Don't go to the flower

Chapter 156 Embrace

The green ring bit his lips, stared at the gradually noisy crowd not far away, and subconsciously shook his head. "I don't know. I just heard the young master report that the young master was waiting at the door. Maybe Tianhan went to add clothes."

Huo Jingping announced the poem title loudly, glanced at the inconspicuous sedan chair from the corners of his eyes, and greeted everyone in a demeanor. Those princes and brothers are usually together, and they are not afraid to go to the general's mansion today. After listening to the poetry, they began to coax wine and poetry, and they asked for wine to go around for fun.

For a time, only more than ten people were holding pens and splashing ink on rice paper. Compared with those who drank and searched for poetry, they were a little depressed.

Huo Shuangcheng didn't see Huo Jingkang for a long time, but Huo Jingping's polite hospitality came into view from time to time. He seemed to sigh faintly and waved his hand weakly, "Go back."

The sedan chair slowly disappeared in the distance. Huo Jingping breathed a sigh of relief and stood in front of several well-written poems and commented a few words. Mr. Xu, the third son of Pingjiang, patted Huo Jingping on the shoulder with wine and wine, "Let's go and drink. There is no poetry meeting. The third uncle didn't come, it's our reception!"

Huo Jingping was slightly unhappy when he heard this. His mother urged him to invite the two princes to the house, but until now, the two masters had not appeared, and the two poems he prepared naturally had no use. He has always been the most annoying thing to flatter and flattering. If it weren't for the sake of inheriting Huo's family business, he would still have to do these trivial things himself!

Speaking of which, I can only blame Huo Jingkang, who fell from the sky. He is obviously a local abalone who grew up in the countryside, but he looks a little like his father. Humph, he still wants to compete with himself for his position. It's really delusional.

Huo Jingping walked and quietly looked around. The man hadn't appeared yet. He didn't want to appear until noon. He was really fierce enough to add so much milk. Previously, a small mouthful of cheese could make his face turn pale. This time, he didn't know what he would become. The corners of Huo Jingping's mouth slightly raised and clipped A piece of venison was sent to his mouth, took a sip of wine, and began to have fun with a group of friends.

Lin Daimo finally solved it in the hut. After walking a few steps, there was another fluttering in his abdomen. He pulled back and forth without strength. There was an unpleasant smell all over his body. He had no choice but to slowly move back to the room. Who knew that the clothes in the room had already been sent to the girl to wash, and those clean gowns He's clothes were also taken out clean. For a moment in the standing room, he suddenly realized that his diarrhea did not seem to be so simple. The anger in his heart gradually surged up, and his whole face turned white to red and then blue. But he couldn't help thinking about it, and the discomfort in his abdomen hit again.

The poetry will disperse, and the men are already drunk. Huo Jingping and everyone gathered together to discuss this year's Huakui. They said happily. The branch suddenly ran in and lay in Huo Jingping's ear and whispered a few words. Huo Jingping seemed to be shocked by the news and asked urgently, "What's wrong with your brother? Serious or not? Did you invite the doctor?"

He shook his head in embarrassment, "The young master was suddenly sick and refused to let him find a doctor. I'm afraid it will disturb everyone's interest..."

"stupid thing," Huo Jingping's forefinger sped his forehead fiercely, and he didn't know whether it was the scolding or someone else. He gritted his teeth and said, "The young master's body is a big deal. It's a serious matter. Why don't go to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment!"

Others listened to this truth. Some continued to pretend to be drunk, while others pretended to talk and laugh with people, but their ears were listening to the conversation between the two. After sending the branch, Huo Jingping sighed slightly and arched his hand to the crowd and said, "I'm really sorry. Originally, today's poem would have been the kindness of my brother. First, everyone enjoyed the snow and recited poems together, and secondly, they were familiar with everyone. Coincidentally, he suddenly felt sick today, and I apologized for my brother!"

After everyone present expressed their concern, they finally dispersed happily.

Qin Luofu has been lacking in interest since she suffered from coldness in Lin Daimo's place, but Liu Yishi is interested in enjoying and chatting, and she is not easy to disturb people's interest. After waiting for everyone to have a good time, she couldn't wait to leave, but she couldn't help but stop talking about the gossip that Master Huo was so uncomfortable that he couldn't come out to treat guests.

No wonder he was so impatient to talk to himself in the morning. It turned out that it was really because of physical discomfort. He said that he was upset, and I don't know if he was better now... Qin Luofu thought about it, and suddenly became happy. He was so uncomfortable and said so much to himself patiently. He was really ignorant and just wanted to talk to him. He spoke, but didn't notice that his face was so bad.

"Sister Fu, what's wrong with you?" Liu Yishi looked at Qin Luofu puzzledly, "Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?" After saying that, he raised his hand and touched Qin Luofu's forehead. "It's really cold today. You should drink more ginger sugar water when you get home. No wonder people say that the snow is not cold. It's really cold!" Liu Yishi subconsciously covered her hand on her mouth and shrank under the thick cloak.

"I'm fine, oh, I almost forgot the business. Sister, I still have something to do. Why don't you go first?" Qin Luofu tightened Liu Yishi's cloak, smoothed a few hairs that was blown by the wind, and put the cap on Liu Yishi's head. Liu Yishi was careless and didn't ask much. After saying goodbye, she went out.

Qin Luofu stood still, but she was a little stunned. Why did she stay like this? She wanted to see Lin Daimo, but she didn't even know where he lived. The two maids stood behind Qin Luofu and looked at the second lady who stayed inexplicably. They wanted to ask but did not dare to speak. The young lady's ability to lose her temper was first-class. She was in a bad mood today. If she accidentally stepped on the tiger's tail...

"Go to the kitchen and burn more hot water to send it. The young master is very weak. Don't take a cold. I'll go to the young master's room first. Alas, such a good-looking person as the young master didn't expect to suffer so much today," the two little men said as they walked and walked to the fork in the road.

Qin Luofu followed the little man in front of him silently, and the two maids behind him followed him with puzzled faces. The little man walked all the way to a small courtyard, pushed the door and walked in, as if he didn't notice the girls behind him.

"Miss..." Before the girl's words came out, Qin Luofu had stepped into the door, but the little man in front of him flashed away.

Qin Luofu paused slightly at the door, but his silver teeth still insisted on going in. There were few idle people in the courtyard, and the only servant was squatting in the corner of the wall and fanning the medicine.