Don't go to the flower

Chapter 121 Embarrassment

"While playing, who is your little lady? I think you have been injected with too much ecze, and you haven't woken up yet!" Lu Mengji pushed Lin Daimo away and slapped his nose with disgust.

However, Lin Daimo took the opportunity to sit by the bed and rubbed Lu Mengzhi. His arms were about to hold Lu Mengzhi tightly. Unexpectedly, he got up as if he was sleepy, stared at Lu Mengzhi for a long time, and suddenly turned over and fell asleep again.

Lin Daimo was so scared that he didn't dare to come out. His arms were high behind Lu Mengji and didn't know what to do. Lin Daimo was deeply aware of the great power of Youyou. At noon, he just wanted to hand a glass of water to Lu Mengji. As a result, he was knocked to the ground directly by Youyou's backhand, and his left hand was almost bitten by the little white tooth and oozed blood. Therefore, even with Lin Daimo's ten courage, he still had lingering fear.

It was not until the little guy fell asleep that Lin Daimo dared to come to Lu Mengji.

"In a low voice, he was frightened today and finally fell asleep," Lu Mengji carefully pointed behind him and gently pushed Lin Daimo under the bed. "This bed is too small. You slept in the study tonight. I was kicked by this little guy last night."

"I sleep in the study again, I don't!" Lin Daimo sat down next to Lu Mengji angrily. He slept in the study for many days and finally had the opportunity to sleep next to Lu Mengji. He didn't easily sleep back to the study, otherwise he didn't know when he would be pardoned to sleep back**.

"Well, it's up to you, but you can't sleep in this bed," Lu Mengji looked narrowly at the ground, "Why don't you sleep there!"

"What!" Lin Daimo looked surprised. He hadn't slept on the floor yet, but the woman actually asked him to sleep on the ground!

"Don't you agree?"

Lin Daimo shook his head repeatedly and shook his cheeks. Although the floor was a little hard, at least he was still in the same room as Lu Mengji. He silently took the bedding handed over by Lu Mengji, spread it on the ground, and lay down with his head on his hand.

Lu Mengji was tired for a day and lay close to the bed, but there was no sleepiness at this moment. On the first day at home, Youyou scared Liu's mother to faint directly. Moreover, after so many people's siege, Youyou obviously had become afraid of people and didn't know what would happen in the future. She sighed with a headache, but the little guy slept well at this moment. Xiang, how can you understand her pain?

"Madam, you haven't said where Youyou came from," Lin Daimo looked sideways at the faint shadow of **. He had always wanted to ask this question, but he had never caught the opportunity. Although he did not object to her privately taking Youyou home, at least he was also the head of the family. Lu Mengji didn't want to tell him at all. Meaning, it inevitably makes him a little depressed. After getting along with him for so long, he has long been used to Lu Mengji's temper, but at least he will "discuss" with him a little. This time, does his position in her mind have declined again?

"This matter is a long story," Lu Mengjie turned back in her heart about the encounter with the wolves. Regarding the fact that Youyou is a wolf child, she was afraid that someone could not accept it, so she never mentioned it to anyone. However, she was not very wary of Lin Daimo, and she may need two people to take care of Youyou together in the future. It was she who thought for a moment and said, "Youyou is actually a wolf child."

"How can it be!" Lin Daimo lost his mind for a moment, exclaimed, and immediately covered his mouth tightly.

"Shh!" Lu Mengzhen looked back at Youyou. He was sleeping peacefully. Lu Mengzhen quietly got up and moved to the floor to lie next to Lin Daimo. As soon as he turned around, he could feel Lin Daimo's hot smell and a good smell of man.

"In order to stay in the village well, only you and I know about this matter, and no third person is allowed to know!"

Seeing Lin Daimo nodded solemnly, Lu Mengjian was captured by those bad guys at night with love and pity, and led them all the way to the dense forest and met the wolves. Finally, he met Youyou and took them home briefly. The more Lin Daimo listened, the more thrilling he became. Finally, he heard Lu Mengjian leading You out of the dense forest and returned home. In the middle, I was finally relieved.

"Madam, you have suffered..."

"Hey, let go of your hand and strangle me," Lu Mengji's two arms were wrapped around her, which made her almost breathless. Lin Daimo was really as timid as a mouse, but when he heard about her encounter with wolves, he was so scared that he hugged her like a child. If he had experienced it himself, he wouldn't be scared to pee in his pants.

Lin Daimo loosened his arm a little, but refused to move his arm away from Lu Mengjian's body. How could he easily let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"What are you doing? Let go of me quickly," Lu Mengjian struggled hard, but he couldn't get rid of it. Unexpectedly, this little white face was usually weak, but the strength of his arms was amazing.

Lin Daimo simply put one leg on Lu Mengji, directly pressed Lu Mengji to move, and muttered, "Oh, I'm so sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Don't move around."

After saying that, he buried his head deep in Lu Mengji's neck, and the hot gas spurted from his breath hit Lu Mengji's white and tender skin, and gradually warmed up into a pink color.

Lu Mengji struggled and was afraid of waking up the Youyou who was sleeping in **, but the man who was pressing on his body really fell asleep slowly!

He fell asleep with her in his arms like this!

Lu Mengji couldn't smile bitterly.

In addition to being hugged and sleeping by her father, she has never had such close contact with the opposite sex, and it is also a zero-distance contact with her skin!

She felt that her skin was getting hotter and hotter, and a soft mouth tightly stuck to her neck. There was a feeling of crispness in the place touched by her nose. This feeling gradually spread all over her body, as if she was in the clouds, but extremely comfortable.

"This idiot's hands and feet are still so heavy when he falls asleep!" Lu Mengji was unable to break away from his arms, and finally narrowed his eyes and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Lu Mengji clung to Lin Daimo's arms with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and the two hugged each other in an extremely ambiguous posture.

Gradually, a hard stick was separated between the two, which made Lu Mengji extremely uncomfortable. Lu Mengji reached out and pushed it, and suddenly woke up.


"You hooligan!"

Lin Daimo's face was suddenly imprinted with five red fingerprints. He watched Lu Mengji get up from the floor, grabbed the pillow and fell on his body a few times, but he still didn't know what had happened. He felt uncomfortable and unconsciously bowed.

Youyou was awakened by the sound, squatted in ** and took a look, and then flew down to Lin Daimo's body and grabbed him fiercely like a wolf. Lin Daimo was pressed by him, and his body's reaction became more and more intense, so he had to kneel on the floor.

"Youyou, stop!" Lu Mengji didn't expect that his extreme reaction would make Youyou so fierce. He quickly pulled Youyou off Lin Daimo's body, but Lin Daimo had been caught with several blood marks on the back of his neck.

"Youyou, this is not in the woods. You no longer live in wolves. Don't beat people casually in the future, otherwise I don't like Youyou!" Lu Mengji said harshly, Youyou still seemed to understand, but in his puzzled eyes, he gradually retreated fiercely. Only then did Lu Mengji bend over and help up Lin Daimo, who was like a shrimp.

"You, you go out first..." Lin Daimo sat in difficulty**, and his physical discomfort made him dare not look up at all. Although he had such a reaction before, he did not expect that he would show embarrassment in front of Lu Mengji, and the reaction was still so strong!

Lu Mengji pulled Youyou to stay outside the door. After a long time, Lin Daimo changed his clothes and opened the door. At a glance, Lu Mengji blushed with shame and turned back to the room.

"Youyou, don't be like that uncle in the future. Your skin is thinner than paper. We must make it as thick as a copper wall and iron wall, and it's better to be invulnerable!" Lu Mengjian deliberately finished talking to Youyou and glanced provocatively at the bedroom. He dared not do it. Fortunately, he brazenly hugged him to sleep last night. Thinking of this, Lu Mengjian's cheeks were hot and he hurriedly pulled Youyou to the kitchen door.

Because Liu's mother was scared by Youyou yesterday, the food in the family was all handled by Lu Mengji, and because of the sudden death of Mrs. Lin at home, although her body has been taken back into the army by Huo Qing, Lin Daimo insisted on burying Mrs. Lin in the Lin family's ancestral grave, so the small courtyard has also begun to do white happy things. Originally, the body was to be buried after seven days of stopping, but due to the hot weather and the constant chaos at home, it was ready to bury Mrs. Lin in the grave tomorrow.

Fang Yuan and Shuangdian suspended the affairs in the flower workshop and came to the village early in order to help clean up some items. Fortunately, there has been a slight surplus in the flower workshop recently, so the purchase of mourning clothes and etiquette are not overstretched, and Huo Qing blamed himself for his dereliction of duty and has been helping him. This white matter is much easier to do.

Youyou has been following Lu Mengjian. Although he still showed malice when he saw Huo Qing, he was pressed down by Lu Mengjian in time, so he did not cause any major trouble all day.

It's just that Liu's mother still screamed when she saw him. As for Lin Daimo, although he was kicked out of the house by the Lin family, now Ding Lingding of the Lin family, he feels the kindness of the Lin family for more than ten years, and also kneels in front of the coffin.

Two days of mourning made the family exhausted, and Lu Mengji had almost forgotten that he was hugged by Lin Daimo and slept all night.

In a blink of an eye, it has reached the deadline agreed between Huo Qing and Lin Daimo. If Lin Daimo still insists on staying in Shita Village, he will have to return without success. However, looking at Lin Daimo's attitude, it is more likely that he will be empty-handed.

"Young master, since you have known your identity, it is inconvenient for me to call you Mr. Lin again," Huo Qing said politely and went straight to the point. "After these days of thinking, you should have made a decision. Today, Huo is here to wait for you for a word. If you agree to return to Beijing, we will immediately Departure, if you don't agree, then Huo is not reluctant.

He didn't wait for Lin Daimo to speak and added, "However, the general's body may not be able to wait for too long..."