Don't go to the flower

Chapter 278 The Reincarnation of the Goblin

"Far away from me!" The next second when Qin Luofu ran over happily, Lin Daimo decisively stretched out his long arm and stopped Qin Luofu away from his arm.

"It doesn't matter, Brother Kang, I know you are afraid of hurting our children," Qin Luofu's face did not change, but was more happy. She looked at Lin Daimo with bright eyes, "Brother Kang, don't worry, I will be a good mother and wife, and I will definitely make you fall in love with me!"

Lin Daimo was stunned by this sentence. At this time, Qin Luofu crossed Lin Daimo's arm, circled in front of Lin Daimo, and stood on tiptoe and kissed Lin Daimo's cheek fiercely.

Lin Daimo staggered back two steps, "You, you..."

"I like you, Brother Kang. I like you from the first time I saw you, and now I will always like you in the future!" Qin Luofu's words made Lin Daimo blush from his face to his neck, and he didn't know how to answer.

When she reacted, Qin Luofu had already walked to the door with an extremely brisk step. "Brother Kang, Fu'er will go back to Drunken Hexuan to change her clothes first, and Fu'er will cook for you in the evening, okay?"

"No, you can rest in Zuihexuan at night..."

Qin Luofu seemed to have already known Lin Daimo's answer. He turned around directly when he heard one word, faintly left a sentence, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Lin Daimo stood stiffly in the room and muttered, "But there is only Jianer in my heart. What's wrong with you!"


In a few days, the work of the foundation of the greenhouse has begun to be booming. Even if the people of several nearby villages have not been selected to work, they are happy to watch, so the door of Huo's house, which has always been cold and guestless, is full of voices every day.

Lu Mengji is full of longing for the construction of this greenhouse.

During her doctorship, she fantasized countless times that she could have her own greenhouse, plant the flowers she liked, and do what she wanted to do, but she did not expect that this dream would come true in such an era, although the conditions were simpler and the equipment was much worse.

For two consecutive days, Huo Jingpu always felt uneasy.

"Third sister, how can you marry the eldest brother!" To this day, Huo Jingpu is still worried about this matter, "Although you are my god sister, at least you are also a member of our Huo family. How can you suddenly become my sister-in-law!"

Lu Mengjie's hard-won thought was interrupted by this maniac young man again. He couldn't help hugging his head and looking at Huo Jingpu helplessly. "You have to ask your uncle about this matter. I didn't even know your brother's letter back, and I was cheated back by your uncle. I confusedly married your eldest brother. I I still feel wronged!"

"My uncle, alas, I dare not ask him," Huo Jingpu bowed his head and felt more uneasy at the thought of the powerful general uncle. "Third sister, you have built the Laushzi greenhouse on the land of the mansion here. Does uncle really agree?"

"Of course I agree. This is a letter written by your uncle himself," Lu Mengji threw Huo Shuangcheng's letter to Huo Jingpu, and his ears were finally clear for a moment.

Huo Jingpu read the letter carefully over and over again from beginning to end, and there was no excuse at all. "If uncle said so, there is no problem, but third sister, I always feel uneasy..."

Lu Mengji got up and patted Huo Jingpu on the shoulder. In just a few months, he found that he had grown much taller, and the tenderness on his face gradually disappeared, no longer as green as before.

After dispelling Huo Jingpu, Lu Mengji finally lost her thoughts. She leaned on the back of the chair tiredly and suddenly doubted the world. Since she came to this strange world, every moment seemed to be acting, but every step she took, there was no script to refer to. Everything could only rely on herself to slowly. Groping.

"Is all this really just a dream?" Lu Mengji became more and more suspicious. Thinking that at the beginning, Inception Space was very popular in China, Lu Mengji saw it over and over again. There were infinite illusions about those illusory dreams, especially the spinning top, which always made her afraid, but at this moment, she thought of the last top.

The more Lu Mengji thought about it, the more frightened he became. Finally, he couldn't help walking outside the door to find a gyro that could recognize dreams. Unfortunately, in such ancient times, materials were even poorer than expected.

The top was not found, but it was found by Youyou, who was besieged by children.

Youyou has been dealing with wolves since childhood. She is grumpy and refuses to suffer losses. And the children in the village have been free-range since childhood, and none of them know the depth of heaven and earth. For a while, several children actually twisted together.

The little boy guard next to him saw Lu Mengji coming and shouted a few times. Several rag-dressed wild children suddenly lost their shadows, leaving Youyou standing still standing still fighting against the heroes.

"Youyou, what are you doing? Come here!" Lu Mengji saw the blood marks on Youyou's face. She was angry and distressed, and pulled Youyou home.

I wanted to scold him, but as soon as I sat down, I saw Youyou covering the back of her buttocks with one hand, pouted her mouth, and her eyes were full of tears.

"Why do you fight with children?" Lu Mengji couldn't stand it and took out a veil to wipe the stains on Youyou's face. Although she was angry, she was more distressed for Youyou.

"They laughed at me," Youyou pointed to the tail behind his buttocks.

From the beginning, Lu Mengji warned Youyou not to show her tail in front of outsiders, but after all, Youyou is just a child. After staying with the children for a long time, it is inevitable to show off the parts that others do not have to their partners. Youyou was also inevitable. When he found that he was the only one who had a tail, he actually took out his tail and showed it to others. As a result, he was scolded as a monster, and several people even fought together.

"Mom, am I really a monster?" Although Youyou is small, his mind is much more ** than his peers.

Lu Mengji shook his head repeatedly, "Youyou is so clever, how can it be a monster? This tail is a gift from God to Youyou, because Youyou is really so good that there is such an unusual reward!"

"However, they all scolded me..."

"Youyou, they are not scolding you. They are jealous of you. Think about it, this tail is the only one you have, and God didn't give it to them, because they are not good enough!" Lu Mengji is now comforting people's lies, and his face is not red and his heart is not beating. He is completely different from the two people when he was in the ivory tower.

leisurely touched his tail and left happily. Although he still hid his tail tightly in his trousers this time, compared with just now, this confident appearance reassured Lu Mengjie more.

However, only because of this little thing, it caused more trouble for Lu Mengjian.

The next day, I don't know who the news came first. In half a day, it spread to almost all the nearby villages. The lively door in the past suddenly became very quiet. Except for those who work in Huo's house, the door is full of birds.

In the afternoon, Zhou Qiang found Lu Mengji in distress.

"Aunt Lu, I really don't want to do it well, but, alas!" Zhou Qiang sighed, "I don't know where the rumor came from. Unexpectedly, it was said that the little prince was a goblin reincarnated. Many people working here have told the villain today that they don't want to continue to work in our Huo's house."

When Lu Mengji heard this, he unconsciously wrinkled his nose, "When did the rumors start?"

"The little man doesn't know, but during the working hours this morning, someone talked nonsense in the field. As a result, many people later said that they had seen the little prince transform. It is said that he also has a long tail, which is really scary!" Zhou Qiang picked up a few nice words from the workers, and Lu Mengji had already frowned together.

"The little prince has nothing to do. Humph, tell those people tomorrow that if you want to work hard here and earn some food, don't be echoed and do your own thing honestly!"

"But today, many people have said that they don't want to do it again and ask for a clear settlement of today's wages..." Zhou Qiang was also a little nervous when he thought of those people's words just now.

Lu Mengjian's face is getting worse and worse. It seems that the fact that Youyou lit his tail to those little guys yesterday has been known.

"Aunt Lu, what should we do? As soon as these people left, at least more than half of them were responsible for the work, and most of them stayed here. If it weren't for that meal, I'm afraid they would have left. Zhou Qiang looked at Lu Mengji's face carefully and spoke more carefully for fear that the other party would be unhappy and swallow himself up.

"Let's go, but I will never let go of Youyou. He is like my own son. I must not let him be hurt." Lu Mengji said firmly that she didn't want to mention more about Youyou's background.

"Okay, so I'll settle these two days' wages for them today?" Zhou Qiang carefully explored Lu Mengji's mouth, but obviously, the things about Youyou were all Lu Mengji's forbidden area, and he simply said no more.

Although the labor of getting the wages coveted the big white rice nests at the door, they had thought of the description of the wife and children about the demon boy, and had to retreat again, so they had to reluctantly go home with a few money.

But the famine is still going on, and there is no financial resources. People who have to eat have to reconsider going out to beg, which makes people who are entangled even more entangled.

I want to go back to work, but I'm afraid that the other party is really a demon, but if I don't go back, the family will eat and drink in front of me...

However, in one day, more than half of the construction people have been reduced. Although Lu Mengji didn't say anything, his enthusiasm in his heart inevitably weakened. More importantly, if the number of workers continues to decrease, I'm afraid that he will have to stop work in two days.

"Aunt Lu, another group of workers want to leave today. What do you think we should do?"