Invert the universe

Chapter 54 Li Chuan VS Huo Yan

After Li Chuan flew far away, he stationed on an isolated island, which is not too far from Hun Tianzong. If Li Chuan wants to act again, it only takes half an hour to get close to the island where Hun Tianzong is located.

Li Chuan rested in a small forest, and his consumption was also very large. After all, two consecutive sneak attacks were all successful, and the consumption of Zhenyuan was still very large.

The scholar and Huo Yan flew out of the mixed sect and looked for the traces of the mixed middleman together. Unfortunately, they didn't know where the mixed middleman went and had no clue at all. They looked around aimlessly.

"Second brother, why don't we act separately? There is no clue to look for it together!" Huo Yan is a little impatient. After all, it is about the heart and flesh of the suzerain. If there are really dangers and accidents, they will not be too happy.

"Be careful of the enemy's tricks, we'd better act together and expand the scope of the search!" The scholar said calmly that his mind was much more meticulous than that of Huo Yan. He had always been a think tank monk. Even if the suzerain encountered something, he would ask him for his opinion.

"This is not the way. The scope is getting bigger and bigger. We can't search for a few days. Why don't we each take half of the responsibility and then meet at a fixed time, don't you think?" Huo Yan said to the scholar.

"The identity, origin and purpose of the enemy are not clear. We are safer together!" The scholar insisted.

"I don't think the assassin's strength will be much better than me. As long as the two of us are careful, we should inform each other as soon as we meet him, and then arrive quickly, there should not be a big problem!" Huo Yan said to the scholar while flying. Seeing that the scholar was a little hesitant, he said again, "Don't worry, second brother, you know my strength. The Xudan monk I'm looking for is not my opponent. Don't forget that I still have that secret weapon!"

The scholar was moved by Huo Yan's words. In the end, the two parted ways. The scholar looked for the direction where the Duan family was, and Huo Yan flew in the opposite direction.

Li Chuan quietly adjusted his breath. In an hour, he returned to his peak state and then analyzed the next situation. At present, the Huntian Sect must have tightened the patrol density and manpower, which is not suitable for further sneak attacks, and the Huntian Sect must have all been shocked. Someone should find that the Xuansun of the Huntian is missing and will definitely come out to look for it, so they will attack these people who came out to look for it.

Li Chuan made up his mind to hide for a period of time, and then set out again to find these people who came out to search, and then kill them, consuming the backbone of the Huntian Sect.

Just as Li Chuan was about to rest, a black spot appeared in the sky and quickly came towards the island.

Li Chuan's spiritual sense was very keen. He found this black spot at the first time and couldn't help raising his vigilance. He didn't know the identity and strength of this person, and shook hands tightly with a bloodthirsty stick.

Huo Yan searched for a period of time without any clues. When he saw the isolated island in front of him, he was ready to go to the island to check. When he was about to land near the island, he found a breath.

This breath was not covered at all. Huo Yan felt that the strength of the person who emitted this breath was around the middle of the foundation. The strength was not in his eyes at all, but he still improved his defense in his heart.

Li Chuan quietly looked at the black dot in the air and gradually enlarged, and finally saw the appearance and clothes of the visitor.

Huo Yan's figure is still relatively similar to that of Li Chuan now. Both of them are strong men, and even Huo Yan's figure is much higher than Li Chuan, which is domineering and deterrent.

Look at Li Chuan, because of his own cultivation, he is much worse than Huo Yan. Li Chuan felt that this person's strength was very strong and judged that it should be above the foundation period, so this person's identity is self-evident and should be one of the three elders of the Huntian Sect.

Li Chuan couldn't help but be a little excited. The monk of the Jiedan period was a master in his eyes. Before he had fight with such a master, the blood in his body couldn't help but boil a little. He could feel that the blood flow in his body was accelerating, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Li Chuan is eager to fight. After all, he has been stuck in the middle of the foundation for too long. He can feel that only fighting can break the shackles and break through to a new level.

Huo Yan slowly stopped, suspended over Li Chuan, looked down at Li Chuan and asked, "Who are you? Why stay here? Don't you know that this belongs to the scope of the Huntian sect? In fact, Huo Yan has had doubts about Li Chuan, because the words that the surviving captain had been saying were very similar to Li Chuan's appearance.

"The man who took your life" Li Chuan said in a cold voice and hoarsely, and then launched an attack, ready to teach the monk of the strength of the Jiedan period.


Twelve purple golden needles appeared all over Huo Yan, thorning at the point of the body.

The monks in the Jiedan period are not the foundation-building monks Lichuan met before. The true element and spiritual knowledge in their bodies are too strong. There is a saying in the cultivation world that 'the difference is thousands of miles', which is the true portrayal of the cultivation world.

The gap between the monks of the same level is also very obvious. The cultivation level of the two is the same, but the real level of combat is not necessarily the same. Take Li Chuan as an example, he is now in the middle of foundation-building and can immediately break through to enter the realm of perfection, but with his strength, he dares to challenge Huo Yan of Xudan's strength. This kind of monster is really rare, and Li Chuan's pervert is really rare.

Li Chuan is still a golden needle to explore the way. Let's see how this person's strength is. Huo Yan also prepared in advance. He controlled Li Chuan's golden needles at the first time and wanted to compete with Li Chuan for spiritual knowledge, but unfortunately Li Chuan did not give him this opportunity.

Li Chuan took the initiative to cut off the connection between his spiritual knowledge and these twelve golden needles, and then these golden needles dissipated in the air. Li Chuan soared into the air, and the bloodthirsty stick in his hand hit the top of Huo Yan's head with the momentum of Mount Tai.

Huo Yan saw Li Chuan's movements and said in his heart, "Well, you are still too young. I am strong in strength and attack speed. My spiritual knowledge is not too strong. This is what you asked for. Then die!" With a gloomy smile on his face, his hands emitted gorgeous golden light and grabbed Li Chuan's long stick.

The golden big hand looks very strong. If he is caught by these big hands, he will definitely be crushed. Li Chuan also wants to see who is strong. He put away the long stick halfway and runs towards Huo Yan with his bare hands.

Li Chuan's body is extremely strong, and he feels endless strength all over his body. Seeing that Huo Yan is also a monk on this road, he is eager to win and wants to fight with him.

Huo Yan also saw Li Chuan's intention, clapped his hands in his heart, and said secretly, this boy is really an idiot. I majored in practicing the body, and no one around me is my opponent. Let's see how I can kill you.

Li Chuan clenched his fists and hit the fiery chest without any fancy. He went straight and went straight, very barbaric.

Huo Yan saw Li Chuan's fist attack. Huo Yan raised his left hand and wrapped his golden hand towards Li Chuan's fist. He wanted to block Li Chuan's fist. Then he clenched his right hand and quickly smashed Li Chuan's temple. If this punch hit, Li Chuan's head was probably blown off.

"!! Bang!!"

First, Li Chuan's fist touched Huo Yan's palm and made a soft sound of meat. Then Li Chuan's left hand patted Huo Yan's fist on his head, making a crisp sound again.

The two staggered each other in an instant, and neither of them took any advantage. Relatively speaking, Li Chuan had the upper hand, and the strength to hit Huo Yan's wrist was also extremely strong. Huo Yan's wrist was a little red, and his eyes were full of surprise.

He didn't expect that Li Chuan could slap his fist lightly. He was very clear about his strength. Even with the strength of the elder Mu Xiangtian, he did not dare to fight close to him.

How could the boy in the middle of the foundation in front of him have such a perverted body? It was really strange, but he was just surprised. Next, Huo Yan took the initiative to attack Li Chuan.

The golden shining hands were clenched, leaving two clear marks in the air. The fists were round on the side of the fire, and a double wind came towards Li Chuan's head, and the sound of the friction between the fists and the air could be clearly heard.

Li Chuan was not a vegetarian. Seeing that the empty door in front of Huo Yan's chest opened, he was ready to return the color, or there was no fancy blow to Huo Yan's chest.

This time, Huo Yan was not careless. In the middle of the process, his left hand collided with Li Chuan's arm, trying to block Li Chuan's powerful circle, and then exerted his waist to quickly swing towards Li Chuan's head.

Li Chuan's fist was blocked by Huo Yan's left arm, and his right fist was swinging towards his head. He lowered his head and pressed down, turning quickly in the air, and his left leg swinging towards Huo Yan's waist with the turn.

Li Chuan's whip leg was stopped by Huo Yan, and his left hand took the opportunity to pat Li Chuan's thigh. The two separated again and stood opposite each other. Li Chuan looked expressionless and looked at Huo Yan with sharp eyes.

Huo Yan's backs, his left hand kept clenched and then loosening. Obviously, Li Chuan's whip leg just shook Huo Yan's left hand a little numb, and now he can't use his strength.

Huo Yan's face was gloomy, and he looked high at Li Chuan's strength again. Since his debut, he has never seen such a perverted young man. He was very confident in his physical strength before, but now he is a little afraid to hold it up when he meets Li Chuan.

The two now do not look like the battle of immortals at all. They are more like martial arts masters who have tried their moves. They are all bare-handed to attack the key points of the enemy. As long as one side is hit, the battle may end. Although it is not fatal, it is definitely the result of serious injury.

"Who are you? Why can't you get along with me?" Huo Yan frowned and asked, thinking that Hun Tianzong had never provoked such a cruel character!

"Dead people don't need to know the answer!" Li Chuan once again recruited a bloodthirsty stick. Now that the verification is completed, his body is much better than before, but the person in front of him is a little tricky. It is not appropriate to delay too much. If it is too late, it will change. It is better to kill him earlier.

This time, Li Chuan is no longer considering his own strength, but really has a murderous heart. This person's strength is very strong. If his cultivation is improved in the future, he will be a big enemy, and he must erase it before he kills his own strength.

The bloodthirsty stick is covered with strange and bright blood lines, which looks extremely evil. The strange black light flashed at the front end of bloodthirsty, and a powerful stick swept towards the fire with a bloody smell.

This sweep is not the previous tentative attack at all, but the real killing move. Although Li Chuan does not know any stick method, it is also beneficial to speculate in the small world for ten years. Li Chuan can be sure that if this stick is hit, the people in front of him will definitely not be able to stop it.

Huo Yan also felt the danger. He suddenly had a sense of trance. In his eyes, the long stick was very slow, as if there was no force and extremely slowness to sweep towards him. But then he woke up in an instant, and suddenly there was a cold behind the fire. What kind of weapon is this? How can it be so strange that it can paralyze the enemy's spiritual consciousness?

This is a bloodthirsty skill that can paralyze the enemy, interfere with the enemy's judgment while making the enemy's blood boil. It is very strange and sinister. If you don't pay attention, you will be tricked.

Li Chuan found the change of Huo Yan and was a little disappointed. He used the bloodthirsty real battle for the first time and the bloodthirsty skill for the first time. It seems that his combat experience is too low. Otherwise, if this blow hits the person in front of him, he will fade his skin.

Huo Yan reacted and dodged in an instant. At the same time, he stopped holding his hand and launched a counterattack. His hands struggled in the void, and in an instant, a halberd flashed with a red flame appeared in Huo Yan's hand.

The whole body of the halberd shone with fire, and at the tip of the halberd, a wolf head formed by flames roared up to the sky and made a shocking sound. A fireball flew out of the mouth of the wolf's head and hit Li Chuan at a high speed.

The hot wave came to his face. Li Chuan's face was calm and quietly watched the basin-sized fireball flying towards him. The blood in his body boiled in an instant. The real battle began. Li Chuan was a little excited, holding bloodthirsty in his hands tightly, his arm muscles bulged, blood vessels bursting, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

The fireball approached quickly, and the air around the fireball rippled like water waves. Obviously, the temperature was extremely high and the attack power was very strong.

Li Chuan stretched out his right hand and condensed a fireball on his right hand, and the flame was red in purple. Li Chuan's talent for alchemy is extremely high, and his control of the flame is also very strong. This kind of flame is a new spiritual fire formed after the mutation of the true element in his body, which is not comparable to ordinary flames. Li Chuan is very confident in his flame control ability.

Li Chuan's condensed fireball is not very large, only as big as coconut. Li Chuan gently pushed, and the purple fireball slowly flew towards the fireball, silent, not as strong and domineering as the fire attack.

Huo Yan looked at Li Chuan's counterattack contemptuously. He is a master who has been practicing for hundreds of years. He is a fire attribute. It can almost be said that he has played fire all his life and has never met an opponent. Although the boy in front of him has some strength, it is only limited to physical strength, and everything is floating in front of absolute strength.

Huo Yan thought so, and Li Chuan also carefully watched the two fireballs approaching and finally collided.

First, there was no change, and even Li Chuan's fireball was still at a disadvantage. He slowly retreated towards Li Chuan. Huo Yan's face showed a ferocious color. He just wanted to mention the flame halberd to attack again, but the shocking scene made him stagnate in an instant, which was a little unbelievable.

"Sneer...." The harsh sound sounded, and the two fireballs finally stopped slightly closer to Li Chuan after collision.

Then, the fireball from the halberd of the fire melted at a speed visible to the naked eye and made a harsh roar. Around the two fireballs, a large number of chaotic ripples rippled in all directions. The heat wave hit people, and a large amount of fog appeared around, which was formed by the evaporation of the seawater below.

Li Chuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Huo Yan. At this time, Huo Yan was still immersed in shock and did not see Li Chuan's cold eyes.

At this time, the bloodthirsty stick quickly rushed towards the fire, silently. Then, Li Chuan's hands began to move rhythmically, and six dark purple golden needles appeared in Li Chuan's hands.

These six dark purple golden needles are not ordinary golden needles in the past, but golden needles formed by Li Chuan through the strong compression of his own spiritual knowledge. The attack speed and strength are not comparable to those ordinary golden needles before. This is Li Chuan's achievement after ten years of training. Now he has used it for the first time, and he still doesn't know what the attack effect is. Now he uses it to test on Huo Yan.

Bloodthirsty can change its shape. Now it is no longer in the form of a long stick. It has become a one-foot long, sharp conical weapon, penetrating towards the heart of the fire. It has not caused any change in the air, nor does it form vibration. Even if there is, it will be very small. In addition, the turbulence caused by the consumption of two fireballs in the air is difficult. Discovered.

Things happened in an instant and spoke slowly. In fact, it has only been a few minutes since Li Chuan's real fish fire.

The bloodthirsty sharp cone quickly silently stabbed the heart of Huo Yan, and the six golden needles in Li Chuan's hands also followed, attacking the key points around Huo Yan, all of which were silent and strange.

When bloodthirsty was about to approach Huo Yan, Huo Yan sensed the existence of bloodthirsty, but he was unable to carry out an effective defense and was ready to take this blow. He slightly offset his bloodthirsty and penetrated his chest. Although it did not pierce the heart, he avoided the key point.

Just as Huo Yan was angry and preparing to attack, his expression instantly froze on his angry expression, his body was stiff and unable to move, and the vitality on his body was rapidly losing.