Don't go to the flower

Chapter 113 Guest to

The slightly older man looked around. When he saw Lin Daimo, his eyes paused for a moment and showed a clear understanding in surprise. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and laughed. His lips and teeth suddenly exerted hard. Then he spit out half of his tongue, and blood flowed out along the corners of his mouth, but there was still a thick smile on his face, and now he looked more and more ferocious.

"Hey, don't do self-harm like this even if you don't say it!" Lu Mengjian couldn't bear to look over, "Uncle Hu, go and invite Uncle Seven over. Hey, this guy doesn't care too much about himself..."

After all, the river next to him is young. Although the rules have long been deep in his heart, when he watched his companion fall miserably in front of him, he was still a little afraid. Even if he did not die at this moment, he would inevitably die sooner or later. When he was hesitating, his accomplice, who looked ferocious because of pain suddenly glanced at him sharply. The face.

"I, I," Xiaohe looked at his companion hesitantly and looked up at Lin Daimo. This person was extremely familiar at a glance, but under such a nervous situation, Xiaohe did not have time to think about this problem at all. He thought about his parents far away from his hometown and the gentle woman with hibiscus face, and was caught off guarded by a His hand was covered by his mouth, and a small pill melted in his mouth. Xiaohe had no time to struggle, and his body had slowly fell to the ground, but the moment he closed his eyes, his mind suddenly felt ethereal. It turned out that he, the man in front of him, was not very similar to that person...

The man with broken tongue tried his last strength and finally opened his eyes and cut his breath.

When Li Laoqi arrived, there were already two uncooled bodies in front of him. He took the pulse, tried his breath, and shook his head helplessly. Although he was curious about the sudden appearance of the two, he still clenched his teeth and swallowed the curiosity in his stomach.

It was not easy to clean up the blood stains on the ground, and suddenly there was a knock on the door, which shocked all the people present. After all, if someone died in the courtyard, it must be a trouble, but now it is too late to hide the body. Lin Daimo simply took a broken mat and covered it here. On two people.

"Excuse me, Mr. Lin Daimolin is there?" The male voice at the door was as loud as a command, straight through the whole courtyard.

"Who is outside the door?" Everyone in the courtyard held their breath for a moment, but Hu Bo walked to the door in a leisurely way, and the sound was like a bell.

"I am Huo Qing, the deputy general of the general of the north of the town, please forgive me." The voice from outside is mellow and powerful. Although the pitch is not as high as the person who just called the door, it is enough to make the people present obey.

"General Zhenbei..." As soon as he said this, even Hu Bo couldn't help losing his calmness. He hurried forward to open the door and bowed to invite the man outside into the door.

Huo Qing walked alone in the hospital. Without anger and self-rewight, his look was extremely shocking, and the courtyard was suddenly silent.

Lu Mengji secretly looked at Huo Qing and looked at him at least 30 years old. His hands looked black and rough because of the long-lasting battlefield, and even his fingertips could see the calluses formed by long-term touching weapons. There is still a thick/hard stubble on his dark face, and the corners of his eyes are slightly drooping, but his small eyes are as bright as eagles, and he can't wait to take out people's hearts with sharp claws the next second.

"Vice General Huo, please sit down!" Lin Daimo asked Huo Qing to sit on the small stool in the courtyard with his fingertips slightly. Seeing that Liu's mother was still stunned and had forgotten to make tea, he whispered a few words before Liu's mother hurried to the kitchen, but subconsciously turned back to look at the broken mat on the ground.

Huo Qing followed her eyes and happened to see the corners of the clothes under the broken mat. His eyes were a little awe-sighted, but his face was still calm, and he only smiled, "I'm just here to visit today. Please don't be stuck, Mr. Lin, you can sit down too!"

Lin Daiwei looked upright, pretending to straighten his waist and half of his buttocks sitting in the corner of the stool, and the muscles on his face unconsciously twitched because of excessive smile.

"Well, I'll help Liu's mother boil water," Lu Mengji whispered and quickly ran to the kitchen. Huo Qing heard this clearly and looked at Lu Mengji's back with disdain. Sure enough, he came from a small family and even spoke without rules.

Hu Bo and Li Laoqi guarded the door one by one. Li Laoqi looked out of the door. The alley was full of solemn sergeants in military uniforms. Immediately, their legs were so scared that they could only lean against the door frame and barely support themselves from falling down.

"Brother, shouldn't the Lin family offend anyone?" Li Laoqi lay down and asked quietly in Hu Bo's ear, but Hu Bo also shook his head with a doubtful face and pouted in the courtyard with vigilance, making a silent posture.

"To tell you the truth, Mr. Lin, I am ordered to act. If there is anything to offend, I hope Mr. Lin will forgive me," Huo Qing said and took out a gold-inlaid silk satin package from his arms. After carefully opened it layer by layer, the satin was lying on the stolen paper, and the crystal of ink jade was reflected in the golden glitter. , it looks more moist, "This thing belongs to Mr. Lin?"

"This paperweight was not stolen. How can it be with you!" Lin Daimo looked at the lost and recovered paperweight in surprise and couldn't help taking it in his hand. Only when he reached halfway, he found that he was wrong. He took back his hand and looked at Huo Qing uneasily.

"It doesn't matter why this thing is in the hands of the humble. The important thing is that this paperweight is owned by the prince?" Huo Qing's lips gently raised, and his masculine face showed a trace of mature man's charm. Lu Mengji came forward with tea and just took a panoramic view of this smile, and couldn't help but look at it a few more.

"Yes, this paperweight was left by my father and told me to keep it properly, but it was accidentally stolen. Unexpectedly, it was in the hands of the general," Lin Daimo looked at Huo Qing's bottomless eyes, and suddenly felt uneasiness in his heart. "If the general likes it, it is the supreme honor of this paperweight, and he is willing to give it away! "

Huo Qing smiled more, but carefully put the paperweight and the satin inlaid with gold silk on the stone table in front of him. "I would have dared not accept this thing. Please take it carefully. If the original guess is correct, there should be three things with this thing.

"This..." Lin Daimo hesitated a little. He couldn't see through the intention of the deputy general more and more. He had obviously taken out the paperweight, but why did he ask three other things? No, he never told outsiders about the sandalwood box. How could an outsider know so clearly!

"Xuanzhou Shuxuan, Xuancheng Zihao, Zhaoqing Duanyan, these three are still in the hands of Mr. Lin, right?" Huo Qing picked up the tea, and the thick coarse leaf black tea entered his nose and had a strong smell. Although Huo Qing did not pay much attention to the way of drinking tea, he still frowned slightly. He just held the teacup in his hand and looked at Lin Daimo with deep eyes. Among them, there were considerations and deeper hidden worries.

"These three are treasures in Mobao. The Lin family is thin. How can there be such rare treasures?" Lin Daimo smiled humbly and remembered the three lying in the sandalwood box. Although Xuan paper was used a lot by Lu Mengzhi, there were at least a few left. He glanced at Lu Mengzhi not far away, but Lu Mengzhi stared at them. The position where the two men in black lay unconsciously glanced at the broken seat.

Huo Qing knew that he was hiding something and was not in a hurry, and his eyes also glanced at the ground. "Good yard, it's really annoying to put this broken mat!"

"Breaking mat, oh, just go down and clean it up later, so I won't bother General Huo to do it," Lin Daimo stood up, stood up in front of Huo Qing, and deliberately hid the broken mat behind him, but Huo Qing only waved his hand gently, and Lin Daimo was pushed aside.

Huo Qing's face turned as usual, "Isn't Mr. Lin so nervous that he is hiding something from me?"

"General Huo spares his life," Lin Daimo suddenly fell to his knees and pointed to the crowd and pleaded sadly, "This has nothing to do with them. I hope the general will not punish them. If you punish me, just punish me!"

Lin Daimo knelt down and walked to the broken table and gently lifted a corner. The tragic situation of the two people on the ground was being fully recognized by Huo Qing. Lin Daimo gritted his teeth and told him everything that happened in the night. After hearing this, Huo Qing's face did not change, but his voice became colder and colder.

"Li Ran came in!" As soon as Huo Qing finished speaking, he heard a person outside the door quickly step into the door. When he saw Huo Qing immediately bowing and salute, his eyes turned and saw the two bodies on the ground. When he looked up, his face was a little more cautious.

"Li Ran, go and have a look. Do you recognize those two?" Huo Qing's tone was extremely cold, and he was obviously extremely angry.

"Go back to the deputy general, the weapons used by these two are owned by the barracks, and the print on it..." Li Ran hesitated a little, but saw Huo Qing's face sink, "It's the print of Huo Jiajun."

"How dare you to do it in front of this deputy general. You should carefully check the background of these two people. Report it immediately after checking!" Huo Qing patted his big hand, and the stone table suddenly cracked a thin crack.

No wonder he sent someone to investigate last night, but he heard the three people reply that the people in the house were extremely vigilant and stayed in the courtyard all night. It turned out that they were the first!

Lin Daimo lowered his head and stood aside, not even afraid to come out of the atmosphere. He watched the stone table being split under one palm, and heard Huo Qing ask about the other three ink treasures in the study. He simply no longer concealed it. He took the initiative to move the sandalwood box to the study and put them in front of Huo Qing one by one.

"Do you know that if you just take out one piece, it will be worth a whole city. Not only your Lin family, but even the whole village may have no worries about food and clothing!" Huo Qing carefully picked up the inkstone, "However, if you really show these treasures, I'm afraid that you will peep at them at night, it will be more than this group of people."

Lin Daimo sweated coldly behind his neck. He only knew that this was the heirloom left to him by his father, but he didn't expect that these things were so eye-catching. Fortunately, they were discovered early last night. Otherwise, with these vicious nature, the consequences would be really unimaginable...