Don't go to the flower

Chapter 56 New Contradictions

After Lin Daimo went to the toilet for a while, Lu Mengjian had cleaned his trousers and hung them on the rope temporarily pulled in the courtyard. Lin Daimo looked up and saw it without saying anything. He just glanced at Lu Mengji and walked back to the hall. He was served by Liu's mother for breakfast. Although it was not the same as when he was a prince in the Lin family that day, Lin Daimo still unconsciously put on the airs of a young master. His cold and arrogant appearance made Lu Mengqi couldn't help but be angry.

"Mother Liu, you also sit down, let's have breakfast together," Lu Mengjing finished cleaning his hand, brought a stool and forcibly pulled Liu's mother to sit down, and personally served rice and vegetables and handed it to Liu's mother. Liu's mother has never received such treatment. She sat uneasy, holding chopsticks in her hand but she couldn't take a bite.

"Young grandma, how can this work? Let's be servants..." Liu's mother begged Lu Mengji with a bitter face. It's really difficult to swallow.

"Now we are ordinary people. How can there be the difference between those masters and servants? Liu Ma, when you come to our house is the elders of the family. From now on, we will eat and live together, just like a family. Don't talk about servants and superiors, otherwise some people will always think that they are still living among noble households!" Lu Mengji's words have something to say, and the people who listen to it naturally understand it.

Sure enough, Lin Daimo put his chopsticks on the table, which scared Liu's mother to stand up immediately and stand by the table full of guilt.

"Liu's mother, sit down and eat together. She is right. In the future, there will be no master and servant in our family. You have taken care of me for many years, and now it's time to enjoy happiness." After saying that, Lin Daimo got up and helped Liu's mother sit down and re-made the dishes. Liu's mother was flattered and held up her chopsticks and didn't take a bite for a long time.

"It's almost the same," Lu Mengji muttered softly and snickered secretly. This cold-faced man did not have the temper of those young masters in his imagination.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he was excited, he heard Lin Daimo sit down and said, "It's thanks to himself that he knows those messy common sense. Haven't you heard of the silent teachings? Oh, it's no wonder that some people's minds are used to study the sidelines. Haven't you heard these words?"

"People say that the gentleman is frank and the villain is full of sorrow. I wonder that Mr. Lin looks like a gentleman no matter how he looks at it, but he always talks like this. Isn't this the legendary different heart?" Lu Mengji showed no weakness, and Lin Daimo couldn't say a word for a long time.

"Well, it's difficult for women and villains to raise. If there is such an unappetizing person here, it's okay not to eat this meal!" After saying that, Lin Daimo toss the table and got up and left.

At this time, Liu's mother also stopped her chopsticks and wanted to chase her out, but she was pressed back to her seat by Lu Mengjian and said anxiously, "The young master's stomach is not good. How can you have such a little breakfast!"

"It's his own business whether to eat or not. He is already an adult and can be responsible for his actions. Besides, he will naturally eat when he is hungry. If he doesn't eat this, he is not hungry! Liu's mother, don't worry about it. Come and eat the food," Lu Mengzhi held up his chopsticks and ate with relish. I didn't expect Lin Daimo's psychological endurance to be so poor, but a few words made him not even eat. It is said that he had been doing business with Lin's father for several years. With this psychological quality, Lu Mengji really doubted whether he was just a false reputation.

A breakfast, the three of them had their own taste.

As soon as the table was cleaned up, he heard a knock at the door. Lu Mengjian saw that Liu's mother was busy and got up to answer the door. Thinking that he had moved in for only a day, and there were no neighbors around him. The two servants who served Lin Daimo must have come back again. Hearing the voice, he opened the door to welcome people in.

But when I looked up, I saw a strange man standing outside the door, looking at myself with a smile, "Grandma, good morning!"

Lu Mengjian thought for a long time, but still had no impression of the people who came, so he had to pretend to be polite, "Oh, hello."

The man led the horse into the door, tied the horse to the stump beside him, followed Lu Mengjian into the room, and found that Liu's mother was also staring at him with strange eyes. Then he suddenly realized that he turned around and took off a layer of skin off his face. It turned out to be Lin Daimo's companion student Fangyuan.

"I didn't expect to see you for a day, and you learned to change your face. What is this? Let me see," Lu Mengji reached out and took the mask in Fang Yuan's hand and took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. I don't know what material this mask is made of. I only feel soft and comfortable. If I don't deliberately look at it on my face, I really can't see anything fishy.

Fang Yuan was embarrassed to smile and scratch his head. "Today, I just rushed here and almost forgot that there was still this layer of skin on my face. Young grandma, are you and the young master used to living here?

"Well, it's good. It's ten times and eight times better than the previous house," Lu Mengji said casually, playing with his mask, "but it's your young master who regards himself as a young master too much."

"Young grandma, look at what you said, the young master is originally a young master. How can you treat yourself as a young master?" Fang Yuan was a little unhappy when he heard this, and Liu's mother next to him also said, "Well, at least this family is still the master of our young master. Today, you insisted that you asked me come to the table for dinner, which turned out to provoke the young master. I'm not happy. I haven't even eaten.

"What's wrong with eating together? Who doesn't eat at a table? No matter what happened before, now we are ordinary people, so we should live according to the lives of ordinary people," Lu Mengjian suddenly ignited an unknown fire in his heart after listening to Liu's mother's words, half for the sadness of this servility deep in the bone marrow, half for himself, and thought When she opened her mouth, she saw Lin Daimo slowly walking in from the outside and seeing the cold look. She simply turned her head and sat aside.

Fang Yuan saw Lin Daimo bowing down and said respectfully, "The little one has seen the young master."

"Why did you come here early in the morning?" Lin Daimo was so idle after dinner that he went out and turned around. As a result, he couldn't even see a figure. The surrounding area was full of weeds. It looked boring and had to turn home. Seeing Fang Yuan, he couldn't help asking, "Why are these four times so desolate? , no one smoke at all?"

"Young master, why did you go out alone? What should you do if you get lost in the wilderness here!" Fang Yuan was anxious when he heard this, "This house was originally lived by my relatives. They chose this place to avoid their enemies, but it was really remote, so they moved out in a few years. When that happened a few days ago, I was afraid that Mrs. Lin would notice your news, so I came to repair it in advance, but I didn't expect it to come in handy. But do you still try not to go out? Well, there are too many wild animals outside. In case you accidentally encounter them, it's really...

"Ouch, young master, don't go out by yourself in the future. What if you really meet a tiger and leopard?" Liu's mother was shocked to whiten when she heard that there were wild animals outside the courtyard.

However, Lu Mengjian suddenly became interested. She didn't expect that there were still these rare animals here. If she could see them with her own eyes, it would be much more enjoyable than watching them in the zoo. She thought so, and she was no longer angry. When she came closer, she expected Fang Yuan to talk more about wild creatures, but this topic was abrupt. However, it is not lost in the hearts of the people.

"To tell you the truth, today I have something important to discuss," Fang Yuan looked at the people beside him. After listening to it, Liu's mother went out of the door with a decisive and interesting excuse. Lu Mengzhi knew that Fang Yuan wanted to negotiate with Lin Daimo alone and was about to find an excuse to walk away.

As a result, Lin Daimo glanced coldly at the person who was in the way and said, "It's inconvenient here. Let's talk about it inside." Fang Yuan followed Lin Daimo to the door of the west wing and hesitated for a moment before walking to the room without squinting. After all, this room was the dormitory where Lin Daimo and his wife lived, and it was inevitable that it would be inconvenient for him to enter like this.

The two stayed in the room for about half an hour before Fang Yuan came out with a frown, and Lin Daimo's cold face turned black again. Fang Yuan resigned, and Lin Daimo just sat on the chair and waved his hand, as if even his strength had been drained.

"I'll see you off," Lu Mengji walked to the door with a smile and made a gesture of invitation. Fang Yuan bowed in shock. Taking advantage of Fang Yuan's mask and horse-led air, Lu Mengji casually asked, "Brother Fang, how far is this place from Pulan City?"

"It will take about an hour to ride a horse to Pulan City. I left just after dawn this morning, and you also saw it when I got here," Fang Yuan came from Pulan City, and there is no doubt about it. Lu Mengji was dumbfounded when he heard this and rode for an hour. If he relied on two legs alone, wouldn't he walk for a long time?

"What about going to Shita Village?"

"Let me think about it, from Shita Village to here, it is about the same distance from Shita Village to Pulan City, but because this road is difficult to cross mountains, so it inevitably takes more time. Yesterday, we took a detour on the official road. Although the road is easier to walk, it takes longer." After saying that, Fang Yuan knew that Lu Mengzhen was still thinking about the flower seedlings in the original yard, so he comforted him, "Young lady, please stay here for two days, and someone will help take care of it. When I finish these two days, I will definitely move your seedlings here. Don't worry!"

After saying that, Fang Yuan wanted to take the horse out, but Lu Mengjian caught up again. "Brother Fang, I have something else to trouble you. I made a piece of equipment in the iron shop of the Liu family in the city. I should have picked it up today, but it seems that I can't go. Can you please help me pick it up?"

"Liu Jia Tiepu, speaking of which, I still have some friendship with that boss. No problem, it's up to me."

"It is said that it is a stove made by the Lin family's wife in Shita Village. The blacksmith will definitely understand, but you must pay attention when carrying it and don't touch it!" Lu Mengjie was worried about the careful exhortation, and then he saw Fang Yuanfei's horse go away.