Mot in the alien world

Chapter 4 13th Meeting

In a thousandth of an instant, these demon dogs actually used another killer mace, no longer using the body, but instead of soul form to attack, making the national model unpreventable!

In the face of this sudden change, Guo Mo's heart was as calm as water without any twists and turns, as if all this was expected. Suddenly, a dark flame appeared in Guo Mo's hand, which was a hellfire!

This hellfire didn't shine any time, and it kept getting bigger in Guo Mo's hand, and then released a torrential black flame, like a demon black lotus blooming.

The black lotus keeps rotating and colliding. Every time it trembles gently, it will take away a dog's life, which can be said to kill the dog until it is soft.

Seeing his unique and unfavorable trick being broken in an instant, the heart of the demon dog king suddenly cooled down, as if he had fallen into a ten-thousand-year-old ice cave.

The demon dog king looked at the scene in front of him, and the shock in his heart was irreparable. Then he said heavily, "If even this can't stop you, it seems that you have to use this trick!"

The voice of the demon dog king fell to the ground, and the whole human breath changed. The breath of the king of dogs just now has disappeared without a trace, replaced by a kind of demagogy, the kind of demagogy that can incite countless people to die for him, but the object of his demagogy is still a group of dogs.

"Ten thousand dogs ascend to heaven!"

As the words of the demon dog king fell to the ground, a red light appeared in the eyes of countless magic dogs, and then the whole dog seemed to be stimulant, regarded Guo Mo as the best bone between heaven and earth, and ran towards Guo Mo.

These magic dogs knew that they would die as soon as they approached the black flame, but they still attacked Guo Mo one after another like Fei'e.

With more and more dead magic dogs, Guo Mo slowly found something wrong, because he found a subtle change, that is, the quality of these magic dogs is constantly improving, as if he killed dozens of seventh-order magic dogs, and there would be an eighth-level magic dog king.

Slowly, Guo Mo's hellfire became more and more difficult. Guo Mo had to find that almost all the magic dogs he saw in front of him had become eighth-order existence, and a few of them were nine-order heavenly dogs.

These magic dogs are no longer crazy attacks, but begin crazy suicide as soon as they get close to Guo Mo's range.

Another eighth-order magic dog self-detonated, among which some ninth-order heavenly dogs self-detonated, which completely broke Guo Mo's plan and made Guo Mo frown and unable to stretch.

"Boom!", another self-exploded, and the Taiji shield in front of Guo Mo kept swaying, which seemed to be in danger of breaking at any time.

Guo Mo felt the change of the Taiji Shield and was shocked. Now he understood the meaning of ten thousand dogs ascending to heaven. This is to pull the enemy and himself to heaven together! Countless magic flashed in his mind, and finally his hand turned into a finger. One finger pointed out that thousands of black lights burst out, and the endless dark breath of death spread from the underworld. It seemed that countless souls who died unjustly were roaring, and countless corpses had not yet dissipated and condensed on this finger.

A dead finger pointed out that suddenly, a black thick iron rope formed by a black ghost was entangled around these magic dogs that kept rushing.


The black iron rope made a sound that shook the soul, and a blood-red thunder chain formed by the dead soul appeared on these demon dogs, suddenly refining this string of demon dogs into ashes.

Looking at Guo Mo pointing out, he broke his ten thousand dogs and ascended to the sky. His heart was like a ghost. He said three good words in a row and said angrily, "In this case, I won't be polite!" Pick me up and give me a move to ascend the dragon road!"

The demon dog king was furious, and then dog demons kept rushing out of the whole world, and a dragon-like breath kept pouring out of his body, forming a dog-like existence that is not a dog, dragon-like existence. It seems that these demon dogs want to ascend to the sky and become dragons. Even Guo Mo can't help but be moved by their unyielding will. .

This dragon-like existence, constantly rising and changing, constantly forcing Guo Mo, as if Guo Mo hindered his way to ascend to heaven. Looking at that look, he actually wants to smash Guo Mo to pieces!

"What kind of spell is this? It can be like this. It's so amazing!" Guo Mo looked at the monsters that kept coming, and he was extremely shocked. This kind of trick of using the law of heaven against the enemy was really unheard of.

Feel the ruthlessness on this monster, only the Taoist heart is eternal, and the pursuit of supremacy is powerless. Guo Mo's heart is terrmented, and the breath of the law of the road suddenly disintegrates his undead's finger, breaks through the protection of the Taiji Shield, and appears in his mind and lingers.


Guo Mo shouted, and a yin and yang appeared in the back of his head. A huge Taiji two-yi giant sword appeared in his hand. With this sword, Guo Mo's heart was shocked and shouted, "Taiji swordsmanship!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Sanfeng learned how to play Taiji swordsmanship. Guo Mo's moves showed a meaning of yang in yin and yin. It seemed that he really understood the essence of Taiji. The sword light was like a shadow, splitting towards the existence of a dragon and a dog.


With a tragic scream, the dragon-like existence was suddenly split in half by Guo Mo's Taiji swordsmanship, and his head was different.

At this moment, the demon dog king's head is like a burst, with heartache and unbearable. Unexpectedly, there is an impulse to hit the wall with his head, and his body is constantly **, like an electric shock!

Guo Mo did not dare to be careless at all. He was afraid that the other party would blow up and come to attack, but after more than half an hour, the demon dog king was still the same, which made Guo Mo doubt whether he had thought about it.

"Hey, dead dog, don't pretend to be dead, don't play tricks!"

The demon dog king was indifferent, as if he were dead. He lay on the ground quietly, and even put away the field. It was not until this moment that Guo Mo was sure that the demon dog king was really gone crazy.

Guo Mo did not know that he used his huge spiritual sword to use the yin and yang sword spirit and cut it on the monster formed by the law of the demon dog king. At this time, he cut off the primordial spirit of the demon dog king, making him almost schizophrenic, and finally fainted.

Looking at the dead dog, Guo Mo's huge spiritual power poured in like a tide, carefully sorted out the broken laws in his mind one by one, and repaired some of the soul trauma, making the demon dog king wake up.

As soon as the demon dog king woke up and looked at Guo Mo in front of him, he subconsciously screamed, which shocked Guo Mo.

"Dead dog, you were saved by me, and you still yell, didn't you say that? If it's comfortable enough for me to slaughter? I won't bully you, just tell me about tracking me!"

The Demon Dog King no longer had the arrogance just now. He meticulously said all the information he knew. Guo Mo couldn't help but hear that his eyes were as big as dragon's eyes, and his mouth could hold his fists.

"Sure enough, this continent is far from being as simple as it seems, and these hidden inheritances!"

After listening to the words of the Demon Dog King, Guo Mo was very happy, because he finally proved that his conjecture was right. The world is not so simple. "Do you know what is the big force behind the Odin Empire and the Sleting Empire?"

Guo Mo changed his voice and asked about the topic he was most concerned about. Unfortunately, he overestimated what the demon dog king knew. The demon dog king also knew nothing about these empires, which made Guo Mo like a fog and never dare to make a conclusion.

Guo Mo took a look at the Demon Dog King, thought for a moment, and waved his hand, "You go, I won't kill you. Just let your descendants kill some of these two empires!"

The demon dog king did not expect that Guo Mo would let himself go like this, and there were almost no conditions!

In fact, he must not know Guo Mo's intentions. If he really understood Guo Mo's thoughts, he would definitely scold loudly, "Don't be too Guo Mo!"

The demon dog king was amnesty and ran away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the flashing figure of the demon dog king, Guo Mo smiled and said, "There are so many ninth-level. If you don't put it back, how can I fish? Danyao, I'm really looking forward to it!"

After Guo Mo laughed, he stopped thinking about this, but focused on his luxury car industry. Since he had this idea, he naturally had to make it vigorous.

"Yao Ming, inform 13 chambers of commerce to come to me tomorrow for a secret meeting and tell them that there is a shocking happy event!"

Yao Ming, who was checking the copywriting, suddenly heard Guo Mo's voice in his mind. Although he didn't know why, he still ordered his servants to inform him!

"What? There was a shocking joy to attend the secret meeting," the president of the Poole Chamber of Commerce narrowed his eyes tightly, kept smiling, and listened to the stories of his servants.

"Yes, my lord, this is the seal of the city lord's mansion. It can't be faked!"

"Okay, let's go now and be in front of other chambers of commerce"


At the same time, Slime and others were meditating and feeling their own changes. Suddenly, Guo Mo's voice appeared in their minds. They immediately woke up from meditation and walked towards the council hall with the four magical sons.

"Tomorrow, I will announce a new thing. At that time, you and I will have a white face and a black face, and you must act perfectly. No one can tell whether it is true or false!"

Guo Mo then told them his plan for luxury cars.

After listening to Guo Mo's words, the group all grew up, and even Slime was shocked to be speechless. After a long time, they muttered, " boss, aren't you really here?"

Guo Moton was stunned and then smiled gently. Unfortunately, no one knew that this was the deepest secret in Guo Mo's heart!

At the same time, all the 13th Chamber of Commerce received a notice from Guo Mo. These profiteers were extremely happy and all wanted to take the lead. Some even came here in heavy truck.