Invert the universe

Chapter 5 Expulsion of impurities in the body

Li Chuan also learned some tricks from his grandfather when he was a child. For nothing else, it is inevitable to encounter beasts and various dangers when he goes into the mountains to collect medicine, and his grandfather will also have some ways to strengthen his body. Although the road is relatively wild, it is also a kind of self-defense.

In the past, I used to get up early and stand with my grandfather every day, about an hour, and then ran with my grandfather in the morning. For many years, I had a strong physique and flexible skills. He also contributed a lot in the fight between his village and neighboring villages for land and water.

Li Chuan thought that this is the world of practitioners, and there will definitely be many powerful people. They can't sit back and wait for death. They can't harm others, and they can't let others go. Although the people in the village are simple, they have participated in intrigues for a piece of land or water, and it will definitely be more cruel here.

Therefore, he still exercises every day, standing and morning running again after he regained his mobility, and he worked harder. There is a beach that is not very long. Every morning, I will stand in the waves, stand in the waves, and run in the impact of the sea. Although I am very uncomfortable at the beginning, I get used to it for about ten days, and I feel more strong and lighter than before.

After standing, running, and then a series of exercises such as push-ups every day, I began a lot of experiments to study the medicinal properties of some herbs that I didn't know, and figured out the medicinal properties and effects as soon as possible. Of course, it was uncomfortable during this period. I had diarrhea and dizziness. Fortunately, there is no here. What a highly toxic drug? Li Chuan muttered psychologically that fortunately, he was strong, otherwise he would have to be tossed to death.

A large number of personal experiments are basically beneficial to the human body, and several rare herbs can cause weakness, diarrhea and dizziness. And many herbs with strong muscles and bones were also found.

At the same time, I am also trying to feel the spirit and aura of heaven and earth, and spend a lot of time to feel it every day, although it has not been successful.

In this way, exercise and take your own traditional Chinese medicine every day, and then feel the spirit of heaven and earth according to the method mentioned in the secret book.

Kung fu pays off. Three months later, Li Chuan felt the wonderful vitality between heaven and earth in an occasional practice. A trace of vitality, a little transparent but still shining with some silver light, wandering aimlessly in the air.

Li Chuan was very excited. With this excitement, the silver wire disappeared. Li Chuan's face showed a faint smile, and his practice for so long finally came to fruit. Then calm down and start to try again. After mastering the tricks, it was much easier. After a while, when I felt ethereal, I found these vitality again.

Li Chuan tried to guide these vitality thinner than his hair into the body, but failed. He was not discouraged. He failed again and again and again. He didn't stop for a while until he felt dizzy. Then try again.

Finally, on the third day, a wisp of vitality was successfully guided into the body. This wisp of vitality enters the body and disappears. I don't know where he went, Li Chuan didn't feel any changes in his body, and then he felt a little dizzy, so he lost contact with his vitality. Li Chuan took a gentle breath and finally did not waste his efforts. His cultivation improved a little, and he felt that his qualifications should not be very good, otherwise what would he do? It will be so hard. Don't think about anything else, close your eyes and rest, and then come back.

There is some progress every day. From the beginning, it was just a wisp of guidance every time, and then began to try two wisps, three wisps and so on. Li Chuan spent a lot of time practicing. Finally, after a practice, he found that he was a little uncomfortable and smelled himself. On the surface of the skin, there is a layer of black sticky things, and the source of the smell is these black sticky things.

Li Chuan roared excitedly. He knew that he had succeeded. After his unremitting efforts, he finally entered the process of removing impurities in his body, and then took a comfortable bath in the sea and fell asleep.

It is recorded in the secret book that this time to remove impurities can remove impurities in the body in about seven or 49 days, but Li Chuan spent more than 90 days to remove the impurities in the body. Li Chuan sighed to himself, isn't he born to cultivate?

Of course, what he didn't know is that this secret book was originally in the era of cultivation full of heaven and earth and aura. It is not in the current environment of the earth. Today, the earth is seriously polluted. Li Chuan is good. He grew up in the mountains and is still relatively slightly polluted, but it is not completely polluted. Of.

For more than three months, Li Chuan's body has undergone obvious changes. Now he feels that he is a legendary martial arts master. Although he will not fly in the air like the legendary eaves, he can jump to a rock more than two meters high. I feel that my body is lighter and more powerful.

Every day, I run in the sea with a big stone in my waist and carry a big stone for push-ups. Basically, as long as I exercise, I will aggravate myself to the limit before I start exercising.

Every day is such a exercise. Li Chuan can withstand loneliness and boredom. When he is tired, he meditates and begins to practice. He uses the same method to attract aura to fill the body. However, the volume in the body is limited. When the aura in the body is full, he can no longer accommodate more aura. Then, according to the secret book, Li Chuan used his body as a stove to refine and compress the aura in his body, so that the body can accommodate more aura. When it is compressed to one limit, it will break through to another realm, the condensing period.

This is a long process. In this way, Li Chuan stayed on this island for three years. During this period, when practicing boxing on the island, he opened a huge stone and found that there were some spiritual stones in the stone. Although it was not many, it was better than nothing. Therefore, Li Chuan had a new thing. Love, that is to find the spiritual stone. And a lot of spiritual stones have been collected. Although they are all small pieces, they can't be compared with the remaining wooden spirit stones with big fists before, but the amount is still relatively large. In addition, I made a simple raft. With my own skills, I explored on the sea and found some nearby islands, which were uninhabited. However, some spiritual grass was actually found on other islands, and the main medicine for refining the spirit pills - Lingya grass, and several other auxiliary drugs were found to collect these spiritual herbs. When he gathered, Li Chuan thought that he should try alchemy, and he could practice the Juling pills he could use at present. Unfortunately, he did not have an alchemy furnace, let alone the Danding. I had no choice but to save these elixirs and try to alchemy by myself when I get the elixir furnace later.

In the past three years, Li Chuan has reached the perfect period of Qi practice. What he doesn't know is that he has reached the innate realm now. If others know Li Chuan's current achievements, he will definitely shout freaks. Now it's only one step away from breaking through and entering the period of concentration, but Li Chuan has tried many times, but he can't break through.

Practice has fallen into a bottleneck and can't break through. The islands near the island have also been searched by him. For more than three years, he has not seen other human beings. Li Chuan thought that if he can't see anyone else for more than three years, he will become a mute and almost become a madman, and cultivation is not such a practice. Fa, I haven't reached that situation yet, and I can't practice alone here all the time.

Li Chuan decided to set out and start looking for islands or land where human beings gathered. He spent three days making a relatively large wooden boat, made a big wooden pulp, got some food and water, and was ready to start looking for land. Although he didn't know if he could succeed, he had to try it. Li Chuan didn't He is an indecisive person who will make a decision and go firmly towards the goal.

He properly disposed of the herbs he collected and did not carry them, but the spiritual stones were brought with him, because he knew that the spiritual stones in the world of cultivation can be used as money, and there were not many spiritual stones, which was more convenient to carry.

In this way, Li Chuan set out. Now he is not very dependent on food. Basically, he can maintain his physical strength by eating something in two days. Sometimes when encountering a calm sea, they will go into the water to catch some fish and supply them.

After drifting on the sea for nearly a month, I also encountered many dangers on the way. The sea breeze and waves here were very strong. If Li Chuan had gone to sea as soon as he came to this mysterious world, he would have fed the fish in the sea long ago.

Once, he actually encountered a very large fish and almost overturned Li Chuan's wooden boat. Li Chuan discovered it early and shocked the fish away by stepping on the water waves.

One month finally gave Li Chuan hope. In the distance ahead, he saw the ship and the land. Although it was still an island, Li Chuan knew that there must be human beings here. His eyes were full of joy. After living on an isolated island for more than three years, he finally saw human beings again.

Li Chuan accelerated the journey and finally approached.