Don't go to the flower

Chapter 180 Selling hue

"But I have a small request, that is, in exchange, you have to wear these new clothes and stand at the door of the store for a quarter of an hour." Lu Mengji said it rigidly, as if the request was reasonable.

But Xiao Qian immediately blew up his hair and asked him to stand at the door in women's clothes. This was obviously embarrassing him, and he was not fooled by this girl.

"Hey, don't go, I haven't finished talking yet," Lu Mengji grabbed Xiao Qian, who was in a state of rampage. "Is this good? You just need to walk around the store. I'm not a talkative person, but many people like transvestite may like it. Manager Xiao doesn't know what it will happen after hearing it. What expression..."

All the expenses of Xiao Qian are under the control of Xiao Ding's palm. If he makes a mistake, the first thing to suffer is his own economic source. Xiao Qian has always been very face-to-faced and spend money. If there is no financial source, it is like asking for his **, so Lu Mengji's words quickly reduced his anger value. He But you can't put up your face for a woman.

However, he has no face without money!

"Just walk around the store?"

"Well, just one circle, you can't turn more." Lu Mengji vowed.

"What's the advantage of me?" Xiao Qian's eyes are full of the eyes of chicken thieves. If he sells his face like this, he will always have some rewards.

"Benefits, isn't it enough to keep it a secret for you?"

"Please, is my beauty only worth a secret?" Xiao Qian confidently compared his face, and his pink lips became more and more enchanting.

"Isn't your secret enough for you to sell your beauty?"

"You woman! Humph, it's difficult to raise a woman and a villain. I won't argue with you," Xiao Qian carefully tidyed up his clothes, walked out slowly, and took a few steps back uneasiness. "If you dare to show half a word about today, I can't forgive you."

That glance was really fascinating. Even Lu Mengjian had to admit that it was a pity that this guy was not born as a daughter.

So easily, he took a stunning "beauty" to be a model, and by the way, he also avenged the humiliated "avenge". It's really killing two birds with one stone. Lu Mengjie can laugh out loud in his dream.

I have to say that after Xiao Qian's display in the store, the sales of the newly designed dress have reached a higher level. Even Xiao Ding has to admire the model Lu Mengjie is looking for. Her figure and temperament are excellent. No wonder so many women can't help but come to try on clothes after watching the display, but they can wear it. Model-style women are unique.

"Miss Lu, where did you find the beautiful woman? It's really beautiful to wear those clothes out of fairy spirit!" Xiao Ding looked at Xiao Qian's posture in the store from afar and finally couldn't help asking Lu Mengji.

"She, but a noble person I invited can only be seen from afar and can't be played with." Lu Mengjian smiled. If Xiao Ding knew that the beauty was actually his own brother, I don't know what would be the reaction. "Brother Xiao, how is the business in the store recently?"

"Bless you," Xiao Ding mentioned the business in the store, and his face was happy. "With the dress you designed, the business in the store was much better. I didn't expect that the business in the store would be better after this beautiful woman appeared. Miss Lu, can you ask this girl when she is free? Xiao wants to invite two distinguished guests. I don't know if she can be honored?

"Brother Xiao is polite and it's my honor to be appreciated by Brother Xiao. But don't treat me. That girl doesn't like to see strangers. It has given me a great face to invite her to stand in the store, so I hope Brother Xiao will forgive me.

Xiao Ding had no choice but to look at the amazing woman not far away and say anything else, but Lu Mengji said seriously, and he insisted that it was embarrassing and had to give up.

Lu Mengji accompanied Xiao Qian to the small yard of Yunyifang to remove makeup and change clothes, and mentioned that Xiao Ding wanted to invite the "beauty" to dinner. Xiao Qian looked at Lu Mengzhen fiercely, "If it weren't for you, how would I sell my face under my brother's eyes!"

"I'm not to blame for this. We are Zhou Yu who beat Huang Gai, and one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. No one can be blamed. Haha, but you didn't see your eldest brother's eyes looking at you. I suspect that he is about to fall in love with you. Lu Mengji's imagination was furious, and Xiao Qian was furious.

"I tell you, you dare to say bad things about my eldest brother in the future. Be careful that I will turn against you!" After Xiao Qian walked around the screen, he viciously threw his clothes on the screen frame, "My eldest brother and sister-in-law are in a good relationship! No, I have to remind my sister-in-law. Humph, these men are all very frant, eating in the bowl and thinking about the pot!"

Lu Mengji was stunned, "Master Xiao, you forgot that you are also a man!"

"What's wrong with me as a man? I'm a stinky man. It's none of your business." Xiao Qian changed his clothes and threw his skirt into Lu Mengji's arms. After thinking about it, he turned around and proudly grabbed the skirt back. "This skirt belongs to me. I won't care about you today. Remember, if you dare to reveal half a word, click," Xiao Qian wiped his neck with his hand.

"Yes, of course. I wish us a happy cooperation next time." Lu Mengji smiled and stretched out his hand. Xiao Qian was still not used to shaking hands, but Lu Mengji insisted that he had to symbolically stretch out his hand and touch it slightly.

"Bright, what's wrong with that Jingluxuan? I heard that their shopkeeper also invited two beauties to sit in the store. I heard that they are still one of the most beautiful figures in Kyoto. Do you want to challenge our Yunyifang? Xiao Qian looked unprepared. He was proud of his good appearance and was naturally not afraid of comparison, but the other party invited prostitutes who were well-known in Kyoto. In this way, wouldn't he directly lower his identity? He didn't mind showing up in women's clothes, but he could not tolerate mixing with those people of three teachings and nine streams.

Lu Mengzhen was a little depressed when she heard Jing Luxuan's name. Now that she has fallen out with You Ziqi, she can't say much about the store, but now You Ziqi is obviously targeting herself.

"The things operated by Jingluxuan and Yunyifang are different. You don't have to worry about it," Lu Mengji comforted Xiao Qian, but he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

"Jingluxuan, you'd better go and have a look when you have time. I heard that in addition to the essence, they are gradually developing into ready-to-wear. I heard from the eldest brother that I don't know how the clothes there have been treated. After washing, there is still a faint fragrance. Many women are attracted by the fragrance and have taken away many businesses from Yunyifang." Xiao Qian frowned slightly. Although he ignored the things in the store, after all, he had been influenced by his parents since he was a child, so he was quite **.

"I know, you usually have nothing to do. Why don't you go and have a look? I'm a woman, and it's not easy to show up."

"Oh, now that I know you are a woman, and I didn't see you look like a woman when you have sharp teeth and sharp mouth." Lu Mengjian's words gradually diverted Xiao Qian's attention, but the cloud in his heart became thicker and thicker.

You can't be a lover or a friend, so you have to become an enemy. Is You Ziqi going to be completely opposed to yourself?

The more Lu Mengjie thinks about it, the more sad she is. You Ziqi is a rare good friend for her. Whenever she is sad and helpless, he always appears in front of her at the first time, but she can't accept taking a step forward on the basis of her friends. Especially when Lin Daimo has completely occupied all her thoughts, her feelings have long been surpassed. Rationality.

Xiangzi finally cheered up under the stimulation of Lu Mengji. He didn't mention Mrs. Sun's will, and Lu Mengji naturally didn't care much.

After moving out of the other courtyard of Youfu, Youyou seemed to be more obedient than before, so obedient that Lu Mengzhen almost ignored the fact that he was just a hairy child, but the matter of the tail still worried Lu Mengji. In ancient times when medical skills were not developed, there was no other way but to endure it.

The hot summer has unconsciously arrived. Lu Mengji is most afraid of the heat, especially in the absence of air conditioning fans, and she has to wear long gowns and skirts. This heat can kill her.

Lu Mengji went out early every day. Before the heat came, he ended the day's work and wore his own short-sleeved shorts at home to escape the summer heat.

Although this dress is cool, what I'm most afraid of is a sudden visit. Sure enough, things didn't come true. On this day, Lu Mengji was wearing a cool summer suit and holding an ancient book in his room with a headache. Xiao Qian broke in.

"Tut, do you wear this every day?" Xiao Qian looked up and down at Lu Mengji, and there was no other sense of guilt between men and women.

"What are you looking at, turn your head quickly," Lu Mengji was used to going out and covering it tightly. In this way, he was looked at by Xiao Qian as if he had been seen all. He was so ashamed that he ran into the inner room and put on his long skirt.

"Hey, what you were wearing just now, do it for me," Xiao Qian came up with a smile and was pushed aside by Lu Mengji.

"If you dare to wear it, you don't have a real shape every day. Be careful of being seen by your brother and deducted your monthly money."

Speaking of deducting monthly money, Xiao Qian curled his lips and said, "The business I recruited for his store alone is enough for my monthly money!"

"Okay, then go and tell your brother and let him pay you a salary," Lu Mengjian ridiculed. Since knowing that Xiao Ding has grasped Xiao Qian's economic lifeline, Lu Mengjian has often ridiculed Xiao Qian. Over time, the two have gotten used to it. As the saying goes, they met each other with a poisonous tongue and is particularly kind. Xiao Qian can't treat Lu Mengjian as Relatives, it's a pity that there are no benefits for this relatives.

"Seriously, I went to Jingluxuan to see it," Xiao Qian mentioned being an undercover agent, and his eyes began to shine, and Lu Mengji also cheered up.

"Don't mention, Jingluxuan's shopkeeper is really discerning. Those two women really add a lot of color to the store, but it's far worse than me!" Xiao Qian's extremely narcissistic hair, "You don't know that those two women are the flower leaders of the year before last. At that time, I went to see them specially. At that time, they were indeed charming, but they were old and pale, and their beauty had not been much better than before. Otherwise, how could the shopkeeper be invited to move? But even so, I guess they would spend It takes a lot of money to make a move!"

The shopkeeper in Xiao Qian's mouth is naturally You Ziqi. Lu Mengji didn't expect that he would think of inviting Hua Kui to attract business. It's just that the business in the store is not bad, and you don't have to use this method to exclude Yunyifang. What's more, the two are not doing the same business. Even if You Ziqi is too angry, he will not do such a brainless thing.

Is it true that he wants to do some ready-to-wear business as Xiao Qian said?