Don't go to the flower

Chapter 114 Past

The four treasures suddenly gathered at home. In the usual courtyard, in Lin Daimo's eyes, he suddenly became blurred. He had experienced wealth and difficulties, and he had already seen a lot, but when the pie hit his head, he was still inevitably dizzy.

"General Huo, since you are so familiar with these four treasures, you must be prepared. There is some inconvenience here. Let's take a step to talk." Lin Dai respectfully invited Huo Qing to sit still in the hall, and went out and told Lu Mengzhu to turn in and close the door.

Lin Daimo and Huo Qing chatted in the room for nearly three or four hours, and didn't even eat lunch. They kept chatting in the room.

Li Ran's two subordinates guarded the door and did not allow anyone to approach. Lu Mengjian has only seen the general's demeanor in novels and TV, but when he is in close contact, he found that the fierce evil spirit emitted by the other party is simply difficult to approach.

"Brother, they have been in the room for so long. If they don't eat something, I'm afraid they will starve the general!" After the afternoon, Liu's mother carried the food box several times and wanted to go in to deliver food, but she was directly stopped by Li Ran. They didn't eat, but even the people in the courtyard did not dare to eat. People in the yard had to raise their hearts high for fear that as soon as the door was opened, they would fall in their guilt.

The soldiers at the door stood still, motionless like a sculpture, and didn't even dare to take a sip of water. Lu Mengji was stunned. With such strict military rules, if these elite soldiers go to the battlefield, unless the other party is capable, it is really difficult to lose.

After a half-day investigation, Li Ran obviously had all the information about the two dead soldiers in the hospital. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any clues from the two. Moreover, after the two were captured, they lost their vitality when they saw that they were unable to escape. The person who ordered him must have expected it and deliberately extinguished the clues with death, which was really vicious. .

However, Huo Jiajun, led by Vice General Huo Qing, rushed to Pulan City for a moment after receiving the general's order. Only last night's rest outside the city, there was such a mistake, and the leak came from Huo's army. Li Ran thought about the reason for a long time, and finally stood quietly with a sigh. At the door of the hall.

Just as Lu Mengji stood with his legs weak, Huo Qing finally squeezed his lips and opened the door. Lin Daimo followed closely, but his face was extremely pale, and even his footsteps were a little weak.

Huo Qing suddenly turned his head and shot at Lin Daimo with sharp eyes. "Mr. Lin, you are still Mr. Lin now. Huo respects your wishes, but this matter is of great importance. I hope Mr. Lin can think carefully and make a decision before making a decision. Huo led the soldiers to wait outside the city for three days. If Mr. Lin has figured it out, please be sure to send someone to inform him.

"Thank you, General, for your beauty," Lin Daimo squeezed out a smile and tried his best to finish his words. His lips were gradually bitten by his teeth. Huo Qing saw that contemptuous eyes appeared in his eyes, but then he was carefully hidden. How could he find such a cowardly person? It was really a great disgance!

The bodies in the courtyard had already been carried aside and carefully rolled up with mats. Huo Qing's eyes swept over the remaining blood stains. Li Ran immediately bowed and said, "Your Excellency, the identities of those two have been identified. These two people were still in our tent last night. When they fucked early this morning, they disappeared. Unexpectedly, they were better than us. We arrived first."

Huo Qing was just rejected by Lin Daimo. At this moment, he was very angry. He heard that the two people who attacked Lin's house at night were from their own hands, and they were even more angry. "Oh, I didn't expect these people to dare to fight under the eyes of the general. In this case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Take the body and go back to the camp!" Huo Qing shook his clothes hard and walked out of the door without looking back.

Li Ran followed him submissively. Before leaving, he turned his head and whispered to Lin Daimo, "Sir, you have to think twice about everything!" Let's wait for your good news..." After saying that, he chased after him.

After only a while, the originally neatly lined team on the street has disappeared, and there are no people on the street, as if those people have never appeared today, and the appearance of Vice General Huo Qing is just a dream. Lu Mengji rubbed his eyes hard and looked at the distance confusedly. Everything was like a dream, but the remaining blood stains on the ground always warned him of the thrill last night.

"Hey, young master, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!" Liu's mother exclaimed and held the crumbling Lin Daimo. Lin Daimo's face was pale, covering his stomach and bending down to vomit. However, he didn't have time to eat two meals in the morning and afternoon. His stomach was empty and he only spit out a few mouthfuls of sour water.

Fortunately, after the seventh uncle ran home, he had been worried about the safety of the Lin family. When he saw the army withdraw, he immediately ran over to find out what was going on. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lin Daimo's expression in pain. After hurriedly supporting **, he wiped his sweat. "Come and make a bowl of thin millet porridge. This man, what can you do if you don't eat? You have to rely on food!"

After listening to this, Liu's mother made two sounds and ran to the kitchen with small steps.

"Uncle Seven, although his body is a little weaker, he will not become like this after two meals. Is the residual poison in his body attack again?" Lu Mengji has always known Lin Daimo's body, but no matter how bad it is, it will not become like this.

"The poison has actually been almost cleared, mainly because his physique is too weak, coupled with the sharp change in his mood, causing the stomach **. As long as he slowly recuperates, it will be fine. Although some people seem to be extremely good, if they encounter great joys and sorrows, I'm afraid they are not as good as Mr. Lin!"

"Great joy and sorrow?" Lu Mengji looked at Lin Daimo worriedly. Since Huo Qing came home, she knew that things were not good, but the two of them were locked in the room to talk. No one knew what was going on in the room at all, let alone anything could make Lin Daimo's heartache.

"If there are some traumas, the old man may be able to help, but if he is mentally ill, the old man is really powerless. You'd better slowly raise his stomach first." After saying that, Li Laoqi took a deep look at Lu Mengji and walked out of the door step by step behind his back.

Lin Daimo drank some warm sweet rice porridge, and his expression was back as usual. He looked at the blank window with empty eyes, and what Huo Qing said just now came to his mind.

"When my husband gave birth to his son, the general was fighting on the battlefield in northern Xinjiang. He did not expect that his second aunt would be so cruel to put him to death. The wife was born in poverty and had no mother's family to rely on, so she had to send the prince first and left these four tokens beside the prince. She only hoped to take the prince back to the house one day. However, just a year later, when the general was about to return to Beijing, the wife ate something she shouldn't have eaten and vomited blood and died..."

Lin Daimo smiled bitterly and ate something that should not have been eaten. The general's mansion has always been a great family, and there are naturally many places that can't be managed. However, the people in the general's mansion are really bolder to declare that the general's wife died due to improper diet.

"The general and his wife have always loved each other. On the way, he received the news of his wife's death and ran all the way back to the general's house, but he still failed to see his wife for the last time. Since then, the general has never married and filled the house again, and has not even taken a concubine for nearly 20 years, leaving only his second aunt to take care of him. The second aunt was as beautiful as a flower when she was young, and she was the general's uncle and cousin, so her status in the house was getting worse day by day, and she often called herself a wife.

"Until later, a young man who once took care of his wife risked his life to hand over her dying letter to the general." Huo Qing thought of the gentle appearance of his wife's eyebrows and eyes, and his heart seemed to contain Huang Lian. He never thought that the distant glance outside the general's room before the expedition would be the last!

At that time, Huo Qing was only in his early 15s. He was a strong-blooded man. Because of his cousin's relationship, he was accompanied by the general, and his wife had only been in the house for only a year. Her fingers were like green onions, her lips were red, and a smile fascinated him, but she was the general's wife and the general's favorite woman. The general has been a military horse all his life and has never been close to women, but since he met her, he has changed like a person.

The general married her, and the Huo family objected, but the general insisted that she would not marry. Huo Qing still remember the way he squeezed at the door and peeked at the bride. The red veil was lifted, and the whole room was quiet in an instant. She lowered her head shyly like a fantasy fairy, raised her eyebrows, and looked up at the general. Huo Qing's eyes were straight.

However, Huo was a big family in Beijing. The general finally couldn't resist the strength of his family. He bowed his head for the first time and accepted his uncle's daughter as his second aunt.

Just two months after getting married, the general received the emperor's imperial edict and went to the northern Xinjiang to resist the barbarians, but this was nearly two years. At first, the general could receive letters from his wife every month. Every time he received the letter, the general was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, and even the war was particularly powerful. At that time, the thunder army won the battle.

When it came to the third letter, the wife mentioned that she was pregnant, and the general ordered the whole army to have fun together. That night, the general drank a lot of wine. He had never laughed so happily, not before, and never later.

Since then, the lady has never sent any letters. Occasionally, there are only a few letters from the capital, all of which have nothing to do with it. At least for the general, except for his wife, nothing else is related. Several months later, the letter mentioned that his wife gave birth to Lin'er, but the war was tight at that time. Although the general was happy, he was still worried about the war, so he did not write home.

Unfortunate, that was the last time the general got news about his wife.

That year, the barbarians refused to send troops, but every time the general attacked the city, he could not attack it repeatedly due to the poor terrain, and this fight lasted for two years. At that time, Huo Qing had been following the general. He watched as there were fewer and fewer soldiers in the barracks, and the general's eyebrows frowned more and more.