Don't go to the flower

Chapter 276 No more steamed buns

Lu Mengji has been busy from morning to night, and finally had time to breathe at night.

The carrier pigeon brought Lin Daimo's news as promised. There were only a few lines in the letter, full of Lin Daimo's love, which made Lu Mengji unconsciously raise the corners of his mouth. However, when she saw the last sentence, her smile suddenly stiffened on her face.

"The Qin family moved into Fengyi Courtyard..." Lu Mengjian muttered that Qin Luofu suddenly made this move, which she didn't expect. The worst plan she made before leaving was that Qin Luofu moved Lin Dai Moqiang to Zuixuan again. In this way, Qin Luofu violated Xue Wenpei's mind, and her resistance could be slightly reduced. Xu.

However, Qin Luofu moved into Fengyiyuan, which was obviously a provocation to her. If Lu Mengji continues to endure it, I'm afraid she will really be regarded as a big steamed bun!

"Auntie, are you all right?" Green Ring looked at the words and looked at him. Seeing that Lu Mengjian's face was not good, his heart was alarmed.

Lu Mengji waved his hand, "It's okay, but the young lady moved into our yard."

"It's all over yet!" Green Ring shouted softly, this matter of competing for favor, in a family like them, is a smoke-free fighting drama, which can't be neglected for a moment.

"My husband let her stay in the guest room, and nothing will happen," Lu Mengji said lightly, but her heart was a little panicked by a strong tornado. It's not that she didn't believe Lin Daimo. She just didn't believe in the man's body and the animals thinking in the lower body. It's hard to guarantee that something that shouldn't happen will happen by **.

"Auntie, although you work with your young grandmother, but..."

Lu Mengji's worries have long been clear about the green ring, but now that she has come to this point, she can't stay in front of Lin Daimo all the time. What's more, I'm afraid that she can't afford the consequences of the impulse for the rest of her life. This matter has to be discussed in the long run.

"Don't worry, I know it," Lu Mengjian blocked the words of the green ring and glanced at the door meaningfully. The green ring ice and snow were smart, and immediately changed the topic and quietly approached the door.

The door was suddenly opened, and a dark shadow flashed past the door. The green ring followed two steps, but there was no trace of black in a blink of an eye.

"Come back, she's gone." Lu Mengji looked up, smiled at the beam not far away, and called the green ring back to his side again. This time, he had no scruples.

"Auntie, you are so awesome that you can find the eavesdropper!"

Lu Mengji looked at the moonlight that became complete through the window, and his eyes smiled like a crescent moon. "It's strange that this thief is so stupid that he stands in the shadow of the moon and is not found!"

"Green Ring, why do you think the young lady suddenly moved to Fengyiyuan this time? With her arrogance, it is reasonable to let the young master come to her!" Lu Mengji took the letter and said it in a relaxed tone.

"It's true that this is really not in line with the character of the young grandmother," Green Ring was also lost in meditation. "The young grandmother wants to attract the attention of the young master. This time, she will take advantage of her aunt's absence to consolidate her position in Huo's mansion."

"Where does she need to be consolidated," Lu Mengji smiled at herself. "When she give birth to her legitimate son, her status will be even more unlikely to be shaken. She doesn't need to worry at all."

"In case..."

"No chance! Although I trust my husband, for the sake of safety," Lu Mengjian stopped and pulled the green ring to his side. After whispering in the green ring's ear, the green ring couldn't help nodding. The carrier pigeon returned to Huo's house with a white paper letter, and Lu Mengji's uneasiness caused by Qin Luofu also disappeared.

In the morning of the second day, Lu Mengji got up early again. When he went out, Zhou Qiang had already taken two honest men to stand outside the door and wait for a long time.

Seeing Lu Mengji, Zhou Qiang smiled excitedly, and his small eyes narrowed almost without gaps. "Speaking to my aunt! Auntie, what do you think of these two?

"So fast!" Lu Mengji couldn't help but look at Zhou Qiang's efficiency. Judging from that day, his organizational ability could be seen, but he didn't expect that he was also rigid when doing things. "That's right!"

"This is Tang San from Tangjiazhuang, and this is Wu Yifan from Weilou Village. Their craftsmanship is famous in ten miles and eight villages." Zhou Qiang's introduction made Tang San couldn't help banging. The dilapidated thin jacket on his body made him look weaker and weaker, but occasionally his eyes showed a few traces of fierceness. The light of fierce and treacherousness. In contrast, Wu Yifan was much more restrained. After hearing this, he just squeezed his mouth and smiled, lowered his head embarrassedly, and a pair of hands that had been touched by many oldcocoons gently rubbed his clothes.

"Brother Tang, Brother Wu, please take care of the things in Zhuangzi in the future!" Lu Meng Jian smiled at the two of them and took over the paper tube from the green ring. When he opened it, it was a drawing.

She modified this drawing overnight and spread it on the table. Wu Yifan's eyes suddenly emitted a glimmer of light, as if she had seen a treasure. She quickly put her body up and looked at it carefully. Tang San came up and was completely sucked in by this drawing.

Zhou Qiang stood aside. He couldn't understand the drawing, so he just stood aside and looked at the expressions of several people in front of him.

"Aunt Lu, where did your drawing come from? Can this big shelf really be used? After Wu Yifan finished his research, there were inevitably some doubts in his words.

"This is what I saw in a book before, but it's a long time ago. I can't remember which book I read it. This time, it's just drawn by memory, so it's inevitable that there will be imperfections. This time, I invite you two to give some advice to see what's shortcomings in this picture. " Lu Mengji looked at the drawings drawn by himself and was as excited as a newborn.

"It's really rare to see what's on the drawings. To be honest, I've lived for so many years, and I really haven't seen anyone grow crops in this kind of thing, but," Wu Yifan pointed to the drawings, which shocked Lu Mengjian.

"But what is it?"

"However, if this kind of wooden column touches water, it will inevitably expand and deform, and I'm afraid it will affect the overall effect."

Lu Mengji is very clear about this point. Under the current circumstances, many modern and convenient building materials such as reinforced concrete are unlikely to appear.

"It's nothing. It's not a kind of gloomy wood that can be well preserved for 3,000 years after being invaded by water. It must be excellent as a framework." Lu Mengji's words stunned everyone present.

"Aunt Lu, the gloomy wood is too unlucky. It's better for Aunt Lu to reconsider." Zhou Qiang has naturally known a lot of hearsay rumors outside these years.

"Pine wood is also acceptable." Tang San looked at the drawings and had a little more admiration for the little woman in front of him.

"Please forgive my ignorance. May I ask my aunt what the greenhouse involved in this drawing is used for?" The more Wu Yifan looked at it, the more questions he had in his heart, so he simply asked directly.

"Oh, that's right. The land next to this house belongs to the Huo family. If it is always empty, it's really a little wasteful, so I want to build a greenhouse here. In this way, even in winter, I can grow some vegetables and fruits for the winter, save water and effort, and I can also plant some flowers and plants." After Lu Mengjie finished speaking, the modern agricultural greenhouse suddenly came to her mind. Unfortunately, due to the forced conditions, what she could do was to assemble a relatively simple greenhouse. However, even so, it was much more reliable than those farmers who depend on the sky to eat.


Wu Yifan and Tang San looked at each other, as if Lu Mengji's words were extremely ridiculous.

"Aunt Lu, stop it. I haven't seen anyone who can grow green vegetables in winter. It's already very good to eat cabbage!" Tang San looked at Lu Mengji seriously and seemed to see an absurd farce.

"Brother Tang, don't worry, when this greenhouse is built, I will definitely let you taste fresh vegetables in winter!" Lu Mengji said it confidently, and the confident appearance made the two people in front of him a little hesitant.

"Since Aunt Lu said so, she must be very sure. Do you two want to take over?" Zhou Qiang asked in a low voice that he did not understand about the construction of the greenhouse, but he knew that his duty was to find a suitable candidate for Lu Mengqi and successfully build this "greenhouse" as soon as possible.

Tang San frowned slightly, "Pine or gloomy wood can be found, but what should be used for this layer covering the surface? In winter, the north wind is piercing. If it is covered with cloth, I'm afraid that the wind will blow through.

Lu Mengji has also thought a lot about materials. The bone structure can be replaced by wood, but glass and plastic film are unheard of in this era, so when she came up with the idea of building a greenhouse, she was inevitably troubled by this idea.

However, when she was in Shita Village, she had construction experience, so this time, Lu Mengji was also ready to cover it with thick linen with high density and poor breathability.

This statement was directly denied by Tang San.

"Aunt Lu, I have been crawling in the field for all these years. Not to mention how much I know about food, but I also know that after covering it with sackcloth, without the sun, the things in the ground can't grow at all!"

"That's right, Aunt Lu, how about you think about it?"

The real character of the villagers made Lu Mengjian happy and crazy, "Two brothers, I understand your intentions, but I'm going to build this greenhouse anyway."

Tang San sighed and stopped talking. They all said that many people in the city were rich and stupid. When he saw him today, he really lives up to his reputation.

"In this case, let's decide. While there is still some time before the cold winter, why don't we start construction this morning and try to build the greenhouse shown on this drawing before the arrival of the cold current?" After saying that, Lu Mengji stopped talking nonsense. Instead, he directly picked up the pen and explained the things drawn on the drawings to the two people around him. Thinking of the spectacular scene in the greenhouse in the future, he gradually became happy.