Don't go to the flower

Chapter 118 Wolf Child

Lu Mengji looked at the wolf's leg that was clamped/tightly stuck. The leg had obviously been clipped, but the white wolf could only be stuck in the wooden clip and could not move.

"Do you want me to open the clip for you?" Lu Mengji pointed to the blood-stained wooden clip. The little wolf stared at her with pleading eyes and looked at the white wolf along her eyes. Lu Mengji's pitiful little eyes made Lu Mengji full of love.

She suppressed her fear of the white wolf, squatted down and carefully studied the structure of the wooden clip. Finally, she stretched out both sides of her hand to pull the wooden clip away, but it was inevitable that the white wolf was injured and retreated.

The white wolf opened his blood basin in pain and wanted to bite Lu Mengjian, but when he saw that Lu Mengjian blushed because of his hard rise, he tried his best to resist the pain and howled and lay flat on the ground in a low voice. The little wolf came forward to gently lick/lick the white wolf's hair.

Lu Mengjie used his strength to breastfeed and finally broke a gap in the wooden clip. However, this gap did not help the wolf's leg at all. However, Lu Mengjie no longer had the strength to support it. Seeing that the gap was about to close again, Lu Meng Jian closed his eyes sadly.

Just as Lu Mengji gave up, the wooden clip was suddenly pulled away, and the white wolf's legs were taken out of the wooden clip and softly pulled aside.

Lu Mengji opened her eyes and suddenly found that a pair of dark and bright eyes were staring at her. She suddenly took a step back and blurted out, "Who are you!"

The black-eyed boy in front of him tilted his head and looked at her curiously, making a low roar like a wolf, but the roar changed its taste, and he heard a "yo-yo" sound in Lu Mengji's ears.

The boy looked at her alertly, gently moved his footsteps around Lu Mengjie, and even put his nose in front of Lu Mengjie and sniffed it carefully. He found that it smelled very good, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

The white wolf had closed his eyes and lay on the ground in great pain. Seeing this, the two old wolves in the surrounding guards had already stared at Lu Mengjian fiercely and were ready to rush over at any time. However, the boy waved his hand gently, and the two old wolves suddenly relaxed their expression and only went to the white wolf and licked their heads and licked the wound.

The boy's hair is extremely long and messy behind his head. He may not have been washed for a long time, and his long hair has formed several wisps without luster. His skin was dark and healthy, with a leaf skirt wrapped around his waist. Those leaves fell a lot during the running process, and the key parts loomed. Lu Mengji took a look and found that he was still looking at himself.

Lu Mengji smiled slightly and half squatted down to be equal to the boy, but the boy was obviously scared and roared with his teeth. His eyes were like a newborn baby, dark and clear. Lu Mengjie had never seen a pure feeling. She couldn't help reaching out to touch the boy's head and was dodging by the boy.

The boy's "woo" threat is particularly cute for Lu Mengji. Lu Mengji smiled happily and turned to walk to the white wolf. The white wolf's legs could even faintly see traces of white bones. Lu Mengji was distressed, but judging from the current medical conditions, I'm afraid that its leg is extremely difficult to recover.

Lu Mengji has no experience in saving animals, but he has seen others bandage the broken bones, so he tore off the bottom of his coat and pulled them into cloth strips, and found a few wooden sticks and some herbs that could stop the bleeding from the side. After stopping the bleeding, he straightened the broken bones and fixed the leg bones with wooden stick cloth strips.

The white wolf was in great pain, but he tried his best not to bite Lu Mengji. After dressing, the white wolf almost fainted. Seeing this, the boy frowned and walked to the white wolf. After confirming that he was still alive, his eyes were slightly kind.

The wolves who had gone to deal with the four men in black slowly returned to this open space and suddenly found that there was a man standing in front of the white wolf. He immediately prun his white teeth and wanted to rush over, but was stopped by the boy. The wolves gathered more and more. Lu Mengzhi stood straight in the middle of the open space and watched himself surrounded by the wolves. The wolves' eyes emitted vicious green light, and the sweat on Lu Mengzhi's back almost made his clothes soaked.

Finally, the boy suddenly raised his head and roared, and the wolves also competed to grow up. Gradually, they looked vicious and sat on the ground in a circle.

"Mom?" The boy looked at Lu Mengji vaguely, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Child, I'm not your mother," Lu Mengji bent down and looked at the boy pitifully. He looked only seven or eight years old. Such a big child in the village still swelled in his mother's arms and acted coquettishly, but he has established his prestige in this dense forest. How much has he suffered to live here healthily. ......

After listening to Lu Mengji's words, the boy's expected face suddenly became gloomy, and he said slowly, "No, yes, mother, mother, where?"

Lu Mengji looked at him puzzledly and understood what he meant after a long time. Suddenly, there was a burst of sadness in his heart. Whether he was abandoned by his parents or accidentally lost himself, he was just a child after all. So she took the boy's hand with a smile and said firmly and slowly, "If you want, I will love you as much as your mother. If I don't let you suffer, will you follow me?"

The boy hesitated for a while. He tried to think about the meaning of Lu Mengji's words, but he couldn't understand so many words at all. It took him a while before hesitant to ask, "You? Mother?"

Lu Mengji's excited nose turned red and nodded repeatedly. Since he could understand these simple words, he must have spoken before he came to this dense forest, but he hadn't spoken/communicated with people for a long time, so it was inevitable that he could remember. It was difficult for him to remember his mother. Unfortunately, his mother I don't know if it is still alive...

"You," Lu Mengji pointed to the boy and pointed to himself, "Follow me, go home, okay?"

Lu Mengji pointed to the direction outside the dense forest. She was not sure whether the boy could understand, but when the boy heard the house, there seemed to be a light in his eyes. She knew that he understood.

"Go home?" The boy suddenly turned around happily like a dancing wolf. Lu Mengzhen also looked at him happily, but faintly felt that something was wrong. She looked down carefully and found that there was a slender tail behind the child!

Only then did Lu Mengji understand why the boy appeared in the forest. The ancients always thought that the animal was ominous, and in order to avoid disaster at home, they had to throw away these children. The obvious appearance of the pig's tail behind the child must be the direct reason why he was abandoned by his parents.

Thinking of this, Lu Mengji's heart was faintly painful. In this case, she must take good care of this child!