Don't go to the flower

Chapter 246 The young master was raided?

"What! Do you want to learn too?" Huo Jingpu's words stunned Wu Yan.

Wu Yan's little face turned red in an instant, and he lowered his head with inferiority and stopped talking.

Huo Jingpu knew that his words were too abrupt and hurriedly explained, "I don't mean anything else, but I didn't expect you to be illiterate... But you look at Youyou, he can't read or not. I mean, you can learn together..."

Huo Jingpu grew up in the house and thought that everyone was like him, but at the age of five or six, he began to study the three-character classics and thousands of characters. By the age of eight, he was already familiar with the general principles of the Analects, so when he heard that Wu Yan was also going to learn to write, he was inevitably surprised.

"Well, I know what you mean. My mother once told me a story," Youyou had stopped looking for scissors, stood behind Huo Jingpu and said in a childish voice, "My mother said that there was a country where the weather was very dry one year, and the country's farmers were too poor to eat rice, so some officials told the emperor He said that the people had no rice to eat and asked to open the granary. As a result, the emperor said that since there was no rice to eat, why not eat meat?

"You son of a bitch, how dare you scold me!" Huo Jingpu listened with relish, but at the end, he found that there was something in Youyou's words. He raised his hand angrily and wanted to fight.

"Hey, if you dare to do it, be careful that I let my mother kick you out!" He flew quickly and suddenly disappeared. Huo Jingpu had no one to hit, and his hand was slightly embarrassed in the air.

"Brother Pu, I know you don't mean any harm. I'm sorry to embarrass you." After Wu Yan finished speaking, his little face covered directly into the quilt.

Ho Jingputon has an indescribable dilemma. He has always been used to being careless and doesn't care about his words, but this time he obviously said too much.

"Wu Yan, it was my fault just now. My brother, I didn't speak lightly, which made you sad. My brother is here to apologize to you. Don't worry, if you want to learn in the future, come to me at any time. I just don't want to take the exam. If I want to take the exam, how can I get the top of the list with my talent!" Huo Jingpu said that and began to be ridiculous again.

However, Wu Yan was obviously shocked by Huo Jingpu's words. If he could win the top of the list, wouldn't it be that Wenquxing went down to earth? There has never been a scholar in their village, but the young brother in front of him dared to say such a thing, isn't it more powerful than a scholar!

Thinking of this, Wu Yan raised his head from the quilt and nodded shyly to Huo Jingpu, "Thank you, brother Pu, I will."

Huo Jingpu's nerves for a long time finally relaxed. Although he was a little dung out, he was not a kind son. Besides, Wu Yan was pulled back from the death line by Lu Mengji. For Lu Mengji, it must be of great significance. Huo Jingpu wanted to stay in this big house for a long time and had to rely on Lu Mengji's consent, so Judging from the current situation, being able to stabilize Wu Yan is equivalent to stabilizing half of Lu Mengji.

Lu Mengji did not investigate the matter of stealing letters, and the people in the hospital who knew about it were no longer silent.

It was only the second day, but the letter was not delivered.

The little boy who always sent letters did not appear, and naturally there was no chance to send the reply written by Lu Mengji.

After noon, Lu Mengji's first Chinese class ended. The servants in the room went out dejectedly. Among them, there were semi-literacy who had recognized one or two words before, and some were blind. They thought that literacy would not be more difficult than embroidery, but after a lesson of study, they were obviously completely hit.

It turned out that reading was not only to see if they could understand, but also to write and memorize, but they couldn't even hold the pen, let alone write. It turned out that it was such a painful thing for young masters to write...

Lu Mengji looked at those sad "students" with a helpless smile. It was just a simple first class, which had made them so painful. I really don't know how he survived at the beginning.

"Miss San, your letter!" Xiange suddenly ran over, holding an envelope made of white paper in his hand.

"Why is it you?" Lu Mengzhu looked at Xiange in a blankly, "I remember that you didn't deliver the letter before, did you?"

Xian Ge shook his head, "Miss San, Xian Ge has not sent a letter before. This was sent by a little boy in the general's mansion, saying that there was an urgent matter and returned to Kyoto without getting off the horse.

"Do you remember what that man looks like?" Lu Mengji opened the envelope and asked the string song.

"Remember, it's just that I didn't see that man when I was in the general's mansion." Xian Ge answered and stood aside respectfully watching Lu Mengji open the letter.

Finally, there was black ink on the letter paper. Obviously, this was not Lin Daimo's handwriting. Lu Mengji glanced at it and frowned more and more tightly.

"String song, if you go back to the city now, can you still arrive before closing the city gate?" Lu Mengji's hand holding the letter paper trembled slightly. She tried her best to control her emotions, but her body could not deceive herself.

"Miss Huisan, it's going to be dark soon. Now I'm leaving, and I can't enter the city."

"What should I do if I can't enter the city?" Lu Mengji shook the letter in his hand, "When will the gate open tomorrow?"

"This, the little one has never left the city at dawn, so I don't know. Let's open it at about dawn." Xiange answered respectfully, and Lu Mengji was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

"Go to the stable and tell the groom to prepare the horse. We will return to the general's mansion tomorrow morning. You and Mingyan can ride a horse. Don't say anything." After saying that, Lu Mengji walked around the room with letter paper.

The letter said that Lin Daimo encountered a raid on his way back, and his life and death are still uncertain.

Even Huo Shuangcheng doesn't know Lin Daimo's life or death, so I'm afraid he is more or less auspicious now!

Lu Mengji must rush back as soon as possible. Now only by staying with Huo Shuangcheng can he get the news of Lin Daimo as soon as possible. The letter was very simple, but Lu Mengjian read it very simply.

He was assassinated during the rest of the post station. In addition to those who are very familiar with Lin Daimo's feet, who would go to the post station to ambush and attack a newly victorious hero?

The more Lu Mengjian thought about it, the more anxious she became. Although Lu Mengjian was not familiar with the battlefield, since Lin Daimo could come back alive in such a sinister battlefield and made great achievements, she must have superhuman ability, and she had seen Lin Daimo break the copper plate in half, according to his It is almost impossible for ordinary people to hurt him.

Unless when he is extremely tired...

I heard Huo Shuangcheng mention it before that Lin Daimo had long wanted to return to Kyoto as soon as possible. I'm afraid that he hasn't had a good rest these days...

When they learned that they were going to return to the general's mansion, Green Ring was so shocked that their chin almost fell off. Less than ten days after they arrived in this house, they even had to return to the city. However, there was no doubt about Lu Mengji's words. According to Lu Mengji's instructions, she divided the servants into two groups, one followed him back to Beijing, and the other stayed in the house to take care of Wu Yan and take care of the house.

After a burst of swirling in the courtyard, I returned to loneliness.

But Lu Mengji didn't close her eyes almost all night. As soon as it was slightly dawn, she jumped up from **.

When Green Ring heard the noise, she also got up and packed up. With blood in their eyes, the group rushed to Kyoto and ran for half a day before finally entering Beijing.

Because it was too bumpy, Lu Mengji's stomach seemed to be stirred by a stick and rolled over. However, he thought that Lin Daimo's life and death were uncertain now, and his heart was hanging in mid-air, anxious and uncomfortable, and he endured all the way to the door of Huo's house.

As soon as I got out of the car, I finally couldn't stand the tostumbling in my stomach and bent down to vomit.

Huo Shuangcheng got the news and had already sent a small sedan chair in the house and carried Lu Meng Jian into the gate of Huo's mansion.

In just a few days, Lu Mengji felt a little strange when he looked at the scene of Huo's house. Due to autumn, those flowers and leaves have begun to yellow and wither.

The leaves of several tall ginkgo trees on both sides of the road become golden and brilliant. Looking up, it is a beautiful scenery.

It's a pity that Lu Mengji was thinking about Lin Daimo's assassination and had no intention to enjoy this rare scenery at all. However, with the rhythm of the sedan chair, he leaned on the back of the sedan chair and shook his body slightly.

"I don't know what's wrong with him now and whether he's injured..." Lu Mengji was worried when she thought of this. Why didn't she reply to his letter earlier? If he had returned earlier, would he have seen it? He wouldn't have rushed back so quickly. If he hadn't hurried back, he wouldn't have been attacked halfway. ......

The more Lu Mengji thought about it, the more regretful he became. He just wanted to run to Lin Daimo immediately, even if he just looked at him!

The sedan didn't stop and went directly to Qinxinyuan. There were many people standing in Huo Shuangchengyuan, all of whom Lu Mengzhen had never seen before. Huo Qing stood behind Huo Shuangcheng with a face.

"General, young master..." Lu Mengji approached Huo Shuangcheng, and the anxiety in his tone was audible to everyone.

Huo Shuangcheng raised his hand and stopped her words. "Don't talk about it. You are also tired on your way. Take a rest in the first house."

After saying that, Huo Shuangcheng turned around and returned to the room. Huo Qing looked at her with a deep meaning and followed Huo Shuangcheng into the room.

Lu Mengji only felt dizzy at this moment because he had been on the road all morning. His body was crooked and leaned on the green ring. The two walked into the room with half help and drank another cup of tea before finally waking up.

"Woman, why don't you go and take a break first? When Kanger has news, I will send someone to inform you." Huo Shuangcheng looked at Lu Mengjian worriedly and saw that Lu Mengjian shook his head and refused, so he no longer forced it.

Several people in the room stand or sit, and the atmosphere is inexplicably strange.

"General, Master Kang, how is he now?" Lu Mengjian woke up and finally couldn't help asking when he saw that Huo Shuangcheng still refused to disclose Lin Daimo's news.

Huo Shuangcheng sighed and closed his eyes sadly. "Since I received the news yesterday, there has been no news. Alas, my poor Kanger..."