Don't go to the flower

Chapter 138 Abused

Lu Mengji had an inexplicable sour feeling in her heart, as if her own cake had been bitten in public. She wanted to attack but didn't know how to vent it. Most importantly, she didn't even understand why she had this feeling because of Liu's mother's words. Obviously, how could she like Lin Daimo's small White face, impossible!

The other partner she fantasized about may not be handsome, but she must be responsible. She doesn't even need any worries around him. She stands aside at ease and someone will help clean up everything, but Lin Daimo is obviously far from this request.

However, You Ziqi probed his head without knowing the current affairs. When he saw Lu Mengji's handsome little face suddenly full of smiles, he knocked on the door frame twice, and knocked Lu Mengji back into reality.

"Yes, there are so many things to do every day. How can I have time to think about these miscellaneous things!" Lu Mengji cheered up and told Liu's mother to go back to her room to have a good rest and walk tiredly to the door.

"Master, according to your instructions, the basket is full. What should I do next?" You Ziqi raised the basket in his hand to Lu Mengji's eyes, and Lu Mengji, who was so scared, suddenly retreated.

"Oh, I'm scared to death. Just like you, you want to be a master in the next life!" Lu Mengji angrily bypassed the basket full of green leaves.

You Ziqi scratched his head in a smit. It was fine just now. How can he say that his face changed? But it doesn't matter. Since he came, he naturally wants to make her happy. However, looking at her angry appearance, it is actually quite cute. He thought about smiling again. Somehow, he always wanted to laugh these days. He stared straight at Lu Mengjian's back and followed Lu Mengjian like a village girl. He walked into the south room just now.

"Why are you standing at the door? Come here!" Lu Mengji was like a queen, touching her chin condescendingly, "Hey, hurry up, okay? Have you written on my face? You've been staring endlessly!"

In fact, You Ziqi is more than a head taller than Lu Meng Jian, standing beside Lu Meng Jian slightly bent down and much higher, but Lu Meng Jian's appearance is like a lesson to his son, and there is no sense of pressure caused by the height gap.

"Yes, yes, master, I know my mistake," a trace of shyness flashed in You Ziqi's eyes, and raised his finger to Lu Mengji's left face. "There are really two big words written here!"

Lu Mengji raised his hand suspiciously and wiped it again and again. You Ziqi looked at the gradually red cheeks and smiled more. He couldn't help raising his hand and gently stroked it, "Here, the word master is written!"

"You bastard, how dare you make fun of me!" Lu Mengji slapped the hand that touched on his face. At that time, he almost kicked You Ziqi out of the house, but he swallowed it again. He was the person sent by Mrs. You or the son of the You family. It was really embarrassing for him to do so, so he stabilized his mood and said slowly, "You Since I am your master, don't make such a move in the future. Although your master is not here, but... Well, since you are here to learn art, you should learn it well and don't live up to Mrs. You's kindness!"

Lu Mengjie commanded You Ziqi to carry the wooden branches that had been pressed in the yard for a long time to the south room and brought two buckets of water for backup. When things were ready, Lu Mengji roughly explained the steps of extracting pure dew and essential oils, and then directly threw You Ziqi in the south room, and ran to the study to see the progress of Youyou.

After all, Youyou is just a child. After writing a few big words, he lost patience. He threw the pen aside and squatted on the ground to play with the ants. He lowered his head and chased the ants slowly. As he walked, he was suddenly blocked by two legs. As soon as he looked up, Lu Mengji was staring at himself angrily. Youyou was frightened and immediately straightened up, stood aside obediently, and looked up at Lu Mengzhi's face from time to time.

"Do you know what's wrong?" After a long silence, Lu Mengji expected that he could not stand it, so he opened his mouth at the right time. Youyou immediately raised his head and looked at her pitifully. Lu Mengji deliberately did not look at those bright big eyes and continued, "Think about it yourself, how many times is this? My sister knows that you are used to being wild in the wolves and can't control your nature for a while, but now you are no longer in the jungle and can't control your own thoughts, so my sister asked you to practice writing patiently so as to accept your wildness, alas..."

"Mother...sister," Youyou couldn't help nodding pitifully. Although he still couldn't understand the meaning of this big paragraph, he knew that he had made his sister sad, so he couldn't help but feel sad.

"Youyou, my sister is wrong. In fact, my sister is too eager for quick success and quick profit. I want you to adapt to human life as soon as possible. In the future, my sister will think of a better way to let Youyou learn those knowledge happily and forgive my sister, okay?" Lu Mengji's irritability kept expanding, and her whole chest was uncomfortable. She immediately wanted to burst out, but she couldn't. She could only hold Youyou tightly, and her big eyes fell on Youyou's back disobediently, fainting into a ball of gray spots.

When the tears stopped, Lu Mengji wiped the remaining tears on his face before letting go of Youyou in his arms. "Good boy, go to find Zhong'er's younger brother, but you can't bully his brother, remember?"

Youyou nodded, but stood still, "Sister, crying, is he bullying my sister?"

"No, there is sand in my sister's eyes. Go quickly!" Lu Mengji squeezed out a smile and pushed Youyou out of the door.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I smelled a burning smell. A thick smoke gushed out from the door of the south house. After a while, You Ziqi's hair rushed out of the door with a dishevelled face. After a strong cough, she took a few deep breath and rushed into the room desperately.

Gradually, the smoke became thicker and stronger, and even the two guards who had just rested woke up. They ran to the courtyard, found a bucket, carried water and ran to the south room with smoke. Standing at the door and threw the water out regardless of 3721.

The two moved quickly and orderly, but in a blink of an eye, they carried a few buckets of water. There was only thick smoke rolling in the room, but there was no trace of open fire. The thick smoke was poured over, but there was no sign of diminishing. As soon as the water poured out, he suddenly heard a scream inside. For a while, a man who had been poured all over ran out with thick smoke. As a result, he bumped into the two people at the door, and the three men and two buckets all fell to the ground.

Lu Mengji looked at these people in astonishment. The two bodyguards ran out like lightning and poured in without giving her time to explain. The key is that this scene was too rare. If she had a camera at hand, she must not miss such a good lens.

You Ziqi lay on the ground, wet all over, and it took him to get up for a long time.

At least he has practiced. No matter how hard he is, he can stand firm. It was the first time in his life that a dog gnaws on the mud. At that time, he wanted to lie directly on the ground and pretend to be dead, but since he had lost his face, if he lost courage again, it would be really funny and generous.

"Haha, this bath is comfortable," You Ziqi pretended to shake his hair. The wisps of hair are like a few long pieces of cloth, mercilessly stained on the slightly unbearable face. You Ziqi gently touched it with her hand and smiled at Lu Mengjie, but there was a sense of stupidity from the inside out. Lu Meng Jianyuan The stunned expression suddenly entangled. She wanted to laugh but was hindered by the other party's tragic situation. She thought that she would hold it anyway, but she still didn't hold it back. She laughed, and the cloud in her heart disappeared in an instant.

"I'm so sorry, two brothers, even you are tired. Go and wash and change your clean clothes. I'm really sorry that this happened as soon as you took a break." Lu Mengjian smiled and led the two bodyguards to the specially reserved bathroom, found Lin Daimo's clothes from the room and handed them over to him. In our hands.

Fortunately, she filled the bucket on the roof with water earlier. After a day, the water temperature was just right. Lu Mengjian turned on the special switch, and the water flowed down from a bamboo pipe reserved for the roof, and there was something similar to a lotus at the excuse of the bamboo pipe, dividing the water into small notes. The two bodyguards had never seen it. Such a bathing method only waited for Lu Mengji to leave, and then scrambled to try it.

However, You Ziqi did not have such good luck. His clothes were wet and stuck to his body. When the wind blew, he couldn't help trembling. When he saw Lu Mengjian coming, his face was full of smiles in an instant.

"Master, the disciple almost lit a fire just now, just a little bit, really," You Ziqi looked at Lu Mengjian and saw Lu Mengjian smile, and there seemed to be some warmth in his heart.

"Don't worry. Everyone is like this at the beginning. Just take your time. Are you better now?" Lu Mengji looked at You Ziqi with concern.

"Master, don't worry, I'm fine. I'm strong!" You Ziqi couldn't wait to show his performance in front of Lu Mengzhi. At this time, he straightened his body and wiped it randomly on his face with his hand. The mud on his hands stained his face, and he suddenly became a big cat.

Lu Mengji couldn't help laughing. This smile looked in You Ziqi's eyes, but there was a kind of warmth. He instantly hit chicken blood and his eyes were shining. "Master, don't worry, I will live up to your hope! Sooner or later, this fire will rise. Wait, I'll go now!"

Lu Mengji nodded with satisfaction and had more fun in his heart. He thought to himself that he had planned to take some wet firewood to make you retreat, but since you like to be abused so much, it happened that I was in a bad mood, so don't blame me for being rude. Lu Mengjie smiled in his heart, but still said repeatedly, "If it really doesn't work, forget it today. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to this day. Just like this kung fu, it can be practiced in the morning and evening. Anyway, it's not a life-off. Don't you think so, Young Master You?"