Don't go to the flower

Chapter 124 Worry

Hu Bo nodded slightly with approval, but Lin Daimo frowned secretly.

The water in General Huo's mansion is too deep. Can he go there if he wants to go? Moreover, his identity was a little clear, so he almost killed three times in a row. Obviously, someone has been staring at him secretly. Lin Dai is not clear, and the other party is in the dark. Even if he is careful, he may fall into the hands of the other party at any time.

But if he blindly escapes, although he can celebrate his birthday for a few days, it is not a long-term plan, so he can't continue to hide. In order to give Lu Mengji a peaceful life, he also has to take the initiative to attack by himself. No matter what the outcome is, he can't be chased by the other party endlessly!

"Bunhu, where is Huo Jiajun now? Can we catch up if we catch up quickly?" Lin Daimo suddenly remembered Huo Qing's slightly regretful expression before leaving. He should be looking forward to going back...

"At the speed of the troops' march, they should be almost at the border of Pulan City. If we go out of the city, it will be much more troublesome if we chase them again," Hu Bo pondered for a moment. "But if they walk quickly, they may still catch up."

Between the conversation between the two, Yanruo suddenly broke in, and Bai resolutely followed closely, like a small follower, only looking at Yan Ruo in front of her.

Hu Bo looked at the two and turned his face to Lin Daimo and stopped talking.

"Have you really decided to go back?" Yanruo stood in front of Lin Daimo, with a short head. She held her head high, but her momentum was not inferior at all.

"Yes, I want to go back. I want to see if the person who wants to marry my life again and again has three heads and six arms!" Lin Daimo is resolute.

There was a trace of contempt in Yanruo's eyes, "What if you think about it after you go back?" Are you imprisoned and assassinated by a traitor?

Bai resolutely pulled Yanruo's clothes nervously. Their purpose this time was to persuade Lin Daimo to change his mind and return to Huo's house with Huo Qing. Although Huo Qing returned to Beijing angrily, he left them. Lin Daimo finally said that he wanted to go back to Beijing. If he was scared by a few words, wouldn't he have given up everything?

"Ha, don't listen to Yan'er's nonsense. At least General Huo's mansion is a big family, and etiquette and rules are strictly prohibited. Besides, the prince is the young master of the Huo family when he goes back. It will be windy and rainy. Don't mess around here!" Although Bai Yiran said this, he stared at Yanruo, afraid that it took him half a night to coax Yaner to turn against him again.

But Yanruo didn't even look at him, but looked at Lin Daimo with an extremely serious look, "I'm not scaring you. I also hope you can return to Huo's house as soon as possible, but when you return to Huo's house, can you really be as leisurely as now? You need to face General Huo, and you also need to face hundreds of second aunts who are in power in Huo's house. Although we can protect you for a while, there are still places that we can't see and take care of. At that time, do you think you have a chance to escape from the hands of your second aunt?

Although Lin Daimo's words were angry for a while, he calmed down after listening to Yanruo's words. Since his second aunt is like this, he has to stand up and fight back. His existence has long been a big disaster for the second aunt. Even if he has no intention of the Huo family, he may not let him go. However, living in the world.

"I'll go back, at least this small family can be saved." Lin Daimo looked around the whole courtyard with nostalgia. He spent the fastest year leisurely here. He wanted to go on like this until he was old, but some people could not tolerate this small pure land, so he had to stand up to protect all this, even if he devoted his life, because there was a person here.

"Okay, now that you have decided, I will go to the deputy general and choose a day to set off." Yan Ruo said goodbye and walked very fast. In a blink of an eye, he had already gone out of the door. Bai resolutely rushed out, walked to the door, and leaned his head back. He added with a little regret, "Mir Lin, this matter is not careless. In case Yaner invites the deputy general back, you will open your bow and don't look back. That house is very chaotic!"

But Lin Daimo waved his hand gently, seemed to be extremely tired, and sat back a few steps back in the chair.

Bai resolutely shook his head regret, hurriedly, and ran away in the direction of Yanruo.

"Youyou, wake up!" The silence in the courtyard was broken by an exclamation, and Lu Mengji's voice reached everyone's ears, which made people tremble.

Hu Bo rushed to the door of the guest room first and rushed in, followed by Lin Daimo.

Lu Mengji lay sideways on **. When she woke up, she only felt sore and soft all over, and then looked at the leisure beside her and still slept peacefully beside her. She reached out and lifted the quilt, but felt that the quilt was as heavy as iron. Suddenly, a trace of ominous flashed in her heart, but when she turned her head again, she still slept quietly beside her.

"Youyou, wake up," Lu Mengji pushed gently. Youyou always felt shallow, and a little movement could wake him up, but this time he had been asleep. Lu Mengji put his fingers on his nose. Although his breathing was evenly, it was slightly weak, not like the energetic Youyou at all. She pushed a few times, and still Without any response, she panicked. The old wolves were willing to give Youyou to her out of trust, but now Youyou's breath gradually became weak.

Hu Bo rushed into the room, covered his eyes to avoid Lu Mengjian, and reached out and pressed his hand on Youyou's wrist.

"What did Youyou eat last night?" Hu Bo touched the pulse and suddenly had some doubts. This is obviously a medicine that has been taken overdue to reduce the deficiency and excessive fire in the body. Although this medicine is harmless to the human body, it will make people feel sleepy. Within a few days after taking it, the spirit will be depressed due to strong inhibition, and even the vigilance will be much reduced, but these people have come here. However, it is really puzzling to only feed Youyou such drugs.

Lu Mengji reported what he ate yesterday one by one, which strengthened Hu Bo's idea. Someone must have deliberately drugged Youyou, but with the nature of the second aunt of the Huo family, I'm afraid he can't do such a kind thing...

When Lu Mengji heard that her life was fine, she was finally relieved. Although she was very tired, she was still in high spirits, so she struggled to get up. As soon as she stepped on the ground, her legs softened and she jumped directly into Lin Daimo's arms.

Lin Daimo held Lu Mengji to ** with distress. She was obviously dizzy by eczziness. Although she woke up, the effect of the medicine did not completely dissipate. Hu Bo walked around the room and looked at the traces left by those people. The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. Judging from the footprints, those people came into the room for ** two people, but the other party He only did something to a child with Youyou, but he didn't hurt Lu Mengji at all. Obviously, he was prepared.

After a small day, Youyou opened his eyes in a trance under the influence of the awakening soup, but when he saw Lu Mengji, he did not have the excitement of the past. He just looked up and closed his eyelids listlessly, and even his favorite chicken could not evoke him. Interest, in this way, although Youyou is not worried about his life, his current state is even more worrying. An energetic little boy suddenly turned into a sick lamb, which is difficult for anyone to accept, but even Uncle Qi is helpless.

When Yanruo came back, she was followed by Huo Qing, who left the camp yesterday, and other soldiers. Huo Qing stepped into the gate of the courtyard with complacency. When he saw Lin Daimo, he said bluntly, "Since the young master has decided, please go back to Beijing with the last general. I think the general will be very happy to see you. The lady of Nian looks like 70%.

Huo Qing couldn't help thinking of the gentle woman again, and his tone couldn't help but speak a little softer.

"Please rest assured that I will go back with you, but before that, please promise me a few conditions!" Lin Dai stared at Huo Qing without a doubt. He had already put life and death aside, but he abandoned everything. He must ensure the safety of the whole courtyard. More importantly, no matter what happens, Lu Mengzhi must be safe.

"Okay, as long as the young master is willing to go back with the last general, everything will be fine." Huo Qing was happy, but he didn't dare to show anything on his face. He still looked at Lin Daimo with a serious face.

"Since the vice general has agreed, please forgive me for being rude."

"First of all, please ask Vice General Huo to ensure the safety of everyone in the courtyard. Like Liu's mother, who has been around me for 17 years, which can be said to be half of my mother and Uncle Hu. The most important thing is the hostess of this yard. No matter what happens, I want her to live safely and happily. I don't know if Vice General Huo can do it?"

"Please rest assured that I will send someone to guard around the yard, and I will never let any accident happen to the young grandmother!" Huo Qing vowed, and then winks at Li Ran beside him, and Li Ran walked out of the door.

"Second, no matter what happens in the general's mansion, even if I die, I still hope that Vice General Huo can keep the people of Shita Village safe. I don't want them to be implicated by those unrelevant people and things."

Huo Qing's white eyes. Once things are violent/turbulent, I'm afraid that everyone in the house will be too busy to take care of themselves. How can they pay attention to these remote places? This young master is really white enough. Although Huo Qing thinks so, he still nodded solemnly.

"Third, I can't go back with you immediately. Please forgive me for another seven days. After seven days, I will definitely go back with you." Lin Daimo remembered Lu Mengji, who was slightly weak. She must stay around all day to take care of Youyou. If she continues to work like this, how can her body hold on, so he must stay by her side, even if it is just a few days, it is enough.

"I'm afraid it's difficult for the general to agree to this condition. The general has been waiting for too long to see the young master. To be honest, the general's body is not good. The general has been holding his breath, just to see the young master go home. The young master had better set off with the general as soon as possible!"