Don't go to the flower

Chapter 288 Crisis Awareness

Lu Mengji was happy in his small paradise, and unconsciously arrived at the full moon day of Lin'er.

Lin Daimo was afraid that Lu Mengji would forget the time and rode to Huo's house to pick up Lu Mengji's house. Naturally, he left a handle for everyone. Even the worst gossip in the house couldn't help looking at Lu Mengji.

And Huo Jingping was recruited as a son-in-law because of the princess's favor and was haunted by countless things every day. He has not been to Qin Luofu for several days in a row. Naturally, he is not as worried about his child's yearning as much as in previous days.

It's just that Qin Luofu was just born in confinement, not only can't get the love of her husband, but also the daily care of the "son-in-law" has disappeared. What she faces all day is except for Lin'er's crying, which is Lin'er's crying. Her heart seems to grow old hair. After confinement, she is a little thinner than before pregnancy.

The full moon wine is very lively in Huofu.

This is the biggest happy event in Huo's family in the past few years, except for Kang'er's marriage, so Xue Wenpei was happy to invite the prestigious old people in the city to gather blessings, and Princess Jianning also sent a very generous gift because of Huo Jingping's relationship, which attracted the crowd to come and go back frequently.

Qin Luofu's small face faded from her previous slight baby fat, revealing her big eyes and pointed chin, but had a more amazing and beautiful appearance, which made people couldn't help but keep their eyes linger on her body.

What about Brother Kang? Is he back yet? Qin Luofu looked at the door, asked Cailing in a low voice for the first time, and saw Cailing shaking her head countless times.

"Don't worry, young lady. The young master just... Maybe he went to prepare gifts for the young master, so he didn't show up. Today is the first time for the young master to appear in front of outsiders. Young grandma, you must be very nervous. Two days ago, his wife also said that Lin'er is blessed, and today, even the prime minister's mansion and the marquis's mansion It's all here!"

Qin Luofu didn't seem to hear Cai Ling's words, but looked at the door and muttered, "Don't he want to drink Lin'er's full moon wine?" Does he have me in his heart..."

But before Qin Luofu could feel sorry for himself, he saw Huo Jingping come in from the outside with a happy face.

"Sister-in-law, Lin'er is finally one month old," Huo Jingping stood in front of Qin Luofu. The originally eloquent man became shy and shy. He looked left and right at the people next to him, and finally couldn't help whispering in Qin Luofu's ear, "Fu'er, you are so beautiful today. You are the most beautiful mother in the world!"

Qin Luofu's smile floated on his face and nodded numbly to Huo Jingping to thank him, but his heart was extremely disgusted by the meaty words. In the face of Huo Jingping, she didn't know how to describe it. Obviously, she was extremely disgusted with his care and love, but if she couldn't meet him, there would be an inexplicable loss in her heart, like digging a hole, and Huo Jingping was a big stone pried out of the pit.

Cailing suddenly came in a hurry, and Hou was beside Qin Luofu. Huo Jingping turned away with a slight smile, but at the moment he turned around, Cailing came to Qin Luofu's ear and whispered softly.

"Master Kang is back."

This whisper, like a thunderbolt, hit Qin Luofu's ear and sounded in Huo Jingping's heart.

Qin Luofu immediately seemed to have come back to life, and the smile on her face instantly became real and happy. She gently closed her hair, and the girl asked in a low voice, "Help me see if your hair is messy?"

Huo Jingping immediately turned his head and saw the smile on Qin Luofu's face, which was not as dead as when facing himself. His heart suddenly stung, his face turned pale, and he rushed out of the door three or two steps.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lin Daimo pulling Lu Mengji's hand with a happy face.

Lu Mengjian kept pulling back with a blush on his face. Lin Daimo just pulled Lu Mengjian's hand hard and refused to relax.

Seeing Huo Jingping, Lu Mengji finally shook off Lin Daimo, lowered his little red face, and said good to Huo Jingping. Huo Jingping smiled with the corners of his mouth, looked at Lin Daimo with deep meaning, and finally strode away.

Lu Mengjian was furred by his smile. Seeing Huo Jingping go far away, he couldn't help looking back at Huo Jingping's back. Unexpectedly, Lin Daimo was jealous because of this, and Lu Mengjian did not notice anything wrong with this move, so the two actually quarreled a little awkwardly.

At the end of the full moon banquet, Lu Mengji immediately left the next day and returned to Huo's house. Lin Daimo was angry for the first time and resolutely refused to send Lu Mengjian back to the suburbs. However, when Lu Mengjian's car drove out of Huo's house, he was like an uneasy child. Finally, he stepped on the horse and rushed back to Huo's house with a whip.

Wu Yan and Youyou came home from school and saw Lin Daimo kicking down from the horse, but they did not see Lu Mengjian's figure, so they curiously surrounded Lin Daimo to inquire about Lu Mengjian's news.

Lin Daimo looked at the two little kids angrily and remembered Lu Mengji's good temper in front of others. He was inexplicably jealous, so he waved his hand and rudely chased them aside.

In this way, Youyou was not happy, "Where's my mother? My mother went out with you. Why are you back by yourself now?"

Lin Daimo's eyes stared like a copper bell, "Where is your mother going to care about me, little boy, take care of your own business and then, just worry about it!"

"Who do you think is worried! Who do you think is a little boy? I'll fight with you!" Youyou threw the bag and bumped into Lin Daimo's arms with a thump, knocking Lin Daimo into a stag.

Lin Daimo held his little head, "Little boy, you don't even want to shout your father, and you still want to call my mother. You are so beautiful!"

"Bah, you are not my father. Youyou will marry your mother in the future!" After saying loudly, Lin Daimo burst out laughing, and it was inevitable to relax the suppression of Youyou in his hand.

"Youyou," Wu Yan pulled Youyou's sleeve, "How can Youyou marry your mother as your wife? Your mother is your father's wife!"

Youyou was thoughtful and his voice was clearer. He scratched his little head and was extremely sure, "Then I won't call my mother in the future. My mother said I should call her sister. Well, that's it's decided. Can my sister be a wife, right?"

Wu Yan nodded seriously, ignoring Lin Daimo's surprised chin at the bottom of the valley, and walked hand in hand with Youyou and directly bypassed Lin Daimo.

Lin Dai is extremely depressed. Obviously, Lu Mengji has belonged to him for a long time, but it seems that there are more and more rivals in love!

That inexplicable jealousy, accompanied by the emergence of this idea, finally let Lin Daimo lose the battle. If he is so inexplicably angry with Lu Mengzhi again, I'm afraid that I don't know when Lu Mengji will be pried away...

The sudden sense of crisis suddenly made Lin Daimo realize one thing again.