Don't go to the flower

Chapter 135 Chess Piece

The atmosphere in the ancestral hall suddenly became cold. The patriarch looked at Xue Wenpei carefully, while Huo Shuangcheng's eyes were slightly complacent.

Xue Wenpei looked fearless and said harshly, "You old woman, don't confuse the public! Old man, yesterday, when the slave family saw that she was old and healthy, she had been treating each other well. She opened her mouth and said that she was Jingkang's wet nurse. The slave family was very puzzled, so she left her. I wanted to make it clear to the old man today, but she suddenly changed her face! Mr., it's about the descendants of our Huo family. Please think twice!"

Lin Daimo didn't expect that Liu's mother would come to Kyoto, and when he recognized his ancestors, he suddenly came to the ancestral hall. He was shocked and subconsciously wanted to get up to help him. Just as he was about to get up, he saw Huo Shuangcheng shake his head slightly and sit down again puzzledly. At this moment, Xue Wenpei's slightly anxious eyes suddenly rushed into his eyes. , he suddenly realized that this was just the beginning of a farce!

Liu's mother looked straight ahead impatiently and said, "Masters here, you are so polite! I really don't know what happened, the night before yesterday..."

"In the ancestral hall, how can you talk nonsense here!" Xue Wenpei's face suddenly sank, and he couldn't wait to drag Liu's mother out of the door.

The patriarch scolded unhappily and softly, "Xue can't be rude! This old lady, please tell me, come and see your seat!"

"Master, the old man is a humble body and dare not sit down. You'd better let the old man kneel down and finish it," Liu's mother turned her head and looked at Xue Wenpei beside her in fear, and then said with a serious look, "The night before yesterday, the old man was secretly taken away at night, and the old man arrived here the next day. The lady forced the old man to tell the young master's background. But the old man is just the young master's wet nurse. Naturally, the master and his wife know best. If the old man can't speak, the wife ordered people to hold such a thick stick. Oh, the old man is so scared that he can't even speak.

"The lady told the old man to tell the masters in the ancestral hall as she said. She also said that if the old man did not do what she said, she would send someone to kill the old man's whole family. Ladies and gentlemen, although the young master was raised by the old man, he had been old for several months when he saw him. The rest, the old man was really I don't know anything!"

"You still said you don't know. Yesterday you said it was..." Xue Wenpei suddenly stopped his voice and smiled coldly: "I think it's the slave family's concern. I'm worried about the Huo family, but I'm still in trouble. Since the old man insists on accepting an outsider of unknown origin into the clan, the slave family dares not say much. The slave family Retired."

"Slow," the patriarch's voice was calm and slow. Xue Wenpei thought that his words had a role, so he bowed his head and stood under the hall with joy. "Huo Xue, as a concubine, you broke into the ancestral hall, which is contrary to the ancestral teachings. For the untrue words, he attracted outsiders and tried to fake the life of Huo's descendants, which has two wrongs! Today, in front of the people of the Huo family, punishment is inevitable. From today on, you will enter the Buddhist hall, kneel and be punished for three days, plus copy the female training women a hundred times. Go down!"

"Master, the slave family is all for the sake of Huo's Qianqiu!" Xue Wenpei put on a pitiful look in front of everyone. Huo Shuangcheng was still sick and didn't even bother to raise his eyes. As for others who were also afraid of the authority of the patriarch, they all bowed their heads and were silent. Even the people who had said that they must not allow Lin Daimo to enter the clan were silent. The patriarch finally waved his hand gently, and immediately the two families came forward and put Xue Wenpei outside the door.

Liu's mother was led to Qin Xinju by the green ring and waited for Lin Daimo's news at ease.

After the episode just now, the patriarch was a little unhappy, but when he saw the auspicious time coming soon, he didn't say much, "Huo Jingkang, the eldest son of the Huo family, is the biological mother Li Qinqin. Due to a serious illness at a young age, he was a foster child and raised his illness with poverty. At 17 years, he returned to his home and checked his identity and was included in the family tree. I don't know if you have any objections?"

The hall was silent, and the third master, who had been smiling, cleared his throat and asked in a hoarse voice, "The ancestors have tasted precedents. Those who return to their ancestral home have blood tests to prove the relatives of the blood clan, old master, I don't know what you think?"

"It is naturally the safest to recognize relatives with blood, but I want to ask everyone here that this son is no different from the two cities in those years. Will there be any fake marriage?" Seeing that the time is approaching good luck, it is obvious that some people are deliberately embarrassed, and it is no wonder that they are so cautious. I don't know how many people's interests will be damaged by this, and they will be profit-interested and obstruct in every way.

"Master, let's have a blood test!" Huo Shuangcheng was weak and spoke weakly, but his voice hit the hearts of others. If the family test is successful, then they will have nothing more to say, and if they don't succeed...

The patriarch had to bring up a basin of water prepared in advance. The little man came to Huo Shuangcheng with a basin, saw a drop of blood dripping in the water, and then brought it to Lin Daimo.

Huo Shuangcheng was worried, but Lin Daimo's eyes were still firm. Lin Daimo pierced his finger and saw the blood fall straight into the basin.

The little man stabilized the basin without trembling, and the patriarch's eyes stared straight at the blood stains in the water. Two drops of blood slowly spread in the water and finally merged into one.

"Okay, who else has something to say now?"

Finally, no one made a sound.

It was not until this moment that Lin Daimo officially sacrificed his ancestors step by step under the guidance of the patriarch, and included his name in the Huo family tree.

All the way to the end of etiquette, Lin Daimo's body suddenly became exhausted. All this seemed like a dream. He entered the Huo family's ancestral home without any effort. In the eyes of others, he simply climbed to the sky in one step, but just entering the ancestral home alone made some right and wrong. What about the future...

However, Lin Dai can't think much about it. He has been involved in a competition, and he is just a pawn borrowed by others.

Xue Wenpei was punished to kneel for three days. This period has stopped a lot, but Lin Daimo's life is no longer safe.

Liu's mother was brought to Kyoto by Xue Wenpei from Shita Village late at night, causing Lu Mengjian to find it for a long time. It was not until she received a letter from Kyoto three days later that she was exhausted and collapsed on the ground. When Liu's mother entered Kyoto for the first time, she was curious about everything, so she simply stayed in the general's mansion for a few days and happened to tell the big and small things that happened to Lin Daimo over the years. Although it was just trivial things, Huo Shuangcheng listened with relish.

Since he recognized his ancestors, all the Huo family has respected the new young master. As soon as he came, he caused his second aunt to enter the Buddhist hall. For so many years, no one has let the second aunt eat like this, so he is also particularly careful for fear of offending the seemingly polite young master by a little carelessness.

Qin Luofu was caught in the wind and cold after being accidentally pushed into the water by Liu Yishi. She lay in ** and coughed repeatedly, but she was so annoyed that the maid brought a bowl of medicine and was knocked to the ground by her bowl. Even so, the anger still lingered in her chest, which made her irritable.

The maid brought the newly boiled medicine again and carefully walked closer, "Miss, you'd better take a sip of this medicine..."

"If you don't drink such a bitter medicine, he will drink it!" Qin Luofu said to him, and it seemed that he could still see the long white figure in front of him. If he hadn't catch himself, how could she have fallen into the lake so awkwardly, and in front of so many people!

The maid was a little puzzled, but she didn't dare to ask who he was. Qin Luofu has mentioned "he" from time since she came back, but she never mentioned his name.

Qin Luofu grabbed the medicine bowl and poured down the medicine in a few mouthfuls. He pinched his nose, but the bitter taste was still continuous. The maid hurriedly took the rock candy and stuffed it into Qin Luofu's mouth.

"Well, when Miss Ben gets better, I will definitely spare you!" Qin Luofu gritted his teeth fiercely and chewed a piece of rock candy.

Lin Daimo was idle for five or six days and felt uncomfortable in the courtyard. He saw that Liu's mother was very yearning for the market outside, so he changed his dress and went out of the general's mansion under the leadership of Huo Qing.

The streets in Kyoto are much more lively than the streets of Pulan City. There are many big vendors coming and going, and the novel things are even more eye-catching. Lin Daimo looked left and right at the accessories on the stall and saw a pair of silver butterfly earrings at a glance. A pair of wings seemed to spread their wings and fly high, and their hands trembled at the touch, which was very attractive. Lin Daimo took off his hand and couldn't put it down. He suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen Lu Mengjian wear earrings. If the earrings were worn on her ears, he didn't know how bright they would be.

He happily handed the earrings to the hawker and wrapped them carefully. As soon as he paid for silver, the exquisite packaging in the hawker's hand was suddenly grabbed and robbed.

"Miss Ben likes this earring, and now it's Miss Ben!" Contrary to the appearance of her little daughter, Qin Luofu finally showed her nature. She delicately opened the package, picked up a pair of earrings with her slender jade fingers, and said provocatively with a smile, "Yo, I didn't expect that your vision was quite good, but this kind of vulgar thing is still a little too immovable. What do you think?"

"Since you know that you don't deserve this earring, please return it to me!" Lin Daimo smiled politely and looked at the coldness on his face but wanted to freeze people to ice.

"Haha, I don't deserve this thing?" Qin Luofu suddenly threw the thing in his hand to the ground and stepped on it with his feet.

Lin Daimo is as usual, "Miss is naturally beautiful, so naturally there is no need for more embellishment. However, this thing is a gift for my wife, but it's a pity. I think it's also a blessing for my wife.

"Have you married?" Qin Luofu was suddenly stunned and felt that the things under his feet penetrated the bone marrow like sharp thorns.

"Of course, my young master and the young grandmother are in love with each other. Originally, my young master went to the street this time to buy a gift for the young grandmother and give her a surprise, but with the blessing of the young lady..." Liu's mother suddenly stopped her voice.