Mot in the alien world

Chapter 1 Guo Mo's Heart

Lei Yao: The high-pressure strong thunder element explodes instantly, producing a strong light, making the enemy you see instantly blind and auxiliary skills.

Nine-day Purple Night Thunder Dragon: The extreme of the nine heavens, the thunder dragon shines in the world, summoning the purple night Thunder Dragon above the nine days with magic power to attack the enemy, which is related to the caster's ability.

Hell Thunder: A strong shock wave formed by the thunder element causes a devastating attack within 5×5 area centered on the caster, which is related to the caster's ability.

Five thunder bombardment: Summon the scattered Taoist thunders to bombard the opponent's attack with powerful magic power, making the other party unable to avoid it, and the soul is scattered under the five thunders.

Thunder's Hammer:???

Ziang Thunder Sword:???

God of Destruction:???

Looking at these exciting skills, Guo Mo suddenly danced a pull dance in his heart. How could he be happy? Lei was originally known for its destructive power. These skills that had just heard the name and knew that they were very awesome made Guo Mo very happy. It was really speechless.

unconsciously returned to the other courtyard. Guo Mo turned his head and looked at only Julie behind him. He couldn't help wondering. When he asked, he knew that he didn't pay attention to those words just now, and he didn't even know that they left. It turned out that when Guo Mo was thinking about the skills in his mind, Chu Nan, Hardy and the four magic sons fought with him. I'm going out to have fun.

Guo Mo couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "That guy Chu Nan is too playful, but there are two sword saints as guards. Nothing can happen to them!"

Pulling Julie into another courtyard, through one courtyard after another, and listening to the sound of martial arts practice, Guo Mo looked at these hard-working children and couldn't help thinking of himself. At such a age, he was the trough of life. If it hadn't been for the dean, he would have died long ago. This couldn't help but tighten Julie's hand. .

"Do you miss Grandpa?"

Julie is a little sad. Yes, she has never left the small village and suddenly left for so long. She is really a little homesick.

Guo Mo looked at Julie's expression, patted her on the shoulder, and said gently, "Ha ha, when this game is over, I will accompany you home and see Grandpa. I haven't seen you for so long. I miss him too!"

Julie didn't expect Guo Mo to be so understanding that she couldn't help feeling a burst of happiness in her heart, and her whole body leaned on Guo Mo.

Feeling the warmth on his body, Guo Mo couldn't help smiling, took Julie's hand, and began to walk around the garden. It was funny. As the owner, he never visited his yard well, and then took the opportunity tonight, he planned to have a good look.

Along the winding path, looking at the verdant trees and the dense grass on the side, Guo Mo felt the spring of the garden. Looking at the flowing water on the rockery and the small bridge by the lake, he couldn't help sighing, "What a small bridge!"

Julie listened to Guo Mo's words and read it again and said, "Brother, this should be a poem. Why is there only the second half of the sentence, not the first half of the sentence?"

Guo Mo was stunned by this question. He didn't expect Julie to be so knowledgeable that he could hear it, "How did you know?"

Julie said obediently, "I have read some books of the East Dragon Empire before, and some poems are amazing, and the ingenious words are really amazing!"

Guo Mo couldn't help frowning. Why is it be Donglong? It seems that he really has to go to that place, but then he returned to smile and said, "Ha ha, this is an ancient poem called dead vines and old trees and faint crows, small bridges and flowing water, ancient roads, Xifeng thin horses, sunset, broken-hearted people in the sky Ya!"

While reading this ancient poem full of bleak mood, Guo Mo couldn't help but feel the stunning color of the dark hair and black eyes in his mind, and the meaning of missing in his heart was very strong.

"Old trees withered vines, faint crows, small bridges and flowing water, ancient roads, thin horses, sunset, broken-hearted people on the horizon!" Julie read silently and felt the sad scenery in the poem. She couldn't help sighing, "It's too sad. I think this person should have suffered a huge change!" Looking up and seeing the slightly depressed Guo Mo, he thought he was feeling poetry, so he didn't disturb him. He just read this poem several times and planned to frame it tomorrow and hang it in the bedroom. After all, this is a poem mentioned by Guo Mo, but it is so artistic.

Guo Mo slowly raised his head and felt the missing in his heart, but he couldn't say it to Julie. His heart was very bitter, "Julie, you haven't heard me sing yet. I'll sing a song for you today!"

Julie immediately clapped her hands and cheered. Since Guo Mo taught her to dance, she knew that Guo Mo was versatile. She wanted to ask many times, but she didn't have a chance. It was rare that Guo Mo took the initiative to talk about it today. How could she refuse?

Guo Mo cleared his throat, grabbed his right hand, and a leaf slowly fell on it. He blew it with his mouth and put it into his mouth. The picture when he first saw Julie in his mind suddenly appeared, and the picture of meeting Qin Shishi in the library. A melodious song slowly fluttered...

Just because I looked at you more in the crowd

I can never forget your face again

Dream of meeting again one day

From then on, I began to miss alone

When I miss you, you are on the edge of the sky

When I miss you, you are in front of me

You are in my mind when I miss you

When I miss you, you are in my heart

I would rather believe that we were predestined

The love story of this life will not change

I'd rather spend this life waiting for you to find out

I've always been by your side

Never gone far


Whenever he sings the legend of Wang Fei, Guo Mo is moved by the deep infatuation. At this moment, it is better to sing than the original song. The kind of love story of love and fate for three lives makes Guo Mo, a person he has never loved, a little cute in his heart.

Guo Mo's singing has a kind of man's vicissitudes, with the firmness of hundreds of reincarnations, with the desolation of the sea and rocks, far away and loud, gathering for a long time, like a lingering sound, endless!

Listening to the melodious melody, feeling the strong thoughts and deep feelings in the song, Julie's heart was full of shocking waves, which were extremely sweet. She silently said, "What do I want to have a husband like this?"

After a long time, Guo Mo stopped playing, throwing the leaves into the sky again and let them fall. "No matter how difficult it is, I will go to you, my wife, no one can take it away!" Guo Mo was a little better after he figured this out.

He took Julie's hand tighter, gently held it in his arms, felt the blowing of the green phoenix, and said with a firm and tender face, "Julie, when my brother goes to Donglong to find the poem, I will marry you, no matter how big or small, you are my favorite. I would like to do my best to protect you. Rotten, ten thousand years, thousands of reincarnations, never leave and never give up, snuggle with each other!"

Feeling the perseverance and seriousness in Guo Mo's words, there is only one voice in Julie's heart, that is, kissing him, gently tiptoeing up her little feet, and fiercely imprinting Guo Mo's mouth, "I understand your heart, you know my heart!"