Don't go to the flower

Chapter 183 Replay

Forced by the power of Huo Shuangcheng, Xue Wenpei accepted it as soon as he saw it was good, and scolded him a few words. He collected the wooden stick, and then left with Qin Luofu.

"Mother, is this the case? She almost hurt the child in my stomach. What if she plays tricks again in the future? Qin Luofu reluctantly took Xue Wenpei's hand and stroked his stomach with a little worry.

"Okay, Fuer, don't worry, your mother will take good care of you." Xue Wenpei comforted Qin Luofu, but kept muttering in his heart.

Huo Shuangcheng did not agree to enter the door of the Huo family, and even he promoted Huo Jingkang's marriage, but now he has fought back and recruited Lu Mengzhu into the house. Is this old man's brain flooded? However, as soon as Lu Mengjian got started, it was a great good thing for Xue Wenpei.

Lin Daimo still wandered until late at night before returning. Thinking of Qin Luofu's lewd thoughts, he was even more reluctant to go back to that room. He walked and walked involuntarily to the former courtyard.

A child's voice faintly came from the courtyard, and Lin Daimo opened the door of the hospital.

I didn't expect that the courtyard door was inserted from the inside and couldn't be pushed open.

"Who is it?" The sound from the courtyard was very familiar, and Lin Daimo suddenly throbbed.

"Open the door, it's me." Lin Daimo deliberately lowered his voice, which sounded very similar to Huo Qing. Youyou jumped and opened the door. Lin Daimo looked at it and was directly stunned.

"Who are you?" Youyou tilted her head and looked carefully for a long time. She only felt that the visitor was familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

Lu Mengji was afraid of rudeness and offending others, so he hurried out of the room and saw the figure at the door, and his nose suddenly sour. The longing man stood at the door, but her footsteps could not move half a step.

"Dream? Dreamy!" Lin Daimo's voice trembled with surprise.

"Youyou, call uncle quickly," Lu Mengji finally reacted and pulled Youyou to his side, with a slight smile on his face but alienation.

Lin Daimo took an arrow step and held the two people in front of him in his arms.

"You finally came. I'm looking forward to this day. I don't know how long I've been waiting..." Lin Daimo held Lu Mengji tightly in his arms for fear that as soon as she let go, she slipped away from her side again.

"What are you doing!" Qin Luofu's face looked particularly ferocious in the light of the angry wind. Since she got the news that Lin Daimo returned to his house, she waited eagerly for him to return to his house. Unexpectedly, he took a detour halfway and went straight to Lu Mengzhi's residence.

She was so angry that she kept rushing this way. Unexpectedly, she saw this scene as soon as she arrived at the door.

In a distracted time, Lu Mengji suddenly pushed Lin Daimo away and looked at Lin Daimo defensively.

"Meng Jian, listen to my explanation!" Lin Daimo rushed forward again, but Lu Mengjie was still on guard.

"Brother Kang," Qin Luofu's voice was crying.

Lin Daimo looked back at Qin Luofu and turned to Lu Mengzhi. One of these two women, one he couldn't love, and the other he couldn't abandon.

"Please come back. The purpose of my trip is to tell you to cherish the people in front of you. Don't miss the people and things in the past. General Huo can't bear to see you sad, so let me come here. But you should know that many things are over. Lu Mengji said calmly, and the surroundings seemed to suddenly calm down.

"But, I..."

"Grandma, what's wrong with you? Go and ask the doctor, hurry up!" The scream of Cailing broke the silence just now, and the courtyard became lively again in an instant.

Lu Mengji held her forehead. Less than a day after she came to Huo's house, Qin Luofu had been frightened twice, and the child in her womb was really hard enough.

"Go and see your wife. We are over. You should treat your wife well. What's more, she is pregnant now..." Lu Mengji said sadly, but her face was still extremely calm.

Qin Luofu covered his lower abdomen and shouted for pain. The servants brought the sedan chair, but Qin Luofu refused to chase the sedan chair anyway. So on this night, Qin Luofu once again requisitioned Lu Mengjian's room. Fortunately, Lu Mengjian had been prepared for this time, but all hard things such as wooden sticks were far away, and Qin Luofu naturally could not find faults to falsely rely on Lu Mengjian.

The doctor arrived in a hurry, checked his pulse, and tossed around for a long time and said slowly, "The fetus is fine. It must be the young grandmother's eager to attack her heart, so it causes abdominal pain. In the future, you should pay more attention to rest, don't be excited or angry. You must take care of the fetus at ease this month."

Lin Daimo thanked him repeatedly. After sending the doctor out, Qin Luofu's little face, which had been twisted into a ball of pain, suddenly became cold.

"Fox spirit, I tell you, Brother Kang can only belong to me. You can't take him away from me!"

"You save it quickly. I've never thought of robbing him. It's just that General Huo sees your brother Kang depressed day by day, so he wants to invite me to enlighten him. You don't have to spend so much time. None of you can take it away, but if it's not yours, no matter how much you spend, it won't help." Lu Mengjie smiled, and Qin Luofu was too nervous. Even in the face of his rival, he didn't know the truth of joy and anger.

"Well, who knows what you're thinking? I don't think it's the general who asked you to come at all. It's just that you want to come. Even if you have a general to support you, it's impossible to snatch Brother Kang away from me. You'd better get out of here immediately, or I'll let you die!" Qin Luofu used a consistent threat. This method has been tried many times. She didn't believe that Lu Mengji would not even kill a man.

Lu Mengji was excited by her words. Although she did not want to lose Lin Daimo, she was more reluctant to destroy other people's families, especially the family where her children would soon be born. Even if she had a marriage contract with this person, since he re-established the family, if she intervened, it would be sneered by everyone. With a nose, she doesn't want to and can't afford this curse. But her withdrawal is her freedom, but it is not her turn for others to dictate, especially in a threatening tone.

"Since Mrs. Qin is so nervous about her husband, please take good care of it and don't think that others have robbed your husband in the end." Lu Mengjian curled the corners of her mouth, and she was too lazy to despise this kind of person.

"You, what do you mean! Lu, listen to me. Get out of here tomorrow. Brother Kang can only have one wife in his life. Don't try to take him away!"

"Oh, since you are so nervous, let's try to watch it. Originally, I didn't plan to let him come back to me, but when Mrs. Qin said this, I wanted to see if I had such a charm and whether I could snatch the man back from Mrs. Qin. Of course, you grabbed it first, and I will grab it back, so that the two of us will be even. After Lu Mengyu finished speaking with a smile, Qin Luofu was so angry that his eyes were bulging.

Before Qin Luofu opened his mouth, he saw Lin Daimo enter the room with a curtain, and the conversation between the two stopped abruptly.

"Don't worry, the child is fine. Take this medicine later to protect the fetus," Lin Daimo handed the pill to Cai Ling and didn't even look at Qin Luofu. But when he saw Cailing's hand and thought of what happened in the middle of the night, he couldn't help blushing.

Lu Mengjian looked carefully and couldn't help groaning in his heart. There is no man who is not cheating in the world. This is really right. Looking at Lin Daimo's appearance, it seems that he has also had a little past since this little maid. Her trip is really worth it.

Some people must watch carefully before they can gradually disappoint people and erase that love.

"Since it's all right, please ask Mrs. Qin to go. Youyou has to go to a private school tomorrow. It's not easy to go to bed too late." Lu Mengji directly issued the expulsion order, but Qin Luofu was still half crooked in **, and there was no sign of movement.

"Favor, I feel so bad. Shall we have a rest here for one night? Anyway, this is also your house. You can move in as soon as you clean it up a little, otherwise you will make Miss Lu feel wronged all night, okay? After saying that, Qin Luofu continued to say, "If Miss Lu doesn't mind, just sleep with me. After all, it's because of me that I have nowhere to go. I'm really sorry."

"No, I'll go to the next room for a night," Lu Mengji naturally doesn't want to be in the same room with this invisible bomb, otherwise I'm afraid he won't be able to get away with it again when he gets up early tomorrow morning.

Lin Daimo saw Lu Mengjian go out and also found an excuse to follow Lu Mengjian to the courtyard corridor to sit down.

"I'm sorry, Meng Jian, I've made you suffer," Lin Daimo smiled bitterly. He also knew that Qin Luofu was causing trouble at will, but the reason he planted had to bear the consequences.

"Can these suffering be regarded as suffering?" Lu Mengji laughed at herself. Since she came to ancient times, she was not suffering that day. She planted flowers and sold flowers by herself. If it hadn't been for experimental mistakes, she was afraid that she would not have experienced the hardships of life until now.

"I'm too incompetent to let you live a good life. Meng Jian, don't worry, I won't let you suffer any more in the future. You stay, even if it's for me, okay?" Lin Daimo prayed that in addition to guilt, he had more impulse to be together. He did not want to lose her, which was more obvious after marrying Qin Luofu.

Lu Mengji just wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought of Qin Luofu's words just now. She smiled and said, "Okay."

Two simple words gave Lin Dai great hope. He held Lu Mengji in his arms and couldn't wait to tell the world immediately.

This night, everyone in the small yard had their own thoughts, and almost everyone got a heavy circle of dark circles in the early morning.

Lu Mengji fell asleep when it was almost dawn. When he woke up, the courtyard was empty. Qin Luofu also left at some point, leaving a messy house and strong jealousy.

Near noon, Huo Qing came to the small courtyard.

"Miss Lu, after I heard that you came, the young master was much more cheerful. Thank you, Miss Lu."

Lu Mengji held his forehead again. Are all the people in this house crazy? Didn't he hear that Qin Luofu had threatened the fetus in his abdomen twice in order to force him away? Doesn't he know how embarrassing his identity is now?

Huo Qing didn't give her a chance to confess at all. "If Miss Lu is okay now, let's go next. General Huo has been waiting in Qinxinyuan for a long time."

"General Huo, why did he come to me?" Lu Mengjian wondered that everything was caused by this General Huo. When something happened, he pretended to be Maitreya Buddha and refused to appear, but now he takes the initiative to invite him. In this case, it is absolutely not a good thing!