Mot in the alien world

Chapter 30 130,000 taels

"Therefore, I am full of curiosity about the construction of the city this time, and I also want to participate in it. For this reason, my God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce will devote all my financial and material resources to help adults build the city. After it is completed, the lord will not be stingy and give me the super artifact clock!"

The words of the president of the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce can be said to be watertight, blocking all the ways of several fellows.

Everyone stood up excitedly. It should not be said to be excited. It should be nervous. With such favorable conditions, I'm really afraid that Guo Mo will agree, so everyone's trip can be said to be a failure to the extreme!

Just when everyone was very nervous, Guo Mo picked up the tea, shook his head and smiled, "Ha ha, from the appearance, this is indeed a very favorable condition, but when you think about it carefully, it's not even fart!

I have solved the most important masonry in the building. The rest is just some steel and cooli. Steel, which is owned by my province, naturally does not need too much. As for manpower, there are naturally tens of millions of people in my province, so the words of the President of the God of Wealth are not even as farts!"

Looking at Guo Mo's three words and burning all his plans, the originally calm president couldn't help but change his face and was extremely shocked.

"I made a mistake. How could I expect that Guo Mo's thinking was so clear that my plan was penetrated between his words? It seems that this will not work. Anyway, then be calm!"

Countless thoughts passed in his heart like lightning, and the president of the God of Wealth immediately returned to his original state and said, "My lord, it is really clear. In this case, I will also order people not to say secret words. As long as the adult is willing to give up a clock, my God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce is willing to contribute 30 million yuan and 300,000 yuan to help adults. Build the city!"

When the Hebi Chamber of Commerce heard the words, he couldn't help but sarcastically, "Well, it turned out that it was paying attention to the super artifact. No wonder it was impassioned. Among other things, as long as the city is built, the adults are willing to provide me with ten real estates to build shops. I am willing to contribute 20 million and send 100,000 people to help adults. !"

"Well, as long as my lord gives up a place in the main city and four real estates in the Acropolis, I am also willing to invest 20 million and 100,000 Kuli to help adults!"

"My Pu'er Chamber of Commerce is willing to invest 30 million and 200,000 yuan to help adults build it. I just want adults to leave eight real estate in the Acropolis after the city is built!"


The Chinese Chamber of Commerce immediately scrambled to quote their own reserve price to fight for this opportunity to cooperate with Guo Mo. Just as everyone was about to finish speaking, the president of the Brunei Chamber of Commerce, Slime's father suddenly stood up and said loudly:

"We, the Brunei Chamber of Commerce, are willing to contribute 50 million and 500,000 hard work force, without asking for anything in return!"

This word was like a bomb, which exploded in everyone's ears. Everyone was curious and thinking about the mystery.

Guo Mo heard this and got up and said, "What's uncle talking about? Slime and I are brothers. How dare we accept this gift? I already have a clear idea about this matter. Uncle can rest assured!"

Listening to what Guo Mo said to the president of the Brunei Chamber of Commerce, the others will grow up and scold shamelessly. One by one, they can't help scolding in their hearts, "FUCK, how dare you send your son in so early. No wonder it's so incumbent to say that it's fucking hypocrisy!"

After countless curses, everyone was silent and waited for Guo Mo to make the final notice. Guo Mo took a sip of tea and slowly said, "I already know what everyone means. Are they all businessmen? What I want is nothing more than benefits. As long as I build a city with me, I will naturally not treat it badly. Here are some benefits I can provide. Let's see how it goes first!

As long as you take out the money and manpower as just said, I am willing to give the following points in return:

1, all chambers of commerce involved in the construction of the city can enjoy the priority of renting a house after the construction of the city, and have the right to choose first among the houses provided!

2, all chambers of commerce involved in the construction of the city can enjoy the preferential rights of the province's tariffs after the city is built!

3, all chambers of commerce involved in the construction of the city can enjoy the priority of the province's goods* or distribution after the city is built!

4, all chambers of commerce involved in the construction of the city have the priority to cooperate with the lord's government officials!

And all the provincial capitals involved in the construction of the city can get a super artifact clock in return after the city is built!

Guo Mo's words had just landed, and Yao Ming, who had not spoken, coughed and said, "Lord, no, how can we develop our business in this way? In this way, you won't be bullied by these chambers of commerce for a lifetime! Lord, this is a must!"

Hearing Yao Ming's words, Guo Mo couldn't help but be embarrassed and at a loss, but everyone clenched their teeth one by one and hated Yao Ming in their hearts.

The other three chambers of commerce said in unison, "The lord is indeed affectionate and righteous. How can we shrink back? We are also willing to contribute 50 million and 500,000 coolies like the Brunei Chamber of Commerce!"

And those small chambers of commerce couldn't help but increase the weight. Looking at everyone increasing the weight one by one, the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce couldn't help saying, "The Lord has offered such an excellent condition. How can we waste the Lord's painstaking efforts? My God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce is willing to contribute 10,000 taels and 700,000 to help the adults. Build the city!"

Guo Mo couldn't help hesitating for a moment. He kept holding and putting down the teacup in his hand. For a long time, he finally squatted on the table fiercely, as if he had put a lot of courage and was about to open his mouth.

But at this time, Yao Ming knelt down with a fluttering sound, "Lord, we can't sacrifice my future business of Esk City for the benefit of the moment. I can't just care about the present and don't think about my descendants. In this way, I will be reconciled by them in the future!"

Yaoming said that he was in tears and was solemn to the extreme. Hearing that Guo Mo's squatting tea cup was in his hand, his eyes turned dark and he didn't know what to think.

The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce hated Yao Ming to the extreme. If their eyes could kill people, they would have killed him hundreds of times. Looking at the hesitant Guo Mo, everyone looked at each other and whispered, "Lord, as long as the adults do not dislike such a earth-shaking creation project, we are willing to take it out. Valuable assets to help adults!"

Hearing what everyone said, Guo Mo's dim eyes lit up again, "Oh? I don't know how much you are willing to pay?"

Everyone couldn't help but be happy and looked at each other and said, "We are willing to contribute 10,000 taels like the Chamber of Commerce of God of Wealth!"

Guo Mo was very excited at this moment, "Are you serious?"

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help laughing that Jiang was still old and spicy, and laughed, "Of course it's serious!"

Seeing this, Guo Mo's greed for money showed, "Okay, since you are so generous, how can I not keep my word? As long as you have money in place, you can sign a contract immediately to discuss how to build it!"

When everyone saw Guo Mo agree, they were all relieved, "Naturally, we can transfer money now!"

Guo Mo then rushed to Yao Ming, who knelt down beside him and ordered, "Yao Ming, call the housekeeper!"

In a short time, the housekeeper came in a hurry with several families.

Yao Ming was very unwilling to take the pen and ink, began to write the agreement one by one, and presented it to Guo Mo, "Lord, give it!" With that, he didn't want to look at Guo Mo.

Guo Mo shook his sleeve, took over the agreement, glanced at it, and handed it to the representatives.

Everyone looked at Guo Mo, who was very angry, and was afraid that he would temporarily repent, so they signed the agreement as soon as he could in his life.

And the housekeeper took out a blank amethyst ink card and collected all the money transferred by everyone. Looking at the amount on it, the housekeeper was stunned and shocked, allowing the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce to transfer the money into it.

It took a long time to return to normal. Looking at the magic crystal card in his hand, his whole body began to tremble!

The Chamber of Commerce was relieved and drank tea happily.

Seeing that everyone signed the agreement, Guo Mo waved coldly and said, "Now that you have signed the agreement, you can go back first. The housekeeper will arrange all the matters!"

Looking at Guo Mo's face, no one dared to stay, and all the smoke disappeared!

After all the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce left, Guo Mo and Yaoming looked at each other and laughed incompar.

"Haha, lord, your acting skills are really getting higher and higher. If you fool those guys, you will lose 10,000 taels. These 13 chambers of commerce are 130 million taels, 1.3 billion. If they know that we disdain to develop ordinary goods at all and have no intention of competing with them, they want to die. The heart will have it!"

Looking at Yao Ming, who was laughing, Guo Mo couldn't help laughing and said, "Your acting skills are also good. As you spoke, even tears came out!" Especially the look just now, that look, I'm still worried!"

The two laughed at their own, leaving only the housekeeper in the dark. I don't know why.

For a long time, the two put away their smiles, "Yao Ming, you should write a cooperation letter according to the characteristics of the major chambers of commerce and write down what the major chambers of commerce should do. Give it to me. If you can, let the housekeeper inform you!"

The housekeeper, who was still shocked, was woken up by this sound and quickly answered, "Yes, young master!"

Guo Mo looked at the housekeeper and said, "You should pay attention to your cultivation in the future. There are still many big scenes in the future. You can't tremble every time. Okay, go!"

Then the housekeeper bowed respectfully and said, "Yes, young master, the old slave knows!"

Yaoming, after watching the housekeeper leave, shook the fan and said, "Master, this 1.3 billion taels of gold, everything is not a problem, but transportation is a problem. If so many things are transported by relying on the current tools, not to mention the loss on the road, it will take two months to just transport these materials!"