Invert the universe

Chapter 14 Invitation

The two came to the entrance of the rally. When they entered, they walked east towards Ziqi and had nothing to say all the way.

When he came to the vicinity of the Ziqi Donglai store again, the previous fat man guarded at the door and looked at both sides. When he saw the figures of Li Chuan Linger, he appeared ecstatic on his face and hurriedly greeted them.

"Brother, I found you, but it's easy to find me!" The meat on the fat man's face trembled with his smile, which was very funny.

Li Chuan frowned. He knew that they wanted to figure out their identity, and they probably couldn't find anything.

"Unknown boy, how dare you worry about it!" Li Chuan said politely.

"Brother, it's not convenient to talk here. How about we talk about it in detail?" The fat man still had a sincere invitation.

Li Chuan thought about it. Last time he gave so many benefits very politely, and he still had to give this face. They were undoubtedly polite to themselves by their own alchemy methods. Otherwise, how could a small monk be treated so warmly by them? It was precisely because he understood this that Li Chuan dared to accept it last time. Their gifts, otherwise Li Chuan's caution would not be so easy to believe others.

Li Chuan is still relatively unfamiliar with everything in this world. Duan Linger is also a relatively simple monk. Although Li Chuan is not young and has rich experience, his spiritual sense is very **. His intuition tells him that Duan Linger is a trustworthy person. Other people can also make a vague general with his ** intuition. Li Chuan feels very amazing. He has never found this advantage before.

When he came to the living room in the store, the three of them sat opposite each other. Li Chuan looked at the fat man in front of him and waited for his speech.

"My name is Cai Guangjin. I'm a local businessman. Ha ha, if you have anything you need in the future, just ask your brother. As long as I have it, I will definitely give you the biggest discount!" The fat man said politely to Li Chuan, who was a little absent-minded about Duan Linger next to him. A pair of bubble eyes looked at Li Chuan carefully and looked at Li Chuan uncomfortable.

Duan Linger sat aside and did not interrupt, but she was relieved. She saw that this young man named Li Chuan must have great value and potential, otherwise he would not have been made friends like this by the famous Ziqidong. Others have always rushed to get close to Ziqidong. This is just a branch. In the whole continent, Ziqi Donglai is one of the top three major chambers of commerce. Basically, all monks know the name of Ziqi Donglai.

"Is there anything I can do for you? If I can, I would like to make a friend as a financial boss!" Li Chuan said calmly.

He knew that he must have something to help himself, otherwise the fat man named Cai Guangjin would not have done to himself. After all, his cultivation is clear about himself and has not yet reached that.

"Haha, brother is a cheerful person, and he is called a rich boss. I think you are not as old as me, right? If my brother looks up to my wealth, call me the eldest brother!" The fat man laughed.

"Okay, big brother, I'm polite!" Li Chuan is also the master of climbing along the pole. He followed the fat man's words and recognized this big brother. Anyway, there should be no harm to him. His identity and status are there, so he won't go around with himself like this.

"The thing is, our Ziqi Donglai Chamber of Commerce has eight branches in Zeguo, and many branches in other regions. The headquarters holds an alchemy competition every ten years, that is, each branch has one alchemist to compete and take the top three in each region. Then go to the headquarters to participate in the final. But now there are so few alchemists that we can't find alchemists at all, so we want to invite our brothers to participate in this competition as players in our branch!" Cai Guangjin said the reason for the incident.

Hearing this, Li Chuan also became a little interested in this conference, but his expression did not change. The fat man next to him stared at Li Chuan tightly and wanted to see something from his face. Unfortunately, Li Chuan's calmness was beyond his imagination.

"Of course, the benefits of brothers are indispensable. The Chamber of Commerce at this alchemy Conference attaches great importance to it, and the headquarters also supports it. The award of the competition has been announced. The first place can get three precious elixirs, a spirit-level alchemy furnace and a large number of alchemy elixirs!" Seeing that Li Chuan didn't say anything, the fat man threw the bait.

When Li Chuan heard this, he was really moved. What he cared most about was the three elixir and the spiritual weapon-level elixir furnace, especially the elixir. Li Chuan is still confident in his alchemy, and he also wants to know other alchemists to see if they have any reference for their alchemy techniques.

Li Chuan didn't say anything, but Duan Linger, who was sitting next to him, opened his mouth.

"You can't promise, but don't you have anything to say at your branch? These awards are not enough for my brother. He is the youngest and most talented fourth-order pharmacist!" Duan Linger looked at Li Chuan at the same time, and then looked at Cai Guangjin.

The fat man didn't expect the girl to come out like this, but when he heard that Li Chuan was a third-order alchemist, the fat on his face trembled.

Generally, the division of elixir pharmacists is relatively strict, which is equivalent to the realm of cultivation. The first level corresponds to the qi refining period, that is, the elixirs of Juling pills, the second level corresponds to the condensation period, that is, the level of Xuanyuan elixir, and so on, until the tenth level, it is said that immortal elixir can be refined.

Fourth order? Isn't that the elixir that can be refined in the virtual elixir period? Is this young man an unrivaled disciple who came out to practice? Looking at his behavior, he doesn't seem to be very good at the world of cultivation. Who is this woman? Are brothers and sisters wandering together?

The fat man thought a lot in his mind. Although he didn't believe it very much, he felt that this young man was very mysterious. He actually had so many excellent elixir in his hands at a young age. Even the disciples of a big family would not squander elixir like this! Fatty can only classify him as an alchemist, because only an alchemist can have the strength to take out so many elixirs, and high-grade monks can sell so many elixir without changing his face.

Combining so many reasons, Cai Guangjin believed a little, and Li Chuan's expression actually recognized the girl's words, which made him believe a little more.

Now I'm a little worried. I have no idea and my face is a little anxious.

At this moment, the door of the living room opened and came in a middle-aged man dressed in purple gold clothes with a jade exquisite hairpin. His expression was happy or sad, and his cultivation was profound. Li Chuan was secretly shocked. This man's cultivation was unfathomable and he was a master. Fat Cai Guangjin immediately stood up and stood respectfully on the side of this person. Obviously, this person's identity was unusual and may be the president of this branch.

"Fourth-order elixir pharmacist? Can you let me open my eyes? The voice was loud, and the man came to look at Li Chuan carefully and said.

Li Chuan knew that they wanted to see their real ability and see if they really had that ability, but they had a total of three elixir prescriptions in their hands, and there was no fourth-order elixir prescription at all.

"Yes, but if you can talk about the reward given to me by your store first?" Li Chuan answered calmly. He knew that what Duan Linger said was to raise his value and get a lot of benefits, so he continued to talk about it. If you are a little hesitant at this time, you will be exposed. Then the previous ones are nonsense, and the two will definitely be easily killed by the person in front of them.

When hearing Li Chuan's calm and calm answer, the other three people in the room were stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect Li Chuan to agree.

In this middle-aged man, it is not bad to have the strength of the second-order. Although he has the best Juling pills in his hand, it does not mean that he has the strength of the fourth-order elixir. However, he also plans to invite Li Chuan to participate in the competition on behalf of their branch, because it is really difficult to find. All the elixir in the store is purchased from the headquarters and other large branches, and no one sells them in this place.

"What kind of reward do you want? Why don't you talk about it?" The middle-aged man answered slowly.

"Danfang, if I participate in the competition on behalf of your branch, I want Danfang as a reward, at least three third-order elixir or one fourth-order elixir, and I need some elixir at the same time!" Li Chuan said his condition.

The fat man couldn't help pumping the fat on his face when he heard Li Chuan's words, which was too cruel. Danfang, that's not cabbage. It's all rare. They have a total of six elixir prescriptions, two second-order, two third-order and two fourth-order elixir, one of which is incomplete elixir, which needs to be improved again.

In fact, Duan Linger was the most nervous. She said casually that she didn't know whether Li Chuan had that strength at all. She just wanted to help Li Chuan get more compensation. When he heard Li Chuan agree, she was still much more relaxed. Although she had not been together for a long time, she could feel that Li Chuan was not the kind of person full of nonsense, and she should have a certain certainty to answer this.

"Our branch does not have so many Danfang, but I can promise that as long as the little friend has enough strength, I will try my best to meet the needs of the little friend. Of course, our branch does not have so many Danfang. After all, Danfang is too precious and too rare." The middle-aged man answered calmly.

Li Chuan sighed in his heart that the old fox had no substantive promise for a long time. They were all human spirits, and they were really resourceful.

"I believe that I will not go on my promise as a senior!" After saying that, Li Chuan got up and motioned.

The group came to the second floor, where there was a secluded room, which was just suitable for Li Chuan's alchemy.

Li Chuan sat on the futon, and the other three sat on the chair next to him, preparing to watch the wonderful alchemy. Duan Linger was particularly excited, because this was the first time she saw the mysterious elixir alchemist alchemy, and she was very looking forward to it.

Li Chuan was very calm. He closed his eyes and sat for a moment, then summoned the slightly miserable alchemy furnace and began the first step of alchemy, the heater.

Cai Guangjin saw the corners of Li Chuan's alchemy furnace and thought, this guy would not use this rags to alchemy, right? This time he still wants to refine the fourth-order elixir?

Li Chuan was unaware of the changes of others and devoted himself to alchemy, starting to regard them as air.

At the end of the stove, Li Chuan came up with a elixirs. Li Chuan intends to refine the foundation elixir, which is also quite cautious, but only the foundation elixir can handle it. He is afraid of being seen as flaws and hopes to succeed once. However, he didn't know how low the success rate Duan Linger and what he said was, so he went all out.

When everyone saw the herbs Li Chuan took out, they knew the elixir he wanted to refine, because he was too familiar with it. Of course, it was difficult to refine a lot. Basically, it was almost close to the threshold of the fourth-order elixir.

Duan Linger also saw that Li Chuan planned to refine the foundation elixir. She was extremely excited. If she could refine it successfully, then Li Chuan promised to give him an elixir, then she was expected to build the foundation.

The foundation elixir is different from other elixir. Its refining process is very many and special. It is recorded on the elixir. There are no other effects, that is, to help the monks build the foundation successfully, break through to the foundation-building period, and can only take one. If it is not successful, it will have no effect if it succeeds.

Therefore, the success rate of the foundation elixir is pitifully low, because the most orthodox alchemy process has been lost. It took them to barely find out some processes after a long time and experiments, and it is not very stable. It is normal to fail nine times. The elixir obtained by Li Chuan is complete, and there are detailed instructions on how to refine it, and Li Chuan attach great importance to building the foundation elixir, so he has skillfully memorized every subtle step.

The refining of foundation elixir is different from other elixirs. The foundation elixir is very special. You must use special means and fine control the heat to ensure that the effect of the elixir is not lost.

In the past, Li Chuan was still entangled. How to find a monk who built a foundation? Even if he found it and didn't help himself, can this person be trusted? Now that everything has been solved, he is useful to Ziqidong, and his status is not low. Li Chuan's spiritual sense also told himself that this person is not the kind of person who forgets profits and righteousness, so he dares to refine in front of them. Of course, Li Chuan is not afraid that they will learn the steps of alchemy, because there are many steps that outsiders can't understand, and they can't see much change in heat and subtle control.

The special method is that the steps are very cumbersome, and some are not understood by outsiders at all. Even Li Chuan now is a little inexplicable. The most outrageous thing is that whenever the elixir essence is extracted, the monks above the foundation period must be wrapped in the essence with Zhenyuan and then slowly moistened for a quarter of an hour. Li Chuan saw He said to the middle-aged man, "I hope the seniors can help the younger generation!"

"Please speak!" He also said curiously.

"Every essence extracted by the younger generation needs to be wrapped in Zhenyuan for a moment before the essence is released, and I will prompt the seniors at that time!"

"Good!" A very straightforward answer.

Then Li Chuan began to extract the essence. First, he put the three-flavor main medicine into the elixir. When the three-flavor medicine entered the elixir furnace, the real fire of the elixir instantly became violent and just right, so that the firepower would not burn the herbs into ashes.

After ten breaths, the firepower began to become mild and maintained a delicate temperature. At this time, the other three people could clearly feel the gradual extraction of the essence of the herb, but the speed was relatively slow. A quarter of an hour later, after the essence was extracted, three clusters of light flashed with different colors and slowly rotated in the Dan furnace.

"Senior, get ready, it's time to start!" Li Chuan said seriously. After all, it was also the first time to refine the foundation elixir. Although he was very familiar with the steps, he had to let Li Chuan be cautious about it.

The middle-aged man did not speak, but immediately took action, stretched out his right hand, condensed a pale green Zhenyuan, and waited.

Three groups of elixir essences rushed out of the elixir furnace.

Middle-aged people did not delay, threw out the real yuan in their hands in an instant, and wrapped them tightly and did not dissipate them at the moment when the three groups of essences were released.

Li Chuan was slightly relieved to see that the progress was going well, and then continued to put in several other elixirs. This time, Li Chuan put all the remaining five-flavor main medicine into the Dan furnace and began to refine.

Before, Li Chuan was still relatively conservative. He was afraid that the cooperation would not be good, so he had reservations. Seeing that the middle-aged people cooperated without ambiguity and quite tacit understanding, he began to go all out. Otherwise, if the elixir is not successfully refined, it will consume a lot and lead to failure.

In this way, after extracting the essence of the nine-flavor main medicine, other auxiliary drugs are much easier. First of all, it is easy to refine and there are no book steps. Li Chuan is also very profied with the process of extracting auxiliary drugs and completes smoothly.

When the auxiliary medicine was refined, Li Chuan looked at the middle-aged man next to him and said, "You need to put the Jiuwei main medicine into the elixir in turn as I said. There can be no pause. You must seize the opportunity!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and he was still shocked, because he also knew that with the current realm and strength of Li Chuan, refining and building foundation elixir still needs the assistance of others, because he is still a monk without foundation, and many elixir cannot be completed by him. This is not a performance of strength, but a very abnormal performance. Ordinary alchemists are able to refine elixirs corresponding to their own strength and realm. If they exceed their own realm, the probability of success will decrease by an alarming proportion. It is no exaggeration to say that only one in a thousand or even one in ten thousand chances can succeed, but at present, judging from Li Chuan's performance, successful refining will have Great certainty.

"Spirit Bud Grass" Li Chuan said the first main medicine. Then the middle-aged people put the essence into the Dan furnace one by one according to Li Chuan's words.

When the last main medicine essence entered the Dan furnace, Li Chuan began to consume the most and the most critical step, integration.

First, the firepower of the Dan furnace became fierce in an instant, and then controlled dozens of elixir essences and began to rotate around the wall of the Dan furnace, very fast.

After a quarter of an hour, the speed began to slow down and the firepower became very small. This is a cooling process, which is the most test of strength. If you don't master it well, you will lose all your previous efforts.

Li Chuan did it very seriously. Now his true spirit and spiritual knowledge have also been upgraded to the peak state, eliminating all miscellaneous thoughts and devoting himself to alchemy.

After about 30 breaths, these essences began to gather together. Due to the lower temperature, these essences gradually began to touch, and you could obviously feel some slight "smile" sound.

The process was very slow. About three hours, the fusion ended and it was very smooth. At this time, Li Chuan's forehead was faintly sweaty. He didn't care at all, but seriously stared at the essence of the fusion in the Dan furnace.