Don't go to the flower

Chapter 242 Dog Blood Letter

Lu Meng Jian didn't look at it and threw it directly aside.

"Miss, is it possible that it was sent by the young master this time?" Green Ring tried, picked up the letter, touched the letter paper inside, and said excitedly, "Miss, there is a letter in it this time!"

"There is absolutely nothing good in it. Isn't it enough to scare the first two times!"

When Green Ring heard this, she hurriedly threw the letter aside. The two letters two days scared her into nightmares at night. She didn't want to see that bloody letter paper again.

"Oh, sister, can you show me the letter?" Wu Yan wrinkled his nose, took the letter and leaned on his nose. "This smell seems to be very familiar. When I remember it, it seems to be dog blood!"


"What are you talking about! Dog blood?"

Lu Mengji and Green Ring looked at each other and wrote letters with dog blood. Who is so boring and bloody!

Wu Yan nodded and said with certainty, "This is the smell of the blood of my big yellow dog." The big yellow dog in Wu Yan's mouth grew up with him. Unfortunately, this year's harvest was so bad that his family had been cut off food for many days. Wu's father had to beat the loyal yellow dog to death and stew a pot of dog meat.

Wu Yan didn't eat a bite of meat. He squatted in the place where the yellow dog died and shed tears for a few days. He also had a special ** for the taste of dog blood.

"I heard that dog blood can ward off evil spirits..." Green Ring looked at Lu Mengjian weakly. Now she is completely speechless about these things. Although she had seen some small tricks of Xue Wenpei in the early years, after all, Xue Wenpei was the only one in the house at that time, so no matter how many tricks she played, she just wanted to attract the attention of Huo Shuangcheng. And establish prestige among the servants, but now, the situation in the house is becoming more and more unfathomable.

"Do you think it will be Qin Luofu?" Lu Mengji deliberately lowered her voice, and this suspicion had been hovering in her heart for a long time.

"Young grandma? It should not be possible. She is now pregnant and is very shy to see blood. It is said that it is not good for the fetus." Green Ring tilted her head and thought for a long time. "It seems that only family members can keep dogs in our house."

"Do you remember when you were poisoned? I took the food box to the big kitchen and was falsely. It was because the two dogs ate the rest of the food in the food box. The two dogs seemed to be raised by a little brother under the name of the second young master, but now it's over. For a long time, those two dogs may have lost their bodies for a long time..."

Lu Mengji shook his head suspiciously. What happened these days is really strange. Everything that has happened during this period is almost enough to write a dog-blooded drama!

"Well, put this letter aside first. I don't know whose prank it is. Maybe someone wants to scare us." Lu Mengji took the envelope and wanted to tear it up, but it was snatched by the green ring.

"We must keep this letter. Maybe when the person who wrote the letter will touch it. If there is really anything in it, won't this tear off the evidence!" The green ring carefully packed the letter into a white cloth bag, put it together with the other letters, and carefully collected it.

Lu Mengji looked at the green ring helplessly. She was more careful than herself, but after all, the people who had stayed around Huo Shuangcheng were always more meticulous than others.

Wu Yan looked at the white cloth bag in the green ring's hand and Lu Mengji puzzledly. It seemed that whenever his father was worried about food, he always had this expression. Wu Yan bit his lips sensively and stopped talking.

Since Qin Luofu went crazy that day, and Lu Mengji pretended to spit blood, Huo Shuangcheng finally stopped insisting on Lu Mengji to stay in the general's mansion. Lu Mengji was happy at that time, packed up his things, and strongly demanded to leave Huo's house on the same day.

Who knew that the road in the suburbs was still a long way from Kyoto. It was not until night before the carriage came out of the city gate. As soon as he got out of the gate, he encountered a thunderstorm, and under the light of lightning, Lu Mengji saw Wu Yan lying on the roadside at a glance.

Despite the opposition of the people in the car, she insisted on saving the people. Wu Yan slept until the fifth day, and as soon as Lu Mengzhu came to this big house, there were several majestic guards at the door. Huo Shuangcheng was afraid that Lu Mengzhu would escape and put Lu Mengzhu under house arrest again.

The more Lu Mengjie thought about it, the more angry she became, but her heart became calmer and calmer. She never allowed herself to be under house arrest like this. What's the difference between this situation and going to prison?

However, before Lu Mengji came up with a solution, Huo Jingpu also came to the house with leisurely leisurely.

After falling into the water, Huo Jingpu was restricted from freedom for a few days. In addition, he was scared to have a high fever for several days after falling into the water. By the time he knew that Lu Mengji had left, Lu Mengji had left the general's mansion.

Huo Jingpu said at least. After several days, Murong Yanyan finally agreed to let Huo Jingpu take Youyou to the suburbs. Under the escort of many guards, the two ran all the way after leaving the city and arrived at the door of the house before noon.

"Mother!" Youyou entered the door and plunged into Lu Mengji's arms. In just a few days, the little face suddenly became round, but it was cuter than before.

Lu Mengzhi picked up Youyou and turned around happily.

"My mother hasn't picked up Youyou these days. Don't you want Youyou anymore..." Youyou pouted and looked resentful.

"Youyou is so clever, how can anyone not be Youyou!" Lu Mengji kissed Youyou happily, and Huo Jingpu, who was standing aside, finally couldn't stand it.

"Hey, at least I have shown you the child for so long. Shouldn't you teach me to paint?" Huo Jingpu looked at Lu Meng Jian with disgust. Just now, Lu Meng Jian actually kissed Youyou in public. It's really not ashamed!

"Oh, yes, I've been so busy that I haven't been able to teach you how to draw," Lu Mengji took Youyou's hand and kept looking at the people around him.

"Young master is very busy. I took a day to learn painting from you, and you even stood me up. You are really bold. I have lived so much that I haven't spent so long waiting for people!" Huo Jingpu took a look at Lu Mengji, and there was a tendency to cheat.

Lu Mengjian nodded helplessly, "You son of a bitch, I haven't seen you so seriously. Tell me, what on earth do you have?"

"What can I think about? Just let me stay here for a few days. As for learning painting, let's discuss it slowly."

Huo Jingpu moved into this big house as he wished. The originally quiet small place suddenly became lively. Together, he was like two mixed demons, stirred up the small house.

However, when Youyou saw Wu Yan, his eyes were full of hostility, especially when Lu Meng Jian approached Wu Yan, Youyou would directly drag Lu Meng Jian away, for fear that Wu Yan's appearance would take away his position in Lu Meng Jian's heart.

On this day, while Lu Mengji was away, Youyou suddenly appeared at the door of Wu Yan.