Mengji was grasping the trunk of the tree with one hand, constantly digging the soil with the other hand, and slowly digging out the roots. Seeing that the thin roots around him were about to be exposed, a stone hit his head. Lu Mengji couldn't help but increase his strength in his hand and suddenly pulled out the tassel seedlings, but none of the thin roots around him were torn off. When it opened, only a section of the main root was swaying in the sun with some soil.

"Wow, my root!" Lu Mengji looked down and was distressed. Such a root system was damaged, and it will take some time to recover. If it is grafted immediately, I'm afraid it will only get half the result. However, the osmanthus tree in the yard that failed to grafting has begun to wither a little. If it is not be repaired as soon as possible, I'm afraid that the osmanthus sapling will be wasted.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help looking back angrily.

When the child, who was originally in a wait-and-see state, saw that she suddenly became fierce and evil, thought of what the round-faced boy said, and hurriedly ran down the mountain.

But after all, Xiao Zhao was young and a girl. He held a bunch of "April Snow" in his hand and fell to the ground for a while. Gangzi felt sorry for his sister and hurried back to help her up, but a piece on his knee was already broken.

"Hey, why are you running? I can't eat people," Lu Mengjian saw Xiao Zhao fall, put the sapling in his hand aside and went to help. Unexpectedly, Gangzi looked at himself with a wary face.

"You are not allowed to touch my sister. If you want to eat, you can eat me. Don't hurt my sister." Gangzi stood in front of his sister awe-inspiringly, and stopped Lu Mengji with an inviolable appearance.

"Strange, Gangzi, didn't we meet each other just now? We forgot our sister so quickly," Lu Mengjie couldn't help laughing as he was obviously scared to death, but still toughly protecting his sister's expression.

"Hmm, demon girl, don't get close to me," Gangzi finally eased when he saw Lu Mengjie's kind appearance, but his mouth was still hard, but Xiao Zhao first stretched out an olive branch to Lu Mengjie. She touched her injured knee with tears in her eyes and looked at Lu Mengjie, "Sister, it hurts."

Lu Mengji smiled and rubbed her hair, got up to find a few grass, rubbed the green juice in the palm of his hand, and applied it to the wound on his knee. The bleeding finally stopped. Only then did Gangzi relax his vigilance, but still stood beside Xiao Zhao uneasily.