Don't go to the flower

Chapter 174 Different Heart

You Ziqi heard the voice and was in a trance, but then he came to his senses and still held the man with a resentful face. "Do you think you can fool me in this? Humph, don't pretend. Can I recognize the wrong person after knowing you for so long?"

"You really admitted your mistake. I lived here when I was a child. My neighbors can testify. If you don't believe it, ask Master Huang." Xiangzi, who came to return the water card, looked innocently at Master Huang, the shopkeeper of Muji. I really don't know which immortal he has offended this month. Why is he so unlucky.

"Cough, this young man, Xiangzi has indeed lived here since he was a child, and he has never married a wife now. How can he get the person he said? The prince must have recognized the wrong person," Master Huang slowly came out to settle the situation, and You Ziqi let go of the suspicion of holding Xiangzi's hand.

"You really don't know Lu Mengji?"

"Lu Mengji, so familiar, ah, I remember that woman..."

"Have you seen her? Where is she? Is she all right now? You Ziqi seemed to grab the life-saving straw, and his little eyes were full of expectation and tension.

"She has gone home a long time ago. At that time, she rolled down the stairs. Everyone thought she couldn't survive, but my mother insisted that I save her." Xiangzi thought for a moment and didn't know how to explain it. After all, Lu Mengji was driven away by him. In case she disappeared for this reason, she must not get rid of it. .

"So that's when you saw her again? How is she doing now?" As soon as You Ziqi heard the news of Lu Mengji, his head was hot. Before Xiangzi finished speaking, he was eager to ask about Lu Mengji's recent situation.

"Sorry, I don't know about this. She went home a long time ago, and now I don't know her situation." Xiangzi touched his head with embarrassment, and a trace of guilt rose in his heart.

"So, Meng Jian's injury was saved for you, but why didn't she mention it..."

Xiangzi is almost exactly the same as Lin Daimo, as if it was carved out of a mold. You Ziqi didn't believe that Lu Mengzhen did not recognize Xiangzi's appearance. Maybe she was deliberately hiding it from herself. However, in those days, in front of such a face, it was hard to guarantee that she would not relive her old feelings with Lin Daimo again. No wonder she was so determined to herself. There is not even room for negotiation.

"This prince, do you have anything else? My mother is still waiting for me," Xiangzi was thinking about his mother waiting at home. After such a long delay, his mother must have been waiting anxiously.

"Brother Xiangzi, I'm really sorry to surprise you, but please forgive me for asking the address of my brother's house. He will thank you for Meng Jian." You Ziqi is extremely Nahan. He doesn't believe that there is any relationship between the two. Either Lin Daimo can pretend to be stupid in order to hide Lu Mengjian's whereabouts, or Xiangzi and Lin Daimo are twin brothers, but before everything is revealed, You Ziqi dares not say more. Say.

"It's just a hand-made effort. You don't have to be too polite. However, if you have enough money, please pay back the cost of asking Lu Mengzhi for medical treatment. It's really difficult at home. Previously, because he spent all his money on seeking medical treatment, he ran out of food for a few days. The prince doesn't seem to be the one who lacks money, so please return the cost to me.

You Ziqi looked at Xiangzi in astonishment. Although Lin Daimo was also adopted, at least his adoptive father's family was good, but Xiangzi obviously did not have such good luck. Although he had a kind mother, his life was still poor, and he was even shy to treat Lu Mengzhi. The fate of the two was so different. .

You Ziqi took out all the silver liang and handed them over to Xiangzi's hand. "Brother, take these first. If there are difficulties in the future, I will try my best to help."

"Too much, too much! As long as these are fine," Xiangzi blushed and picked out the smallest one from the pile of silver, about half and two. "These are enough. You put away the rest and I'll go."

You Ziqi looked at Xiangzi's back and became more suspicious. Obviously, his walking posture was so similar. How could he be just a poor man in the alley? You Ziqi chased him out, but Xiangzi walked so fast that he didn't know which alley he had turned into for a long time.

"Master Huang, can you tell me the address of Xiangzi's house? I still have something to ask him." You Ziqi rushed to the shopkeeper with an anxious look. He intuitively felt that Lu Mengji must have some unbreakable connection with him. Perhaps it was really Lin Daimo's disguise, and he deliberately played for him just to distract his attention from Meng Jian.

"Young man, why do you have to," Huang Yixing looked at him with a smile. "Some people have something to do with their own fate. What should come will always come, and you can't keep what should go, so why bother yourself?"

"Master Huang, please help me. I must know the news of Lu Mengji, and this person is likely to tell me the whereabouts of Meng Jian." You Ziqi asked for someone in a low voice for the first time. This sense of helplessness even exceeded the pain of being completely rejected by Lu Mengji.

"Then I tell you, Xiangzi doesn't know the person you are looking for, and he can't know." Huang Yixing stared at You Ziqi's eyes, and the kind of insightful eyes made You Ziqi's heart palpitations.

"Do you know that Xiangzi looks exactly like another person, so I will admit his mistake today and be so gaffe," You Ziqi thought of Xiangzi's walking posture. "And Xiangzi's expression and walking are exactly the same as that of that person. I really can't help but doubt that Xiangzi is really Xiangzi. ?"

Huang Yixing's face showed a little anger, "Young man, why do you have to go so hard? Xiangzi is Xiangzi. I have known him for more than ten years. He has been like this since he was a child, but you ran to my store to seek trouble and ruin people's reputation. Humph, you go. Muji doesn't welcome you.

You Ziqi still wanted to explain something, but was thrown out by the two bodyguards behind him. He wanted to enter again, but he was stopped by the clerk at the door. You Ziqi was pulled into Muji's blacklist.

If you simply refuse to disclose other people's information, Mu Ji will not throw You Ziqi out of the door, and carefully recall that there seems to be another mystery outside Huang Yixing's words. You Ziqi sat at the door of Mu Ji for a long time, and then he had some considerations in his heart. Only about Xiangzi and Lin Daimo, You Ziqi's doubts surged again. .

About Lin Daimo, You Ziqi suddenly found that there seemed to be more things to understand...

Lu Mengji was left in Huo's house by Lin Daimo. Except for Huo Shuangcheng, no one knew the news. Lu Mengji also took it for granted that Huo Shuangcheng would send Huo Qing to send a letter to You Ziqi, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After being held in the hospital for several days in a row, she seemed to be able to understand Lin Daimo's mood at the beginning. Obviously, she was so depressed and helpless, but once she faced her beloved, she still couldn't bear to tell him this pain, afraid that he would be afraid and regretted herself for her original decision.

"Dreampaper, do you want to go out?" Lin Daimo secretly asked more than once. He didn't understand why Xue Wenpei ordered Lu Mengjian not to leave the hospital, but obviously this order was very suitable for him, but he didn't want Lu Mengjian to be sad because of losing his freedom.

"It doesn't matter whether I go out or not. Now I have flowers and feel very happy to be accompanied by you," Lu Mengji doesn't know why he answered like this, just like Lin Daimo's family letter was a few words, but he never reported good news but no worries.

"But you are imprisoned in this courtyard. Because of my selfishness, I want you to stay, so that you will suffer this kind of torture. I'm sorry," Lin Daimo hugged Lu Mengjie and obviously felt Lu Mengjie's thinness. She was already very thin, but since she stayed, she became much thinner than before.

"I'm very happy to be with you, so don't say such words in the future, okay? It's the happiest thing for us to be together." Lu Mengji said safely, but there was a sour feeling in her heart. She knew that Lin Daimo had moved into the new house, and she also knew that Qin Luofu seduced Lin Daimo in the sexy pajamas she designed. Although Lin Daimo kept a distance from Qin Luofu all the time, she had clearly felt that Qin Luofu had penetrated into Lin. Daimo's life.

In addition to half of the sweet words, Lin Daimo talked to her, that is how Qin Luofu annoyed him. Lin Daimo was annoyed, and Lu Mengji was annoyed when he heard it.

Finally, one day, Lu Mengji couldn't stand it and interrupted Lin Daimo's words, "Lin Daimo, I think I'd better leave."

Lin Daimo was stunned, "Why?"

"There is no reason, just tired." The fatigue revealed by Lu Mengji is powerless to cover it up.

"Is it something I did wrong, or did you hear some rumors? You know, I have never hidden anything from you." Lin Daimo is like a child who makes mistakes, but he doesn't know what his fault is.

"You didn't hide it, it's my problem," Lu Mengyu picked her hair anxiously. What happened to her? She was jealous for an unimpartable person, but her words were one step faster than her brain. "I'm too selfish. Every time I hear you mention Qin Luofu, I feel jealous. She can have so many ways for you to talk about her and remember her, but the only thing I can make you remember is that difficult time and my kindness to you. After all, these good things will gradually fade with the passage of time. You will get tired of my boredom, but the memory left by Qin Luofu to you is so vivid.

Lin Daimo looked at Lu Mengji in a daze. He didn't expect Lu Mengji to say such a thing, and he didn't expect that after listening to her words, Qin Luofu's image would jump into his mind so clearly!

A woman like Qin Luofu always looks disdainful when he mentions it, but such a woman will always make some eye-catching actions to attract his attention, and then he will tell Lu Mengjian about those speechless things in a more contemptuous tone. This kind of complaint is obviously becoming a habit, a Terrible habits.

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't ignore your feelings." Lin Daimo tried to block the messy picture in his mind. At this moment, there was only Lu Mengji in his eyes, the woman he once dreamed of. He looked at her eyes as if he wanted to see love and sadness from it, but he didn't. In those black eyes, there were many Just disappointed.

"You fell in love with her," Lu Mengji was calmly different from herself.

"I will always love only you. She is nothing," Lin Daimo sadly wanted to reach out and hug Lu Mengji, but was dodged by Lu Mengji.

"She has so many means and has successfully attracted your attention. If it goes on like this, you will fall in love with her sooner or later." Lu Mengji's analysis of the guest officer and rationality surprised her herself.