Don't go to the flower

Chapter 111 Night Attack 1

Bai Yiran lived in the Lin family for five days. In addition to eating and sleeping, he was full of all kinds of moths. Either he threw a wink at the passing girl, or he was bored and danced a knife and gun in the courtyard, and even almost poked a big hole in Lu Mengjian's distillery pot. In a few days, he made the whole small courtyard smoky. I just need to remove the tiles from the house.

Not only did not help Lin Daimo at all, but also made Lu Mengjian angry. Lin Daimo stayed in the study for several days, and even Lu Mengjian's smiling face was rarely seen. He regretted that he should not have listened to Bai Yiran's advice at the beginning. He walked around the world and was romantic, and the tricks he used to seduce some unclass little girl. Head, maybe a few words can make people tremble, but the key is that the other party is Lu Mengji. Using that set is not only useless, but also has no good impression of Bai Yiran.

In order to find out Bai Yiran's real purpose of staying in Lin's house, Lin Daimo didn't know how many times he asked secretly, but Bai Yiran refused to tell the truth. Even if he was drunk, his mouth still refused to show any news. He only said that he wanted to protect Lin Daimo's family. As a result, it made people panicked, even Liu Mom was also trembling and dared not visit the neighbors.

Although Lu Mengji is not used to the behavior of white-winged hyperactivity disorder, because he is a guest, he still treats him with courtesy. Moreover, he is so handsome. For this reason, preferential treatment is naturally indispensable.

Just as Bai Yiran folded a moon and gave it to Mu Ming to peek at the handsome little girl in front of the door, a group of military horses of unknown origin were welcomed outside Pulan City.

A man sitting high above the horse, wearing armor, with a solemn face, looked at the returning pawn in the city slightly impatiently.

"Report to the deputy general, Liu Zhixian in Pulan City is coming out of the city," the thin and dark soldier in front of him said quickly and clearly. "As soon as Liu Zhixian heard the arrival of the deputy general, he immediately got up to welcome him. At this moment, he has probably driven to the city gate!"

"Yes, return to the team, tie the tent, and the army will camp outside the city tonight." Huo Qing waved his hand, and his soldiers heard the order and immediately bowed down to listen to the order. The whole army acted quickly and orderly. In just a few minutes, more than ten tents stood around. The soldiers neatly arranged the things carried by the army. Unwaiting Huo Qing's order, they were already automatically displayed in a row with their eyes. He looked at Huo Qing.

"Very good," Huo Qing looked at everyone with satisfaction. "It's late today. Everyone has been working hard these days. Have a good rest tonight and complete the task tomorrow. I will buy you a drink!"

Huo Qing watched everyone disperse and thought of tomorrow's event. It was a little difficult. Looking at the token, it was true, but in case something went wrong, it was lost, but the Huo family's face was not as good as sending someone to check it at night...

Thinking in private, he had seen a carriage rushing in the distance. Liu Zhixian, who had a big belly, got off the car and trotted over with a smile on his face, "Oh, General Huo, there is a long way to welcome him. The subordinate officer doesn't know that General Huo came to Pulan City in person. Please forgive General Huo for your rudeness!"

Huo Qing smiled faintly and saluted, "How dare you? You should not take the liberty to disturb the county today. I'm just ordered to come to look for people, so I'm bothering you for a few days, please forgive me!"

"Ah, General Huo came out himself. Is the person he looking for a criminal of the imperial court?" Liu Zhixian was afraid that he would make a mistake in his position, which would make his cheeks sweat.

"No, Liu Zhixian is assured that this person is an old friend of my Huo family, and we will evacuate when we find this person. At present, there are a large number of sergeants, and it is inconvenient to enter the city, so I want to use your place to stay there for a few days, but I hope Liu Zhixian will not say anything. Huo Qing stood with his hands on his back, and the soldiers had a peerless posture of standing in the wind. In contrast, Liu Zhixian's shrimps were on their waists and looked more obscene.

declined Liu Zhixian's banquet invitation. Huo Qing coldly saw Liu Zhixian leave and turned into the tent. The accompanying military division was already waiting on the side. "Li Ran, you will choose three sensitive soldiers later."

Li Ran frowned, "Vice General, are you really going to explore the bottom first? If the master knows about this..."

"What if you know? It's ridiculous to prove that it's that person just by such a broken thing! I, Huo Qing, can't be as confused as that girl. If something goes wrong, where is the face of my Huo family?

"But..." Li Ran hesitated. He still remembered the majestic and expectant face of the master before leaving, and the order that was loud and never allowed to be put down, and finally sighed out of the tent.

Lu Mengjie finally sent away the matchmaker who came to him and looked at Bai Yiran helplessly. "Brother, how many girls have you provoked in recent days? I have sent three or four to you. Although you are handsome, you can't spread peach blossoms like this casually. Do you know, girl Your heart is very fragile. How many innocent girls do you have to hurt like this!"

"Is there anything wrong with being handsome?" Bai Yiran twisted her body and said, "Be Besides, I didn't take the initiative to provoke them. I just stood at the door with a flower. Who knew that they were not reserved at all. They ran away with flowers. It's not bad for me!"

"Why do you have nothing to do with a flower at the door? People like you are simply attracting bees and butterflies. How can a playboy like you have the nerve to lick his face and live until now!" Lu Mengji gave him a fierce glance and swept Lin Daimo beside him with an eye knife.

"You are handsome, there's nothing you can do. Hey, if you hate those girls so much, can't you also fall in love with me?" Bai Yiran smiled and put her face in front of Lu Mengjiao. As a result, Lin Daimo's face changed in an instant and pulled Bai Yiran and threw them two meters away.

" Come on, I really don't like you!" Lu Mengji stuck out his tongue and walked to the kitchen humming a little song.

And behind him, he rubbed his torn arm and grinned, "I still don't like you. I have a good-looking man, 10,000 times more beautiful than you, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he had already been hit by a fried chestnut on his head. Lin Daimo had long had a black face and wanted to beat him all over the ground. Unfortunately, his physical strength was too weak to wait to take action. He had already been thrown out of seven or eight streets.

It was night. Bai Yiran was drunk again under the repeated attacks of Lin Daimo and Hu Bo. He got off the table and went straight back to the room to sleep. However, after wasting a large jar of wine, Lin Daimo still couldn't ask anything. He hugged the wine jar and guessed sadly, so he had to go back to the study to sleep.

Since she separated from Lin Daimo, Lu Mengji's senses have been particularly shallow, and a little sound can wake her up from her sleep. Although she drank a little wine tonight, her mind is still clearer, so she has to blow out the light and lie in a mess, and then add During the day, he was disturbed by the matchmaker, and Bai Yiran had a headache. He selfishly thought about how to persuade him not to provoke those rotten peach blossoms. Unconsciously, it was five days.

Lu Mengji's mind was still very clear at this moment. Suddenly, he heard a gentle footsteps on the roof, but there was no sound in an instant, and many puppies guarding in the courtyard did not bark. Lu Mengji listened to it for a long time, and recalled the assassin with strong martial arts in the TV series in the room. When I walked fast for a long time, I closed my eyes at ease, but I was still not sleepy.

Occasionally, the bark of the neighbor's dog barked, but it soon became silent. The stone tower village under the night was immersed in silence.

A strange fragrance suddenly floated in the room. Lu Mengji has been waiting for the arrival of sleepiness. At this moment, his consciousness finally gradually blurred and sank into sleep.

The door was gently pushed open, and several shadows flashed in and gently closed the door.

"Little river, you guard at the door, you guys, follow the plan!" The head masked man in black finished whispering the order, and several people searched separately in the room.

The masked man who had just spoke took out a very short dagger from his arms and walked slowly to the bedside step by step.

However, the room was really dark. Even if their martial arts practitioners had superior eyesight, they were really a little embarrassed in this darkness. With a clear sound, one person almost tripped over the stool in the room. Although he quickly grabbed the stool in his hand, the sound still shocked everyone.

"Be gentle, idiot, wake people up and it's over!" The leader stopped halfway, groped to find a candle, lit it in his hand, and slightly covered the light with his sleeves. When he walked silently to the bed, he shouted, "No, there is only one woman!"

"We have been tricked. Hurry up and withdraw!"

The masked man quickly extinguished the candlestick in his hand. The originally bright room was dark in an instant and suddenly fell into darkness. People's eyes could not adapt to the darkness at all. Several people stumbled and rushed in the direction of the door, but the river guarding the door was still standing silently at the door at this moment.

"River, open the door!" The masked man felt something was wrong and walked out, but the river did not move. He reached out and pulled it, and the river fell to the ground.

"Friend, since you're here, play more!" The voice came from outside the room and floated gently, but shocked several people into a cold sweat.


With an order, the door suddenly opened, and the remaining three people in black raised their knives and wanted to rush out. The knife was bright, and the sound of steel colliding with each other. Although Bai Yiran's martial arts skills were high, he finally won the upper hand with one enemy three. One was cut across his left arm by the other's blade, and blood suddenly flowed to the ground along his arm.

Seeing the other party jump to the roof, Bai Yiran gritted his teeth and ignored the pain of his left arm. He also jumped and stopped the other party's way. However, he was injured and weak. After a few rounds, he was already out of breath.

Uncle Hu suddenly appeared in the courtyard, holding a fire stick under the stove in his hand.