Don't go to the flower

Chapter 243 Rich people don't have a good person

Two little boys of the same age are quietly confronting each other.

"Do you think you were sent by that bad woman!" Youyou's two big eyes stared round and stared at Wu Yan fiercely.

Wu Yan raised his thin face and looked at Youyou puzzledly. After several days of recuperation, he looked much better, but due to long-term malnutrition, he still looked yellow and thin.

You held his arms impatiently and was very dissatisfied with Wu Yan's reaction, "Hey, I'm asking you, you're dumb!"

"What a bad woman, I don't know!" After saying that, Wu Yan simply closed his eyes and ignored Youyou. Obviously, the two are as big as each other, but Wu Yan looks much calmer than Youyou.

"You don't know? I've heard that you brought it back on the day my mother came here. If the bad woman hadn't sent you here, how could it be such a coincidence that you could have been picked up by my mother!" Youyou thought of Huo Jingpu's analysis layer by layer, and now when he sees Wu Yan, he becomes more and more suspicious.

"What do you like and think? Anyway, it has nothing to do with me." Wu Yan simply turned his head inward.

Youyou was anxious and couldn't wait to pull Wu Yan's head directly, but at this time, the door suddenly squeaked, turned back in a panic, and Huo Jingpu walked in with a smile.

"Ok, I think he has such a small physique and is stubborn like a donkey, and it doesn't seem to be an undercover material," Huo Jingpu staggered to the table and sat down and threw a few peanuts into his mouth. Previously, he only analyzed the possible origin of Wu Yan with Youyou, but he didn't expect that this boy was so unbearable that he directly asked Wu Yan's head.

Youyou sat on the ground, "Didn't you say that this boy doesn't look like a good person before? Why has he changed his mind now!"

"You're just talking nonsense. Is I the kind of person who talks nonsense? You sit on the ground and be seen by your mother. Be careful of her spanking you!" Huo Jingpu deliberately scared Youyou with a narrow smile and raised his eyebrows at Wu Yan.

jumped up leisurely and shouted at Huo Jingpu, "Obviously, you said that if he was sent by that bad woman, he would stay because he would be unfavorable to my mother. Now you are starting to regret it again. You are simply lying."

"Does the young man seem to be a liar? Obviously, you are too stupid!" After Huo Jingpu finished speaking, he simply ignored Youyou. The child could not stand the deception and would take it seriously if he casually said a few words. However, Wu Yan in front of him needed to be well interrogated.

Huo Jingpu came to Wu Yan's bed in a few steps. Wu Yan didn't want to pay attention to these two, but he was shocked by Huo Jingpu.

Originally, Wu Yan's little face was more exquisite than that of a girl. After two days of careful recuperation, his cheeks had slightly bulged, his pink cheeks were slightly red, and his eyes were as bright as autumn water, which actually stunned Huo Jingpu.

There have been many theories about male and femalexiang since ancient times. Huo Jingpu was stunned and saw a little contempt on Wu Yan's face, so he shook his head and looked at Wu Yan again.

"Well, there are only three of us in the room now. Tell me how you were thrown into that place?" Huo Jingpu is very interested in the land. First, he grew up in the city and never imagined that there would be such a existence in the world. Second, children like Wu Yan would also appear in the land, which seems to be too unusual.

Wu Yan lay in ** without saying anything. Huo Jingpu waited anxiously and directly broke Wu Yan's little head.

"The young master is talking to you! Ah, hey, you are a dog!"

Wu Yan bit Huo Jingpu's hand and refused to relax. Huo Jingpu grinned in pain. After listening, he hurried over to help and finally rescued Huo Jingpu.

"You guys really don't know what's good or not. I care about you, and you still bite people!"

Wu Yan looked at Huo Jingpu angrily, and his little face was full of anger, "You rich people, there is no good person!"

Huo Jingpu didn't expect Wu Yan to suddenly say such a sentence, and he couldn't help but be angry and happy. It turned out that the matter was about the "rich man", but Huo Jingpu's gun lay too wrong, and he couldn't help laughing; "Then tell me, what's wrong with you by the rich man?"

"Well, they are not good people anyway!" Wu Yan's little face turned red and finally came out with such a sentence.

"No one is a good person, so what about the sister who saved you?"

Youyou suddenly rushed over, "That's my mother! Not his sister!"

"You can stay cool and give back your mother. The third sister is so young. You are so old that she is not your mother!" Huo Jingpu was so quick to speak, and today he simply offended people and offended them to the end.

"I know she is not my mother, but she brought me back. She is my mother, sister." Youyou revealed some grievances. If it hadn't been for Lu Mengji to bring him back from the wolf's nest and teach him to speak, write and draw, I'm afraid he would still be fighting for a few pieces of raw meat in the wolf's den.

"You were also brought back?" Wu Yan looked at Youyou in disbelief. His current appearance is not like a adopted child, but more like a carefree young master.

Youyou nodded and told Wu Yan one by one the sporadic memories he still remembered. Wu Yan was stunned. He thought he was unfortunate enough, but he didn't expect Youyou to be more miserable than himself. At least Wu Yan's parents were still there, while Youyou was a child raised by wolves, and even to his biological parents I don't know!

Wu Yan finally slowly opened the chatter and told Youyou about the death of the big girl and the increasingly difficult days at home. The two were of the same age and should have been carefree, but the two became much more mature than their peers because of their misfortune, and they cherished each other more and more.

"That yellow skin is really not a thing, damn it, where is he now? I'll get rid of him!" Huo Jingpu gritted his teeth when he heard it, especially when he heard that Wu Yan had sold himself two stone meters, he was completely helpless, "Two stone meters, two stone meters! How can you be so stupid? You sell yourself to that old man just want to stuttering. I really don't know what to say to you.

Wu Yan lowered his head and thought of the appearance of his eldest sister before her death. He still couldn't hide his sadness. "You haven't experienced it and won't understand. These two stones of rice are enough to maintain our family's meal for a year. You haven't experienced the pain of hunger, so you feel that two stone meters are rare, but for us, these It's enough to live."

Youyou nodded violently. At the beginning, in Shita Village, he also saw old people begging from door to door, just to feed his children. It doesn't matter if they are scolded or driven away, but even so, there are still people who can't even talk about basic food and clothing!

"Now you don't have to worry. With your sister, everything will be fine," Youyou finally put down her preconceptions and stood beside Wu Yan.

"You mean that sister?" Wu Yan was skeptical. For Lu Mengji, he only knew that the other party had saved his life, but for the future, he was extremely confused.

"You must trust your sister. She is one of the best people in the world." Youyou summarized and smiled, "In this case, I won't compete with you anymore. Two days ago, I thought you were, hehe... Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will dare to bully you."

Huo Jingpu's chin was about to fall down. He pulled Youyou, "Didn't you say that you absolutely couldn't let him go before you came here? Why did you change your mind now? How can you be more fickle than a woman!"

"Don't interrupt the matter between us children." After a cool sentence, he has become a difficult brother with Wu Yan.

"Don't worry, my sister risked so much to save me from the ground late at night. I am very grateful. I, Wu Yan, swear that I will stay by my sister's side in this life and never let her be hurt!" Wu Yan's face was extremely firm. He was originally a thoughtful boy. This time, after receiving such a big favor as Lu Mengji, he had already regarded Lu Mengji as his reborn parents in his heart. Today, after a long stimulation, he finally said all his inner words.

"Me too. We will protect our sister together and never let that bad woman hurt her!" The more you talk, the more excited you become. The little fist waved more and more vigorously in the air, but forgot to pay attention to the movement outside.

Green Huan opened the door with a smile, "You two little guys still want to protect Miss San!"

In the silence in the room, Huo Jingpu looked at the visitor warily and found that it was the green ring before he breathed a long sigh of relief. Youyou didn't expect that the Green Ring would suddenly break into the door, and was shocked by this sudden change.

"Ha ha, it turned out to be Sister Green Ring," Huo Jingpu took the lead in breaking the silence, but Wu Yan was still in a grateful mode with Youyou and could not change for a while.

"What are you little things thinking about every day!" The green ring smiled and pinched the two cheeks.

"Sister Green Ring, I will soon grow into a big child, and I can protect you and the third lady in the future," Wu Yan said, hiding his face in the quilt embarrassedly.

"Okay, since you are so ambitious, get well soon. My sister is waiting for you to protect you!" Green Ring brought a bowl of black potion to Wu Yan, "Drink these pills, and I'll give you some gold medicine later. This medicine has something to do with the scars on your body."

Wu Yan's face fell in an instant, and his ambition and adverbial just now collapsed in front of this bowl of bitter medicine.

"I'm much better. Can you stop drinking..."

"That won't work. It's over. You're not allowed to cheat. And now you are more than half better. If you stop halfway, in case such a beautiful child leaves so many ugly scars, isn't it a pity..."

After Lvhuan finished speaking, Wu Yan reached out to take the medicine bowl, squeezed his nose reluctantly, and poured the potion down. Since he had chosen to live well, these little sufferings were nothing to him!